View Full Version : Financial rumours point to a second GFC in August

12th July 2011, 07:07 AM
Get ready.

Financial capitals all around the world are awash with the worst kind of rumours. A second global financial crisis is just around the corner.

The rumours start with the possible exit of Italy’s Finance Minister Guilio Tremonti, who’s head is expected to roll over the country’s mounting debt problems.

But that’s just the beginning of what is becoming a disturbing pattern of dominoes falling across the continent.

This time, the keyword is ‘contagion’, which literally means a flu or a virus. In this case, it’s of an economic nature – and spreading fast.

For instance, the EU today conceded that Greece will default on its debt, leading many to wonder which one of the fragile European economies will be next.

That could be Portugal, Spain or Ireland. All three countries, to put it nicely, are up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

Earlier last week, that ‘paddle’ was the prospect of a bailout for Greece.

Now, with a dramatically worsening contagion spreading throughout the Eurozone, the focus is shifting on containing a new crisis.

Greece, as far as the bigwigs in Brussels are concerned, can wait. Italy is about to experience severe economic turbulence, and that has Europe worried.

After all, bailing out Greece is one thing. Bailing Italy out of its $1.8 trillion debt is outright unaffordable.

But wait, what about the US debt ceiling? The prospect of a deal to resolve the world’s largest economy’s debt crisis is equally dim.

To quote US President Barack Obama today, ”I don’t see a path to a deal if they [Republicans Party] don’t budge and compromise on ending loopholes, ending subsidies.”

The irony is that the Republicans secretly favour the US defaulting on its debt.

Why? Because the default will happen on Obama’s watch and not theirs. Also, it’ll force US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to cut spending whether he likes it or not.

Last but not least, it’ll provide a clear passageway for a GOP victory in next year’s election.

These are the rumours that are circulating from Wall Street to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and they have substance.

With the Eurozone in economic paralysis and the debt ceiling talks in Washington stalling, it might pay to avoid risks.

The big old creaky wagon we call the global economy has until August before it buckles under its load of debt and the wheels come off.


12th July 2011, 07:15 AM
i was listening to Coast 2 Coast the other night with guest Steve Quayle

at the end of the show he gave a date of Aug 2 as an VID ( very important date )


don't wait till the last minute

GO NOW !!!!

midnight rambler
12th July 2011, 07:33 AM
Steve Quayle is a FOS fear-monger, and fear-mongers feed the Beast.

12th July 2011, 07:38 AM
i was listening to Coast 2 Coast the other night with guest Steve Quayle

at the end of the show he gave a date of Aug 2 as an VID ( very important date )


don't wait till the last minute

GO NOW !!!!

Yeah, how many times has Quayle spouted a date off with nothing occurring?

12th July 2011, 07:48 AM
Yeah, how many times has Quayle spouted a date off with nothing occurring?

I think Quayle is quoting Geithner this time though. Geithner mentioned August 2nd as the day we'd be out of cash. So if the debt ceiling doesn't rise, August 2nd is a pretty valid date then.

midnight rambler
12th July 2011, 07:51 AM
I think Quayle is quoting Geithner this time though. Geithner mentioned August 2nd as the day we'd be out of cash. So if the debt ceiling doesn't rise, August 2nd is a pretty valid date then.

I bet a dollar to donuts the money powers keep the illusion going and they raise the debt ceiling just in the nick o' time. It's much more profitable to keep the rubes producing than it is to manage the rubes when they are idle and discontent.

12th July 2011, 07:54 AM
whatever Quayles motives were, the date of Aug 2 was put out there
i wasn't really listening to the show
but i think he was refering to something else happening besides the US debt ceiling

12th July 2011, 07:55 AM
I bet a dollar to donuts the money powers keep the illusion going and they raise the debt ceiling just in the nick o' time. It's much more profitable to keep the rubes producing than it is to manage the rubes when they are idle and discontent.

Doesn't buy us much time anyway. No real buyer for the amount of debt the treasury is peddling these days. That just leaves the FED to purchase it. 75% I think is what was quoted in a poll of Americans just want to default. The Republicans know that it will be on their watch next go around and really don't want to increase the ceiling and would rather have it under Obama's / Democrats watch.

Default deflation, don't default hyperinflation either way we default.

12th July 2011, 08:17 AM
giants. intel from hawk. not being able to finish a sentence without veering off in to another topic. steve quayle is pure, comedy, gold.

12th July 2011, 08:18 AM
You'll know when it's time to go, Guerilla.
And when it's time to go, that is a major commitment: Not going to work, not paying the bills, not living in the system, not sleeping and living at home, etc.

Don't go until it is time to go, my friend.

None of these "alternative media" guys are legit, imo. I trust none of them, and suspect them all to be controlled. Don't let Quale or Jones incite you or your friends into a premature panic. Just keep prepping and make sure you have your plans straight with whoever is going to be involved in bugging out with you. You're miles ahead of the herd already, just having preps and a plan.

12th July 2011, 08:25 AM
You'll know when it's time to go, Guerilla.
And when it's time to go, that is a major commitment: Not going to work, not paying the bills, not living in the system, not sleeping and living at home, etc.

Don't go until it is time to go, my friend.

None of these "alternative media" guys are legit, imo. I trust none of them, and suspect them all to be controlled. Don't let Quale or Jones incite you or your friends into a premature panic. Just keep prepping and make sure you have your plans straight with whoever is going to be involved in bugging out with you. You're miles ahead of the herd already, just having preps and a plan.


i have my bug out triggers
but i'm afraid that my curiousity will keep me in the city to see how TSHTF actually plays out with the sheeple

12th July 2011, 08:35 AM
Steve Quayle is a FOS fear-monger, and fear-mongers feed the Beast.

Yes but people who are addicted to fear love him so he does serve a purpose. When he is wrong it doesn't matter to his base because there is always an excuse and they are addicted anyway to the next dose of fear he is serving up.

12th July 2011, 09:44 AM
Why August? I don't see this happening in the same month that the politicians are celebrating their bipartisan cooperation in raising the debt ceiling.

12th July 2011, 09:45 AM
I bet a dollar to donuts the money powers keep the illusion going and they raise the debt ceiling just in the nick o' time. It's much more profitable to keep the rubes producing than it is to manage the rubes when they are idle and discontent.

This is a virtual certainty.

12th July 2011, 01:50 PM
The same clowns responsible for all this are just going to continue re-inventing the game indefinitely, punctuated by occasional hyperbole and theater from politicians and policy wonks. The only concrete fact in modern economic cycles is the little guy bends over for each iteration while the top just looks at these things with varying degrees of hubris.