View Full Version : Texting Smoke Alarm

13th July 2011, 01:48 PM
This Smoke Alarm Sends You A Text Message When Your House Is Burning Down

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/text-messaging-smoke-alarm-2011-7#ixzz1S1K0ExIv


The FireText (http://firetext.me/) is a smoke detector that sends you and up to three other recipients a text message when it goes off.

The manufacturer's website boasts that the device requires only a four-step setup and that it's easy to install.

We're impressed -- if you're nearby when you get a warning text from the device, you might be able to salvage items that would have otherwise gone scorched.

Talk about your better mousetrap.


13th July 2011, 02:14 PM
instead of texting the homeowner
maybe text the fire department at the first sniff of smoke

13th July 2011, 02:18 PM
That was my first thought too.

Though you have to factor in all the false alarms set off by burned dinners, etc.

14th July 2011, 11:46 PM
Ok so the smoke alarm invites you into the inferno? Is that the deal here?

The laws around here say you have to have a smoke alarm hard wired into you power circuits along with RCD's. All properties need it immediately if they are rentals or when the property is to be sold. So I got this smoke alarm installed (not my choice) and the first thing I consider is, what happens when the power goes out?

Well it turns out they still have a battery in them in case the power goes out. ???

So $200.00 cost to install something that is still going to work like the old one... which I disconnected because it went off everytime I put the kettle or the toaster on. Saving grace is that this one is installed near the sleeping area and away from the kitchen. Downside is that the thing beeped continuously for about 4 weeks until someone came back to check it. Flat battery used by the installers. I pulled the thing down within a couple of hours.

I also had a new RCD put in because they are law as well. Anyhow it seems that these "requirements" are a bit of a money spinner for rental agents beause my meter box now has 6 of them when I only need 1 or maybe 2. To fit this extra RCD in they had to create a new circuit to fit it in. So instead of saying, oh yes your meter box is all full and you are covered, they split a circuit and put half of the kitchen sockets and all the lights onto the new circuit. Then they put in the RCD. Another couple hundred bucks.

I just shake my head at the stupidity of it all.

still afloat
15th July 2011, 08:40 AM
A few questions here ,
sim card = cell phone plan of how much per month ?
If you have multiple units in the building do you have to have multiple phone #s or is the card cloned so its a text from the same # ?
So if the first floor is on fire is it 1 # that texts and a different one if the basement is on fire ?
And it does not seem too difficult to do away with the Photoelectric sensor and wire it to your alarm system or even leave the Photoelectric and add in the alarm it wouldn't be able to tell you fire or intruder that way just that there is an emergency at your home.
Like a mini ADT service without someone else knowing your every move in and out of your house.