View Full Version : Elenin

13th July 2011, 06:12 PM

General of Darkness
13th July 2011, 07:09 PM
That video made GoD sad. :(


My Life Lyrics

I met this pretty girl
She was from D.C.
I liked the way that she smiled

Said, “There’s a party tonight,
You oughta come with me.”
She said, “Baby, I’ll try.”

I waited all night long
For her to walk in
For her to bring me her light

Then she came in the room
She looked right at me
She was the vision of my life

(I love) My life
Everything is wonderful
My life
The sun is out; it’s shining so bright
My life
Just like it’s supposed to go
My life
And it’s just getting started tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream tonight, tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream alright, alright
You and me, we’re living the dream tonight, tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream alright, alright

I’m in the perfect place
Can’t wipe the smile off my face
Ain’t nothin’ bringing me down

I feel like clappin’ my hands
I feel like stompin’ my feet
I feel like groovin’ all night

With your body close to me
I hope you can feel my energy
Watch you move your body
Get hot with me
You and I are celebrating tonight

It’s all around me now
You couldn’t stop it if you tried
Today is like no other day
‘Cuz I’m havin’ the time of my life

Everything is wonderful
My life
The sun is out; it’s shining so bright
My life
Just like it’s supposed to go
My life
And it’s just getting started tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream tonight, tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream alright, alright
You and me, we’re living the dream tonight, tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream alright, alright

Take me to the sky
Like never before, like never before
And we’ll lie back on the moon
Like never before, like never before


(I love) My life
Everything is wonderful
My life
The sun is out; it’s shining so bright
My life
Just like it’s supposed to go
My life
And it’s just getting started tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream tonight, tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream alright, alright
You and me, we’re living the dream tonight, tonight
You and me, we’re living the dream alright, alright

Tonight, tonight
Alright, alright
Tonight, tonight
Alright, alright

13th July 2011, 07:23 PM
I didn't listen to the whole thing but nothing I heard was about Elenin, I guess it gets passing mention somewhere.

So did the speaker reference anything else for his info other than a 1951 Polular Science magazine?

Anyway the home site that posted this video is http://usahitman.com/
Funny I just saw the site earlier today for the first time as google linked it when I was doing some 7/7 London research. I concluded pretty quickly looking at what the site offers that it is a corporate conspiracy disinfo site. I guess the forces of google and like(!) are really promoting this shitty site.

14th July 2011, 12:26 AM
Who knows. It could be totally fake, it could be real. It could be a psyop where they pump up the whole Elenin thing only to have it dissolve to nothing so that when the same talk starts about a real object in 2012 people won't believe it. Elenin could be a precursor traveling with the larger body.

14th July 2011, 01:20 AM
It is a bit of a mess, but there is some good discussion and links here:
I posted in the last thread:

" 'Come cave camping with us this fall for Comet Elenin.'

IMO prudence would involve being set to survive a great fire if your in that faction of a percent of earth surface that is greatly affected in the worst case senario and handy access to a few inches of shielding. A nearby car could do. Nothing special.

Its a small comet. So far unremarkable (not a lot of brightening). But has three or four interesting things going for it. It has been out of the solar system for a long time according to standard comet theory, so it could have charge significantly different than the other orbiting bodies of our solary system leading to some charge equalization event with us or the sun. It is on the plane of earth's orbit so we will pass behind the line of its tails, one being when it is directly between us and the sun. We may get hit by some of the comets tail or it inducing a CME from the sun that heads our way.

The comet has come in a 'gap' in planet orbits, so earth is the first planet its coming near. So have not yet had indication of what it can do coming near a planet (electrical charge equaliztion and double layer plasma events)."

So the two most interesting dates are the two alignmnets. The first one on on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 (plus a couple hours, but any big CME should happen just before regardless). Chould be one of the most interesting solar events since the record solar low was witnessed a few years ago. And regarding my post above, after reading the older threads I have more respect for conflating the comet and planet x. If it flares up enough to be planet like, and we agree some historian was off by a year and this was the 2012 event, we (civilization) could put all these memes to rest before winter and get on with things! ;)


C/2010 X1 will come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 10 September 2011 at a distance of 0.4824 AU. On 16 October 2011, the comet will pass within about 0.2338 AU (34,980,000 km; 21,730,000 mi) of the Earth at a relative velocity of 86,000 km/hr. The Minor Planet Center ephemeris shows this relatively bright comet will reach about 6th magnitude near mid-October 2011, but until the activity level of the coma is better known it is still uncertain just how bright this comet will become. Elenin will make its closest apparent pass in the night sky to Comet 45P/Honda–Mrkos–Pajdušáková on the morning of October 8, before moving apparently close to and in front of Mars on October 15. The comet came to opposition at 178° from the Sun on March 14, 2011 and will come to opposition again on November 22, 2011 at 175° from the Sun. The minimum angle between the Sun and comet will occur September 26 (1.9°), and between July 28 and October 10 the comet will be less than 45 degrees from the Sun.

14th July 2011, 06:22 AM
I'm sorry. This guy sounds like a stark raving lunatic with a 6th grade education. His thoughts seem to jump around too much for someone with any kind of actual information. He also says "I've been told" a lot.

A lead motorcycle helmet to protect your brain from being gutted by electromagnetic energy! COME ON!

Silver Rocket Bitches!
14th July 2011, 06:33 AM
Interesting to listen to but I think this guy is peddling hyperbole.

Twisted Titan
14th July 2011, 08:21 AM
does anybody know the next doomsday date after 2012? I just want to be ready for it

thanks in advance

14th July 2011, 09:41 AM



fuck it - I'm goin' fishing

14th July 2011, 09:46 AM



fuck it - I'm goin' fishing

Do not forget your towel, and a copy of this.


18th July 2011, 08:01 AM
does anybody know the next doomsday date after 2012? I just want to be ready for it

thanks in advance

beginning August CME's are supposed to intensify as ELENIN , Nibiru, Hercolubus, brown dwarf gets closer and visible. 4sp Honda is closest Aug 22 and on sept 11th is perigee. sept 26-27 elenin alignment earth, mecury, sun, comet