View Full Version : Ron Paul: 'It's Going to End Very Badly'

14th July 2011, 09:16 AM
Republican Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul tells Newsmax he will vote against any attempt to raise the debt ceiling and says a proposal to allow the president to raise the ceiling is “capitulating” in the debt debate.

The Texas lawmaker also warns that continuing to run up the federal debt will eventually lead to a “dollar crisis,” while insisting that a tax increase will be very bad next year for Republicans who support it.

But he acknowledges that Washington lawmakers will most likely agree to raise the debt ceiling after they agree on some spending-cut promises “that people will fall into the trap of believing.”

Rep. Paul has served 12 terms in Congress and is chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology. He previously ran for president in 1988 and 2008, and on Tuesday announced he will retire from Congress when his current term runs out and will focus on his presidential campaign.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Paul was asked what brought him to the decision to retire.

“One of the major reasons was I didn’t want to run for two offices and one time,” he explains.

“I didn’t want two campaigns. I did that before and I think it deserved some criticism. So I decided that I’m going to concentrate on the presidential race.

“The campaign is going very well. People are listening to my noninterventionist foreign policy, listening to my views on the Federal Reserve.

“I’m also at a point where I’m not that anxious to stay in the Congress right at this moment.”

Mitch McConnell, leader of the Senate Republicans, has proposed giving President Barack Obama the power to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling because the consequences of failing to raise it are too great.

Asked if that constitutes capitulating or is a good idea, Paul responds: “We are capitulating. I think it’s terrible. It should be Congress’ responsibility” and Congress should not give “this authority to the president to raise the debt limit.

“So far everybody I’ve talked to has been annoyed by it, mostly the conservatives. I don’t think it’s going to work. I do think, however, that somehow or other they will raise the debt limit by making some promises that people will fall into the trap of believing.”

Paul said he would vote against McConnell’s proposal “and any effort to raise the debt limit, because that’s been the problem. We just permit the Congress to spend and never do what they have to do, and that is cut back.”

The solution to the debt crisis, he adds, “to cut spending, an across-the-board cut. Pretend it’s not much of a problem and keep raising the debt limit and keep spending and keep running up the debt, eventually it’s going to end very badly, and that is with a dollar crisis. I’m afraid we’re going to end up with that instead of coming to our senses and cutting back, because politically it’s so difficult.”

The federal government, he adds, is already “destroying the value of the dollar.”

Paul says President Obama’s warning that seniors on Social Security could suffer if the debt ceiling is not raised by August 2 is merely a “scare tactic. I think what Social Security has on hand can last quite a while. They’re not going to stop sending the checks out. The cash is there to take care of a good many months.”

Paul discussed the possible fallout in next year’s elections if Republicans do agree to only modest spending cuts and perhaps even to a tax increase.

“If it involves tax increases it would be very, very bad for the Republicans and those who supported it,” he tells Newsmax.

“I think it depends on the economy, and the economy’s getting weaker. No matter what we do the people are going to be pretty upset.

“But right now all we’re dealing with in Washington is the blame game. Who’s at fault. Is it all Obama’s fault or is it something Republicans did in the past?

“I think it’s what Republicans and Democrats and many many administrations have done for a good many years — accepting the principles of central economic planning and a monetary system that encourages this type of behavior, as well as a foreign policy that gets us involved in these wars constantly. And they never seem to end.

“That’s what the real problem is, and until we change that attitude I don’t see how we can get a handle on what’s happening.”

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday morning that the Fed stands ready to respond with more stimulus if needed. Commenting on the announcement, Paul says: “Same old. It’s his only tool. In a weak economy you print money, you run up debt, you try to get people to spend money, which is the exact opposite of what we need.

“Eventually printing all this money will get people to quit buying our debt.”
Paul also tells Newsmax: “If we were serious here in Washington and wanted to live within the budget rules and the debt limit, we could do that, and hopefully within a year we’d solve our problems.

“But I’m not much of an optimist.”


14th July 2011, 10:13 AM
is there another source for this available ?

i'm not much of a " newsmax as a reliable source " kinda guy

14th July 2011, 10:27 AM
is there another source for this available ?

i'm not much of a " newsmax as a reliable source " kinda guy

Only ones I find, quote the same article from Newsmax.

14th July 2011, 12:20 PM
is there another source for this available ?

i'm not much of a " newsmax as a reliable source " kinda guy

It does sound like Ron Paul though...

14th July 2011, 12:22 PM
is there another source for this available ?

i'm not much of a " newsmax as a reliable source " kinda guy

What... no love for that neocon piece of fishwrap/bird cage liner? ;D

14th July 2011, 02:00 PM
Ron Paul is right.

the "end very badly" part could be avoided, but it would require a level of honesty that is very rare.

when they talk about "dollar crisis" in the future sense, they're just muddying the waters.

it's going on right now. we are watching it.

if they don't raise the debt ceiling, and make the necessary cut-backs, the deep economic Depression the US has held off since 2007, using debt-finance government spending, will come on strong - maybe stronger than the Fukushima tidal wave.

and the US is now saddled with an additional $5 Trillion in debt.

Hatha Sunahara
14th July 2011, 02:43 PM
It IS about his presidential run. He's establishing enhanced credibility with traditional conservatives by appealing to their values of thriftiness and fiscal discipline (not spending beyond your means). He is also distancing himself from those in the congress who will be blamed later for what is about to happen. He wants to be the leader when we're digging ourselves out. He must be expecting something terrible to happen between now and the 2012 election. He's not running for his congressional seat in the next election. He's also positioned himself as an adversary of Ben Bernanke. He does however show that he thinks we will have elections in 2012. He's doing a lot of positioning, and you hear about him more frequently in the news. The MSM and TPTB may be pulling out an option in controlled opposition. They may be ready to pull the plug, but they want to be in control after the event. It could be that they are going to grab all our retirement accounts--and Mc Connell wants to give the President that power so the Congress won't be blamed. They may all be thinking there will be some 'in your face' government abuse of power that hits so many of us there will be some social disorder, and someone will need to take the blame.

I think TPTB will need a figure like Ron Paul to 'restore order'. And that is what we are seeing here.

All of politics is a sham and a swindle.


Hatha Sunahara
14th July 2011, 04:53 PM
They all know on which side their bread is buttered. Ron Paul is a politician who has spent a long career consistently espousing traditional conservative values, and challenging what he sees as excesses on the bipolar extremes. But he's survived for a long time, so he knows where to stop in challenging TPTB. Why would you think he wouldn't sell out to TPTB? He's one of them who appeals to a lot of people with his contrariness. At his age, he's certainly not going to oppose them. And they may need his popularity to retain control of everything. That is, if it all doesn't fall apart completely for TPTB.

It's a sham and a swindle because of what we don't know--and we have to figure it out for ourselves.


Joe King
14th July 2011, 04:56 PM
End badly? You mean it's not going to end up with lollipops and ice cream for everyone? :confused:

14th July 2011, 05:59 PM
End badly? You mean it's not going to end up with lollipops and ice cream for everyone? :confused:

i heard FEMA put in a requisition at Ben & Jerry's for 100,000 quarts of Rum Raisin.

maybe it's for the FEMA guards ?

14th July 2011, 06:44 PM
...they may need his popularity to retain control of everything

Bingo. Ron Paul unto himself as a man seems to be of good character. But he underestimates the protocols in action and who is behind them. As Presidents of late demonstrate they are nothing but cabaret talent and the real power behind the throne is evil. I am looking to his running mate to be the wolf in sheep's clothing. If Paul ever did get out of line his number two would take over. Considering the sad sacks like Romney and Bachmann are so far the media darlings to promote, TPTB could indeed make a calculated move and go with Paul. You'll know early on if they create a breakout moment for him in the House Committee on Financial Services.

willie pete
14th July 2011, 06:51 PM

15th July 2011, 12:05 AM
RP makes sense and I voted for him. I have since had a nightmare where RP got elected and became the dictator. He was pure evil. I don't know what to make of that but be careful what you wish for.

This isn't just a dream...............(Steve Vai)

15th July 2011, 06:29 AM
"All of politics is a sham and a swindle".

but I just don't see a 75 year old coot being TPTB's front man.

David Rockefeller 96 ?

we need a thread on who the SENIOR elite members are

15th July 2011, 12:01 PM
TPTB could indeed make a calculated move and go with Paul. You'll know early on if they create a breakout moment for him in the House Committee on Financial Services.

I'll report in when CBC radio news stops doing cartwheels to never once even mention Ron's name when discussing the US Presidential runup as they did last time, and are so far doing the same this time.

15th July 2011, 08:03 PM

"Severed Garden" j. morrison

15th July 2011, 08:06 PM
"Death makes angels of us all And gives us wings Where we had shoulders Smooth as raven's Claws No more money, no more fancy dress This other kingdom seems by far the best Until it's other jaw reveals incest And loose obedience to a vegetable law. I will not go Prefer a feast of friends To the giant family"

17th July 2011, 10:59 AM
Anyone who thinks Ron Paul will become Pres. [I believe] is delusional. If the Republicans choose him as their main contender, and if he becomes elected as Pres. [I believe he will if he becomes the main R. candidate] he will not live long enough to take office. He will be assassinated before he takes office. He is the man that TPTB do not want in office.

Believe me, I hope he gets elected. He's the guy who can honestly fix the country; but I don't see it happening.

17th July 2011, 11:19 AM

His son is a tool.

po boy
17th July 2011, 06:59 PM

His son is a tool.

Tool for whom Book? Got more than a pic?

Joe King
17th July 2011, 07:44 PM
His son is a tool.
So what does his son being a tool have to do with him?

Oh wait. I get it now. It's kinda sorta how like how we should judge you based on your idiot neighbor. Makes perfct sense now. lol

I'm actually starting to get the meaning of your picture messages, so keep up the good work, Book.