View Full Version : Chemtrails, HDTV -- SSSS Waves as Mind Control

15th July 2011, 03:24 AM
Chemtrails, HDTV -- SSSS Waves as Mind Control

July 14, 2011
http://www.henrymakow.com/upload_images/obey-tv.jpg"In his next campaign, Obama won't need to idiotically repeat the word 'Hope!' to elicit your approval. Instead, he will just beam the emotion directly into your head!"

by David Richards

Imagine this sci-fi scenario: A futuristic scientific dictatorship uses electromagnetic waves to control the minds of the masses, locking them into a 'sub-reality' of negative moods and distorted thought.

Scary idea isn't it? Only this isn't fiction. The Illuminati are using this weapon against us right now, bombarding us with SSSS waves. Two means of attack are chemtrails and HDTV sets.

Chemtrails are the primary means of attack.

Chemtrails sow the sky with metallic particles that conduct HAARP frequencies (and possibly other wave emitters such as GWEN towers), creating SSSS pulses that numb us with sensations of uneasiness, depression and foreboding.

Illuminati geopolitical strategist Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke of numbing the public with SSSS waves in his book "Between Two Ages" (1970). "It may be possible--and tempting--to exploit for strategic-political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior.

Gordon J. F. MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that timed artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth.... "In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period."

You may have noticed that "dead" feel in your neighborhood. My hometown in England feels as if the life has been sucked out of everything. This is the effect of SSSS waves.

'Sound of Silence' tech is also being transmitted through HDTV sets. The mind control (http://www.wariscrime.com/2009/01/30/video/more-evidence-hd-tv-is-a-set-up-for-mind-control/)possibilities of HDTV are revealed in US patent from 2002 titled 'Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors'. It reads:

'Many computer monitors and HD TV screens, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or DIGITAL TV set.'

The first overt use of SSSS waves in entertainment/ communication devices was during the first gulf war when the US military used to technology to cause mass surrender in the Iraqi ranks. The US first destroyed the Saddam's command-and-control system, leaving the military to rely on FM radio signals to communicate. The US had set up a fake Iraqi military broadcast system that broadcast 'sound of silence' frequencies.

The US media suppressed coverage of the technology but ITN News (http://www.instituteofsocialsurvivalism.org/Main/OTS_Archives/2011/Articles_Week_27/The_Sound_of_Silence_The-Antithesis_of_Freedom.htm)of London reported 'unbelievable and highly classified PsyOps program'. They reported the technology implanted negative emotional states in the Iraqi troops - 'feelings of fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness'. The reporter marveled at the technology, 'this incredibly effective subliminal system doesn't just tell a person to feel an emotion, it makes them feel it; it implants that emotion in their minds.'

The effectiveness of the attack was stunning. In a harbinger of what's to come if we in the West allow this technology to be used against us, the Iraqi troops surrendered on mass.

The same SSSS waves are now being beamed into living rooms through High Definition TV sets.

This is the real reason Obama is signing laws to subsidize the public and TV channels making the switch to HD.

In his next campaign, Obama wont need to idiotically repeat the word 'Hope!' to elicit your approval, instead he can just beam the emotion directly into your head!

It is important to recognize that 'sound of silence' mind control is a global attack. It is being used in all Western countries and Eastern European countries (and possibly others), most likely put into action through the secret services that work directly for the Illuminati.

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., one of the privatized arms of SSSS technology, said in a newsletter from 1996 that 'we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries!'

This is a worldwide attack from a global centralized authority i.e. the Illuminati.


The "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum" (SSSS), also known as 'S-quad' emits electromagnetic waves outside of our hearing range. As our brain is an electrically mediated organ, these waves disrupt our consciousness.

They can also set our moods. Scientists can isolate the particular brainwave patterns that occur when we feel, say 'apathy' or 'depression', record it and duplicate it as 'track'. A track can then be emitted, provoking that emotional state in the unsuspecting individual.

While most people would find the existence of this technology absurd, it is at least 70 years old. It was first mentioned by the originator of cybernetics, Norbert Weiner (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon21.htm), in his book 'Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine' (1948.) Weiner recounts his experiments from 1942-7 exposing individuals to low-intensity electrical fields in the knowledge that they could 'drive' the natural ELF internal rhythms inside us.

The CIA refined the technology (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitca/esp_sociopol_mindcon21.htm) in the proceeding decades. In his book 'The Search for the Manchurian Candidate' (1979), John Marks relates that in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the CIA informed him they had a roomful of files on electromagnetic and related techniques to alter behavior and stimulate the brain. The agency refused to release the papers, and they remain classified.

These experiments have gone well beyond simply setting moods. For instance, in the Body Electric (1974) DR. R. O. Becker relates his successful experiments to convey the 'spoken word of the hypnotist' directly into the unconscious minds of his subjects using electromagnetic waves.

The Illuminati plan to control the world's population through SSSS techniques. A paper from the USAF Scientific Advisory Board from 1996, entitled 'New World Vistas Air and Space Power for the 21st Century' lays out the agenda.

'One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set.'


We are currently under attack from 'sound of silence' mind control from chemtrails and HDTV. While these energy waves are not instantly fatal, they create in us negative moods and distort our thinking.

They weaken our minds and initiative at a time when the Illuminati are initiating large-scale changes towards their satanic world dictatorship.

The Illuminati plan to advance the use of these mind control techniques, and it is possible the sophistication of their techniques will reach a level where we cannot wrestle back control of our minds.

This isn't science fiction, it's really happening. It's time for us to wise up and get angry. How dare they toy with our minds. Let's expose these bastards!

15th July 2011, 04:14 AM
I think it was that DBS/GLP interview, not sure, but the story was told of a family of 3 which all had the same dream the same night. Or maybe I heard it on one of the http://thelightgate.com podcasts... I listen to too many verbal/interview mp3s! Rense? Either case, Rense recently linked to this, pretty interesting & comprehensive,

WEATHER MODIFICATION (http://watch.pair.com/weather-modification.html)

PART 1. OVERVIEW OF WEATHER MODIFICATION IN THE USA (http://watch.pair.com/weather-modification.html#intro)

Video Presentation: “Aerosol Crimes & Cover-Up” (http://watch.pair.com/weather-modification.html#chemtrails)

Photos of Arkansas Chemtrails (http://watch.pair.com/weather-modification.html#arkansas)

“How To Wreck the Environment” by Gordon MacDonald (http://watch.pair.com/weather-modification.html#wreck)

PART 2. THE PLANNED DESTRUCTION OF THE USA / SPRING & SUMMER OF 2011 (http://watch.pair.com/weather-modification-2.html)

PART 3. EXPERTS WARNING OF MISSOURI RIVER *FLOOD OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS* (http://watch.pair.com/weather-modification-3.html)