View Full Version : Woman Gropes TSA Agent

15th July 2011, 09:00 PM

PHOENIX - We hear a lot of complaints about security screeners groping airline passengers.

But now, a Colorado woman is accused of putting her hands on a TSA agent at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix.

Court records show 61-year-old Yukari Mihamae grabbed the left breast of the female agent Thursday at the Terminal 4 checkpoint.

Police say she squeezed and twisted the agent's breast with both hands.

Officers say Mihamae admitted to the crime.

There's no word why she touched the agent.

Mihamae now faces a felony count of abuse.

According to court records, she lives in Longmont, Colorado and is self-employed.

So why isn't it a felony when the reverse happens?

15th July 2011, 10:35 PM
Fellow TSA agents captured video of the incident but the phones were confiscated by Mihamae...

16th July 2011, 06:33 AM
Funny...what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander.

16th July 2011, 07:59 AM
Two hands on one breast? That's shocking and unnatural.

16th July 2011, 08:42 AM
Perhaps it was a very large breast

16th July 2011, 08:57 AM
Perhaps it was a very large breast

Starting at this size?


16th July 2011, 09:05 AM
OP's link didn't work for me this one did


I can't say as I've ever seen a TSA agent who was attractive enough to warrant a grope, they are either mestizo men or black overweight women.

midnight rambler
16th July 2011, 09:07 AM
Doesn't everyone get it by now?? Committing felonies in the name of 'national security' is completely acceptable.

mick silver
16th July 2011, 09:19 AM
again to sets of laws

midnight rambler
16th July 2011, 09:31 AM
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." --Chairman Mao

Political power = public policy enforced by policymen

16th July 2011, 11:29 AM
Police say she squeezed and twisted the agent's breast with both hands.

Yeah, give 'em a taste of their own medicine! How do they like it?

16th July 2011, 12:19 PM
Friday, July 15, 2011
We are the Sane Ones,The TSA and the Government are the Sickos with the Mental Illness.

We have to take a self evaluation of ourselves to see how we are and how the people in government are. We always find out people in government do not use common sense with anything. If a bureaucrat sees accidentally a AA battery on the ground in the driveway. This battery could have fallen out of a flashlight or a child's toy. They go ballistic and call out the HAZMAT crews from the local fire department so they can fine the family for not properly disposing the battery in a proper way. The government pencil neck will impose ridicules sanctions over nothing instead of giving the battery to the family to properly deal with it. I wonder if I am exaggerating but I would not surprise me if it happened.

When I read about Lemonade Stands being shut down by the local police and code enforcement officers. When I listen to the nations outrage of a woman facing jail time for a home vegetable garden.I have to think and ask myself. Where does the government get these dummy imbeciles with low IQs? We look at history with the past totalitarian regimes where mass murder took place. These people who were the dictators and the minions who did their dirty work are not in their right mind. When I see how Guards would strip people naked in humiliation and shoot them in the back of the head getting their satisfaction seeing people in terror breathing their last breath. Who in their right mind would like this? Some with police officers who taser old ladies in wheel chairs.They have a loose screw in their heads.These men should not be cops. We see this in social workers who feed off hurting children and seeing crying parents. These people are not in their right mind.

Now we come to the TSA. They know they are committing crimes and breaking the basic laws of personal dignity. If we dare stand up and question their actions. We are considered domestic extremist,terrorist, a subversive,traitors,being with Al Quada or a supporter of Osama Bin Laden. The TSA will keep violating the people rights if we keep going along with their draconian policies of full body scanners and groping. These people feed off the weakness of people and their fears. They want to send a chilling effect that there is something wrong with us or we must be mentally ill of we do not like the TSA. The truth is if you will punch the lights out of one of these TSA perverts. You are in your right mind. If a woman uses her natural reflexes and knees one of theses goons in the groin. That is a normal reaction when a person against her will is invading her personal space. People who resist are those who have no metal illness. The people who who do this inhumane act on airline travelers are the real sickos who need to be put in Huntsville Prison for life never to be released out in society again.

We are the normal ones in our right mind. We are the sane people. If you feel outrage and righteous indignation to the point wanting of make a fist to punch the lights out of these perverts who just groped a hot looking woman seeing her at the point of tears. It is the right and normal reaction. We are at the point civility dealing with these people is not going to work anymore. If we get angry, stand up and say no to full body scanners with the groping too. It is not criminal and it is normal to think this way. If we be more forceful than they are. We will put fear in their hearts where they will think twice and get back their senses. We have done nothing wrong when we are outraged. It is morally in the right to defend human dignity. The TSA goons are the ones not in their right mind. They are the ones with the mental illness. They are the sick ones. We are not. Never let labels and fear tactics of demonizing your good name stop you from doing what is right.

Our historic heroes are people who took a moral stance against such people when the civilized means inside the system failed. They did not fear what they may say about them and care nothing about the consequences they might endure. They were willing to make the personal sacrifices to correct a grave injustices. My challenge that I have to include myself. Who will make the personal sacrifice to stand up to these mentally ill thugs in blue uniforms? One of will have to step forward now at the airports before we find these thugs on our streets and knocking on our front doors. It just take one to start a fire and change things for the better.

16th July 2011, 01:33 PM
Two hands on one breast? That's shocking and unnatural.

Most TSA agents have 3, so its not soo unusual.

Joe King
16th July 2011, 03:12 PM
OP's link didn't work for me this one did


I can't say as I've ever seen a TSA agent who was attractive enough to warrant a grope, they are either mestizo men or black overweight women.

I have. A girl I used to work with applied and got hired by TSA and she was pretty cute.
I also have to say that she and her attitude probably fit like a glove with TSA. Po-wer hungry, lemme tell ya.

20th July 2011, 08:40 AM

No felony charges will be filed against the Colorado woman who allegedly sexually assaulted a Transportation Security Administration agent in Phoenix.

On Tuesday the Maricopa County district attorney decided to turn the case of Yukari Miyamae, 61, of Longmont over to city prosecutors. She could still be charged with a misdemeanor.

Police say Miyamae grabbed the female agent’s left breast, squeezed and twisted it with both hands on July 14 at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Miyamae was getting ready to board a flight from Phoenix to Denver.

Miyamae’s attorney Judd Golden says his client was violated, endangered and threatened by the actions of TSA agents. She denies doing anything wrong.

Golden released a statement Tuesday, saying Miyamae is a self-employed translator, author and radio producer. He used the following words to describe how the situation unfolded:

Ms. Miyamae says she told TSA agents she wanted to be screened by the metal detector gate. She did so out of concern for excessive radiation exposure from the full-body scanners, as she is a frequent business traveler.

Her request was denied. She was soon surrounded by TSA agents. One TSA agent, a tall woman, approached Ms. Miyamae, who is only five feet tall.

Ms. Miyamae felt panicked and experienced a volatile aversion to the TSA personnel violating her personal physical space. She felt endangered and threatened based upon prior traumatizing security pat-downs, repugnance at the prospect of being touched again in such a violent and undignified manner, and instinctively pushed the female TSA agent away.

Golden says Miyamae is considering offers to do interviews but so far hasn’t committed to doing one.

midnight rambler
20th July 2011, 08:45 AM
The felony charges were an intimidation tactic not just for this woman, but for everyone else. You KNOW that if they could make the felony charge stick they would, just to make an example out of her.

20th July 2011, 09:00 AM
Sounds like some people are starting to fight back a little.

20th July 2011, 09:08 AM
Sounds like some people are starting to fight back a little.

I'll believe that when I start seeing TSA agents getting teeth knocked out, and where being punched, kicked, bit or kneed is part of the job requirement.

20th July 2011, 09:17 AM
I think there are quite a few people that would react in that manner, but they are the ones that won't put themselves in that situation to begin with. Possible jail time for knocking some fat pervert unconscious because you wanted to fly somewhere just doesn't seem worth it.

20th July 2011, 09:27 AM
Keehah, it ISN'T that gov't is crazy. It's that they hate White people.

See, it's like "zero tolerance" policies in public schools. Mestizos and Blacks and Arabs commit more bad behavior than Whites. But if you expel more Black kids, NAACP, $PLC, et al will sue your district.
So principals expel White kids for bringing a pocketknife to show and tell in order to balance the Black kid he expelled for using a switchblade to steal another kid's lunch money.

Since "disparate impact" (i.e., holding non-Whites accountable for their vastly higher rates of antisocial behavior) is the ultimate sin, and since Arabs are the terrorists, TSA gropes old White ladies. Meanwhile, White passengers who refused to get on the plane with the "Flying Imams" praying and acting funny, the airline gets sued for delaying the flight to do further security checks.

There is a term by Sam Francis to describe this anti-White phenomenon of totalitarianism against White people while ignoring the bad behavior of Blacks, et al.:


Joe King
20th July 2011, 11:15 AM
Sounds like some people are starting to fight back a little.

Well it's about damn time already!

Joe King
20th July 2011, 11:19 AM
Keehah, it ISN'T that gov't is crazy. It's that they hate White people.

See, it's like "zero tolerance" policies in public schools. Mestizos and Blacks and Arabs commit more bad behavior than Whites.So that makes it ok to discriminate against all of them, right? lol