View Full Version : Speechless... bumper sticker I saw

17th July 2011, 07:30 AM
Saw this one yesterday; it seems the brainwashing is so strong with some of them that they are proud of the fact that their job is to kill people and are not ashamed to openly boast about that fact.

Twisted Titan
17th July 2011, 07:38 AM
I respect his honesty............

Cops should have the same type of integrity

17th July 2011, 07:43 AM
Cops should have the same type of integrity

Instead of "to serve and protect" how about "to taze and collect."

midnight rambler
17th July 2011, 07:57 AM
Instead of "to serve and protect" how about "to taze and collect."

Well they ARE debt collectors with guns and badges aka bankster buttboys.

midnight rambler
17th July 2011, 07:59 AM
Saw this one yesterday; it seems the brainwashing is so strong with some of them that they are proud of the fact that their job is to kill people and are not ashamed to openly boast about that fact.

The Death Cult has done a fine job of turning this country into a culture of death and destruction where many of the people are actually proud of the fact that they're the most wicked on the planet.

17th July 2011, 08:04 AM
That phrase on the bumper sticker is VERY old. It was around when I was in... and before. Soldiers are paid to be killers in defense of the Republic. It is an honorable profession. The problem we have is that the government has gone totally corrupt and they are in charge of the military.

The military is PROGRAMMED to hate violent overthrows of (our)government. Further, they are established with politically correct brown nosers in the highest ranks. Stepping our of ranks is a dangerous thing... more dangerous than going into combat. When the citizens of this country believe the lies of the media and think Obama is a good guy doing a good job, the military cannot move against the government.

midnight rambler
17th July 2011, 08:11 AM
Soldiers are paid to be killers in defense of the Republic. It is an honorable profession.

You're implying here that a standing army is a good thing. So do you think a standing army is a good, lawful, and desirable circumstance under the Constitution as intended by the framers?? Is having hundreds of bases overseas in several dozens of countries "in defense of the Republic"?? Is having tens of thousands of troops on the border with N. Korea "in defense of the Republic" (while there are NONE on our own southern border)??

17th July 2011, 08:15 AM
With the type pf wars we have been engaged in, in the last ten years that is the last thing that guy should be proud of.

17th July 2011, 08:33 AM
You're implying here that a standing army is a good thing. So do you think a standing army is a good, lawful, and desirable circumstance under the Constitution as intended by the framers?? Is having hundreds of bases overseas in several dozens of countries "in defense of the Republic"?? Is having tens of thousands of troops on the border with N. Korea "in defense of the Republic" (while there are NONE on our own southern border)??

Of course not. I think there should be a sufficient standing army to face the threat of large world powers.... increasingly so, even by our own hands.

But the army that is owned by a corrupt government is bound to do evil. This is why I discourage anyone from joining.... and why my West Point classmates (most, not all) think I am a traitor.

As for Korea... there should be no North Korea. They should have been wiped out cleanly. Likewise, China should have been scrubbed then and VietNam would not have been an issue... another evil invasion of a foreign land by devils.

Russia should have been finished as Patton wanted to, and prevented from occupying eastern europe.

But the leadership of America was infiltrated by the global mafia.

Hatha Sunahara
17th July 2011, 09:07 AM
You're implying here that a standing army is a good thing. So do you think a standing army is a good, lawful, and desirable circumstance under the Constitution as intended by the framers?? Is having hundreds of bases overseas in several dozens of countries "in defense of the Republic"?? Is having tens of thousands of troops on the border with N. Korea "in defense of the Republic" (while there are NONE on our own southern border)??

Everyone in the military has taken an oath to defend the Constitution and to obey lawful orders. The military however does not encourage anyone to read the constitution, or to make judgments about what orders are lawful and what aren't. Soldiers who think are dangerous. They should be automatons who think about nothing but obeying orders to kill perfect strangers. The guy who has this bumper sticker is right out of this mold.


17th July 2011, 09:31 AM
That is just insane--Imagine jumping out of a perfectly good airplane---

CC---Ranger and carried out of beautiful SE f--king Asia in 1965