View Full Version : jEW Murdoch - A Word Or Two on What Isn’t Being Said

General of Darkness
17th July 2011, 02:06 PM
The worse it gets, the better it will be once the dust settles.. The entire planet needs a cleansing of these parasitic jews.

A Word Or Two on What Isn’t Being Said

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Today the British papers not owned by Rupert Murdoch “rumored” that he might be jailed. Americans, even Brits, have little or no idea what is at risk here. There is simply no one who can report it when the individual who, not only controls the world’s largest news organization turns out to be, well, what?
Who is Rupert Murdoch?
What he is not is an Australian “right wing” billionaire. Murdoch, though born in Australia is an Israeli citizen and Jewish. Why is this important?
Murdoch is now admitted to have controlled the political systems in Britain and America for two decades. He has had the power to choose national leaders, make policy, pass laws at will. Where did the power come from?
We now know it came from spying, blackmail, bribery and propaganda.
What is his agenda? Ah, there’s the rub.
Was it about selling newspapers using scandals or spying in the name of Israel to push Britain and the United States into wars for Israel? There is a simple answer.
Murdoch’s primary motivation isn’t even that he is “for Israel.” Murdoch is, perhaps, the most influential Israeli, more powerful than Netanyahu. The problem with that is that his beliefs are what we call “ultra-nationalist.”
This makes him a threat. Ultra-nationalists are known to support wars, plan terrorist acts, manipulate populations into strife and racism, foster fear and panic, even financial ruin.
What are we describing here?
If you aren’t totally brain dead, you realize I am describing Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
Murdoch owns Fox News and so much else you may not have a time to look at the list. If he doesn’t own it he doesn’t want it.
Fox is a network and Murdoch, owning so many newspapers across America and being a foreigner shouldn’t be able to control such a thing. How did he do it?
Reagan “appointed” Murdoch an American citizen. Murdoch promised to have Fox News support Republicans and say whatever was needed, no matter how false, how stupid or, as we have seen now for decades, how genuinely evil.
What he really did, however, was use Fox as a base to allow Israel to run spy operations.
These went two ways:
1. Israel got lots of military technology and secrets they could sell to America’s enemies for money. This is good “Murdoch” business sense, as we all see now.
2. Murdoch helped Israel gain control of congress. They literally run the United States. The tools? As in Britain, bribery and blackmail, police, military and congress.
No surprises for anyone.
Murdoch has, in fact, engineered the last 20 plus years of American history, picking politicians, throwing elections, establishing policies. Were the decisions his own?
I don’t think so. I think Murdoch represents a group, mostly financial, making up the Rothschild family, the Federal Reserve Banks and organized crime.
There is an Israeli or Jewish aspect to some of this but not in the sense of being “pro” or “anti” Semitic. The Murdoch empire, married to the “lily white” “no Jews allowed” Republican Party simply put their own very powerful spin on the good old “New World Order,” pushing it into drug running, arms and human trafficking, manipulated international currencies and debt on a massive scale, ran America and the European Union into economic collapse, worked with oil companies to set up price fixing schemes…
This is what Murdoch and his friends have done, all the while pointing their fingers at Osama bin Laden and the evil “liberals.”
They divided Britain, starting at first as “conservatives” and then changed to “liberals.” What they did in Britain is undermine legal government, destroy the nation and the public’s trust in the government, Blair, Cameron, it doesn’t matter, Murdoch chose both and ran and runs both like hand puppets as he did with Bush and his friends.
The ideas are simple. Bilk the countries out of every last cent, use a portion to bribe or blackmail politicians, buy police and get even more money.
Then you lie to the people, give them enemies to hate, arrange wars for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.
Are there people really this evil?
Yes there are, Murdoch, the gang at his companies, the gang at Fox News, the folks in the US called “neocons,” the Israeli lobby in the US, the ADL, AIPAC and the Likudist faction in Israel run by Netanyahu.
These folks hate the United States.
A similar group hate Britain. Australia has their own, he runs that place entirely, right into the ground. He also runs Germany, Canada, he runs much of what was once the “free world.”
Am I describing Satan?
Pretty much.
His strongest advocates, those who have stood with his thieves and liars against all that is decent, all that is good, all that is right is the Evangelical and “Zionist” communities in the United States. They were and are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit.
Who does Murdoch claim to hate?
Muslims for sure, they are all bad. Everything he touches in his hundreds of publications and TV shows or the phony news his gang of cutthroats create, hate of Muslims is always on top. This pleases his Israeli friends. If things keep going as they are, he may need to hide out there and Israel will always protect him, maybe plow down a few Palestinian homes to give him a grand estate. After all, Muslims are an easy target, living in petty dictatorships run by thieves who we have now learned have always run to Washington and Tel Aviv for orders.
Take out a second. Think the word “Palestinian.” Do you also think “terrorist?” Do you see a child being killed by an Israeli helicopter or innocent people killed by a TV villain, almost invariably played by Jewish actors, perhaps a sick “inside joke” of Murdoch’s.

The Islamic people of the world have been played, exploited and crushed since 1919. History will show it carefully planned and financed by a certain European banking family, one that 6 years earlier had established an illegal banking system in the US.
Learn about the real Balfour Declaration and how it was gotten through blackmail, learn who wrote it and to whom it was sent.
The story reads exactly like the things that are coming out in Britain day after day.
Murdoch tells his followers to hate “smart people.” There has to be fear of the educated, the “elites.” You can’t have rampant racism and blind ignorance until you destroy public trust in the natural leaders, until you destroy real culture and replace it with mechanized music, scandal mongering, dirty sex and endless conspiracies.
Murdoch is the real king of conspiracy theories.
Look at the endless list of wild accusations that came from Fox alone. Then look at the others, the accusations, the wild and insane things that were written into history but likely planned by Murdoch.
9/11 probably had Murdoch’s hand in it as did the London bombings on 7/7.
There could be no great conspiracy without control of the news.
Now we find the news itself controlled the governments and may well have written the scripts to the wars, the rigged elections, the acts of terror and the misdirection that sent America into a decade of cruel and useless bloodletting after terror groups that never existed in the first place.
Now, today, as our British cousins are reeling in the revelations that their government for decades has not been their own, a diseased hybrid of crazy old man, Israeli spies and the paid stooges that the people thought were serving them….
And it goes on in America, full blast, Murdoch and his creatures, planning the future of America.
One of his creatures is Boehner.
Another is Palin.
Then there is Gingrich.
There was the entire Bush administration.
But, to get to the dark heart of evil, first you look at Fox News.


17th July 2011, 02:29 PM
WOW. Just when I concluded Duff was a tool he publishes this.

:o Truth really is alive and well on the interwebs!

17th July 2011, 05:14 PM
The rabbit hole goes very deep.

No media control no matrix, these guys are the puppet masters, Murdoch, Black.

I was just reading Wayne Madsen book, I am at page 100 of 300 .


All NeoCon crimes perpetrated with the help of propagandists like Murdoch,
every page is a reference to a lie. Including key murders of key people.

Been reading another book,
Spies Lies and Whistleblowers, MACHON, SHAYLER , ( libya, ira, princess diana ),
there is no major crime where Murdoch was not involved with his disinformation.
Book ain't as great as Madsen, and read better, but authors are for real, speaking
out openly on false flags and 9/11, Israel, Israel may have killed Princess Diana,
the authors, MI5 agents claim she was going to come out in favor of the Palestinians.
Murdoch was tapping their phones, stories online have already been pulled by the British
press hacks on the Royal family.

17th July 2011, 05:44 PM

I just got in and stories breaking new headlines, not surprising but still shocking, wow .


REBEKAH ARRESTED... (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304567604576451732627388162.html?m od=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories)

BROWN CALLS IN POLICE... (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/gordon-brown/8643189/Gordon-Brown-calls-in-police-as-row-with-Rupert-Murdochs-News-International-deepens.html)

17th July 2011, 06:09 PM
from WRH, http://whatreallyhappened.com/

Spies Lies and Whistleblowers, MACHON, worth getting to know,
They got her weighing in, extraordinary info,
the police involved are counter terror or
security services themselves. Police State.
This reeks of what the NeoCons were doing
in the USA, spying, blackmail, smearing,
disinfo, even honey traps, payoffs, and more.
Sibel Edmonds under oath.


Hatha Sunahara
17th July 2011, 07:43 PM
Does anybody think the brainwashing apparatus is in danger of collapsing? Are the Zionists going to lose their grip on the world? What I smell here is a split amongst TPTB. Or a major mutiny in the chain of command. Isn't Murdoch 'too big to fail'? If the British cops are going after him, he must not be. I'm sure Murdoch is one of the 300 people who run the world. His role in the big conspiracy is to fool the slaves by repeating lies everywhere. He was the global MiniTruth for the NWO. I don't suppose I'll miss him much if he drowns in this bog.


17th July 2011, 09:15 PM
What I smell here is a split amongst TPTB. I think they stage these conflicts to confuse us into thinking there is more than one ruling crime family. Nothing will become of it.

Just like the IMF head rape deal. He was ready to retire anyway.

17th July 2011, 10:27 PM
Are the Zionists going to lose their grip on the world?


They planned for this. That's why they keep their dual citizenship and have their Israeli passports handy.

After we collapse they will return from their "Homeland" and pick our bones.

18th July 2011, 12:25 AM
A lot of Jews can fall back to Israel when stuff like this happens, but if Murdoch were to, there would be hell to pay.

18th July 2011, 12:41 AM
I don't suppose I'll miss him much if he drowns in this bog.


In the UK and Australia a BOG is the name we give for one of these.

An outhouse at Goat Peak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goat_Peak), 7,001 ft (2,134 m) above sea level

This one's definately a room with a view......anyway, interesting choice of word.

Joe King
18th July 2011, 12:49 AM
Fitting, indeed. lol

18th July 2011, 04:16 AM
I'd add this to the confusion re what's going on w/PTB,
Fake "reformed moozlem terrorist" rakes in big DHS bucks (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?51981-Fake-quot-reformed-moozlem-terrorist-quot-rakes-in-big-DHS-bucks)

as I ask there,
not sure if CNN has done a "Part 2" on this yet or not. Also not sure what's really going on here, with ZSM-asset CNN's reporting this at all... with the various Israeli entities which allegedly cooperated with the exposing of this guy. Many of us sense it, something big is afoot among TPTB - DSK's take-down, Murdoch's morass... hmm let's keep thinkin' on it!

18th July 2011, 05:38 AM
Been reading another book,
Spies Lies and Whistleblowers, MACHON, SHAYLER , ( libya, ira, princess diana ),
there is no major crime where Murdoch was not involved with his disinformation.
Book ain't as great as Madsen, and read better, but authors are for real, speaking
out openly on false flags and 9/11, Israel, Israel may have killed Princess Diana,
the authors, [B]MI5 agents claim she was going to come out in favor of the Palestinians.

that is key - a piece of the puzzle that fits.

18th July 2011, 06:06 AM
They planned for this. That's why they keep their dual citizenship and have their Israeli passports handy.

After we collapse they will return from their "Homeland" and pick our bones.

i think that when the world finally gets tired of all this zionist BS
they know " israel " is done

that's why " retreats " like Tasmania are being cultivated

18th July 2011, 07:26 AM
i think that when the world finally gets tired of all this zionist BS
they know " israel " is done

that's why " retreats " like Tasmania are being cultivated

& patagonia too, both deep in southern hemisphere, very convenient as n. hemi. is getting radiated by "disaster warfare".

18th July 2011, 07:34 AM
Looks to be some in-fighting amongst the controling interests.

Good for us I think.

18th July 2011, 10:27 AM
Looks to be some in-fighting amongst the controling interests.

Good for us I think.

i don't know if it's so much in-fighting, as the manifestation of a sort of law of physics & society - you can only perpetrate so much crime in broad daylight before someone eventually says, "hey, he's perpetrating a crime in broad daylight !"

my guess is, this is like Watergate - what the public will see is only the tip of the iceberg.

mick silver
18th July 2011, 10:33 AM
I think they stage these conflicts to confuse us into thinking there is more than one ruling crime family. Nothing will become of it.

Just like the IMF head rape deal. He was ready to retire anyway.

i am with you on this .... wake me when there behind bars . hell even in the hills i live people are starting to talk about how bad there being rape

mick silver
18th July 2011, 10:34 AM
i don't know if it's so much in-fighting, as the manifestation of a sort of law of physics & society - you can only perpetrate so much crime in broad daylight before someone eventually says, "hey, he's perpetrating a crime in broad daylight !"

my guess is, this is like Watergate - what the public will see is only the tip of the iceberg.
again two sets of law books for them and us . the more i see an read the more i see this

18th July 2011, 05:40 PM
that is key - a piece of the puzzle that fits.

They murdered her with known intelligence assets posing as press paparazzi .
And the French Police were on to the guy and he was found murdered, totally
burned in a car soon after, foreign government agents are involved but they are
not named, I name Israel and their tools, the US, Tomlinson spoke out, research him,
the UK services hound him and chase him around, he saw plans on murdering Milosevich with
high energy light blast to cause a car crash, this is what was employed on Diana.
And on others too, high profile car crashes and plane crashes, key people murdered
at key times.

UK has had some very major scandals, they are very dirty, they murder people, even their own.

Just another coincidence.

Well, in the case of Murdoch, they appear to be wrapping up some loose ends:

Phone Hacking Scandal Turns Tragic: NOTW Whistleblower Found Dead (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/phone-hacking-scandal-turns-tragic-notw-whistleblower-found-dead)

18th July 2011, 06:15 PM
Just another coincidence.

to me, it did seem like a murder at the time.

didn't her son just get married ?

how would that be telling his new wife, "honey, they killed my Mom because she expressed support for the Palestinians."


"The claim, it says, is fully detailed in a book due out early next year, called Cover Up, by journalist-author Nicholas Davies. Quite what Lady Di was purportedly set to say about the Palestinians is not spelled out in the newspaper. Beyond the assertion of imminent "public support' for their cause, it says only that "governments were faced with a real possibility that Diana's intervention into the political maelstrom of the Middle East and the intractable Israeli-Palestinian quagmire might well create a new crisis." Since "no one could predict where that might lead," the newspaper continues, "she had to be stopped."


"The Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD has got a free hand to kill whenever, whoever and whereever. The MOSSAD is actually in command of all other intelligence services in the Western World. That is due to the enormous influence of the Israel-lobbies almost anywhere in the world.

"MOSSAD's business is spying and killing. MOSSAD does that in the USA just as freely as in Great Britain, France or Germany", writes the editor of the renowned daily "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" in his book "BND Classified" ("Verschlußsache BND", Munich 1997, page 70)

MOSSAD is behind bombattacks in Europe and the USA. In Germany houses of Turkish families were burned down and people were killed. It is in the interest of Israel that the German youth will always be reminded of their "killing nature" (Goldhagen) with this kind of incidents. An ever lasting guilt complex of the German people is very much in the interest of the Jewish state. The MOSSAD assassinated US-President Kennedy and so many other non-obedient Western leaders. Kennedy for instance denied Israel the American nuclear programme and wanted to regain government control over the Federal Reserve Bank. The bombing of the FBI-Building in Oklahoma might have been a MOSSAD orchestrated action in order to have tougher laws introduced against American patriots.

But what would be a motive for the MOSSAD to murder Princess Diana? Well, Israel would have been in trouble if Diana had married Dodi Fayed. Think about it. What if Diana would have visited Palestine as a mother to a half Arabic child and as a wife to an Arab man. Imagine the masses cheering Diana, embracing her as one of their's. What if the Princess had then hugged a palestinian child in front of hundreds of TV-cameras? Perhaps a child whose parents were murdered by Israeli killing squads! A child whose father might have been shaken to death as a method of Israeli interrogation procedures - shaken until his artery was bursting open. A child whose pregnant mother was beaten to death because a family member of her's was an alleged "terrorist" against Israel. The truth about the Israeli terror regime would have been revealed to the world - thanks to Diana.

Last but not least, the powerful Israel lobby surrounding the British Royals could not tolerate an Arabic influence inside the British Establishment."

you know, it makes me wonder - if Mossad was more connected to the OKC bombing than i previously thought.

Israel benefits when other nations catch the "religion" of false flag terrorism.

false flag terrorism is Israel's national sport ... maybe they were getting lonely ?

18th July 2011, 06:50 PM
A self fulfilling Chosen for Destruction Prophecy.

21st July 2011, 09:31 AM
Duff was guest on Kevin Barrett's radio show 7/18. Duff says his mum is joosh.

Second hour: Gordon http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-acAWuae7ZgU/TiOYfedGDjI/AAAAAAAAAw4/-BgiztP0FIE/s320/gordon-duff_012.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-acAWuae7ZgU/TiOYfedGDjI/AAAAAAAAAw4/-BgiztP0FIE/s1600/gordon-duff_012.jpg)Duff, editor of Veterans Today (http://www.veteranstoday.com/), may be the coming of the anti-Murdoch -- a well-connected guy who develops a hot new media model and changes the world with it, but in the direction of truth not lies, knowledge not ignorance, peace not war, and American interests not Zionist ones. We'll be discussing his latest, A Murdoch Note: A Word or Two About What Isn't Being Said: (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/13/a-murdoch-note/)

Direct mp3 download (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-071811.mp3) (2 hrs, 27 MBs - advance play bar half way to the top of the 2nd hour for Duff)

21st July 2011, 12:22 PM

Supporters worry about muting of pro-Israel media voice (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/07/21/supporters-worry-about-muting-of-pro-israel-media-voice/)

Posted: July 21, 2011 by crescentandcross

Backers of Israel worried that a diminished Murdoch presence may mute the strongly pro-Israel voice of many of the publications he owns.

Read the rest of this entry » (http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2011/07/21/supporters-worry-about-muting-of-pro-israel-media-voice/#more-24093)

21st July 2011, 03:40 PM
Backers of Israel worried that a diminished Murdoch presence may mute the strongly pro-Israel voice of many of the publications he owns.

Romans, creators of a great civilization: "Let justice be done, though the heavens fall!"

Khazar-Jews, parasites of great civilizations: "Well, is it good for the Jews?"

21st July 2011, 06:27 PM
July 20, 2011

Zionists panicking over possible loss of Murdoch (http://jewssansfrontieres.blogspot.com/2011/07/zionists-panick-over-possible-loss-of.html)

I thought the Jewish Chronicle (http://www.thejc.com/node/51651) might be a lone Jewish voice so lacking a moral compass that they are panicking out loud over the possible demise of the Murdoch empire.

Anyone following the way Israel is portrayed here in Britain will be concerned. Murdoch's publications (from time to time, at least) provide rare counter blasts against the prevailing winds of anti-Israeli hostility. His commitment to Israel is resolute. In a speech last year to the Anti-Defamation League he spoke of "the disturbing new home that antisemitism has found in polite society - especially in Europe", and of "an ongoing war against the Jews".
As long as Rupert is at the helm, The Times, the Sunday Times and the Sun are safe from the anti-Zionist consensus.
Anti-zionist consensus in the UK media? Wow!

But it's not just here. Yanks and aussies are worried too. Here's Ron Kampeas on the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (http://www.jta.org/news/article/2011/07/18/3088599/pro-israel-leaders-watch-warily-as-murdoch-defends-empire) website:
“His publications and media have proven to be fairer on the issue of Israel than the rest of the media,” said Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. “I hope that won’t be impacted.”

23rd July 2011, 06:27 PM
another from Duff

Odd Connections: Murdoch, Wikileaks and Everything (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/20/odd-connections-murdoch-wikileaks-and-everything/)

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Which-is-Which-90x65.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/20/odd-connections-murdoch-wikileaks-and-everything/)Of Murdoch’s “assets,” his most lethal “stinger” has been Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Their secret love affair is subject to continual obfuscations and denials though they are the political sweetheart team of all time, a veritable “Dr. Evil and MiniMe” of journalism.
July 20th, 2011 | Posted in 9/11 Terror War (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/wars/911-and-terror-war/),WarZone (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/wars/),ZPicks (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/news/) | Read More » (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/20/odd-connections-murdoch-wikileaks-and-everything/)

A Murdoch Note by Gordon Duff – “The Video” (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/16/murdoch-notes-by-gordon-duff-the-video/)

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Whois-90x65.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/16/murdoch-notes-by-gordon-duff-the-video/)Video wizardly and narration from our good friends at Heretic Productions, teach us “Amerikuns” how English is supposed to sound.
July 16th, 2011 | Posted in Arts & Entertainment (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/family/arts-and-entertainment/),Living (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/family/),ZPicks (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/news/) | Read More » (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/16/murdoch-notes-by-gordon-duff-the-video/)

Exclusive: ‘Murdoch behind 9/11, Iraq, Afghan wars and financial meltdown’ (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/15/exclusive-murdoch-behind-911-iraq-afghan-wars-and-financial-meltdown/)

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Press-TV11-90x65.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/15/exclusive-murdoch-behind-911-iraq-afghan-wars-and-financial-meltdown/)Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has played a significant role… 9/11 terrorist attacks, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the economic meltdown.
July 15th, 2011 | Posted in 9/11 Terror War (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/wars/911-and-terror-war/),WarZone (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/wars/),ZPicks (http://www.veteranstoday.com/category/news/) | Read More » (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/15/exclusive-murdoch-behind-911-iraq-afghan-wars-and-financial-meltdown/)

24th July 2011, 12:05 AM
I think last weekend's Lifeboat Hour was Mike's best radio show yet. He was engaged.

Pontificating on the Murdoch hits, ("clash of titians") how its all PROMIS (Ptech) software, both Murdoch's 'phone tapping' and running the markets JPM etc. Singles out Israel for much criticism, talks of the upcoming failure in Iraq. Mentions the Gordon Duff tape (mentioned in post above) saying it is very good. Looks like US government will turn against Murdoch. Fox news (responsible for selling the 9/11 lie) is on the table. If not killed the Dracuala (and thus Rothschild interest) will live. It is time for the Israeli power to be challenged.

New York State government needs to investigate Murdoch's crimes.
One wedge, one faction, of the infinite growth monetary paradigm destroying the planet.

Invisibility of peak oil pundits in ANY MSpublic debate even as Whitehouse reads these sites daily, zero-hedge site and others.
"When they see us, we will have won"...'as they cannot argue with the truth of our message'.
Default could be spun to cover US economic failure, and/or alibi for market crash or China default.

Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton resigns NEW YORK— Reuters July 15, 2011 (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/dow-jones-ceo-les-hinton-resigns/article2099039/)
Head of Scotland Yard resigns amid hacking scandal July 17, 2011 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/rebekah-brooks-arrested-in-uk-hacking-scan/2011/07/17/gIQAFw6pJI_story.html)

Show ends early (music fill) when Mike starts coughing and does not come back on air.

The Lifeboat Hour - 07/17/11

Reader Comments (27)
You said the J word! What happened? Did Jenna Orkin use her Right To Return and flee to Israel after spoiling From the Wilderness for you?

24th July 2011, 02:15 AM
thanks keehah, MCR's podcast hasn't been in my repertoire but I'm listening to this one now- the 7/17 show.

MP3 download (http://lifeboathour.podbean.com/mf/web/p5vfqd/LifeboatHour071711.mp3) - 56 mins 13 MBs

interesting to hear MCR vouch for Duff's honor, coz I view both MCR & Duff similarly: always interested in what they have to say, but don't trust either completely.

here's the tease for the related article MCR published 7/18 - full is for "paying subscribers" -

A GLOBAL MOVE AGAINST ISRAEL - 18 JULY 2011 (http://www.collapsenet.com/worldnewsdesk/commentary-analysis/item/1356-a-global-move-against-israel-18-july-2011) It is clear, the Murdoch Empire is under attack. But what exactly does this mean and what are the implications for attacking the 13th Most Powerful Man in the World (Forbes) (http://www.forbes.com/wealth/powerful-people/gallery/rupert-murdoch) ? Michael C. Ruppert provides evidence and analysis of the current landscape, which points to the likelihood that there is a global move against Israel, not Judaism. For the first time in decades Michael Ruppert see a golden opportunity for those who have for so long suffered with FOX News and those it represents... to fight back and win. (Members Only story) if MCR wants to help be a catalyst in some promised "golden opportunity for those who have for so long suffered with FOX News and those it represents... to fight back and win", he'd be wiser to make the above article public/free, rather than hoarding it behind collapenet's lofty membership price.

We're here at the end of July, time to recall MCR's Apr 8 "emergency action alert" vid,
We Have Until July at Latest Even a Caveman Can See It (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0r_NP7Yv_4)


have June/July's earnings reports represented a corporate earnings collapse?

I hear him in this podcast speculating about an engineered stock market dump leading up to 8/2, hmmm dow is approaching all time highs presently, maybe worth considering a small casino-money bet on the short side? Some Aug or Sep VIX (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/quickchart/quickchart.asp?symb=vix&insttype=&freq=1&show=&time=8) calls?

3rd August 2011, 05:02 AM
if "patriot wars" interest you, Carolyn Yeager's podcast on VOR radio is critical of Duff and Kevin Barrett both. Listen here:
http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/audio/fester/heretics-hour-spotlight-duff-s-disinfo (http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/audio/fester/heretics-hour-spotlight-duff-s-disinfo)

Barrett had Yeager on his show back in Jan '11.
Kevin Barrett asks: "Am I 'Unfair to Hitler' ?" Guest: Carolyn Yeager (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?42521-Kevin-Barrett-asks-quot-Am-I-Unfair-to-Hitler-quot-Guest-Carolyn-Yeager)

links to all Barrett's shows, including recent shows with Duff and with Blankfort, are shown at his radio show blog,
http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/ (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/)

mick silver
3rd August 2011, 07:52 AM
i dont watch alot of news tv . but what i see is there no longer talking about Murdoch Empire . so would it be fair to say it been push under the rag now

3rd August 2011, 08:47 AM
Seems Mike Ruppert has ended his (minor) patriot war. It seemed strange to me that he was progressive addled for the most part on his show since his insight earlier had allowed him a good map of things, I thought he was above it. As recently as three weeks or a month back he mentioned Ron Paul saying he won't go there. I think it was the broadcast the week before the one linked above he said his fear was Ron Paul could win.

In this Sundays show he has come around, he mentioned seeing Ron Pauls waring video (from last year, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHCkFPaePPQ ) and said while Ron Paul is not perfect, he will now absolutely 100% support Ron Paul for President in 2012 [if we get to the election]. "He's an honest man and he sees clearly the devistation that is looming as a result of the insane whorshipping of infinite growth. "

I'm not recommending the show is all worth listening to like last weeks above but Mike talks of Ron at 10:30.

As for the "Super Congress" hes says of course its extra constitutional be he does not care, people will not stand up to it like a ling line of other crimes from the 2000 elections Patriot act, Homeland Security. Understanding what these idiots are trying to do now is a waste of [his] energy.

As for his July crash obvious prediction, he points out he said end of July to early August. ;)