View Full Version : SFPD Ruthlessly Shoots and Kills Unarmed 19yr old Man over $2 Bus Fair

17th July 2011, 10:22 PM
Saturday July 15


17th July 2011, 10:37 PM



17th July 2011, 10:43 PM
^^^ Intelligent post from an intelligent book..::)

This video shows nothing that happened when the actual shooting took place. There's no reason to believe the title, that he was unarmed and shot over a $2 bus fair...

We know nothing based on this video.

General of Darkness
17th July 2011, 10:50 PM
I could only take one minute of, why de chut him fowr, and he dun nuttin wrung. While I really don't care for the police, I have to AX myself, "why did the negro get shot?". With the way blacks are treated in this country you'd think they'd have to saw off Obongos head to do something wrong.

I don't know what to make of the video. Did the black guy deserve being shot? Dunno, but from the sounds of the crowd and the lack of chimpouts, probably. Where's ALL of the video?

17th July 2011, 10:53 PM
I could only take one minute of, why de chut him fowr, and he dun nuttin wrung. While I really don't care for the police, I have to AX myself, "why did the negro get shot?". With the way blacks are treated in this country you'd think they'd have to saw off Obongos head to do something wrong.

I don't know what to make of the video. Did the black guy deserve being shot? Dunno, but from the sounds of the crowd and the lack of chimpouts, probably. Where's ALL of the video?

Good question...where's the rest of the video? We don't know shit.

Joe King
17th July 2011, 11:16 PM
http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1283&bih=929&q=pregnant%20woman%20shot%20san%20fran&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1509759l1522691l0l1523061l28l28l0l14l14l0l3 01l3493l0.2.10.2l14&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw

Whether he was the actual perp or just a person of interest is yet to be determined.

17th July 2011, 11:38 PM
No medical attention. Just let the guy bleed out?

18th July 2011, 01:10 AM
We can look at another one

Police gun down man in street, threaten to shoot witnesses for filming incident
Thursday, June 09, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032655_police_brutality_citizen_journalism.html#ix zz1SRUOEqfq
(NaturalNews) When Narces Benoit decided to use his cell phone to film Miami Beach police officers gunning down a man sitting in a parked car early Monday morning, he had no idea the same cops would eventually target him as well. According to video evidence and witness testimony, officers pointed a gun at Narces and his girlfriend, threw them to the ground, destroyed his camera and what they thought was the footage he captured, and handcuffed and arrested the couple, all because Narces happened to capture indicting video evidence of the officers' heinous actions.

The Miami Herald reports that Narces and his girlfriend were driving on Collins Avenue in South Beach, Fla., when they happened upon the shocking tail-end of a police chase involving Raymond Herisse, the suspect in question who had allegedly fled police following a scuffle. When Herisse's car later came to a stop, officers surrounded the vehicle and unloaded more than 100 rounds at the car, effectively murdering Herisse and injuring four innocent bystanders.

The Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) has tried to justify their shooting spree by claiming that Herisse attempted to run over officers with his car, but Narces' video footage, which was salvaged when he discreetly removed his cell phone's memory card and put it in his mouth before officers destroyed it, shows otherwise. In the video, it is clearly evident that Narces' vehicle had been stopped both prior to and during the time when the gang of officers murdered him in cold blood.

You can view the video footage for yourself here:

Perhaps even more disturbing than the actual shooting, though, is the way the police aggressively threatened and intimidated those who witnessed the situation, including Narces and his girlfriend. After allegedly putting guns to their heads and throwing them to the ground, Narces says one officer grabbed his cell phone and said "You want to be [expletive] Paparazzi?" upon which he proceeded to smash the phone and stick it back into Narces' pocket.

Initially, other officers on the scene denied any awareness that this type of activity had taken place, but the department later admitted that officers had, indeed, confiscated Narces' and several other witnesses' phones. Filming such incidents, of course, is perfectly legal, and the officers involved had no right to threaten, confiscate, destroy, or otherwise interfere with the activity of bystanders, but they decided to do it anyway.

Following the incident, the MBPD has come out denying that its officers had held Narces at gunpoint, or that they tried to destroy his phone. The department alleges that Narces had appeared to be fleeing the shooting scene, which prompted them to come after him. This claim, however, does not make any logical sense in light of the situation, and the video footage Narces captured shows that officers pursued him only after they realized that he had been filming the incident, upon which he fled for refuge in his vehicle.

The entire event reeks of abuse and coverup. No matter how the MBPD tries to slice and dice it before the public, there really is no justification for firing hundreds of bullets at an unmoving vehicle in the first place, especially one with a man that appears not to even have been armed. Ironically, an MBPD announcement made days after the incident that a gun had been found "somewhere" in Herisse's vehicle upon processing -- which was an attempt at justifying the officers' actions -- does not vindicate them at all. What it actually shows is that Herisse could not have been firing that weapon when police gunned him down, otherwise it would have been right there with his body and not hidden somewhere else in the car.

Further, there is absolutely no justification for officers pointing guns at and arresting innocent bystanders who were merely exercising their rightful freedom to film public events -- and no amount of denial or excuse-making on behalf of the MBPD can change this fact. Narces' video, which is the smoking gun in this case, exposes the grim reality of this encroaching American police state, and how it is quickly devolving into a deadly display of brute force all across the country. Officers of the state apparently now have no qualms about openly gunning people down, threatening to gun down witnesses, and later trying to cover up or justify their abusive actions.


Sources for this story include:


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032655_police_brutality_citizen_journalism.html#ix zz1SRU9KhYv

Joe King
18th July 2011, 02:36 AM
Here's more video.

Is that a gun on the ground at the :15 mark?


midnight rambler
18th July 2011, 03:03 AM
Fanning the flames as a distraction. Does not really matter if the shootee was a felon or not, nice job on the part of the useful idiots on both sides of the issue. Played like a fiddle, beaten like a drum.

Meanwhile the Death Cult carries on with their global campaign of wholesale death and destruction unchecked, yea, even widely supported by the useful idiots in their willful ignorance.

18th July 2011, 07:53 AM
Is that a gun on the ground at the :15 mark?

Looks like a partially crushed hard pack of cigs to me. Maybe the victim was going for his smokes.

18th July 2011, 08:04 AM
No medical attention. Just let the guy bleed out?

If the guy bleeds out and dies there won't be anyone to testify against the cops or bring a lawsuit.

midnight rambler
18th July 2011, 08:04 AM
Any evidence, especially a gun, would be INSIDE a police line, not outside it.

18th July 2011, 08:14 AM
Umm - this was completely legit

Harding, who was shot and killed Saturday afternoon while fleeing from officers who had tried to cite him for Muni fare evasion, had recently been released from a prison in Washington after serving time for convictions stemming from a King County sex offense, said Chief Greg Suhr.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/07/18/BA0H1KBQDA.DTL#ixzz1STD5uVEc

Harding took off, drew a gun, and ran more than a block into Mendell Plaza as the officers chased him, police said. Harding fired indiscriminately over his shoulder, prompting officers to fire back, authorities said.

18th July 2011, 08:25 AM
the cops are in " COVER YOUR ASS " mode right now
i wouldn't believe anything from their spokeman or MSM

just letting the guy bleed out there, ( inhumane and cruel )
should be good for some bucks for the guys grieving family

18th July 2011, 08:32 AM
An amateur video has since surfaced online showing Harding and what appears to be a gun on the pavement nearby. The weapon was taken from the scene, but Suhr said the .45 caliber silver pistol was recovered Saturday night with the help of informants.

So we are supposed to believe that the cops didn't secure the weapon at the scene but later recovered it? This is proof that their story is real?

That is worse then a throw down gun. The cops don't even have to make a gun appear magically in the first few minutes they can claim the gun was taken from the scene and then a gun magically appears at a later date. I'm not buying it. It's a cover up. With all those cops standing around with guns drawn anyone reaching for a loaded gun would have been shot dead.

mick silver
18th July 2011, 11:03 AM
i am at the point in my life IF i do not see it with my own eyes . it hard to see why he was killed , because they tell me so dont mean jack shit no more

18th July 2011, 11:12 AM
i am at the point in my life IF i do not see it with my own eyes . it hard to see why he was killed , because they tell me so dont mean jack shit no more

I agree with this. I also believe it has to be applied both ways..this video states the man was shot unarmed over a $2 bus fair. The video shows no proof of that. We have no idea why this man was shot.

Each situation must be evalued with an open mind based on facts.

It's an idealistic approach to truth and freedom, that sadly gets corrupted, though must be voiced and defended. IMO.

18th July 2011, 03:36 PM
Harding took off, drew a gun, and ran more than a block into Mendell Plaza as the officers chased him, police said. Harding fired indiscriminately over his shoulder, prompting officers to fire back, authorities said.

Black men never do this.


po boy
18th July 2011, 04:30 PM
and cops always tell the truth and are to be looked up to

18th July 2011, 04:38 PM
Black men never do this.


Therefore, we should hate all black men, because some black men do this.

Great logic Book! ::)

Joe King
18th July 2011, 05:39 PM
Looks like a partially crushed hard pack of cigs to me. Maybe the victim was going for his smokes.
Perhaps. I couldn't really tell, which is why I was asking what others thought they could see.

I don't trust 'em anymore than anyone else, but I find it hard to believe that they'd really just shoot him over a $2 fare.

He probably bolted when they tried to ID him in order to write him a ticket and he knew that if they did that they would know that he was wanted in connection with the murder of a pregnant woman earlier in the week.
So he bolted.

BTW, he was also on parole for having had sex with, and then attempting to pimp out a 14yo girl.
Personally, I wish that more people like that would "run from the police".
...and why can't people like those 3 idiots in that other video pick on a guy like this for a change?

18th July 2011, 05:56 PM
BTW, he was also on parole for having had sex with, and then attempting to pimp out a 14yo girl. Personally, I wish that more people like that would "run from the police".

::) Don't be a racist hater Joe. You either believe in the Free Marketplace for small businessmen who creates jobs or you don't.

Joe King
18th July 2011, 06:27 PM
Apparently you support pimping out 14yo girls, Book.

Or are you actually incapable of recognizing a crime that creates an actual victim?

18th July 2011, 06:31 PM
Personally, I wish that more people like that would "run from the police".

::) Oh. I thought you believed in due process and a fair trial. Is it because he was black?

18th July 2011, 07:44 PM
Part of the story involves the use of a Shot Spotter system (for those of you unfamiliar with it, more here: http://www.shotspotter.com/technology ). Accounts here say the system detected ten shots fired in six seconds. If you watch the You Tube video at 0:41 you can see this guy was leaking blood like a sieve from SFPD standard issue .40 caliber rounds - looks like they were all center of mass shots - dude had no chance for survival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1cIFHi0uas&feature=related

Joe King
18th July 2011, 07:48 PM
::) Oh. I thought you believed in due process and a fair trial. Is it because he was black?
When you are wanted for murder, you get due process by not running away.

Joe King
18th July 2011, 07:53 PM
Part of the story involves the use of a Shot Spotter system (for those of you unfamiliar with it, more here: http://www.shotspotter.com/technology ). Accounts here say the system detected ten shots fired in six seconds. If you watch the You Tube video at 0:41 you can see this guy was leaking blood like a sieve from SFPD standard issue .40 caliber rounds - looks like they were all center of mass shots - dude had no chance for survival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1cIFHi0uas&feature=related
Isn't "center mass" is where all deadly force is supposed to be directed? Shooting only to wound would imply that deadly force was not justified and it was justified if the guy was shooting at them.

If ten shots were recorded, the obvious question would be, how many shots did he take and how many were fired by police?

18th July 2011, 08:00 PM
Isn't "center mass" is where all deadly force is supposed to be directed? Shooting only to wound would imply that deadly force was not justified and it was justified if the guy was shooting at them.

If ten shots were recorded, the obvious question would be, how many shots did he take and how many were fired by police?

Exactly all shots should be center mass. A firearm is a deadly force weapon.

I saw on the news the first shot from the shot spotter, was recorded from the suspect. I believe they said he fired 3 shots, including the first one. That would leave 7 shots from the officers. It's believable this all went down in 6 seconds, could have happened in a lot less than that actually.

18th July 2011, 09:58 PM

19th July 2011, 07:30 AM
IF that really was a gun in the video I don't understand why the police left it in an area full of people. First thing they would have done would have been try and locate the weapon. One, so nobody else could pick it up and use it on them and second so they would have evidence that the shooting was justified. It sits out on the pavement with all those cops around and they can't see it? Between the first two videos there is about 3 minutes of elapsed time that they had to locate the weapon and it was only 30 feet from the guy they blasted.

19th July 2011, 07:33 AM
Plus the guy in the grey and white sweater didn't grab a gun it was a pack of smokes or something. The only object I saw that looked anything like a gun was further back.

19th July 2011, 07:37 AM
IF that really was a gun in the video I don't understand why the police left it in an area full of people. Between the first two videos there is about 3 minutes of elapsed time that they had to locate the weapon and it was only 30 feet from the guy they blasted.

bystanders were a lot closer to the dead guy than that
which makes me think " drop gun "

19th July 2011, 07:54 AM
I still don't think there ever was a gun. After watching the last video posted as well as the first two again I noticed that in the news clip they didn't show what the guy in the gray and white video picked up. It was edited so you couldn't see. In the other video you can see what it is and it is not the same object as was zoomed in on in the news clip.

In other news clips there are multiple witnesses saying that he didn't have a weapon and that they shot him in the back while he ran. It is very convenient for the cops that they guy was a scum bag after the fact since it makes people have less sympathy for him, but they wouldn't have known that before the shooting.

19th July 2011, 08:41 AM

Hey Joe King:

Notice these negros acting like a group protecting one of their own. Megaphone speeches declaring that he didn't have a gun. Picking up the gun and hiding it from the police.

::) you should get over there and lecture them about being INDIVIDUALS not lying racists loyal to their tribe member only because of the color of his skin.

po boy
19th July 2011, 08:43 AM
Protecting the tribe did they pick that up from cops or is it the other way around.

Joe King
19th July 2011, 08:49 AM
You are them Book.

Because that's exactly how you tried defending the three white thugs in that other video.

All that seems to matter to either of you is skin color.

I try to look beyond that. As should you.

This black guy is a known criminal wanted in connection with a murder of a pregnant woman and her un-born baby.
The other black guy was minding his own business and got attacked for it.
...but I don't expect someone who is blinded by skin color to be able to understand that.

19th July 2011, 08:52 AM
IF that really was a gun in the video I don't understand why the police left it in an area full of people. First thing they would have done would have been try and locate the weapon. One, so nobody else could pick it up and use it on them and second so they would have evidence that the shooting was justified.

Those cops wisely instead immediately grabbed AR-15s to keep those "people" from chimping out.

::) you would too

19th July 2011, 08:55 AM

Hey Joe King:

Notice these negros acting like a group protecting one of their own. Megaphone speeches declaring that he didn't have a gun. Picking up the gun and hiding it from the police.

::) you should get over there and lecture them about being INDIVIDUALS not lying racists loyal to their tribe member only because of the color of his skin.

His answer:

I try to look beyond that.

Joe King
19th July 2011, 09:03 AM
No, I try to look beyond the shallow way that you seem to look at things by only looking at skin color.

In that regard, you are the same as that guy in the video with the mega-horn. You are his brother by a different mother.

19th July 2011, 09:38 AM
...you are the same as that guy in the video with the mega-horn.

Because he is black you don't go down there and yack at him and his kind like you do here?

::) link us to one black forum where you preach to them about being Individuals.

Joe King
19th July 2011, 09:52 AM
You and him are doing the same thing. ie judging by skin color.

That, you do in fact have in common with him. He's all for his "tribe"...no matter what, and you are for yours no matter what.

As for "yacking", it is you who started yacking at me after I merely posted my opinion of the video and agreed with the OP......and you didn't like it. So you dusted off your picture book and tried to call me out.....and we've been here ever since.

In case you hadn't noticed, I hadn't responded to any of your posts in any of these threads until you tried to start in on me for having posted the truth about both videos. I've been ignoring you until you came to me.

But I can do this all day.

Palestinians=American blacks in how they were originnally treated in 1949 and 1870 respectively and you know it.

19th July 2011, 10:22 AM
He's all for his "tribe"...no matter what, and you are for yours no matter what.

For the record here at GSUS which is YOUR tribe Mr. King?
