View Full Version : $1,600 Gold Right Now!

18th July 2011, 02:42 AM
$1,600 Gold is here!!! YAY!

...Oh yeah, and $40 Silver, but we've seen that before!

18th July 2011, 04:45 AM
Aahhh I need a banana.....\o/ where's the bananas? :cool:

18th July 2011, 05:19 AM

18th July 2011, 07:16 AM
Drudge made it their main headline today.

18th July 2011, 09:04 AM
Damn, I hate gold. It just keeps going up. I bought some at 350, 450, 600, 900.... but my stack ain't to the moon, yet. Damn, damn, damn, damn.

18th July 2011, 09:12 AM
Drudge made it their main headline today.

"Eat your peas dammit!!!!!" -BO


18th July 2011, 09:19 AM
"Eat your peas dammit!!!!!" -BO

337 Some here have trouble clicking "moose's"! ;D

So here is the more viewable size.http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=337&d=1310992591


18th July 2011, 09:35 AM
Some here have trouble clicking "moose's"! ;D

So here is the more viewable size.http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=337&d=1310992591


How did you make the image display in full size?

18th July 2011, 09:45 AM
How did you make the image display in full size? Easy, venerable master, sensei ! [ I M G ]Your link here, no spaces[ / I M G ]

Take all of the spaces out in the brackets, I had to put spaces in so the how to's can be displayed.

Large Sarge
18th July 2011, 09:45 AM
$2000.00 gold starts the mania phase IMO

I think we see that before christmas 2011

18th July 2011, 09:55 AM
I could see $2000 gold being the start of the mania. All the tards that thought gold was in a bubble at $1000 and have been expecting the price to collapse any day now will finally capitulate and try to get in on the action.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
18th July 2011, 10:44 AM
All other commodities are down and the dollar is up. Yet here we have gold making headlines and silver up almost 4%.


18th July 2011, 11:16 AM
All other commodities are down and the dollar is up. Yet here we have gold making headlines and silver up almost 4%.


PMs are practically the only thing up right now. Smells like slaughter in the streets.

18th July 2011, 12:09 PM
All other commodities are down and the dollar is up. Yet here we have gold making headlines and silver up almost 4%.


Bitcoins are down too... :'(

18th July 2011, 02:12 PM
Bitcoins are down too... :'(

4th August 2011, 12:24 AM
They're going lower... :-[

4th August 2011, 12:42 AM
MyBitcoin.com went AWOL (the largest virtual wallet/"bank" service for Bitcoin. Tons of people lost millions of dollars.
__________________________________________________ _

Some thoughts:

Bitcoin is a brilliant idea, but this first inception of a crytocurrency may not pan out (I mentioned this early on [probably as my way of admitting I was right when I was wrong, amirite]). The banking/media establishment has attacked every centralized point of trade for Bitcoin and its been crashing the price ever since the $30 high. For example, when they hacked into Mt Gox some months ago they didn't steal Bitcoins, they purposely crashed the exchange, obviously to discredit it (when they had the free and clear ability to steal millions of dollars.) I don't have high hopes myself anymore (sadly), but I still think its a good idea, but it's time may not have come yet when it comes to mass psychology. Something has value depending how many people believe it has value. So even if the technology is flawless, all that must be done is to destroy confidence. People don't seem ready to be free. I just hope people aren't mad at me, since I think its a great idea, but if the establishment can discredit it this easily, it won't last. I do believe a future inception of a crytocurrency will take off and free humanity eventually, though I am not that hopeful that this first try, if you will, will do it.

The host here (Bruce Wagner, the largest cheerleader for Bitcoin) got a shit load of money lost at MyBitcoin.com.

I also got a bunch of Bitcoins stolen from me in a virtual world I work in where I sold someone Bitcoins and they then reported the money "stolen" so they got the money charged back and I lost all the money I got for the Bitcoins I sold them (bastards.) So stay away from anything centralized at all cost, and TOTALLY stay away from anything that allows charge backs. This didn't phase me about the technology, it gave me a total reality check about why you must be careful when doing business with businesses that do charge backs with assets that can't be charged back (this includes gold and silver.) I still haven't sold much of my Bitcoins off, only to people in the virtual world I work in for profits, which I was doing, but then someone did it for a bunch of Bitcoins and stole it this way, I was actually profiting like crazy, selling them up to $27 a Bitcoin as little as 2 weeks ago (almost 100% profits.)

If you want to know the current trend, check out this page (https://www.virwox.com/index.php) and click the BTC/SLL graph image to the bottom right of the page. You will see a graph for how much people people are buying/selling and most people are buying now since the MyBitcoin.com crash, approximately 3 to 1 for buyers to sellers, so there's definitely an upwards trend now. The current conversion rate to sell a SLL is approximately 257 SLL per USD, so feel free to do the math if your curious.

We should start a separate thread about this if you want to continue talking about it. I'm just glad almost all my money is in PMs - they haven't let me down, yet.

4th August 2011, 12:58 AM
MyBitcoin.com went AWOL. Tons of people lost millions of dollars.

oh no... mine are parked over at tradehill... I guess until they scam everyone too...

4th August 2011, 01:27 AM
oh no... mine are parked over at tradehill... I guess until they scam everyone too...

I'd park them in a password protected/encrypted rar file, and store them all over the Internet. You can do this with WinRar (I posted this on Max Keiser's website):

1.) Download WinRar (http://www.win-rar.com/download.html), and install it.
2.) Locate you wallet.dat file. It’s location on your computer should be at:
3.) Right click on the wallet.dat file, and select Add to archive.
4.) Click the [Advanced] tab, then click the button [Set password...].
5.) Enter a 16 character long password. Make sure it has letters, numbers, and characters. Make it long and complex so no one can crack to. This step is crucial!
6.) Click [Okay] and [Okay] again.
7.) Make copies of this file and store it on flash drives, secret E-mail accounts and so forth. Make sure you have copies of this encrypted file so you have a backup plan in case you lose your computer or something. If you have a lot of Bitcoins it’s smart to keep a large chunk in a wallet file that you have encrypted and have a second wallet you use as your petty cash wallet for buying/selling. Hope this information helps you!