View Full Version : Scientists Gagged From Interpreting Study That Links Climate Change To Cosmic Rays

19th July 2011, 07:55 AM
Head of the world’s leading physics lab has issued a gag order preventing scientists from stating their interpretation of a study that links historical climate changes to cosmic rays

For years now scientists and physicists have presented study after study showing data, along with their personal interpretations, supporting the hypothesis that the alleged Global Warming phenomenon is due to man-made environmental factors affecting climate change.

Now, a major scientific experiment to conducted study the interaction between cosmic rays and cloud formation reveals that historical climate patterns coincide with the penetration of cosmic rays into the earth’s atmosphere.

However, the Chief of world’s leading physics lab at CERN in Geneva who conducted the study has prohibit scientists from presenting their own interpretations of the CLOUD experiment.


The UK’s Register suggests one reason that the “gag order” may have been issued is because the experiment invites a politically unacceptable hypothesis on climate change, or to say it another way, the study shows that Global Warming may not be a human caused phenomenon.

Under any interpretation the data can simply not be ignored since the study reveals that at the least cosmic rays play some part in climate change and Global warming.

Assuming that Global warming is is occurring, the question of whether cosmic rays are the sole cause or just a contributing factor along with man-made and other issues is really just a red herring.

The real issue here is why are scientist being ordered not to give interpretations of data that would suggest a theory that is contradicts the politically popular view? Is science not allowed to suggest an alternate hypothesis to the man-made Global warming theory even when the data shows otherwise?

Science needs to be factually unbiased and provide information that is independent of a politics.

Many critics of Global warming, and the theory it is man-made, already believe the studies supporting have been fabricated for politicians who paid for skewed data so they can push through their own political agendas.

Clearly this gag order will do little to quiet those skeptics.

The study will also raises another interesting question about the effect that the man-made cloud seeding operations conducted by the government will have on the climate over time.


19th July 2011, 08:34 AM
The heat-trapping ability of atmospheric water vapor dwarfs that of carbon dioxide by 200x to 500x. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels haven't increased even 2x in the last 200 years.

Question #1: What do you call someone who insists that atmospheric carbon dioxide generated by man causes significant global warming and does not mention the influences of water vapor or the sun?

(a) Anthropogenic Warming shill for TPTB
(b) human parrot
(c) scientific illiterate
(d) all of the above

19th July 2011, 08:40 AM
The heat-trapping ability of atmospheric water vapor dwarfs that of carbon dioxide by 200x to 500x. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels haven't increased even 2x in the last 200 years.

Question #1: What do you call someone who insists that atmospheric carbon dioxide generated by man causes significant global warming and does not mention the influences of water vapor or the sun?

(a) Anthropogenic Warming shill for TPTB
(b) human parrot
(c) scientific illiterate
(d) all of the above

I've tried arguing that very same point to a global warming believing idiot relative of mine. I asked how can a planet who's atmosphere is 98% Carbon Dioxide (Mars) have a surface temperature just under 70 degrees in the summer, and negative 100 in the winter? She said I don't know. I said because Carbon Dioxide does not trap heat nearly as efficiently as water vapor does. Don't buy into the bullshit and learn to think for yourself.

She just rolled her eyes and and said I don't know what I'm talking about. I said you keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, and keep blaming your parents, yourself and your kids for even breathing because god forbid if you don't exhale carbon dioxide.

Joe King
19th July 2011, 08:41 AM

Is it "D"?

19th July 2011, 08:52 AM

Is it "D"?

That's correct! For extra credit, you can write a brief biography of Al Gore, the C- college student who flunked his science course work and today own's a palacial private residence that generates one of the highest utility bills in the state of Tennessee.

Joe King
19th July 2011, 08:55 AM
I think you just wrote it for me. lol

19th July 2011, 09:53 AM
Well it's quite obvious. Cosmic rays cause people to produce CO2, so we need more governmental control of CO2 and of people to avoid the consequences of anthropogenic cosmic ray induced global warming (ACRIGW). It is possible that cosmic rays pass through and stimulate the part of the brain that controls the desire to burn things. It is possible that psychological therapy (re-education) could be used to refocus the desire for fire to more useful and less harmful activities- like hugging trees or killing humans that produce excess CO2.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
19th July 2011, 10:03 AM
You can't tax cosmic rays.

Joe King
19th July 2011, 10:09 AM
Really. c'mon people, they gots to fund World gov some how. Cut 'em some slack already on the GW thingy. You all act like global gov would be a bad thing or something. lol

19th July 2011, 10:31 AM
You can't tax cosmic rays.

Wanna bet? "And that's why we're putting forth legislation to regulate harmful cosmic rays. We're teaming up with one of the most popular sun glass makers on this. We're very proud to present HR 666...say hello to the Ray Ban Bill!"