View Full Version : BP island building to circumvent offshore drilling ban.

23rd July 2011, 07:12 AM
I wonder if it is shaped like the World.

BP Has Built An Artificial Island To Get Around Offshore Drilling Ban In Alaska (http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/07/22/bp-built-artificial-island-offshore-drilling-ban-alaska-40741/)

Rolling Stone and Business Insider report that after Obama allowed BP to get away with murder, the oil giant has built an artificial island in the arctic, from which they plan to drill 2 miles deep, to get around a drilling ban in Alaska — and the Obama administration is doing nothing to stop it.

As if it wasn’t already bad enough that federal courts are dismissing lawsuits against BP for the Gulf Oil Spill by the bundle (http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/06/18/unbelievable-courts-rule-taxpayers-bp-transocean-liable-gulf-oil-spill-clean-costs-29071/), effectively letting them get off the hook for environmental damages, BP has now built a 31 acre artificial island in the arctic from to get around a drilling ban in a delicate wildlife reserve in Alaska.
All of this while Obama has lied to the public about implementing new offshore drilling safety measures (http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/03/30/obama-blasted-lying-offshore-oil-drilling-safety-12722/) when the truth is congress has not passed a single new law singe the BP Gulf Oil spill.

The offshore drilling moratorium that is falling apart in court already contains one major loophole — and there’s little surprise which company is threading the needle.
BP plans to begin drilling two miles under the sea just miles away from a delicate wildlife reserve in Alaska. The company will get around the deep-water moratorium by constructing an artificial island — 31 acres of gravel — and registering as an onshore rig. Not exactly the safest operation, reports Rolling Stone but Don’t expect the White House to crack down on the loophole.