View Full Version : 9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview

23rd July 2011, 02:47 PM
terrific 24 min video inside- the kryptonite which the Western ZioStream Media [ZSM] won't touch:

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/07/17/911-and-israel-alan-sabroskys-shocking-press-tv-interview/)

“We Know Who, We Even Know Why…”

Tying Israel Irrevocably to 9/11

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
This week, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Managing Editor at Veterans Today, was interviewed on 9/11 and Israel’s involvement and their influence in American affairs. Dr. Sabrosky is interviewed by Susan Modaress of Press TV. Runtime is 20 minutes.

Alan, I call him that, a fellow editor, fellow Marine and good friend, does what few do when discussing issues of such extreme controversy. Alan sticks to the facts, takes the facts to logical conclusions and stops there. Any American of any political leaning or ethnicity can and should, out of patriotism and out of sanity, watch this interview.


The case made is a case that will stand up in a court of law, a case not contrived for entertainment, for propaganda or for an emotional “fix,” feeding hate, prejudice or the desire by some for conspiracies to fill the void of a life bereft of meaning.
Alan Sabrosky is “serious as a heart attack.”
There is an underlying message to this interview, intended or not. Dr. Sabrosky establishes a defensible position and sets limits.

A majority of Americans are aware that 9/11 had clear signs of government complicity, both operationally and in the subsequent investigation that even Judge Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera of Rupert Murcoch’s FOX NEWS called a “whitewash.” A major Australian poll taken last fall showed 77% of people there believe the US government to be fully complicit in 9/11. Similar polls in the US regularly score over 50%, some much higher.

Sabrosky’s case, presented with much clarity, plants responsibility for 9/11 at the feet of Israel and Americans whose loyalties, if we can call them that, are certainly not to the United States. That these “Americans” now believed to be complicit in the planning and execution of the 9/11 terror attacks are, for the most part, officials of the government, is telling.

Their complicity couldn’t be more obvious if they were caught standing with the detonation switches in their hands.

Israel is a different story, a public relationship characterized as “close friendship” and a private one that more closely resembles that between America and the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War.

Most Americans are not aware of how the relationship between Israel and the United States has soured over the past 40 years. Behind an endless barrage of stories of the holocaust and fear mongering about Antisemitism, political extremists in Israel and their allies in the US, many in positions of extreme power and influence, have contrived to seriously harm the United States, ostensibly under the guise of “support for Israel” and misrepresented security issues.
Sabrosky calls it “high treason.”
Below, the forgotten Geraldo Rivera report on 9/11, now “disappeared” from history, from the archives, forgotten and victim of its own “coverup.”

YouTube - Veterans Today - (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFPobKeSzKQ)

Beyond this, the past decade has bombarded the American public and the world with wildly conflicting conspiracy theories and phony science, the worst of it from the American government itself.

What can I say as a postscript or commentary to the interview? Liberal, conservative, Jew, Gentile, what Alan Sabrosky says is simply the truth. He has the credentials and the character to know the truth.

The message:
Believing the government and mainstream media’s version of 9/11 and allowing Israeli “dual citizens” to serve in government or electing and appointing officials whose relationship with Israel is detrimental to the security of the United States is inconsistent with citizen responsibility for any American.

Related Interview:
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kureFeGmoDI&feature=player_embedded#at=132)

Large Sarge
23rd July 2011, 04:54 PM
sabrosky's interview is about the best I have heard yet, it is a slam dunk

guy has some serious balls to put that out there

24th July 2011, 03:01 AM
from March '11-

GORDON DUFF: SABROSKY INTERVIEW TIES ISRAEL TO 9/11 (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/03/19/22329/)

http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ScreenHunter_17-Mar.-19-16.44-150x150.jpg (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/03/19/22329/screenhunter_17-mar-19-16-44/)

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Meet Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a brave man, a USMC Vietnam vet, an American of Jewish ancestry and someone devoted to the security of the United States at any cost. Ask any Jew what it takes to stand up against the most powerful and ruthless group in the world, the Israeli lobby inside the United States.

YouTube - Veterans Today - (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGYNg6abWIc)

Sabrosky has been calling for a new 9/11 investigation for some time. What makes him unique is that we have a Jew who can hardly be called “self-hating” or “anti-Semitic” or against Israel. He is consistent in everything he says. His point is that you are an American or you are an Israeli but you can’t be both, especially now with Zionism turning Israeli foreign policy into a “runaway train.” 9/11, as Sabrosky sees it was the watershed in a relationship between America and Israel that has gone from bad to unsurviveable, especially for America. He contents that AIPAC exercises near total control over the electoral process in America through the ability to outspend any other group and destroy anyone who stands against them.

The unwillingness of the US to stand with the international community on humanitarian and war crime issues where Israel is found in continual violation is, to Sabrosky, a critial issue. In discussion the US and her lack of support for the Goldstone Report, Sabrosky says:

US criticism of the HRC resolution should be disregarded, as Washington only parrots Israel’s wishes here…

… it might have been better to have included Goldstone’s condemnation of Hamas offenses as well, but it is legitimate as it stands for five reasons: (1) Israel committed the great majority of the violations; (2) Israel had an overwhelming preponderance of military power; (3) Palestinians suffered almost all of the death and destruction; (4) Israel has a long, sordid history of ignoring UN commissions and resolutions, and of attacking UN facilities and killing UN staff, as when the clearly marked UNRWA facility in Gaza was bombed; and (5) the HRC focus is properly on the actions of the oppressor (Israel) and not on those of the oppressed (the Palestinians).

Another is that it did not accord Israel the right of self-defense. But Israel’s claim to self-defense in its savaging of Gaza is specious, because Israel — like all occupiers and oppressors — has no inherent right of self-defense against its victims. Who, for instance, would have accepted Nazi Germany’s assertion that its brutal reprisals against the Czechs for their assassination of a Nazi commander named Reinhard Heydrich was an exercise in self-defense? No one, and no one should accept Israel’s claim, either.

A third is that holding Israel accountable for its actions will somehow endanger the Middle East peace process. But there is no peace process, simply meaningless discussions to the dead end (for Palestinians and the rest of the region) of Israeli hegemony, and under Netanyahu or any electable government in Israel, there is not and cannot be one. There will be an enforced peace imposed from outside of the Middle East, over the objections and obstruction of Israel, or there will be none at all.

This is how Sabrosky describes the nature of Jewish nationalism as described within the term we call “Zionism”:

The differences between Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and that of other countries and cultures here I think are fourfold:

1. Zionism is a real witches’ brew of xenophobia, racism, ultra-nationalism and militarism that places it way outside of a “mere” nationalist context — for example, when I was in Ireland (both parts) I saw no indication whatsoever that the Provisional Irish Republican Army or anyone else pressing for a united Ireland had a shred of design on shoving Protestants into camps or out of the country, although there may well have been a handful who thought that way — and goes far beyond the misery for others professed by the Nazis;

2. Zionism undermines civic loyalty among its adherents in other countries in a way that other nationalist movements (and even ultra-nationalist movements like Nazism) did not — e.g. a large majority of American Jews, including those who are not openly dual citizens, espouse a form of political bigamy called “dual loyalty” (to Israel and the US) that is every bit as dishonest as marital bigamy, attempts to finesse the precedence they give to Israel over the US (lots of Rahm Emanuels out there who served in the Israeli army but NOT in the US armed forces), and has absolutely no parallel in the sense of national or cultural identity espoused by any other definable ethnic or racial group in America — even the Nazi Bund in the US disappeared once Germany and the US went to war, with almost all of its members volunteering for the US armed forces;

3. The “enemy” of normal nationalist movements is the occupying power and perhaps its allies, and once independence is achieved, normal relations with the occupying power are truly the norm, but for Zionism almost everyone out there is an actual or potential enemy, differing only in proximity and placement on its very long list of enemies (which is now America’s target list); and

4. Almost all nationalist movements (including the irredentist and secessionist variants) intend to create an independent state from a population in place or to reunite a separated people (like the Sudeten Germans in the 1930s) — it is very rare for it to include the wholesale displacement of another indigenous population, which is far more common of successful colonialist movements as in the US — and perhaps a reason why most Americans wouldn’t care too much about what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians even if they DID know about it, is because that is no different than what Europeans in North America did to the Indians/Native Americans here in a longer and more low-tech fashion.

Sabrosky is one of the few Americans who sees the nuclear threat of Israel as it is, blackmailing the United States, not only in how it could be used to draw America into an unwanted war, but how it could actually be used at some point to attack the United States itself. Only recently, Israel put Western Europe on notice that it would be attacked if its actions threatened Israel, attacked by nuclear weaons from Israel without warning. Martin van Creveld’s threat combined with Sabrosky’s analysis of Israeli intentions and culpability for 9/11 brings to mind something Sabrosky had once written.

He has always seen Moshe Dyan as a hero. Dyan saw Israel’s military role as that of a “junk yard dog,” ready to bite without warning, attack anything and anyone.

Sabrosky notes that, eventually such an animal is always put down or as he puts it, ”the preferred response of everyone else is to kill that mad dog before it can decide to go berserk and bite.”


Sabrosky makes a case, not just for a coverup of 9/11 but goes much further. He points out as do so many that the physics of the attack are unworkable. He, however, is one of the few to point to a conclusion many find obvious but few have the nerve to admit, that it would have been impossible to stage 9/11 without the full resources of both the CIA and Mossad and that 9/11 served the interests of both agencies quite well.

There was nothing they could have wished for more.

Sabrosky (http://911falseflagarchive.blogspot.com/2010/03/dr-alan-sabrosky-former-director-of_19.html) also makes a point involving media coverage of 9/11:

Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the mainstream media (MSM) have paid more attention to Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than they have to dissecting blatant falsehoods, discrepancies and inconsistencies in the US Government’s treatment of 9/11 and its aftermath.


The inescapable point isnt the 60,000 Americans killed or wounded in a war started out of treason or the world it threatens to destroy. Americans have been looking away from these glaring realities the way they looked away from Vietnam. Sabrosky leaves Israel and her American Jewish supporters who he sees as traitors with a warning:

If these Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering — and the suffering we have inflicted on others — is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them. They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own great fault.

Do we take Sabrosky seriously because he is a Marine or a Jew? Do we wonder why the things he says reach so few? Is American in a shooting war where our biggest enemy sits behind us, killing us off, robbing us blind and whispering gently in our ears how much they love us?

It would seem so.


Twisted Titan
24th July 2011, 08:56 AM
tage for later

General of Darkness
24th July 2011, 09:28 AM
Interesting, the guy he mentioned, a Dutch building demolition expert who went on record as saying he believed that World Trade Center building Seven was brought down in a controlled demolition, has been reported killed in a car accident.

A Dutch building demolition expert who went on record as saying he believed that World Trade Center building Seven was brought down in a controlled demolition, has been reported killed in a car accident.

Bloggers in the Netherlands have reported that Danny Jowenko was killed instantly on Saturday when his car veered off the road and collided head on into a tree. The reports state that Jowenko’s dog was found alive in the car.

Jowenko was said to have been driving home from church. It is not clear at this time what caused the car to leave the road, according to the reports.

Jowenko is best known in the 9/11 truth community for appearing in a video that first surfaced in 2006 on a Dutch television news program called, Zembla investigates 9/11 theories.

After being shown the footage of WTC 7 collapsing Jowenko stated This is a controlled demolition carried out by a team of experts.

At the time Jowenko did not know that he was watching footage from September 11th 2001 and responded in disbelief when the reporters explained what the footage was.

In 2007 reports began to circulate that Jowenko had retracted his stance on the footage of WTC7, however, he reaffirmed his previous opinion in a phone call with blogger Jeff Hill, noting When the FEMA makes a report that it came down by fire, and you have to earn your money in the States as a controlled demolition company and you say, ‘No, it was a controlled demolition’, you’re gone. You know?

The original interview with Danny Jowenko appears below, along with the 2007 phone call:


General of Darkness
24th July 2011, 09:31 AM

Hatha Sunahara
24th July 2011, 10:38 AM
Danny Jowenko thinks in terms of a conventional demolition. He does not address the question of why most of all three WTC towers turned into microscopic dust. Nobody asked him this.

There may be technologies that can turn half a million tons of steel into fine dust in 7-10 seconds that we do not know about. But there is one technology that can do this that we do know about: nuclear explosions.

This possibility seems to be beyond the powers of imagination of both Sabrosky and Jowenko. Nuclear weapons are supposed to leave large amounts of radioactivity in the debris of explosions. But if they were exploded underground, beneath the buildings, the radioactivity would have been largely contained, and the shock wave would have traveled up the center of the buildings and pulverized them from the center outwards, and becoming visible only as the buildings turned into dust and started to fall.

Nobody wants to deal with the idea that there were three large thermonuclear explosions underground in lower Manhattan on 9/11/01. The pulverization of such massive steel structures seems to be pretty hard evidence that conventional demolition was NOT used to bring down these buildings. Also, when the debris was removed, dump trucks brought IN fresh dirt and dumped it into the holes under the buildings--possibly to cover up the radiation? These are facts, They are covered up by people who use the word conspiracy to discredit the people presenting them.


24th July 2011, 08:50 PM
new BroNat

Did Israel’s Mossad Do 9/11? (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=647)



Brother Nathanael (http://www.realzionistnews.com/) July 24, 2011 @ 5:08 pm (http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=647#comment-335102) – Text — Text — Text –
Did Israel’s Mossad Do 9/11?
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved
Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth have made the crucial and informed point that it was impossible for a plane hitting the top of the Towers of the World Trade Center to bring down the entire edifices – but have proved, rather – that successive explosions occurred on various floors below.
The following Clip produced by American Patriot on the Live Link Web Site illustrates the most convincing analysis of these successive explosions as one’s eye moves from the top of the Tower to an ongoing continuum of explosions on successive stories below.
American Patriot quotes Scott Forbes who worked as a Data Administrator on the 97th floor of the South Tower that power was switched off for 36 hours the weekend prior to the 9/11 take-down, an unprecedented and first time event.
Drawing the conclusion that “interior demolition devices” were obviously installed prior to the attack, the conjecture that the 9/11tragedy was planned, engineered and executed by Zionist interests is gaining greater currency even among such notables as Dr Alan Sabrosky, former professor of the US Army College. [Clip: “It is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad Operation. Period.”]
In his landmark article, “Treason, Betrayal and Deceit - 9/11 & Beyond,” Dr Sabrosky concludes that only the Israeli Intelligence Agency, The Mossad, had the expertise, assets, the access and the political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground.
Using the ‘Who Benefits’ principle, Sabrosky points out that the Mossad’s incentive dovetailed perfectly with the Jewish neo-con’s program for a catalytic event to mobilize the American public for their Zionist wars, using American military power to destroy Jewry’s enemies abroad – and, I add – to create a police state at home to stifle any criticism of Jewry’s activities and agenda.
Sabrosky also observes that the Jewish-owned mainstream media is more interested in publicizing Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than presenting the overwhelming dissenting views challenging the official 9/11 narrative from experts in various disciplines, whether architects, engineers, scientists, scholars, pilots, or firemen.
In a subsequent article, “Israel’s Hidden Faces,” Dr Sabrosky presents circumstantial evidence that links 9/11 to The Mossad and its Judaic agents in America.
The most striking points of Dr Sabrosky’s exposé and my own research are:
1. The controlled demolition of Tower 7 upon which no plane hit when Larry Silverstein, Jewish owner of the World Trade Center, ordered the Tower taken down hours later with the words, “Pull It,” proves that if one building was wired for controlled demolition, then all three were as well.
2. The company providing security to the World Trade Center, Kroll Associates, was apparently operated by Zionists.
3. The owners and operators of Kroll Associates and their immediate relatives were absent save one Gentile new employee the morning of 9/11.
And only 3 out of 4,000 Israelis working at the Towers were at their jobs and died in the explosions.
And Larry Silverstein, Jewish owner of the World Trade Center, just so happened to have a ‘doctor’s appointment’ that morning.
4. Five Israelis were seen filming the explosions on a roof in nearby New Jersey and visibly celebrating…having set up their cameras before the first plane hit.
Soon, after their arrest – and in spite of the evidence against them – they were released and the case dropped by the then head of the US Department of Justice Criminal Division and soon to be Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Talmudic Jew and Israeli dual citizen, Michael Chertoff.
5. The 9/11 Commission was stacked with pro-Israel appointees, with the Jewish Executive Director, Philip Zelikow, ensuring that nothing deflecting attention from Osama bin Ladin and his supposed ‘19 Arab accomplices,’ would make the final report.
My friends, what we have here is the obvious guilt of The Mossad and the complicity of its Judaic agents in America of the 9/11 tragedy.
All that is missing, as Dr Sabrosky so eloquently points out, is a public confession!

24th July 2011, 09:03 PM
as usual pat, top drawer irrefutable evidence...simply the best on the net.......cant wait till you weigh in on the mossad job in norway!!

25th July 2011, 04:54 AM
Interesting, the guy he mentioned, a Dutch building demolition expert who went on record as saying he believed that World Trade Center building Seven was brought down in a controlled demolition, has been reported killed in a car accident.

thanks GoD, first I'd heard the Jowenko death story. I only check the latest at 911blogger every couple weeks nowdaze, as it became clear a few years ago that they'd been co-opted and were playing controlled opposition. Anyways here's their Jowenko entry, 13 reader comments presently,
WTC7 expert witness Danny Jowenko dies in car crash (http://911blogger.com/news/2011-07-21/wtc7-expert-witness-danny-jowenko-dies-car-crash)

as to the notion that he was whacked, perhaps car sabotaged - Jowenko's basic professional opinion payload has been in the public realm since 05-06 sometime when his WTC7 interview hit the web. 911b labels him an "expert witness", suggesting he would imminently be testifying in a legitimate 911 investigation, but there's no such investigation in the queue. So off hand I see no urgency in murdering him, only perhaps retaliation and/or example-setting for others.

In spite of that, all considered, I would overwhelmingly guess foul play at work in this crash/death; as awake/alert/sober drivers coming home from church don't simply lose control and drive head-on into trees at speed sufficient to be fatal. What really happened, we can only speculate at this time.

this blogger first expresses skepticism that Jowenko's dead,
Why is Someone Trying to Convince Us, Badly, That Danny Jowenko is Dead? (http://wtcdemolition.com/blog/node/3282)

... but that question seems to get sorted out in the comments. One comment asks,
wait, so he takes his dog to church? (http://wtcdemolition.com/blog/node/3282#comment-35981)

Submitted by Annoymouse on Fri, 2011-07-22 23:59.
or was this a work-related visit?

hmm, good point. And on a Saturday?

25th July 2011, 06:02 AM
Sabrosky sounds convincing.

The editors of the video did not do their homework. They showed the west point emblem and labelled it as the war college. Two different things.

I had heard about the white van of Israelis cheering (and filming) the flights into the WTC... way back in 2011. There were other things hushed up. Pervasive corruption in this government is obvious.