View Full Version : It's not what we do, it's who we do it for!

24th July 2011, 05:10 PM

Does anything else need to be said?

24th July 2011, 05:15 PM
Jumping on the Bandwagon (http://www.masonichip.org/index.php/mason-info.html)

MasoniCHIP initiatives are unique as operated by each individual Masonic Jurisdiction, or “Grand Lodge”, that has purview over all “regular Freemasons” in a given geographic area such as a State or Province. Each Grand Lodge decides for itself the level at which it can dedicate resources and volunteers necessary to operate its Masonichip initiative. Each must decide on the nature and extent of identifying items to include in the packages they will generate for parents at events.

The Grand Lodges of New York and Massachusetts, two of the first "Masonic Child ID" jurisdictions whose programs date back to 1990 and 1996 respectively, have both published manual/handbook that makes start-up is as easy as ONE, TWO, THREE:

Download the MYCHIP Handbook (http://www.massfreemasonry.org/getfile.tpl?orig_filename=MYCHIP%20Manual%202005.p df&source=dynamic/downloads_55.dat&)and realize what is entailed.
Appoint a committee of three including your best, most energetic and organized Brother, as your Masonic Safety ID Program Director and make it possible for all three to attend one of our Masonichip Learning Academies (we are currently schedualng for 2011.
Partner with your state law enforcement, Dental Association/Society and even State Board of Education Officials or local Boards of Education.

STEP 1 - Down load the MYCHIP Handbook (http://www.massfreemasonry.org/getfile.tpl?orig_filename=MYCHIP%20Manual%202005.p df&source=dynamic/downloads_55.dat&)... Do not try to re-invent the wheel. They have fine-tuned the process since 1990 and have identified over 300,000 in their state. Connecticut, Nebraska, Maine and several jurisdictions have been able to start from scratch, follow the handbook, order several sets of equipment, and be up and running in about three months. (you should figure 3-6 months).

STEP 2 - Appoint the best Program Director you can enlist, have him select two dedicated Brothers he can best work with to form a Committee of three, and order several sets of ID generating Equipment enough supplies to identify no more than 1000 children. Once chosen, please send us (board@masonichip.org) his name and contact info that we may enroll him into our network support group of Program Directors across America who he can contact for info on Logos, printed material and permission forms necessary to get started. Then pick a pilot Masonic District (usually your Director’s home District).
The choice of your Program Director will make or break your Masonic Safety ID Program.

Step three is to build relationships with supporting partners and get the buy-in of your Lodges, develop a game plan for providing initial funding for this initiative, and plant seeds for obtaining long-term funding from local Masonic and non-Masonic institutions. Remember you are providing a service at "No Cost to Parents" and can obtain financial support from non-Masonic sources as well.

Several Masonic Jurisdictions have fined tuned the New York and Massichusette programs to fit their needs and we will be posting their MANUALS as we receive them for your comparison. Remember...manuals are only a starting point...each jurisdiction and each Program Committee formed has to best use the talents and resourses available. Your goal is to conduct the most comprehensive program that your resources allow...and we are here to consult and provide tools to help you suceed right out of the gate.

24th July 2011, 05:21 PM
Making a difference through technology!

Welcome to the new “cloud computing” informational portal supporting Masonic Safety Identification Programs conducted independently at differing levels of activity by over (35) Grand Lodges of Masons in North America. It is managed by the Directors of MasoniCHIP International a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public foundation of the Conference of Grand Master of Masons in North America.

Our goal is to put the tools and information in the hands of our volunteers to cost effectively manage our public service initiatives 24/7. What you see on this public website is but the tip of the iceberg, the hub and instructional tool to expose all to the benefits of employing a totally "on-line" web server system to manage a MasoniCHIP initiative. Currently (9) Grand Lodges are collaborating to share technology and development costs of operation on a common server platform with "open source" server-based products from around the globe... yet each individually customizes and is in control of their own database driven communication tool to make of what they will. Collaboration allows us to continually upgrade our technology to benefit all in this ever expanding information age.

Here we will be providing links to all our collaborating programs, sharing new information, posting notices of upcoming MasoniCHIP Learning Academies and other news of interest. Collaboration allows us to continually upgrade our technology to benefit all in this ever expanding information age. In the coming weeks we will setting up sections for each Grand Lodge jurisdiction to post articles that we receive from across the continent. We encourage all our member jurisdictions to send us articles and stories of their accomplishments for inclusion on these web pages.
Visit here often…we will be adding new features and aspects each month…our FACEBOOK PAGE is also just in its infancy…that too will soon begin to bloom with the approach of Spring.

25th July 2011, 08:55 AM
What, no comments about masonic chips?

I wonder if they have them in adult sizes too. ;D

25th July 2011, 12:05 PM
You like?
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLWOwQnv9vKCH6389vKvwcHIvgV6Td4 jNiLAzbCYWO8mn2vdmtYA

25th July 2011, 12:31 PM
You like?
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLWOwQnv9vKCH6389vKvwcHIvgV6Td4 jNiLAzbCYWO8mn2vdmtYA

What are those valued at?

World domination, world wealth, or satanic blessings?

25th July 2011, 12:35 PM
{it's who we do it for}

Tis one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.