View Full Version : What Role Might Israel be Playing in the Impending US Gov. Default ?

26th July 2011, 03:07 PM
Since Israel & members of the Criminal Sect of Judaism, controls so much of the US gov. & corporate America, I can't help but wonder what influence Israel may be having on the impending default situation.

Aside from the obvious -

* somebody stole $1+ Trillion (or is it $2+ Trillion from the Pentagon), as was announced September 10, 2011. Obviously you don't just LOSE $1 Trillion. I've worked for military contractors and there are loads of people performing the bean-counter function. A typical program such as JSF electronics development might cost $5 Billion. With dozens of program managers at the various prime & sub-prime contractors. Call it 50 to be conservative - that's $100 Million per Program Manager. And for every program manager, there are easily a dozen bean-counters (accountants etc.) 50 program managers & call it 500 bean-counters for a $5 Billion program. My memory is that programs are usually broken down into smaller pieces than $100 Million.

When the Pentagon spends $1 Trillion, there are likely to be 200 x 50 = 10,000 Program Managers & 100,000 bean counters.

Oh, and they just disappeared ? There computers all crashed at the same time ?

That $1 to $2 Trillion "Oops, we can't find the money" news out of the Pentagon has Israel written all over it.

And that's sure money the US gov. could use right now.

* the $3 Billion the US gov. gives Israel each year (to mostly spend on military hardware).

* various expenditures lobbied for by Israel -

--> Department of Homeland Security
--> Iraq & Afghanistan Wars

... basically, every new in the US economy besides iPhones & Lady Gaga & Harry Potter, stems from 9-11. Another Israeli creation.

* Billionaire Bail-outs (and millionaire bail-outs) during the Credit Crisis. $Trillions to bail out the mistakes of mostly dishonest bankers, mostly Jewish dishonest bankers ? That's US gov. money that WE SURE COULD USE RIGHT NOW

To me, it just seems WIERD that the Repubs. & the Dems. can't agree on a budget.

Maybe this day was inevitable. We're seeing the natural end result of the combination of Parasites, a finite debt ceiling, an American aversion to telling the truth about The Jews, etc.

Anyway, since Israel had a LARGE hand in screwing the US gov. up enough to bring us to this point, I can't help but wonder if Israel is steering the outcome of the ongoing negotiations.

And, if so, how are they steering it ?

To answer that question, I ask, once again, Cui Bono ?

From what outcome does Israel benefit ?

I think overall, Israel benefits from a weaker America. They know that 9-11 will catch up with them eventually.

My obvervation about the BP disaster is that BP was following a scorched earth policy. BP = Israel ... BP, who used to be the Anglo Persian Oil Company.

BP destroying the Gulf of Mexico for the same reason Bill Clinton got a blow job - because he could (get away with it.)

Normally, they would just raise the debt ceiling, print more money, tell us how a devalued US $ helps US exports, and get on with it. Heck, I think those Senators & Representatives would like to START THEIR SUMMER VACATION.

And instead, they're standing on principle ?!?! ?!?! ?!?! ?!?! ?!?! ?!?! ?!?! ?!?!


It doesn't make sense.

So that's why I wonder what Israel's hand may be in the "Debt Ceiling" negotiations.

26th July 2011, 04:38 PM
Certainly takes alot of focus and responsibility off the banks, doesn't it.

With all the recent bad publicity the upper echelon has gotten recently, this is just how you pass a buck...

26th July 2011, 05:09 PM
When you know what is going to happen the way it happens does not matter.

26th July 2011, 06:38 PM
When you know what is going to happen the way it happens does not matter.

i think there is that aspect, the insiders know what is going to happen and can make 1% a day on their money just taking advantage of the market's anxiety.

ALSO - the economic 'crisis' in 2007/8/9 would have wiped out a lot of Jews.

and then they got bailed out ... and now they're all sitting pretty.

should there be a major Depression now - they'll be sitting pretty.

From the point of view of a Rich Vulture/ Parasite, the Debt Ceiling deadlock is Manna from Heaven (or, in their case, Hell). As the economy disintegrates, they can swoop in and buy assets for 10 cents on the dollar.

then when the economy re-inflates - QE3 in 2012 - they make out like, well, bandits.

this is how the Rothschild's have operated since the Battle of Waterloo ... in the early 1800's.

from a Rich Vulture/Parasite point of view, NOT raising the debt ceiling, followed by a huge economic contraction, followed by a QE3 starting in 2012 - that works the best.


can i take off my Vulture Thinking Cap now ?

midnight rambler
26th July 2011, 06:55 PM
Oh come on...do you really think it's fair to blame our money problems on the moneychangers??