View Full Version : 3,700 Post Offices to close, here is the list.

26th July 2011, 04:31 PM

26th July 2011, 05:18 PM
I guess rural mail delivery might get even worse service now.

I should also add that the list I was looking at for ILL had no rhyme nor reason to how it was listed. Not in alpha order, not in county order, not in order by zip code.

Is this their way to lessen the impact of the closures?

Fuckers can't even make a list easy to figure out.

26th July 2011, 05:25 PM
They've already closed three around here...

Joe King
26th July 2011, 05:30 PM
I should also add that the list I was looking at for ILL had no rhyme nor reason to how it was listed. Not in alpha order, not in county order, not in order by zip code.

Is this their way to lessen the impact of the closures?

Fuckers can't even make a list easy to figure out.

Well, they do suck at "delivery" after all.

26th July 2011, 06:31 PM
I guess rural mail delivery might get even worse service now.

I should also add that the list I was looking at for ILL had no rhyme nor reason to how it was listed. Not in alpha order, not in county order, not in order by zip code.

Is this their way to lessen the impact of the closures?

Fuckers can't even make a list easy to figure out.

i think they probably are under enough budget pressure (shortage of $$) that they didn't allocate the manpower to sort the list.

you could probably sort it in Excel or something.

my guess is, whoever made the list didn't have the computer skills to sort it.

Twisted Titan
26th July 2011, 07:03 PM
I can't wait for the day when those with thoee nice secure gubbermint and state jobs are on the breadline because the state has abandoned them.

willie pete
26th July 2011, 07:16 PM
do the closings mean the jobs will be cut too? ...actually......I don't have a problem with the service, it's the people behind the counter that are rude and indifferent...

Last friday I went in, close to closing time, to cash a small (<$200) USPS-MO, I already knew what the ogar behind the counter was gonna say, sure enough, as I approached, he asked "what do you need?" I said I'd like to cash this USPS-MO, ALMOST immediately, he says,"I don't have enough $$$'s", this was before he even looked at the amount, so I made the comment that they'd been open all day and surely (this IS a busy branch) they had the funds in cash, he handed it off to another clerk, when I produced my US passport for photo ID, she asked if I had a DL, I said yes, but not on my person, which I didn't, so she had to go and ask the supervisor IF it was OK to take a US passport for ID..(I almost LMAO) I just mentioned that it was a gov't issued photo ID, and all she had to do is verify it's me cashing the MO....it was ridiculous, the small ignorant minds are annoying to deal with...

26th July 2011, 07:25 PM
As I see it.........post office will take over ALL emails on the internet and charge you (to start) 0.02 per page, wanna bet?

27th July 2011, 07:45 AM
I wonder if there is any correlation between the closing post offices and the areas the UN wants returned to the wild via agenda 21?

27th July 2011, 07:48 AM
As I see it.........post office will take over ALL emails on the internet and charge you (to start) 0.02 per page, wanna bet?


I'll bet you that does *not* happen.