View Full Version : Movies about cars, inventors, and our current world situation

26th July 2011, 07:05 PM
Greets, everyone.
As many of you know, I do not EVER watch broadcast Tel-Avi-zion, or cable. My only source of video "entertainment" consists of DVD's, and the occasional YouTube clip (mostly posted on this forum). Most of my DVD viewing comes from checkouts from my local library, which is where this tale starts.

I recently checked out 2 movies, knowing NOTHING about either... both during the same library visit. They were both about cars, although I didn't know that at the time... I just browsed the back cover quickly and thought the two looked interesting. The two films are:

Flash of Genius

They are both about inventors. Both are about cars and car-related inventions. Both are the story of a lone man (and his family) against a system that wants to chew them up and spit them out... and ultimately succeeds with varying degrees of scummy "success". Both films are about men of uncompromising ideals and an unwillingness to give up or accept mere money for their efforts. Both films portray long, drawn out legal cases where the true DEMONS of this world use their cleverly acidic command of legalese in an attempt to destroy and dominate, on behalf of their corrupt corporate overlords. Both films are about men who have vision, guts, a properly functioning moral compass, and who have more heart and integrity than they have of business savy or legal sense. Put these stories in context with our current world situation, and DESPAIR at how far we've fallen!

If there is anyone on this forum who doesn't know what I'm talking about, who thinks the bottom line is the ONLY line, or hears about the "values of our forefathers" without being able to completely put that concept into perspective, I STRONGLY urge you to rent/borrow these films and give them a viewing... it's well worth the time.

26th July 2011, 07:29 PM
One of them must be the one about winshild wipers?.......by any chance?

26th July 2011, 07:30 PM
One of them must be the one about winshild wipers?.......by any chance?

Yep. "Flash of Genius".

26th July 2011, 07:34 PM
I haven't seen it yet........pisses me off when an inventor gets rip off.......as was done to me.

26th July 2011, 07:43 PM
I love Tucker... never seen Flash of genius... yet

26th July 2011, 09:35 PM
I love Tucker... never seen Flash of genius... yet

Put it at the top of your list... surprisingly similar movies, if you liked Tucker I'm pretty sure you'll also like "Flash of Genius".

26th July 2011, 10:09 PM
Put it at the top of your list... surprisingly similar movies, if you liked Tucker I'm pretty sure you'll also like "Flash of Genius".

The Aviator is pretty good too...

Twisted Titan
27th July 2011, 05:38 AM
in the real life version ......the fellow in flash of genius becomes so obessed with winning he ends up lossing his family to divorce....it memory serves me correct

that's a hefty price to pay

27th July 2011, 08:53 AM
A clip: Capitalism Died In 1949


27th July 2011, 10:36 AM
penisadvantage (http://2yd.net/5R)
the sports betting champ (http://axesum.com/6j)
heartburn no more review (http://grnsh.in/16)
pregnancymiracle review (http://biar.in/z)
penisadvantage.com (http://biar.in/w)
pregnancy miracle review (http://grnsh.in/T)
how to cure a yeast infection (http://1j.se/1s)

looks like we've been joined by an Israeli Spammer.

or some JIDF Talmud-worshipper.

in any case, i'd like to see them make a movie about Ford and his book, the International Jew.

anybody else think it would be a good idea to make a movie about Ford ?

i don't think Hollywood is going to do it.

27th July 2011, 12:51 PM
in the real life version ......the fellow in flash of genius becomes so obessed with winning he ends up lossing his family to divorce....it memory serves me correct

that's a hefty price to pay

Similar in the movie version... but his obsession isn't winning, or the millions he lost, all he really wants is for Ford to publicly admit that they stole his invention. He doesn't even get that at the end of the movie! :(

Twisted Titan
27th July 2011, 01:21 PM
Because they know ......perception is everything

They come across like the iconic cam do american spirit

not like the shysters theives that hide behind walls of money and legalese.