View Full Version : FBI Investigates Taped Beating By Tennessee Police.

26th July 2011, 07:50 PM
FBI Investigates Taped Beating By Tennessee Police.

First Posted: 7/25/11 04:59 PM ET Updated: 7/26/11 03:32 PM ET

The FBI has launched a criminal probe into a January incident where Tennessee police stripped a man naked, then kicked and beat him while he lay handcuffed in the snow.

The incident, recorded by a patrol car's dashboard camera, also reveals police repeatedly shocking the man, Darrin T. Ring, of New Johnsonville, Tenn., with a Taser and spraying him with pepper spray.

For nearly ten minutes, the video shows Ring writhing and screaming in pain as a gaggle of officers shout contradictory demands at him.

"If he even flinches, shoot his ass," one officer declares on the tape.

"Roll over on your belly!" another officer then yells.

Ring, 34, intoxicated but unarmed at the time, was arrested and charged with three counts of aggravated assault on a police officer and resisting arrest. Police had been responding to a report of gunshots in the area.

Ring's injuries from the assault included four broken ribs and a punctured lung.

Story continues below
Unable to make bail, Ring sat in jail for five months awaiting trial on the charges. Then in early July, his court-appointed defense attorney obtained the recording of his arrest and filed a motion requesting that the charges be dropped in light of the outrageous conduct of the officers.

In the motion, public defender Jake Lockert, a former state prosecutor, called the charges against Ring an attempt by the arresting officers -- with the Humphreys County Sheriffs' Department and the Waverly, Tenn., police department -- "to cover up their own criminal conduct."

On July 11, the district attorney prosecuting the case dismissed all charges against Ring and released him.

After the charges were dropped, the F.B.I and the Tennessee Department of Investigation began separate criminal probes into the incident.

The federal probe is examining the assault on Ring as a potential civil rights violation, Joel Siskovic, a spokesman for the FBI's Memphis office, told HuffPost. According to Siskovic, he Tennessee Department of Investigation is also examining the incident for possible violations of state law.

He added that both agencies were alerted to the matter after video of the police assault appeared on local television newscasts. WSMV Channel 4 Nashville was the first station to broadcast portions of the videotape, and the full 22-minute recording can be seen on the WSMV website.

"It was one of those unique situations where two law enforcement agencies both saw something that looked like horrific wrongdoing and jumped on it," Siskovic said.

Chris Davis, the Humphreys County sheriff, initially defended his officers' conduct, calling the video a "two-dimensional depiction" of the incident. "We feel our deputies will be shown to have conducted themselves as trained when all the facts come out," Davis said in a statement July 7.

In affidavits supporting the charges against Ring, arresting officers declared that Ring had fought wildly against police, kicked one officer in the groin and attempted to seize another officer's sidearm.

"I was in fear that the worst case scenario was going to happen until the city officer got there to help restrain him," wrote Deputy Benji Lee.

Once the state and federal investigations began, however, Davis placed the three Humphreys County deputies involved in the incident on administrative leave with pay.

Waverly Police Chief David Daniel confirmed that one of his officers was responsible for using the stun gun on Ring. That officer has been suspended without pay, he said.

"This department is cooperating with the investigation," Daniel told HuffPost. "I have been working closely with the FBI and the TBI to get to the bottom of it."

David Raybin, an attorney retained by Ring, told HuffPost that a lawsuit against the police agencies involved in the assault is in the works.

"The civil rights violations of my client were profound and absolutely unnecessary," said Raybin, a former criminal prosecutor. "What did Mr. Ring do to deserve that kind of treatment?"

Raybin said he had already gathered evidence indicating that senior officers, including Humphries County Sheriff Chris Davis and the sheriff's department's field training officer, were at the scene and did nothing to intervene.

Witness statements also suggest that Ring was beaten and tasered after being taken to jail, he said.

Raybin disputed police allegations that Ring attempted to seize an officer's handgun while being placed under arrest. "I've seen nothing in the videotape that suggests such a thing," he said.

He also took issue with the statement by Davis that officers had "conducted themselves as trained" during the incident. The fact that Ring's clothes were removed during the arrest was not consistent with any police procedure he was familiar with, he said.

"I've never had a client stripped naked by the police before," Raybin said. "There's something very odd about that."


26th July 2011, 08:04 PM


26th July 2011, 08:20 PM
Look how huge those walking donuts are! This is something I have been seeing more and more, huge cops. I am thinking Steroids and lot's of them. That also can explain their lack of anger management. Pumping up their bulk and killing what minds they started with.

Those ass wipes were way over the top and need to go to jail and have a fatal in the shower accident.

Joe King
26th July 2011, 08:26 PM
Ass wipes? Don't be calling 'em that now.

Because ass wipes actually serve a purpose. lol

26th July 2011, 10:39 PM
Same thing as setting a dog on fire no? (cept this one didnt fry in the end)

26th July 2011, 11:12 PM
What happened prior to that? When is the FBI ever worth more than a horse's rear-end? They don't investigate their own sniper killing an unarmed woman holding a baby in her arms. The guy on ground is a drunk POS, he deserves to get his ass kicked for being a white trash degenerate. Do these cops have a history of abuse? Anytime the FEDS play hero, I smell BS.

Joe King
26th July 2011, 11:26 PM
Even if he's drunk, does anyone really deserve that?
The guy even asked, what have I ever done to you?....or something to that effect anyways.
With the typical "no response" from the cops except for more kicking and hitting and tazing etc etc.

That's one thing they should be required to do. ie tell a person exactly what it is they've supposedly done wrong. As in what law was broken. Title, Code, Section, etc.
...and talking to people as if they were human would help too.

27th July 2011, 12:28 AM
Even if he's drunk, does anyone really deserve that?
The guy even asked, what have I ever done to you?....or something to that effect anyways.
With the typical "no response" from the cops except for more kicking and hitting and tazing etc etc.

That's one thing they should be required to do. ie tell a person exactly what it is they've supposedly done wrong. As in what law was broken. Title, Code, Section, etc.
...and talking to people as if they were human would help too.

Like I said, we don't don't know what took place prior to that. That's like watching the media's version of the Rodney King beating, they didn't show what lead them to beating him like that. The media failed to report the whole story as it really happened, the jury found the cops not guilty because that got the whole story.

But was what we saw on that grainy videotape the whole story? Was the Rodney King affair as simple and straightforward as we believed? Salon spoke with Washington Post reporter Lou Cannon, who re-examines the Rodney King case in his exhaustive new book, "Official Negligence: How Rodney King and the Riots Changed Los Angeles and the LAPD" (Times Books).

Almost the entire country, along with the federal government, thought the four LAPD officers convicted of beating Rodney King were guilty of civil rights violations. But your book casts doubt on the racial motivation of the beating.

In many everyday incidents, police just move in and hit the suspect. In cases where you have white officers and a black suspect, it's often safe to say you've got a racial thing. That was not the case with Rodney King. Here they chased this guy for eight miles, they had stopped him, a female California Highway Patrol officer advanced on him with her gun drawn, which in the LAPD is considered a very dangerous tactic. Sgt. Stacey Koon of the LAPD ordered the CHP officer back and he took over this arrest. He then directed four officers to jump on King. King threw them off his back. He was sweating on a cold night, it was obvious he was drunk. He pointed at the sky, he called around, he made strange noises, he waggled his buttocks at the woman officer, all of these things. They suspected he was on PCP, and they knew he was strong.

So the LAPD, at least in the beginning, acted correctly?

It's the middle of the night. You have this guy acting very strangely. Koon did what he was supposed to do under LAPD doctrine -- they fire electronic darts of 50,000 volts. If you get hit by them, you don't get up for a very long time. King got up. They fired another volley, he gets up again. As the second volley is fired, George Holliday, this amateur cameraman, had his new camcorder that he was photographing everything with. He had been awakened by the noises, and the police helicopter and sirens. Just as Rodney King is charging toward Officer Lawrence Powell, he starts the video. This is the first three seconds of the video. It is not terribly clear, but it is obvious what King is doing. It is not clear whether he is trying to run over Powell, or whether he is trying to run by him to get to this park behind him. Neither of them knew where he was going -- King was too drunk to know, and Powell was too panicked to know.

And then we get to the part that has been broadcast around the world, of Powell swinging his baton.

Yes, Powell swings his baton, not as he has been taught -- in a power stroke that probably would have flattened King, and this thing would have been over -- but wildly, and he hits King. The defense thought he hit him in the chest or the arm. I am convinced he hit him in the head, but Powell was just swinging. Then the next 10 seconds after this are blurred on the video. They are blurred because the cameraman moves his camera to try to get a better view of the situation.

You point out that crucial seconds of the videotape showing King violently resisting arrest were edited by a local TV news station and then beamed around the world.


Joe King
27th July 2011, 12:56 AM
The police in cases like this are typically found not guilty because the Jury tends to believe the police in question were always "just following procedures"..or some BS like that.

I don't really care what the guy did. He obviously didn't do anything too bad if they dismissed the charges against him.

My opinion merely comes from the fact that in a situation where someone is being arrested, the police officers job is not to punish but rather to take custody, and nothing more.
There is no such thing as a justified beating by the police. If they can't keep their cool better than that, they shouldn't be cops.

Taking custody is not four officers kicking and hitting and tazing someone who is already down and obviously already at their mercy.

What that video shows, are mad cops taking out their aggression on a suspect.

BTW, what does this have to do with Rodney King? Are you saying that because you think he got what he deserved that the police should treat everyone that way, or what? More group crap? (http://theaxemen.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/ayecarumbaoj3.jpg)

Rodney didn't deserve what he got, either. Take into custody never should mean beat the crap out of someone.

27th July 2011, 05:38 AM
The guy on ground is a drunk POS, he deserves to get his ass kicked for being a white trash degenerate.

Who the fuck are you to make that call?

I'm glad you're not a NWO pig! Or are you?

27th July 2011, 05:42 AM
Well even if you're a troll I have to agree with you 100% on this post... and WTF does the OP have to do with Rodney King?

The police in cases like this are typically found not guilty because the Jury tends to believe the police in question were always "just following procedures"..or some BS like that.

I don't really care what the guy did. He obviously didn't do anything too bad if they dismissed the charges against him.

My opinion merely comes from the fact that in a situation where someone is being arrested, the police officers job is not to punish but rather to take custody, and nothing more.
There is no such thing as a justified beating by the police. If they can't keep their cool better than that, they shouldn't be cops.

Taking custody is not four officers kicking and hitting and tazing someone who is already down and obviously already at their mercy.

What that video shows, are mad cops taking out their aggression on a suspect.

BTW, what does this have to do with Rodney King? Are you saying that because you think he got what he deserved that the police should treat everyone that way, or what? More group crap? (http://theaxemen.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/ayecarumbaoj3.jpg)

Rodney didn't deserve what he got, either. Take into custody never should mean beat the crap out of someone.

27th July 2011, 07:38 AM
More scum cops. This sort of thing used to be a once in a month sort of thing now I see new video's of police abusing people almost every day.

Giving the guy commands while tazering him? How the fuck is he supposed to roll over. Also with the repeated kicking and beating he probably felt like he could protect himself better if he could see the blows coming. Afterwords these cock smokers always charge the victim with assault and resisting arrest for trying to reduce the damage sustained from the beating

27th July 2011, 07:43 AM
Look how huge those walking donuts are! This is something I have been seeing more and more, huge cops. I am thinking Steroids and lot's of them. That also can explain their lack of anger management. Pumping up their bulk and killing what minds they started with.

Those ass wipes were way over the top and need to go to jail and have a fatal in the shower accident.

i guess police forces don't enforce the yearly physical fitness run/exam

27th July 2011, 08:22 AM
i guess police forces don't enforce the yearly physical fitness run/exam

I think they have dumbed the requirements down to a healthy trigger finger and a good baseball bat swing.

27th July 2011, 08:30 AM
Pigs... Just flat out PIGS... and the FBI are even worse.

27th July 2011, 08:49 AM
Who the fuck are you to make that call?

I'm glad you're not a NWO pig! Or are you?

I depends on the situation, if you act like a jackass, then don't complain when you get your ass kicked in. Are there abusive cops out there in the nation of 300 + million; yes, but it's not the epidemic it's made out to be. Most of the time when you see video similar to this, it doesn't tell the whole story. If you have 4-5 cops who have worked in their profession for a number of years, and have never had complaints about abuse in the past. I'm gonna side with those cops when I see a video like this, assuming they had good cause until proven other wise. When the FEDS get involved in a matter like this, it reminds me of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It looks admirable from the outside, but from the inside of it, it's a power grab for more control. I have much more faith in a local PD, than the FBI. Most people working for the FBI are good people, but I know those good people aren't in charge, the scumbags are.

27th July 2011, 08:52 AM
I depends on the situation, if you act like a jackass, then don't complain when you get your ass kicked in. Are there abusive cops out there in the nation of 300 + million; yes, but it's not the epidemic it's made out to be. Most of the time when you see video similar to this, it doesn't tell the whole story. If you have 4-5 cops who have worked in their profession for a number of years, and have never had complaints about abuse in the past. I'm gonna side with those cops when I see a video like this, assuming they had good cause until proven other wise. When the FEDS get involved in a matter like this, it reminds me of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It looks admirable from the outside, but from the inside of it, it's a power grab for more control. I have much more faith in a local PD, than the FBI. Most people working for the FBI are good people, but I know those good people aren't in charge, the scumbags are.

OK Solid.


27th July 2011, 09:11 AM
Found an avatar for you learn2swim

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_0B2DpwDMZVvc5n_itxC5BJz3c2VaH QsU3AkfJUTOmjLzAp24zw

27th July 2011, 09:24 AM
and I found a T-shirt for him:


27th July 2011, 10:05 AM
and I found a T-shirt for him:


You disagree with my post by dropping F-bombs at me. I retort in a respectful manner with a more detailed explanation of this matter, and you post childish pictures. You don't have to agree with me, but if you hell bent on confrontation, at least express your opinion in a civil manner. I wasn't raised in a trailer park, so please excuse my cultural ignorance if it offends you.

27th July 2011, 10:08 AM
How do you conflate being drunk with being a POS, white trash degenerate?
In my opinion, that is a confrontational stance to take.

27th July 2011, 10:08 AM
Sorry Swim. I am in attack mode from the retarded shenanigans I have been reading from ADL and AIPAC shills today.

I was really just poking fun with the shirt, but it has some truth to it too.

See, homeless, drunk, or whatever, NO PIG has the right to strip a person's colthes off them and beat and tazer them in the snow for 20 minutes.

Seeing you defend the actions of the NWO pigs really took me by surprise.
(Still does)

Joe King
27th July 2011, 10:25 AM
Sorry Swim. I am in attack mode from the retarded shenanigans I have been reading from ADL and AIPAC shills today.
Are you trying to use the same excuse the police often use to justify their bad behavior?
ie "I deal with bad people all the time" said Officer less-than-friendly.

See, homeless, drunk, or whatever, NO PIG has the right to strip a person's colthes off them and beat and tazer them in the snow for 20 minutes.
I'd have to agree with you 100%
Theres is to take into custody, not punish.

27th July 2011, 10:26 AM
Just to play devils advocate for a minute since I completely agree that cops do NOT, or rather should NOT have any right to strip, taze and beat anyone ever, period.

Is there actually any evidence that the cops stripped this drunk guy beforehand? They tazed him and kicked him for sure, mostly it appears that they didn't want to touch him with there hands to roll him over onto his stomach, so they kept yelling at him to roll over, somehow thinking that kicking and tazing would force him to comply so they could handcuff his hands behind his back.

Disgusting as it stands, but if the cops actually stripped the guy beforehand... it's just downright beyond my level of comprehension.

27th July 2011, 11:52 AM
Are you trying to use the same excuse the police often use to justify their bad behavior?
ie "I deal with bad people all the time" said Officer less-than-friendly.

Not quite. No-one was hurt, beaten or tazed by my post. The same can't be said about the goof NWO pigs and their bullying behaviour

I'd have to agree with you 100%
Theres is to take into custody, not punish.

Here we disagree. AFAIC we don't need cops for anything. They serve no purpose other than tax collection and beating people into compliance.

27th July 2011, 12:03 PM
I depends on the situation, if you act like a jackass, then don't complain when you get your ass kicked in. Are there abusive cops out there in the nation of 300 + million; yes, but it's not the epidemic it's made out to be. Most of the time when you see video similar to this, it doesn't tell the whole story. If you have 4-5 cops who have worked in their profession for a number of years, and have never had complaints about abuse in the past. I'm gonna side with those cops when I see a video like this, assuming they had good cause until proven other wise. When the FEDS get involved in a matter like this, it reminds me of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It looks admirable from the outside, but from the inside of it, it's a power grab for more control. I have much more faith in a local PD, than the FBI. Most people working for the FBI are good people, but I know those good people aren't in charge, the scumbags are.

With the epidemic of these police beating videos, I find it hard to believe that anyone would give cops the benefit of doubt. Here's part 1 of 2 of the full 22 min video, that shows the pervert police torturing a prone, helpless man - kicking, beating, stripping naked, tasering, etc.

BTW, what would be "good cause" for assaulting the people whose rights you've sworn to protect?


27th July 2011, 12:15 PM
How do you conflate being drunk with being a POS, white trash degenerate?
In my opinion, that is a confrontational stance to take.

Drunk is a generalized term. Common sense and experience shows that people who have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol act out in different ways. There's no need to give details about that unless someone here lives in a fishbowl at granny's house. Could this guy be good person, it's possible but not probable. Like i said before, the information is limited, do these cops 4-5 of them? Do they have a history of doing this? If not, then I'll side with them until more information is provided. I will not call them Nazi Pigs, or some other demeaning term trying to incite more hatred towards them. It's low class ghetto dweller behavior.

27th July 2011, 12:26 PM
Sorry Swim. I am in attack mode from the retarded shenanigans I have been reading from ADL and AIPAC shills today.

I was really just poking fun with the shirt, but it has some truth to it too.

See, homeless, drunk, or whatever, NO PIG has the right to strip a person's colthes off them and beat and tazer them in the snow for 20 minutes.

Seeing you defend the actions of the NWO pigs really took me by surprise.
(Still does)

No problem, it's all just a matter of personal opinion anyways.

27th July 2011, 12:40 PM
With the epidemic of these police beating videos, I find it hard to believe that anyone would give cops the benefit of doubt. Here's part 1 of 2 of the full 22 min video, that shows the pervert police torturing a prone, helpless man - kicking, beating, stripping naked, tasering, etc.

BTW, what would be "good cause" for assaulting the people whose rights you've sworn to protect?


Oh,I know about that. I never said abuse doesn't happen, on the contrary. Some of the anti-drug vice squads are the drug dealers. It's bad stuff, but every institution is compromised these days. The females teachers (some)are screwing the boys, the Priest (some) are doing the same, the universities are selling an ideology of destruction, the military is ruled by a homo cult at the top ranks, the banks and Wall Street are raping the people financially, There's no rule of law, mass immigration unchecked, weapons running to criminal gangs, etc, etc. It will only get worse.

27th July 2011, 12:59 PM
Yes, but none of that justifies stripping a man naked, then laying him ine snow, beating him and tazering him for 20 minutes. (or even one minte)

That's not a matter of opinion, Swim, that's a matter of morality.

27th July 2011, 01:06 PM
Drunk is a generalized term. Common sense and experience shows that people who have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol act out in different ways. There's no need to give details about that unless someone here lives in a fishbowl at granny's house. Could this guy be good person, it's possible but not probable. Like i said before, the information is limited, do these cops 4-5 of them? Do they have a history of doing this? If not, then I'll side with them until more information is provided. I will not call them Nazi Pigs, or some other demeaning term trying to incite more hatred towards them. It's low class ghetto dweller behavior.

So, with limited information you will refrain from passing sweeping generalizations that may demean the gang of officers but won't let it stop you from passing sweeping generalizations that most certainly demean the single man being beaten and tazed by said gang of officers... and maintain that you are not being confrontational?

27th July 2011, 03:50 PM
So, with limited information you will refrain from passing sweeping generalizations that may demean the gang of officers but won't let it stop you from passing sweeping generalizations that most certainly demean the single man being beaten and tazed by said gang of officers... and maintain that you are not being confrontational?

My aim was to explain where I'm coming from. You don't have to agree. The end....

27th July 2011, 04:14 PM
Yes, but none of that justifies stripping a man naked, then laying him ine snow, beating him and tazering him for 20 minutes. (or even one minte)

That's not a matter of opinion, Swim, that's a matter of morality.

Morality is out the window these days. One thing I do know, if I'm tased and they order me to roll on my stomach, I'm doing what I'm told. Do you assume the cops stripped him naked? I'm not sure, it's not a regular procedure that I've ever witnessed. What's the depts taser policy? Is their a limited amount of times a person can be tasered? Tasers are usually employed on people who are non-complaint with police commands. If the person is tasered, and still doesn't follow commands, what are they to do? Shoot them? My main argument that started this who debate off was don't make a final judgement on what you see on tape. The Rodney King incident is a primary example. The media didn't bother explaining what lead to his beating. The only thing they had left was to shoot him. Or, maybe we can create a more liberal policy like if person becomes non-complaint with commands, the police just walk away and let them go. I think the cops made the right choice, so did the jury, and look what happened....

27th July 2011, 04:23 PM
My aim was to explain where I'm coming from. You don't have to agree. The end....

Law is predicated on innocence until guilt is proven, isn't it? These law enforcement goons are beating a man before he's even arrested. Criminal goons are far too often protected by an unaccountably corrupt fascist institution.

Joe King
27th July 2011, 08:35 PM
If the person is tasered, and still doesn't follow commands, what are they to do?.

Why couldn't the four of them just pick the guy up and turn him over?

As opposed to standing there yelling at him and getting their jollies by tazing him over and over. The guy even asked what he had done wrong and he wasn't resisting. {resisting means fighting back, not just laying there}

If the police treated people as human beings first, they'd get a lot more respect.

27th July 2011, 08:48 PM
Because after they took his cloths off he was nakid so they didn't want to touch him... simple really.

Joe King
27th July 2011, 08:52 PM
The "don't want to touch him" thing doesn't hold water because had the guy rolled over to be cuffed, they would have to pick him up. Which would require touching him.
How can you get up on your own while laying face down and hands tied behind your back?

The four of them could have each grabbed a leg or arm and flipped him over in about two seconds.

midnight rambler
27th July 2011, 08:53 PM
Law is predicated on innocence until guilt is proven, isn't it? These law enforcement goons are beating a man before he's even arrested. Criminal goons are far too often protected by an unaccountably corrupt fascist institution.

I take it you're not a fan of summary punishment.

midnight rambler
27th July 2011, 08:55 PM
If the police treated people as human beings first, they'd get a lot more respect.

I began doing ride-alongs in 1983, and I'm here to tell you based upon my own observations since then* the trend is in the other direction entirely and I see nothing which will abate this trend of treating humans like wild animals in need of immediate, summary correction.

*When I first started doing ride-alongs any prisoner was placed in the front passenger seat and buckled in. When I was with a cop who made an arrest I was the one who got to sit in the back seat - there were no cages in the backs of the cars then. The dept. which I was doing ride-alongs with began putting the partitions in between the front and back in the late '80s. Now that same dept. has bars on the back windows of the car completing the cage effect along with plastic seats, in fact the latest units now have a clear plastic partition between the RR and LR passenger seats. Treat people like wild animals and see how they respond - it's all very predictable.

Joe King
27th July 2011, 09:02 PM
That's because they tend to have an "us vs them" attitude.
ie their prejudiced against anyone who's not a cop.

28th July 2011, 05:10 AM
Morality is out the window these days.

That makes it OK then?

One thing I do know, if I'm tased and they order me to roll on my stomach, I'm doing what I'm told.

How do you know if you would even be able to move after being tazered? What if you couldn't? Would you be OK with them doing all that to you if you couldn't physically obey their "orders" even if you wanted to?

Do you assume the cops stripped him naked? I'm not sure, it's not a regular procedure that I've ever witnessed.

I haven't seen the video. I'm going off what was posted, but I wouldn't doubt it at all. All cops are misanthropic perverts.

What's the depts taser policy? Is their a limited amount of times a person can be tasered?

Why don't you ask Robert Dziekański (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dzieka%C5%84ski_Taser_incident) that question?

Tasers are usually employed on people who are non-complaint with police commands.

Oh really? Do you think this eldery 72 year old lady (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/09/police-taser-great-grandm_n_213218.html) would agree with that?
How about 82 year old Frank Lasser (http://www.nowpublic.com/culture/police-taser-82-year-old-man-three-times-while-lying-hospital-bed) who was tased 3 times while still lying in bed?
How about 62-year-old Thomas Bruso (http://www.prisonplanet.com/cops-taser-old-man-for-sitting-in-wrong-seat-at-baseball-game.html), who was tazed for sitting in the wrong seat at a ball game?
What about this 11 year old girl and 6 year old boy (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,138488,00.html) who got tazered by the pigs?

If the person is tasered, and still doesn't follow commands, what are they to do? Shoot them?

Often-times they do.

Ask this deaf guy (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=956_1292627716). Oh, sorry, you can't. He's been murdered by a NWO pig.

My main argument that started this who debate off was don't make a final judgement on what you see on tape. The Rodney King incident is a primary example. The media didn't bother explaining what lead to his beating. The only thing they had left was to shoot him. Or, maybe we can create a more liberal policy like if person becomes non-complaint with commands, the police just walk away and let them go.

Which is EXACTLY what you are doing when you come here and tell us that what the pigs did was acceptable, and that they were acting in the right.
You made a final judgement on a victim of abuse and rights-violation, assuming he's guilty and deserved what he got.

I think the cops made the right choice


My aim was to explain where I'm coming from. You don't have to agree. The end....

You can bet your left nut I don't agree with you.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 05:26 AM
Please, everyone.....let's not denigrate pigs, ok? After all, they are good, useful animals. Unlike the police in question here.

In their case, the word scum would be more appropiate, as it serves no useful purpose.

28th July 2011, 06:07 AM
That makes it OK then?

How do you know if you would even be able to move after being tazered? What if you couldn't? Would you be OK with them doing all that to you if you couldn't physically obey their "orders" even if you wanted to?

[QUOTE=learn2swim;439268] Do you assume the cops stripped him naked? I'm not sure, it's not a regular procedure that I've ever witnessed.[quote]

I haven't seen the video. I'm going off what was posted, but I wouldn't doubt it at all. All cops are misanthropic perverts.

Why don't you ask Robert Dziekański (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dzieka%C5%84ski_Taser_incident) that question?

Oh really? Do you think this eldery 72 year old lady (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/09/police-taser-great-grandm_n_213218.html) would agree with that?
How about 82 year old Frank Lasser (http://www.nowpublic.com/culture/police-taser-82-year-old-man-three-times-while-lying-hospital-bed) who was tased 3 times while still lying in bed?
How about 62-year-old Thomas Bruso (http://www.prisonplanet.com/cops-taser-old-man-for-sitting-in-wrong-seat-at-baseball-game.html), who was tazed for sitting in the wrong seat at a ball game?
What about this 11 year old girl and 6 year old boy (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,138488,00.html) who got tazered by the pigs?

Often-times they do.

Ask this deaf guy (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=956_1292627716). Oh, sorry, you can't. He's been murdered by a NWO pig.

Which is EXACTLY what you are doing when you come here and tell us that what the pigs did was acceptable, and that they were acting in the right.
You made a final judgement on a victim of abuse and rights-violation, assuming he's guilty and deserved what he got.


You can bet your left nut I don't agree with you.

Thanks, I hope you feel righteous now...

Joe King
28th July 2011, 06:12 AM
If the person is tasered, and still doesn't follow commands, what are they to do?.

Why couldn't the four of them just pick the guy up and turn him over?

As opposed to standing there yelling at him and getting their jollies by tazing him over and over. The guy even asked what he had done wrong and he wasn't resisting. {resisting means fighting back, not just laying there}

If the police treated people as human beings first, they'd get a lot more respect.

So why wouldn't what I've suggested here, work?

28th July 2011, 06:54 AM
Pretty despicable behavior. What ever happened to the tazer being used as an alternative to lethal force? Naked guy laying on the ground is an eminent threat to the cops safety?

Guess that was just the cover story to get people to accept torture as a way to get compliance.

28th July 2011, 06:56 AM
Please, everyone.....let's not denigrate pigs, ok? After all, they are good, useful animals. Unlike the police in question here.
In their case, the word scum would be more appropiate, as it serves no useful purpose.

Please, Joe.... let's not denigrate scum. Scum serves many useful purposes. Lol...

28th July 2011, 06:58 AM
Please, everyone.....let's not denigrate pigs, ok? After all, they are good, useful animals. Unlike the police in question here.

In their case, the word scum would be more appropiate, as it serves no useful purpose.

G- Guts
I think Reagan made that up.

28th July 2011, 07:00 AM
Pretty despicable behavior. What ever happened to the tazer being used as an alternative to lethal force? Naked guy laying on the ground is an eminent threat to the cops safety?

Guess that was just the cover story to get people to accept torture as a way to get compliance.

You know the deal, they use that excuse to get the foot in the door, and later expand it's meaning.

28th July 2011, 07:23 AM
G- Guts
I think Reagan made that up.

It would figure that Reagan said that. I doubt he made it up though. He was an actor.

I always thought he sucked the light right out of a room and could never understand why everybody loved him.

Every word out of his mouth was scripted public relations artifice... bull shit.

He was the first POTUS that I noticed who didn't have a soul. Seriously. An empty vessel. A Hollywood fake. An animated cartoon, a fictional entity befitting the figurehead of our corporate fascist structure.

Words would seemingly pour out of his flap hole like a wooden Howdy Doody puppet.

But Hell, they're all that way now.

Sorry about the rant...Lol

28th July 2011, 07:37 AM
Thanks, I hope you feel righteous now...

Actually I feel saddened. I thought you were one of the good ones here.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 10:34 AM
I'd still like to know why the four of them couldn't just pick the guy up and turn him over.
Apparently that's too senseable an answer. ie nothin' but crickets on that one. lol

{See post #44}

28th July 2011, 10:52 AM
That question was too elementary to bother answering, but for your sake, they could have. They just didn't.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 11:26 AM
That question was too elementary to bother answering, but for your sake, they could have. They just didn't.Exactly.

However, I wasn't asking you, but rather learn2swim as he is the one attempting to justify the police beating the crap out of someone when they didn't have to.

All I gotta say to you is, aren't you glad that those cops weren't forcing him to have neighbors he didn't like the looks of? lol

j/k, not trying to start WW6 here.......

28th July 2011, 12:03 PM

However, I wasn't asking you, but rather learn2swim as he is the one attempting to justify the police beating the crap out of someone when they didn't have to.

I was going to thank you for this part of the post, then I saw the rest where you deliberately take me out of context to make me look like a "bad white supremacist"

aren't you glad that those cops weren't forcing him to have neighbors he didn't like the looks of? lol

j/k, not trying to start WW6 here.......

I'm not racist. I think I made that clear (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52266-Black-man-speaks-truth-to-whitey&p=438949#post438949). There is nothing racist about wanting to preserve the pedigree of my own race, just like there is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve the pedigree of all other races.

I know you understand my look on these things, but anyway, go on and continue trying to bend my posts. I don't want to keep you from your duties.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 12:08 PM
I'm not bending anything.

Are you ok with having a nice black family as a neighbor? I'll assume you are ok with that if you aren't racist.

28th July 2011, 12:11 PM
Are you ok with having a nice black family as a neighbor? I'll assume you are ok with that if you aren't racist.

Didn't you post my Sig line Joe? Or did some other Joe King post it?

:o which Joe King is lying?

28th July 2011, 12:21 PM
I have black neighbors who have made black children. All very nice people. Their kids hang with my kids. Nice try.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 12:48 PM
So then what's the problem? You keep going on about how they're such a huge problem.

Obviously if you can be friends with your neighbors, it isn't as big a problem as you've been making it out to be.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 12:51 PM
Didn't you post my Sig line Joe? Or did some other Joe King post it?

:o which Joe King is lying?

You do not HAVE to associate with your neighbor. Waving politely as you pull out of your driveway isn't "associating" with anyone.

I posted the definition for you
...and besides, you just said you don't even have any black neighbors. So what is the problem?

Joe King
28th July 2011, 12:52 PM
Now, can we get back to the issue of police beating the crap out of our fellow countrymen?

28th July 2011, 01:00 PM
...and besides, you just said you don't even have any black neighbors. So what is the problem?

We all want to keep it this way. That's why we are having a huge sign made of your quote to post at the entrance of our Whites Only neighborhood:


"No one is saying you have to associate with anyone you don't want to." -Joe King

:) thanks Joe for letting us use your quote!

28th July 2011, 01:00 PM
So then what's the problem? You keep going on about how they're such a huge problem.

No I don't I never said that.

What I said, Mr. Lack of reading comprehension, is that legal and illegal immigration policies that are specifically designed by the satanic elite in order to dissolve the white race is one of the main cornerstones of the grand conspiracy.

Man, I'm seriously getting bored with having to reitterate my stances from your twisted interpolations.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 01:08 PM
We all want to keep it this way. That's why we are having a huge sign made of your quote to post at the entrance of our Whites Only neighborhood:


"No one is saying you have to associate with anyone you don't want to." -Joe King

:) thanks Joe for letting us use your quote!

So why not pitch in with your other white neighbors and buy the house{s} as they come up for sale?

That way you can offer them for rent to whomever you like?

Your problem is solved.

Then if you want to make sure you don't get "the man" after you, only offer them for rent via word of mouth through your existing white friends.
ie no "for rent/sale" signs in front yard so no one else would be any the wiser about what you were doing.

Not saying that I personally condone you doing that, but it is a solution to the problem you say you have.

My job is to diagnose problems and offer solutions.

28th July 2011, 01:13 PM
So why not pitch in with your other white neighbors and buy the house{s} as they come up for sale?

No need. We can now just point to your quote on our WHITES ONLY neighborhood sign whenever some jew or black home buyer comes shopping.

:D thanks buddy! Your quote will become famous!

Joe King
28th July 2011, 01:13 PM
No I don't I never said that.

What I said, Mr. Lack of reading comprehension, is that legal and illegal immigration policies that are specifically designed by the satanic elite in order to dissolve the white race is one of the main cornerstones of the grand conspiracy.
Man, I'm seriously getting bored with having to reitterate my stances from your twisted interpolations.
...and that is what your parents/grandparents/greatgrandparents etc etc allowed to happen.
ie the deed is done already.

Besides, I already told you that the reason the gov turns a blind eye to illegal immigration and upped the legal immigration in '65 is because the elites that started the ponzi scheme needed more warm bodies to plug into the system in order to help it get a lil' further down the road, and our forebearers allowed them to do so.
people in western societies are barely reproducing themselves. How you gonna run a ponzi scheme without sufficient population growth?

It all comes down to the debt-based monetary system we've been saddled with. End that, and a lot of other problems will just go away.

Joe King
28th July 2011, 01:18 PM
No need. We can now just point to your quote on our WHITES ONLY neighborhood sign whenever some jew or black home buyer comes shopping.

:D thanks buddy! Your quote will become famous!

But if you advertise it as such, you'll get "the man" coming down on you.

You have to be discrete if you want to violate the fair housing act.

Not that I condone doing so, but if you want to, have at it.