View Full Version : CA police officers tasering and beating a homeless man to death

27th July 2011, 05:55 PM
Could someone please post the picture and video?.......thanks.

Posted by Alexander Higgins - July 27, 2011 at 3:45 pm.

Video footage of 6 Fullerton, CA police officers tasering and beating a homeless man to death exposes a cover up that local officials refuse to answer questions about.

Shocking: This picture shows the extent of the injuries Thomas received after being beaten up by six police officers

The photo above shows the injuries sustained by Kelly Thomas, homeless man described as a gentle and mentally-ill man, who was the victim of a police beating by 6 Fullerton police officers.

Corporate news coverage of the event downplays the prospect of police brutality or foul play in the incident.

ABC video report on the eyewitness statements and recently a released video of the beating captured by a bystander, both attached to this page below, contradict the official story of the incident given by the police.

The LA Times report on the incident, however, echoes the official police story failing to report within the article itself the claims from eyewitnesses.

As shown in the ABC video below, witnesses report that the man was not resisting arrest. They tell ABC he was actually knocked unconscious while the police continued to beat him and scream at him to stop resisting.


27th July 2011, 05:57 PM


po boy
27th July 2011, 06:05 PM
Witness to beating


27th July 2011, 06:06 PM
There's a possibility the higher powers are instructing these donut-holes to gang murder people... training, prepping, desensitizing, & choosing the most violent bullies for future confrontations with citizens...

...Gotta keep order in these turbulent times...

midnight rambler
27th July 2011, 06:06 PM
'Resisting' is a matter of perspective, huh?

non-cop: What am I under arrest for?

cop: Stop resisting!! Stop resisting!! WHACK! TAZE! WHACK! WHACK! Stop resisting!!

27th July 2011, 06:31 PM

27th July 2011, 06:33 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiNOjG-xlPw&feature=youtu.be Not the same as the op totally different beating. Same city and maybe cops.

Seems like that city has some big time knuckle dragging walking donuts, that should be put down.

27th July 2011, 06:35 PM
'Resisting' is a matter of perspective, huh?

non-cop: What am I under arrest for?

cop: Stop resisting!! Stop resisting!! WHACK! TAZE! WHACK! WHACK! Stop resisting!!

And two cops walk away with bone fractures. Yeah, lets fight the cops, and then complain when they kick your head in...What gives? Has anybody ever fought someone with a serious mental illness? Sometimes It's like fighting a silverback gorilla. Let them investigate it, if the cops were wrong, charge them and send them to prison.

27th July 2011, 06:38 PM
'Resisting' is a matter of perspective, huh?

non-cop: What am I under arrest for?

cop: Stop resisting!! Stop resisting!! WHACK! TAZE! WHACK! WHACK! Stop resisting!! Seems like if you ask the simple question "Why" translates in their minds as resisting and THAT must be put down at all costs.

27th July 2011, 06:40 PM
And two cops walk away with bone fractures. Yeah, lets fight the cops, and then complain when they kick your head in...What gives? Has anybody ever fought someone with a serious mental illness? Sometimes It's like fighting a silverback gorilla. Let them investigate it, if the cops were wrong, charge them and send them to prison.

I've seen fights (at parties)... one time the guys were so wild they were slugging [not on purpose] their own buddies... I have no doubt these rabid donuts were hitting fellow officers arms with the batons, one swing and crack...

27th July 2011, 07:19 PM
You mean to tell me six cops can't subdue a single unarmed man in mere seconds? What's with "several minutes" to make the arrest except going into rapid feeding by predatory animals.

po boy
27th July 2011, 08:34 PM
And two cops walk away with bone fractures. Yeah, lets fight the cops, and then complain when they kick your head in...What gives? Has anybody ever fought someone with a serious mental illness? Sometimes It's like fighting a silverback gorilla. Let them investigate it, if the cops were wrong, charge them and send them to prison.

Turn out the broken bone report is bs. Yes I have dealt with the mentally challenged 6 men 5 12 hr shifts a wk alone and never had to raise a hand once.

willie pete
27th July 2011, 08:39 PM
Let them investigate it, if the cops were wrong, charge them and send them to prison.

the problem with that is; it rarely happens

Joe King
27th July 2011, 08:47 PM
They're almost always found to be just following dept policy.
...but they never seem to want to take the next step of fixing the policy.

At some point they gotta stop.

27th July 2011, 09:32 PM
the problem with that is; it rarely happens

No doubt, it's happened before.

27th July 2011, 09:43 PM
IMO the cops and the "Powers That Be" like these sort of videos getting on You Tube. It basically tells people "do not resist", or if you do you will be punished hard....

willie pete
27th July 2011, 10:35 PM
the problem with that is; it rarely happens

the most recent cases I can think of, only 1 cop was convicted and sentenced, the SF case were the cop shot the handcuffed guy in the back at the BART station?...in fact that cop just got out of jail, he did a little over 6 months I think......6 months for shooting a handcuffed guy on his stomach laying on the ground in the back...