View Full Version : Over the past 4 months nearly 3000 missing (abducted/killed) Syrians

28th July 2011, 07:37 AM
Save Syria's Disappeared (http://avaaz.org/en/syrias_disappeared/?fp)

Posted: 27 July 2011
Muntaha's sixteen year old son was abducted from a peaceful democracy protest by Syrian security forces. She has spent the last eight weeks scouring the country for her child -- braving warnings from the Syrian regime that her other son would also be "disappeared" if she continued with her search. Our urgent action now can help her son and the thousands of other disappeared Syrians.

Since March, almost 3000 people have been taken by regime forces and disappeared into secret jails. The international community has spoken out, but done little to stop this attack -- but India, Brazil and South Africa have close ties to Syria and could push for an international human rights delegation to find the missing and reunite families with their loved ones.

Our massive global membership can force key leaders to act now, pressuring Syria to allow an international delegation to investigate the thousands of disappeared. Sign the petition -- it is being delivered by high profile media outlets around the world including the Times of India, the Guardian, CNN and Der Spiegel.


Report: 3,000 people missing in Syrian uprising (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5ggblMwWOdViXbyEp8ZFgqpV-rm0Q?docId=a7b00fd3b58d439d83969fc31d0bc8fb)


"Hour by hour, peaceful protesters are plucked from crowds by Syria's infamously brutal security forces, never to be seen again," said Ricken Patel, executive director at Avaaz.

Avaaz said it has identified 1,634 who were killed in the crackdown since March 15. Moreover, 26,000 have been arrested, and many of them were beaten and tortured. Some 12,617 are still in detention, the group said.

The military crackdown continued this week, with Syrian troops opening fire Wednesday on scores of people in the Damascus suburb of Kanaker, killing at least eight people.

On Thursday, some 400 security members deployed at the city's entrance as people prepared to bury the dead, activists said.

28th July 2011, 07:51 AM

Adding for damn text for the post to go through. Are going to fix this?

Hatha Sunahara
28th July 2011, 10:15 AM
Syria is the target of American destabilization efforts in the Middle East. The United States is challenging their 'counter-insurgency' competence by supporting an insurgency against the government in that country. What the Syrian regime is doing most likely is rounding up known dissidents that it suspects of helping the armed insurgency against Syria.

Not long ago, there were news stories about a mass grave found in the northern part of Syria that had bodies of police and soldiers in it. Usually, when there is civil unrest, the people who get killed are demonstrators, not police or soldiers. The deaths of government forces indicates that armed insurgents have infiltrated the country, and are threatening the regime. Hillary Clinton supports these insurgents, as well as the people who are helping in implementing another 'color revolution' similar to what was attempted in Iran. I am sure the armed insurgents are also killing demonstrators in crowds so the Syrian regime will be blamed for all the deaths. I don't think anything is as simple as what you read in the news.
