View Full Version : TSA readying new behavior detection plan for airport checkpoints.

29th July 2011, 10:02 AM
I can only wonder how many of them will be Israelis agents.....and what would happen if I refuse to talk to them or I am unable to talk or I can only talk in the language of "Caribundi" and they don't?.......Caribundi is spoken only in Ponce's land.
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TSA readying new behavior detection plan for airport checkpoints.

The federal government is planning to introduce new behavior detection techniques at airport checkpoints as soon as next month, Transportation Security Administration chief John Pistole said Thursday.

TSA already has "behavior detection officers" at 161 airports nationwide looking for travelers exhibiting physiological or psychological signs that a traveler might be a terrorist. However, Pistole said TSA is preparing to move to an approach that employs more conversation with travelers—a method that has been employed with great success in Israel.

"I'm very much interested in expanding the behavior detection program, upgrading it if you will, in a way that allows us to….have more interaction with a passsenger just from a discussion which may be able to expedite the physical screening aspects," Pistole said during an appearance at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. "So, we’ve looked at what works around the world, some outstanding examples and we are planning to do some new things in the near future here."

Pistole declined to elaborate on the enhanced behavior detection program but said it would "probably" be announced in August. During an on-stage interview with CNN's Jeanne Meserve, Pistole acknowledged that the Israeli techniques have been carefully examined.

"There's a lot—under that Israeli model—a lot that is done that is obviously very effective," he said. However, critics have said the Israeli program is too time consuming to use consistently at U.S. airports and may involve a degree of religious and racial profiling that would draw controversy in the U.S.

Pistole also said TSA is planning to test out some new methods for screening children in the wake of highly-publicized videos of children screaming as they were patted down at airport checkpoints. The TSA chief said adults have used children as suicide bombers before in other contexts and could do so through an airport, but there may still be better ways to screen kids.

"I think we can do a different way of screening children that recognizes that the very high likelihood they do not have a bomb on them," Pistole said. "I think under our new protocols we would see very few patdowns of children." Instead, parents would be more involved in the process of helping TSA personnel figure out why a child is setting off alarms.

Pistole said adjusting screening for the elderly is more complicated because a large number of people on terrorist watch and enhanced screening lists are older. However, another pilot program is underway underway to identify people who have traveled very frequently for years and who could get an expedited screening.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/joshgerstein/0711/TSA_readying_new_behavior_detection_plan_for_airpo rt_checkpoints.html

Twisted Titan
29th July 2011, 11:16 AM
I tell my kids don't talk to strangers.

Now that is suspicious terrorist activity.

Stay the eff aaway from airports.

all they understand is a denial of dollars n

29th July 2011, 12:12 PM
TSA officer terror suspect diagram

29th July 2011, 01:12 PM
I am so done flying. Radiation, or sexual molestation? I live in a great place, and have travelled all over the word in better times. Let the airlines whither on the vine.

willie pete
29th July 2011, 01:30 PM
"Pistole said adjusting screening for the elderly is more complicated because a large number of people on terrorist watch lists and enhanced screening lists are older."

....these thugs are para-noid....molest the children, because children have been used as suicide bombers in other contexts....old people on "watch-lists"...who's left? that about covers everybody.....lol

29th July 2011, 04:35 PM
What a bullshit thing to say: "Instead, parents would be more involved in the process of helping TSA personnel figure out why a child is setting off alarms."

The only alarms that are going off are the ones inside the head's of TSA agents with molestation & kitty porn on the brain.

29th July 2011, 06:21 PM
Not flying--The way to go!

If it is under 1,000 miles just consider it local.

I have not flown commercial in several years. At one time I had two each United Frequent Flyer 350,000 mile awards, and was number 4 in the whole US Air Frequent Flyer club.

I still fly, but only private


Twisted Titan
29th July 2011, 06:25 PM
How dose the private experienc differ CC?

30th July 2011, 06:54 AM
Boiled frogs are an Israeli delicacy.

Joe King
30th July 2011, 11:56 AM
I tell my kids don't talk to strangers.

Now that is suspicious terrorist activity.

Stay the eff aaway from airports.

all they understand is a denial of dollars nAlthough not a perfect solution, I'd say that this is at least a step in the right direction though.

How I read that is, if a child sets off the metal detector, instead of TSA dealing with the child one on one while excluding the parent{s} from the process, they will instead first ask the parent{s} why?
ie have them involved in such a way as to have the parent show them what it is on the childs person that set the metal detector off.

Like I said, not perfect, but perhaps a small step in the correct direction.

Twisted Titan
30th July 2011, 03:20 PM
I have walked through dectetors with nothing but medical srubs and STILL set it off which tells me that they meter is set to another sensativity level or is just set to go off arbitrarily.

There is no logical explanation under those parameters especially when set by sociopaths

30th July 2011, 03:50 PM
I have walked through dectetors with nothing but medical srubs and STILL set it off which tells me that they meter is set to another sensativity level or is just set to go off arbitrarily.

There is no logical explanation under those parameters especially when set by sociopaths

They (TSA agents) set if off when a Caucasian child, good looking woman or wheelchair bound aged white person walks through.

po boy
30th July 2011, 03:58 PM
How dose the private experienc differ CC?

I can say that they appreciate your business and I have never seen any ask to grope or scan you.

Look for a small local airport and ask for recommendations and tell them why you want to use their service.

Plenty of lower time guys that need hours and many are very skilled pilots.

Hope that helps.

30th July 2011, 05:48 PM
Doesn't anyone find it a bit odd that private charter flights aren't under the same stringent scrutiny and regulation as public transport by the TSA?

Doesn't our government want to protect the wealthy class too?

30th July 2011, 05:56 PM
Not flying--The way to go!

Unless... the State no longer wants the general population to travel so much anymore, especially overseas.
Easier to control a home bound population, particularly a population who believes they are sticking it to the man
by staying home. A population who believes it's by their own choice as savvy consumers.

30th July 2011, 06:11 PM
to the TSA ~


i could guess their reaction to an overt bird flip.


but how about their reaction to a covert bird flip ?