View Full Version : FDIC Sheila Bair's Exit Interview

29th July 2011, 09:27 PM
Sheila Bair’s Bank Shot (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/10/magazine/sheila-bairs-exit-interview.html?pagewanted=all)

Published: July 9, 2011


“Why did we do the bailouts?” she went on. “It was all about the bondholders,” she said. “They did not want to impose losses on bondholders, and we did. We kept saying: ‘There is no insurance premium on bondholders,’ you know? For the little guy on Main Street who has bank deposits, we charge the banks a premium for that, and it gets passed on to the customer. We don’t have the same thing for bondholders. They’re supposed to take losses.” (Treasury’s response is that spooking the bond markets would have made the crisis much worse and that ultimately taxpayers have made out extremely well as a consequence of the government’s actions during the crisis.) ...

29th July 2011, 09:40 PM
If we start now, our country could fix this error in ten years, "spooking the bond markets would have made the crisis much worse"... but they continue shoveling this shit into the homes of the American work force ... OMG...

mick silver
30th July 2011, 08:38 AM
who would be the bond holders ?