View Full Version : Older Men Are Sexy In Bad Times.

31st July 2011, 10:21 AM
Like I posted long ago............"WTSHTF I'll have my choices of just about any young woman that I want".

Specially when they see that I have 1,750 rolls of tp and 300 sanitary pads.....hahahahahahahahahahah.
================================================== ===

How the October 2008 Financial Collapse Triggered Automatic Female Lust.

July 30th, 2011

By John Waters

In the last 90 days three women, who resembled the women in the following pictures, came onto me as if I was Brad Pitt.

The oldest woman in the picture is 35. I am a medium height almost medium build man, who is almost 68 years of age.

.Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. [1]

My standard pick-up line : “I am clearly older than you but I still think I am in my twenties.” The woman above on the right replied, “I am in my twenties, and you are adorable. When are you taking me to dinner?”

The first time this happened I was convinced, as were my friends, that this was a Sugar Daddy attraction (although there was no way when we met they could know my net worth).

I dated all three women in an attempt to find out if they wanted a Sugar Daddy. None of them asked for money. On one occasion I actually offered financial assistance before I thought she was going to ask. She looked puzzled and responded, “Why would I want you to pay for me?”

Confounded, I did some research and here is what I think is happening.

We live in a patriarchal social structure. The traditional gender roles "man hunts -- woman stays at home" was undermined by the Federal Reserve and the Industrial Revolution at the beginning of the 20th century. [2]

Men now hunted for bargains while the women cooked “cheap” food made from monocultures. [4]

Until October 2008 the Federal Reserve created money out of thin air to take care of everyone in a vast and bloated welfare bureaucracy that made millions of us perpetual wards of a patriarchal state. [3]

The alpha Federal Reserve male (Father Fed) was now directly and indirectly taking care of every man, woman and child. The Federal Reserve(s) are (four) Dummies

Right after Father Fed got control of the money supply:

“They began to buy government securities at the rate of ten million dollars a week for 10 weeks, and created one hundred million dollars in new (checkbook) currency, which alleviated the critical famine of money and credit, and the factories started hiring people again” Eustice Mullins.

The factories started hiring Robert Young (Father Knows Best) so he could drive to work in his muscle car, build airplanes, ships, cars, RVs, SUVs, office buildings, freeways and shopping malls from the raw materials, commodities, iron ore, bauxite, petroleum and copper that Father Fed owned or controlled in 1910. [Appendix A]

Men continued to act and display the attitudes of the dominant male, but acting the dominant male isn’t the same as being one. Bringing home a big screen TV in a Monster Truck isn’t fooling anyone into thinking modern man has male power. [5]

The feminist movement era was the straw that broke the male ego’s back.

A man could no longer cling to the illusion that he was superior to a woman. An epidemic of divorce, domestic violence, infidelity, alcoholism and drug abuse followed the loss of his self-esteem and damage to his ego.

The October 2008 Collapse

October 2008, the greatest calamity the world has ever known marked the last day Father Fed would take care of us. The Bank of the Fed is Closed…Forever
•35 Million Americans on Food Stamps: 12 Percent of U.S. Population on Food Stamps Highest Since Records Kept in 1969, and that’s before the Obama administration announced a planned three-year budget freeze on government discretionary spending. (My Budget 360)
•18 Million empty houses in the United States and 39 million Americans who are no longer working or looking for work, and that’s before Federal Reserve finishes rewriting the rules of American “capitalism” as US Housing, the Automobile Industry and the American Dream are dismantled. (The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M., David E. Sanger)
In 2010 there were over 150 million Americans who feel stress over the prospect of joblessness, joylessness and homelessness. Over 60 percent of Americans now live paycheck to paycheck.” (The Economic Elite vs. People of the USA, David DeGraw) [6]

That would be a lot of younger women in their child rearing years worrying about living “paycheck to paycheck” because Father Fed is no longer giving up their real wealth, to take care of them.

Younger women, pre-feminist goddesses, want to connect with male power: a man who can project that he can “take care of her and her offspring.” That handsome stud at the nightclub spending his money and partying all night is no longer, if it ever really was, a turn on. [7]

“Males are visual when it comes to age, but females aren’t interested in a man’s age (especially if they already have children) so much because males remain virile well into the later part of their lifespan.” [8]

An older man can be the image financial stability. Add in three days a week at the gym, a high self-esteem and a Hugo Boss wardrobe; a man can then project the subtlest of gestures, actions and attitudes of a dominant male who can take care of her.

No, this isn’t a Sugar Daddy thing. A Sugar Daddy relationship is one where the woman pretends to be turned on in exchange for being taken care of. In this case the woman is turned on because she is being taken care of.

“Women possess a deeply rooted pre-intellectual *instinct* which compels them to submit themselves for copulation in the presence of what they sense to be a Dominant Male [thanks to Father Fed women have concealed this instinct with the workings of their more rational mind].

However, if a woman consents to have sex with a man who has set off these automatic desires in her, she stands to enter into the hottest, most fulfilling sensual experience that it is possible for her to have.”


31st July 2011, 11:05 AM
Yeah, baby! Who's your daddy? :)

Large Sarge
31st July 2011, 11:10 AM
good for you Ponce, Hope you have lots of hot young women on your silver island, all waiting patiently in line to service you next....


31st July 2011, 11:14 AM
sounds like a pretty sweet set-up, right up until you realize that you forgot to stockpile viagra! then that twenty something hottie is gonna be writing letters home with another pencil that's got a little more lead in it! lol

Large Sarge
31st July 2011, 11:21 AM
sounds like a pretty sweet set-up, right up until you realize that you forgot to stockpile viagra! then that twenty something hottie is gonna be writing letters home with another pencil that's got a little more lead in it! lol

I think you missed part of the article, talks about the "young stud at the gym" etc, etc

Some percentage of people (men and women) are going to cheat, no matter how much lead is in the pencil....

The Difference, according to this article, is what they desire.

"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Young stud with lots of lead in his pencil is no longer attractive to a certain percentage of women....

I mean when you click on the link, and take a look at the guy, and the women he is getting, All I can say is "good for him"

31st July 2011, 11:29 AM
sounds like a pretty sweet set-up, right up until you realize that you forgot to stockpile viagra! then that twenty something hottie is gonna be writing letters home with another pencil that's got a little more lead in it! lol

This is why we send you stupid XY'ers to Iraq and Afghanistan to suck on DU armaments for a few tours.

You young punks never learn. Bwahahahahahahahaha...

31st July 2011, 11:30 AM
Hey Ponce, good thread topic. Sure got my “interest” up.

Reminds me of what Warren Buffett said that it is only when the tide goes out that you discover who is swimming without trunks.

Well, all of these posers living on borrowed money/time are in the process of being stripped naked. And those with real substance will be the only men left standing.

Are you going to trade a roll of TP for a roll in the hay ? Or are you going to dole it out, three sheets at a time ?

But seriously, your business sense and living style are ahead of the times. The world will change quickly after a collapse of the dollar. A whole new way of seeing things for what they really are will unfold, even for the dimwitted.

Best wishes and don’t overdo it,


31st July 2011, 11:39 AM
The Difference, according to this article, is what they desire.

"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Young stud with lots of lead in his pencil is no longer attractive to a certain percentage of women....

I mean when you click on the link, and take a look at the guy, and the women he is getting, All I can say is "good for him"

Yup, good for that guy. I think it's important though to appeal to a wide spectrum of desires, and that means keeping plenty of lead in your pencil too. That's a result of good health.

Also, I think this article can go both ways. In bad times, I think older women can be sexy as well. Older women often have their act together, more confidence, less crazy drama, and have a tendency to think more than younger women who follow the latest media gossip.

31st July 2011, 11:43 AM
When the global war begins late this year, a draft of age 18 to 36 will be implimented...maybe even to age 45?
This will polish off most of our young men leaving nothing left but old motherfuckers.
They will all start to look good.

To 45? I was thinking at 38 years old I'd be free and clear of any draft. Not to go off topic, but selective service ends at 25. Once a man has registered and completed the service, he couldn't be drafted, could he?

31st July 2011, 11:50 AM
To 45? I was thinking at 38 years old I'd be free and clear of any draft. Not to go off topic, but selective service ends at 25. Once a man has registered and completed the service, he couldn't be drafted, could he? That could and would be solved by applying a tad of ink on paper. That should answer all of your questions. Also anyone that has ever served can be called back into service, no matter what age.

Large Sarge
31st July 2011, 12:03 PM
When the global war begins late this year, a draft of age 18 to 36 will be implimented...maybe even to age 45?
This will polish off most of our young men leaving nothing left but old motherfuckers.
They will all start to look good.

42 is the latest draft age I am aware of in the U.S. and that was in the south, during the end of the civil war (they were getting desperate for fresh fodder)

anything is possible, but 45 might be pushing it a bit.... The average american has completely lost his health and physical fitness by age 30 or so, by 40 they are in rough shape....

what is the obesity rate for 30+ year olds?

"those troops could not put a ruck sack on and march for 10 minutes"

Large Sarge
31st July 2011, 12:05 PM
any officer, retired or otherwise can be called back.... (part of the agreeement/contract of holding a "commission")

enlisted is different, once your done, your done

31st July 2011, 12:09 PM
That could and would be solved by applying a tad of ink on paper. That should answer all of your questions. Also anyone that has ever served can be called back into service, no matter what age.

Disconcerning thought, the possibility of the draft. We all know they'd profile us, go after the single guys with no family obligations first. Also, not to mention, a lot of young folks aren't in shape to even pass the physical requirements of the service. Personally, with my civil service background, I most likely have a huge target on me.

Maybe we should all live life the fullest, and go get our pencils sharpened while we can.;D

31st July 2011, 12:09 PM
42 is the latest draft age I am aware of in the U.S. and that was in the south, during the end of the civil war (they were getting desperate for fresh fodder)

anything is possible, but 45 might be pushing it a bit.... The average american has completely lost his health and physical fitness by age 30 or so, by 40 they are in rough shape....

what is the obesity rate for 30+ year olds?

"those troops could not put a ruck sack on and march for 10 minutes"

Without a doubt the younger ones will go first. Then depending how things go they can start creeping the age limit up, until you reach the level of the very young and very old serving as a last ditch effort. WW2 Germany comes to mind but not limited to them.

It is amazing what forced pt and the right diet will do to for the overweight. Also standards can be a variable thing in an emergency.

If you are needed and can walk (maybe optional) they will call you to serve. The age limit is a movable one.

Edit: I do not know what the ratio is now, but it used to be 7-9 people behind the combat line for everyone on it.

Large Sarge
31st July 2011, 12:10 PM
thanks EE

my memory was off, I thought it was 42......

be interesting to see how many 40+ year olds were actually drafted?

My guess is not to many....

31st July 2011, 12:12 PM
Without a doubt the younger ones will go first. Then depending how things go they can start creeping the age limit up, until you reach the level of the very young and very old serving as a last ditch effort. WW2 Germany comes to mind but not limited to them.

It is amazing what forced pt and the right diet will do to for the overweight. Also standards can be a variable thing in an emergency.

If you are needed and can walk (maybe optional) they will call you to serve. The age limit is a movable one.

What as the fighting age during WWII? That might be a good thing to base the future on. I know the US marines in the South Pacific were very young, anyone over 25 was considered old. Most were under 20.

31st July 2011, 12:23 PM
There are many Biblical principles this man has stumbled upon. God made man to take care of a woman and our current (satanic system) has been crafted to take this role away from men and put (government) in man's place.

According to Robert M. Strozier, historical research has not yet found a specific "initiating event" of the origin of patriarchy. Some scholars point to about six thousand years ago (4000 BCE), when the concept of fatherhood took root, as the beginning of the spread of patriarchy.

No kidding, just pick up a Bible and read.

31st July 2011, 12:33 PM
When the global war begins late this year, a draft of age 18 to 36 will be implimented...maybe even to age 45?
This will polish off most of our young men leaving nothing left but old motherfuckers.
They will all start to look good.

EE?.........I resent you calling me a "motherfucker" because I WOULD NEVER fuck your mother.......

Now then.......WTSHTF I don't believe that the ladies will be going to the gym or to the bars........however, I remember when and the when were pretty good........so.......once in a while they can go out on me but only for as long as they don't bring me back any little bugs, inside out out.

31st July 2011, 12:36 PM
This is why we send those stupid XY'ers to Iraq and Afghanistan to suck on DU armaments for a few tours.

Those young punks never learn. Bwahahahahahahahaha...

assuming you weren't referring to me explicitly, i fixed it for ya...
( i make that assumption as i am neither a young punk, nor a stupid XY'er)


31st July 2011, 12:38 PM
EE?.........I resent you calling me a "motherfucker" because I WOULD NEVER fuck your mother.......

Now then.......WTSHTF I don't believe that the ladies will be going to the gym or to the bars........however, I remember when and the when were pretty good........so.......once in a while they can go out on me but only for as long as they don't bring me back any little bugs, inside out out.

Now , now, ponce settle down! All of us men reach an age (variable) that technicaly we all become motherfuckers. So don't take it personalty!



31st July 2011, 12:44 PM
It will be interesting to see what the social dynamics will be like, between men and women, during an economic collapse.

Some have joked that all it will take is a can of dinty more to impress the ladies in the future. I know from trying online dating again recently, there seems to be a lot of single women that actually have honest profiles. As opposed to having a 100 stupid requirements that a guy must meet as before. Either those women have wised up and realized guy's don't answer those adds, or the balance between men and women is getting more equalized.

31st July 2011, 12:52 PM
Once the war gets going this song will become popular again


I like the way you think, EE.;D

Once the war gets going...if I don't get drafted, I think I'll become a wanderer. ;D


Large Sarge
31st July 2011, 12:53 PM
Mom is 71...too bad you won't fuck her...she wanted to meet you too.

At 71!


Raquel is a hottie!

Always has been!!!

31st July 2011, 01:00 PM

Raquel is a hottie!

Always has been!!!

Wow! Look at that belt. I didn't know she won the World Wrestling Championship?

31st July 2011, 01:02 PM
Wow! Look at that belt. I didn't know she won the World Wrestling Championship? World bedroom domination class competition. Gold medial

31st July 2011, 01:04 PM
Wow! Look at that belt. I didn't know she won the World Wrestling Championship?

I wouldn't mind wrestling her actually, mud wrestling sounds like fun. There looks to be a lot of gold in the belt. I wonder if it's karat or plated.

31st July 2011, 01:07 PM
Solid? all that you have to do is to see the situation in Cuba where some of them will go to bed with you for a pair of old jeans or a nice meal at the hotel restaurant........whenever I used to go I would pick a different one for one week and giver her $100.00.........remember that in those days the average earnings of a Cuban worker was of $5-10 dollars a month, now it is $20.00.

Sometimes I would give out a silver coin for extreme good service and they didn't know what it was or what to say, it was fun.

7th trump
31st July 2011, 02:05 PM
An old fool and his money are soon departed!

31st July 2011, 02:15 PM
Ponce<----------will die as an old fool.......but with a smile on his face :)

31st July 2011, 03:46 PM
Yep, already have.........but even an old dog needs a warm blanket.......for me? better make it two hahahahahaha.

7th trump
31st July 2011, 05:18 PM
Ponce<----------will die as an old fool.......but with a smile on his face :)
yeah........you cant take it with you can ya!
Might as well have a smile on your face........

31st July 2011, 06:23 PM
Is like I say and do........... "Live is not what it gives you, but what you take from it"... Ponce.........you can accept what life give you and maybe live happy.....but.......you will be part of the sheep herd and not one of those who aim for the stars.......I for one have reached only the Moon.......but that's ok.

Is not what you have but rather what you do with what you have........you can have $100.00 and is more than those who have $50.00 and more than those who only have $10.00.........but remember that some have none.......be happy with what you have.

31st July 2011, 07:32 PM
older men cannot dance.. sometimes that is good...


31st July 2011, 07:41 PM
You guys are funny ! Specially you Ponce, I hope you have a big time with all the young girls you'll be getting ;)

My standard pick-up line : “I am clearly older than you but I still think I am in my twenties.” The woman above on the right replied, “I am in my twenties, and you are adorable. When are you taking me to dinner?”

I have actually been trying to think of a good line myself since I am self sufficient and pretty well set....

How's this, You want to come up cook me dinner and see my solar panels? LOL ;)

31st July 2011, 08:06 PM
lol Zap........mine would be "Wanna come home with me and see my new wheel chair?" hahahahahahahaha

A line that I use twice and the women love it is........"You are the second most beautifull woman in the world"....after saying
"Thank you very much" they always have to ask...."And who is the first one".......and I say "I don't know, I haven't seen her yet"......and that makes THEM the most beautifull woman in the world.

By the way, what I will want to do and what I will have to do will probably not be the same.......I'll probably end up with two bodyguards 6'5" and 250 lbs.

31st July 2011, 08:26 PM
lol Zap........mine would be "Wanna come home with me and see my new wheel chair?" hahahahahahahaha

A line that I use twice and the women love it is........"You are the second most beautifull woman in the world"....after saying
"Thank you very much" they always have to ask...."And who is the first one".......and I say "I don't know, I haven't seen her yet"......and that makes THEM the most beautifull woman in the world.

By the way, what I will want to do and what I will have to do will probably not be the same.......I'll probably end up with two bodyguards 6'5" and 250 lbs.

Those are some big women.

1st August 2011, 05:36 AM
older men cannot dance.. sometimes that is good...


LOL...hey Ximmy, is this still your current boyfriend?

1st August 2011, 06:54 AM
John Waters is possibly the most intelligent and articulate sleazebag to walk the face of the planet.
I always enjoy hearing what he has to say.
It's about time someone posted a spiel from a a name I can relate to instead of all these idiot radio personalities everyone seems so enamored with.

mick silver
1st August 2011, 07:57 AM
my thoughts would be if a world war was to start i dont think any age will be getting out of the nwo arm forces . lots would die

Large Sarge
1st August 2011, 08:17 AM
It's all well and good until one realizes that the young twenty-something has been brought up in single parent household, raised by televivsion and public school teachers in a post 9-11 world.
My recent dealings with the young people have been difficult if not impossible when it comes to right and wrong or respect.

Richard maybury calls the young people today "amoral", not immoral.
Because they have never been taught right from wrong.

1st August 2011, 08:25 AM
It's all well and good until one realizes that the young twenty-something has been brought up in single parent household, raised by televivsion and public school teachers in a post 9-11 world.
My recent dealings with the young people have been difficult if not impossible when it comes to right and wrong or respect.

Ditto- Big on the lack of respect. and clueless all are taught the "test" and not much else--Little robots.

7th trump
1st August 2011, 12:52 PM
Well ponce I hope you are a bit more like Walter here.


1st August 2011, 03:32 PM
Ponce, you just need to belong to the Diamond Club. Real long article. Just posting a few snipits.

Seeking Arrangement: College Students Using 'Sugar Daddies' To Pay Off Loan Debt (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/29/seeking-arrangement-college-students_n_913373.html)

NEW YORK -- On a Sunday morning in late May, Taylor left her Harlem apartment and boarded a train for Greenwich, Conn. She planned on spending the day with a man she had met online, but not in person.

Taylor, a 22-year-old student at Hunter College, had confided in her roommate about the trip and they agreed to swap text messages during the day to make sure she was safe.

Once in Greenwich, a man who appeared significantly older than his advertised age of 42 greeted Taylor at the train station and then drove her to the largest house she had ever seen. He changed into his swimming trunks, she put on a skimpy bathing suit, and then, by the side of his pool, she rubbed sunscreen into the folds of his sagging back -- bracing herself to endure an afternoon of sex with someone she suspected was actually about 30 years her senior.

The past few years have taken an especially brutal toll (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/08/college-graduates-jobs-unemployment_n_893495.html) on the plans and expectations of 20-somethings. As unemployment rates tick steadily higher, starting salaries have plummeted. Meanwhile, according to Jeffrey Jensen Arnett (http://www.jeffreyarnett.com/about.htm), a professor of psychology at Clark University, about 85 percent of the class of 2011 will likely move back in with their parents during some period of their post-college years, compared with 40 percent a decade ago.

Besides moving back home, many 20-somethings are beginning their adult lives shouldering substantial amounts of student loan debt (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/24/moving-home-college-graduates-jobs_n_865623.html). According to Mark Kantrowitz, who publishes the financial aid websites Fastweb.com (http://fastweb.com/) and Finaid.org (http://finaid.org/), while the average 2011 graduate finished school with about $27,200 in debt, many are straining to pay off significantly greater loans.

Enter the sugar daddy, sugar baby phenomenon (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/magazine/12sugardaddies-t.html?pagewanted=all). This particular dynamic preceded the economic meltdown, of course. Rich guys well past their prime have been plunking down money for thousands of years in search of a tryst or something more with women half their age -- and women, willingly or not, have made themselves available. With the whole process going digital, women passing through a system of higher education that fosters indebtedness are using the anonymity of the web to sell their wares and pay down their college loans (http://www.seekingarrangement.com/blog/?tag=college-sugar-daddy).

"Over the past few years, the number of college students using our site has exploded," says Brandon Wade, the 41-year-old founder of Seeking Arrangement. Of the site's approximately 800,000 members, Wade estimates that 35 percent are students. "College students are one of the biggest segments of our sugar babies and the numbers are growing all the time."

While she and her host hadn't agreed to a set amount of money, on the drive back to the train station in Greenwich he handed her $350 in cash. She pocketed the envelope, seeing it as decent money for half a day's work. But once on the train and no longer worried for her safety, she started to agonize over what she had just done.

While sugar babies can create profiles on Seeking Arrangement free of charge and a regular sugar daddy membership costs $50 each month, Jack pays $2,400 a year to belong to the Diamond Club. For a sugar daddy willing to pay up, the site says it verifies his identity, annual income, and net worth and then ensures his profile gets the most traction by continually allowing it to pop up in the top tier of search results.

1st August 2011, 03:41 PM
Nawwwwwwww, Walter is more like Ponce........or at least a wana be Ponce heheheheheheheh..............when you are the original, who cares about the copies.

1st August 2011, 03:50 PM
Osoab, I find that quite disheartening to read. It just shows how American values have sank to a new low. We can blame the gov, the economy, even feminism for it...but it's the culture that's taken a dump, for the worse.

Damn shame, you hate to see anyone resort to prostitution to get by. Not that I disagree with the freedom of choice, to do so, just young folks shouldn't have to grow up that quick, imo. We all had it a lot better when we were young and growing up.

Joe King
1st August 2011, 04:26 PM
Right or wrong, they're just using the commodities they've got access to that have a marketable value, to keep 'em going.

Uncle Salty
1st August 2011, 05:18 PM
Osoab, I find that quite disheartening to read. It just shows how American values have sank to a new low. We can blame the gov, the economy, even feminism for it...but it's the culture that's taken a dump, for the worse.

Damn shame, you hate to see anyone resort to prostitution to get by. Not that I disagree with the freedom of choice, to do so, just young folks shouldn't have to grow up that quick, imo. We all had it a lot better when we were young and growing up.

Every society has always had prostitution. It isn't the world's oldest profession for nothing. No big dea.

1st August 2011, 05:28 PM
Every society has always had prostitution. It isn't the world's oldest profession for nothing. No big dea.

Women have been using sex to their advantage since the dawn of mankind. Once they figured out that they had what men want They have been in business, in one way or the other. Hard fact of life! Women own 100% of the pussy in the world, with the looks that goes with it. And man has pursued it/them, from day one.

1st August 2011, 05:32 PM
Osoab, I find that quite disheartening to read. It just shows how American values have sank to a new low. We can blame the gov, the economy, even feminism for it...but it's the culture that's taken a dump, for the worse.

Damn shame, you hate to see anyone resort to prostitution to get by. Not that I disagree with the freedom of choice, to do so, just young folks shouldn't have to grow up that quick, imo. We all had it a lot better when we were young and growing up.

I am more disgusted by the fact that most of these kids were duped into thinking they needed a college degree with the college mortgage that rides along.

Sad that they have to go to these lengths to pay their loans, but at least they aren't robbing and pillaging just to pay off .gov and the banks.

1st August 2011, 05:33 PM
They are just kids though, they don't know what they are doing, imo. Later on in life, just adds more screwed up women with a bunch of baggage and emotional problems.

I still think it's not right, to endorse or be a part of it. How many of us can really say we've had a grasp on life at 21?

These kids have their backs against the wall. Slaves to college debt, what our society peddled to them to chase iphones and other gadgets. To collect a piece of paper to start the world saying "I am somebody" only to fall on their backs to sell what they have.

It is sad, very sad actually.

1st August 2011, 05:45 PM
Sex is only second to a womans life......guarantee of food, shelter and fire is first, they know that they can have sex anytime that she wants but is harder to get what to them is first.............man makes money to have women and women want man because they have money...