View Full Version : My body interfering with my transmitter........

31st July 2011, 08:30 PM
I have a trasmitter attached to my lap top that sends a signal to my radio that will make what is coming out of the lap top lauder........the thing is.......whenever my injured hand (left hand) is close to the transmitter there is interference...
but when I do it with my right one there is none????????? WHAT THE HELL.

Why would there be interference unless there is something inside of my hand?........should I have it X ray?.....I do have a small lump that I think is the place where the Dr tie the tendons together......buy who knows.

31st July 2011, 09:15 PM
Why? Because, it's electric!


X ray?? This is insult to injury, no?

willie pete
31st July 2011, 09:33 PM
I have a trasmitter attached to my lap top that sends a signal to my radio that will make what is coming out of the lap top lauder........the thing is.......whenever my injured hand (left hand) is close to the transmitter there is interference...
but when I do it with my right one there is none????????? WHAT THE HELL.

Why would there be interference unless there is something inside of my hand?........should I have it X ray?.....I do have a small lump that I think is the place where the Dr tie the tendons together......buy who knows.

Holy high-frequency transmission Ponceman....that jewish doctor that worked on you implanted an RFID chip in your hand, they've been monitoring you.....Solution: Do you have an axe? or sharp hatchet? ;)

OK, I'm kiddin' wit ya viejo....Tranquilo ;D ....what you could do is wrap your hand in aluminum foil, that WILL block the signal, Even blocks a cell phone signal, OR you could dig around with an exacto-knife ....:)

31st July 2011, 10:52 PM
Tin foil around my hand? gosh, I wonder what people will think, after all, I already have my head wrap with tin foil....... Ponce the tin man will be my new name hahahahahahahahah.

Going in for theraphy tomorrow morning......I'll ask the guy about it.

1st August 2011, 12:12 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about it Ponce. I'm sure they are just building a new and improved you.

This is just the begining.


Wait until you have been assimilated.

mick silver
1st August 2011, 07:49 AM
ponce you need to cover the walls with foil . have the cops came back and taken anymore pics