View Full Version : Home defense handgun accessibility

1st August 2011, 12:11 AM
Regarding the accessibility of the handgun that you have as your first line of defense against a home intruder...

Is it in a closed container (like a safe or carrying box)? Is the container locked or unlocked? Is the gun itself locked? Is it loaded? Is it unloaded with a loaded magazine readily available? Is the magazine stored with/near the gun, or separately?

Just wondering what people think is the appropriate level of readiness balanced against the appropriate level of safety.

1st August 2011, 12:43 AM
I have my bedside gun is readty to fire in a holster that is strapped to the bedpost. My shotgun and flashlight by the bedroom door.

Some states have laws regarding that stuff mine does not. I live alone and when my kid is here she is well versed in firearms safety.

1st August 2011, 04:28 AM
Hand gun in dresser drawer with loaded mag and one in the chamber. In the event I need to use a firearm I don't want to fumble with unlocking something, loading the firearm etc. It would probably be stressful enough just to wake up grab the firearm and use it if necessary.

1st August 2011, 05:25 AM
Locked in an electronic wall safe in the bedroom with a full mag in the gun unloaded.

1st August 2011, 06:07 AM
Bedside full mag one in chamber safety off (double action)
Other bedside full mag one in chamber no safety (double action)
Against the wall bedside, full mag slide open Rem 870.
The shottie just needs the slide racked forward, I don't feel comfortable leaving the chamber loaded because I also don't feel comfortable with the idea of operating the safety in a groggy, pressure situation.
Otherwise the general idea is pick it up, point it and shoot it.

1st August 2011, 02:01 PM
Under the dresses...

midnight rambler
1st August 2011, 11:36 PM
Mags loaded and all arms handy, that's all you get to know about that.

I have an early warning system (Enzo's brothers) when there are gooks inside the wire.

2nd August 2011, 08:38 AM
Wow! GSUS'ers have security taken care of. I've got my MG-42 belt fed machine gun bolted to the bedframe with a 100 round belt of 8mm ready to go with one in the chamber. I don't need no pesky handgun:)

midnight rambler
2nd August 2011, 09:21 AM
One in the chamber, huh? That must be a semi-auto MG-42 since it doesn't fire from an open bolt.

2nd August 2011, 10:39 PM
Oops, I meant MG-34 http://www.marstar.ca/gf-MG-34/MG-34-index.shtm

It's on my wish list right now. I see it only has 50 round belts available...

3rd August 2011, 12:59 AM
I like them but I would rather have the Goryunov SG43 it shoots 7.62x54r so much cheaper than 8mm and the wooden wheels go with my bedroom set.


midnight rambler
3rd August 2011, 05:17 AM
A semi-auto in 8mm or 7.62x54R should do the trick.

4th August 2011, 11:08 PM
I like them but I would rather have the Goryunov SG43 it shoots 7.62x54r so much cheaper than 8mm and the wooden wheels go with my bedroom set.


Bedroom aesthetics aside, the MG 42 is the superior weapon as noted in this video...

PS I think the wheels are steel


5th August 2011, 12:08 AM
The one I played with they were wood with steel "tires"

I will disagree with the guy from the video there is zero practial difference between charging befor you put the belt over or after he had to cock both just depended on the when in the sequence.

And he did point out that the SG43 had a thicker barrel but he did not give it credit on the barrel changes if you have to change it 2-3 times more often yes it needs to be faster.

This is tantamount to the AK/AR, 45/9mm, or any other gun debate, at the end of the day they are both great but I will take a sg43 and you will take a mg42.

I would take either in a second in the class3 configuration. I think the sg43 would be easer to keep fed on my budget and it would look super sexy next to my nightstand.

5th August 2011, 10:08 PM
The MG 42 fires twice as fast and can be fired from the "assualt" position. Try that with your Russkie model :) Actually I'd take either in a heartbeat....