View Full Version : Oh crap! The Muslims have a plan to take over the world!

midnight rambler
1st August 2011, 08:04 PM
I've a good friend I've known for over 15 years. He's very conservative and he's fallen for the line of BS that the Muslims are intent on taking over the world. I have a difficult time trying to broach the topic that there's other 'ethnic' group who already have subdued the world, pretty much.

Speaking of parasites - http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/01/us-russia-putin-usa-idUSTRE77052R20110801

And FWIW, Russia doesn't have a Muslim problem, at least not internally.

1st August 2011, 08:50 PM
The US beurauctrats and banking interests may well be parasitic, but that does not detract from the statues of Islam. The foundation of the Quran is the sword and it's assoiated use to bring about submission to "Allah". Islamic matters of Jihad are in their infancy in the present time. My thoughts are....'you ain't seen nothing yet'. mo.

1st August 2011, 09:07 PM
I would give less of a fuck except for my country and tax money being dragged into the same planet destroying game as the Christian(NATO) Crusade!

Western governments go over to invade people doing nothing to us, blow apart our economies with debt to kill them and contaminate their land and wast resources when the planet is starting to rapidly run out of the cheap stuff, and with the diversion let western civilization slide to idiocracy, then when they run back home they bring them back with them.

[I was going for the Trifecture thread start, but as I went to spell check trifecture, EE beat me to the post.]

1st August 2011, 09:07 PM
I agree with both of your posts, 1&2. IMO, both groups want to rule the world but for different reasons and the former has one helluva head start and they're a lot smarter. To me it's us against them....and everyone else for that matter.

midnight rambler
1st August 2011, 09:17 PM
I agree with both of your posts, 1&2. IMO, both groups want to rule the world but for different reasons and the former has one helluva head start and they're a lot smarter. To me it's us against them....and everyone else for that matter.

Has it occurred to you that there is one group in particular stirring the shit and that group isn't Muslim??

Do Muslims control the worldwide monetary system?? Do Muslims charge usury?? Do Muslims have a monopoly on perception management in N. America?? Are Muslims dropping munitions and DU on N. America which in some cases wipe out wedding parties and other innocent bystanders??

Sure, there are some radical Muslims out there, but percentage-wise I doubt the radical Muslims are a higher percentage than radical Zionists or Christian Zionists/fundy 'Christians'.

The shit-stirring is the biggest problem since it causes division amongst everyone who is being victimized by the top.

1st August 2011, 09:21 PM
The only way I see them gaining global control is through population growth.

Anyway, does your buddy listen to Michael Savage on his way home from work every day?

1st August 2011, 09:21 PM
Has it occurred to you that there is one group in particular stirring the shit??

The Abrahams have an abusive father.
('stock photo')

1st August 2011, 09:34 PM
Has it occurred to you that there is one group in particular stirring the shit and that group isn't Muslim??

Do Muslims control the worldwide monetary system?? Do Muslims charge usury?? Do Muslims have a monopoly on perception management in N. America?? Are Muslims dropping munitions and DU on N. America which in some cases wipe out wedding parties and other innocent bystanders??

Sure, there are some radical Muslims out there, but percentage-wise I doubt the radical Muslims are a higher percentage than radical Zionists or Christian Zionists/fundy 'Christians'.

The shit-stirring is the biggest problem since it causes division amongst everyone who is being victimized by the top.

I agree, there is an obvious gigantic threat( not a threat...but fact) with the Zionisits but there is another semi threat with the other mid easterners at the same time though it's not near as great. Hell, I'm more wary of the average American sheeple than I am the towel heads.

2nd August 2011, 12:37 AM
If the muslims ever do get out of control and become a threat, they will be easy to spot and eradicate...unlike the ones that are really a serious threat now.

Kind of like this except with Muslims

I must say that I am truly offended by the photograph. Just think of the real-life drunken clowns that have a bulbous noses. What arrogant bastards!

2nd August 2011, 01:14 AM
Oh crap! The Muslims have a plan to take over the world!

Its a very competitive area..........

midnight rambler
2nd August 2011, 10:21 AM
Just think of the real-life drunken clowns that have a bulbous noses.

Of course you're referring to congresscritters.

mick silver
2nd August 2011, 10:23 AM
should i buy some more guns an ammo

2nd August 2011, 10:31 AM
should i buy some more guns an ammo

Are the Kennedy's gun shy?

midnight rambler
2nd August 2011, 10:35 AM
In my estimation based upon my own observations, the vast majority of Muslims are probably like most everyone else in the world - they just want to be left the fuck alone to enjoy life and live it raising their families as they please without anyone else imposing their will or belief system on them, taking their resources, starving them out, etc.

2nd August 2011, 10:43 AM
If it's not them, it will probably be Amish, Traditional Catholics or any number of other nations whose people submit to
Gods will by having the children He wants them to have. It won't be the socalled developed nations, with their sterile
and infertile populations, who think they're such experts.

mick silver
2nd August 2011, 10:46 AM
i know a few Amish familys and all they want is to be left alone and do there thing . just if all people would do the same

2nd August 2011, 10:54 AM
In my estimation based upon my own observations, the vast majority of Muslims are probably like most everyone else in the world - they just want to be left the fuck alone to enjoy life and live it raising their families as they please without anyone else imposing their will or belief system on them, taking their resources, starving them out, etc.


They are being played from the middle. What was once a proud civilization that gave the world some true human achievements when left alone has become another pack of diversity-sponges in the west specifically to divide and conquer, courtesy of the shape-shifters in our midst that transformed them for consumption into evil incarnate.

mick silver
2nd August 2011, 11:08 AM

2nd August 2011, 12:37 PM
...wake me up when the moslems own the newyork times group, tribune group,time warner aol, google, ABC,NBC,CBS,fox,cnn cap cities abc,and hollywood...the music industry, and the 3 most powerful lobbies in congress....and when they are over represented by 2,500 %........