View Full Version : Obama's Coup Follows Path of Hitler's Enabling Law

2nd August 2011, 07:16 AM
Last night, under the influence of a terror campaign by Obama and his British and Wall Street backers, a majority of the US House of Representative signed off on a Hitler coup against the U.S. Constitution. Under this coup, the Congress will, as a first step, no longer have the power to decide on matters of spending—a specific violation of Section 1 of the nation's governing body. And that's just the beginning.

The specific measure which will eliminate the power of the Legislative Branch, is called by Obama the "Super-Congress." The SuperCongress will be composed of a 12-person board drawn from the Senate and the House, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. This board's immediate mandate would be to decide upon $1.5 trillion in budget cuts, both from entitlements (Social Security and Medicare) and defense. The proposals are required to be submitted by Nov. 23 of this year—and to be submitted to an up or down vote, with no filibuster allowed, within the month.

If the cuts are not agreed to, a so-called "enforcement" mechanism kicks in, which automatically triggers the $1.5 trillion in cuts, with alleged protections for Social Security Medicare beneficiaries, and the poor.

In other words, regardless of what the Congress decides, the cuts worked out by Obama and his cronies go into effect! Obama has made the Congress irrelevant.

With these provisions, Obama and his British backers are attempting to fill the loopholes in their previous attempted coup through the Catfood Commission. When that Commission failed to agree on a cut package to be submitted to Congress, the cuts died on the vine. Not this time, if Obama gets his way.

The Obama SuperCongress measure directly mirrors the Hitler Enabling Law (Ermaechtigungsgesetz) of March 1933, by which the German Reichstag "democratically" voted to give Hitler emergency powers by passing the "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich," which gave Hitler the right to govern on his own, and in contravention to the Constitution, without consulting the parliament for a period of four years.

How was it done? The parliamentarians "made a deal."

Specifically, the crucial agreement with Hitler was concluded with the Centre Party, headed by a Catholic priest named Ludwig Kaas. Kaas agreed to deliver votes for Hitler in exchange for assurances of protections for religious liberties and the continued existence of the Centre Party. Hitler acceded, promising to memorialize the guarantees in writing. The letter of guarantee wasn't forthcoming, but Kaas fulfilled his part of the bargain, on the promise that the letter was being drafted. Not surprisingly, it never came.

At that point, the vote was assured. Only 84 Social Democrats (their ranks diminished by arrests) opposed the Enabling Act. The Centre Party and the National People's Party decided to take Hitler at his word, permitting him to act on behalf of the parliament, including passing laws which deviated from the Constitution "as long as they do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and Reichsrat," and maintained the rights of the President.

The guarantees, as any sane person could see, were a farce. Within three months of the passage of the Enabling Act, all political parties but the Nazis had been banned. Hitler did not rule alongside the parliament, but effectively superseded it. It only met 12 times over the next 12 years—including the two sessions when it renewed the Enabling Act.

Only a cowardly idiot would not see the handwriting on the wall with Obama's Hitler coup today.


mick silver
2nd August 2011, 10:09 AM
nothing to say about this but it a sad day

2nd August 2011, 10:40 AM
On this day in history... (http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/on-this-day/august-2/)

1934German President Paul von Hindenburg died, paving the way for Adolf Hitler's complete takeover.

Super Congress to the Rescue!

If I have the math correct, 77 years.


A little more

Aug 2, 1934: (http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/hitler-becomes-fuhrer)
Hitler becomes fuhrer (http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/hitler-becomes-fuhrer)

With the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg (http://www.history.com/topics/hindenburg), Chancellor Adolf Hitler (http://www.history.com/topics/adolf-hitler) becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Fuhrer, or "Leader." The German army took an oath of allegiance to its new commander-in-chief, and the last remnants of Germany's democratic government were dismantled to make way for Hitler's Third Reich. The Fuhrer assured his people that the Third Reich would last for a thousand years, but Nazi Germany (http://www.history.com/topics/nazi-party) collapsed just 11 years later.

midnight rambler
2nd August 2011, 10:42 AM
It's all downhill from here, so tighten those seatbelts.

Twisted Titan
2nd August 2011, 11:23 AM
the road to hell is always paved with the bricks of good intentions

2nd August 2011, 11:28 AM
Here's the real rub folks, the super congress is a 12 person committee BUT the 13th member is the POTUS or the whitehouse collectively. This from what I understand at the moment has already been inked into existence.

mick silver
2nd August 2011, 11:28 AM
and yet when you talk to people about the guys leading this country they dont see how f up they are . there will come a time when they will see clearly . i just keep hoping i guess . one day maybe

Uncle Salty
2nd August 2011, 11:30 AM
We now have a Politburo in the U.S.

The Sovietization of America is complete.

Ha ha ha.

midnight rambler
2nd August 2011, 11:50 AM
Here's the real rub folks, the super congress is a 12 person committee BUT the 13th member is the POTUS or the whitehouse collectively. This from what I understand at the moment has already been inked into existence.

'(E)xistence' with respect to what?? The law of the land (the Constitution) or the law of willful men??

Those who allow this are going to get all they deserve, and in spades. The only safe place in God's Kingdom is to be on the side of 'the perfect law of liberty' (the law of the land, the Law of Nature, the Law of Nations, etc.).

2nd August 2011, 11:53 AM
I know what you're sayin' MR, I was just laying it all out there as the information presents itself.

midnight rambler
2nd August 2011, 12:00 PM
I know what you're sayin' MR, I was just laying it all out there as the information presents itself.

Dude, who determines your reality?? You, or some asshats with big titles with their names?

I don't care wtf 'they' say, what is happening is blatantly unconstitutional. POTUS cannot legislate, POTUS cannot be anywhere near the legislative process except to either sign or veto that which Congress sends him. This shouldn't have to be explained to anyone. I assert that any adult who doesn't 'get' this should be expelled from the nation.

Those of you who are not actively engaged in non-violent non-compliance better get on a fucking stick, and those of us who are need to ramp it up.

2nd August 2011, 12:09 PM
In History August 2, 1934


2nd August 2011, 12:14 PM
Dude, who determines your reality?? You, or some asshats with big titles with their names?

I don't care wtf 'they' say, what is happening is blatantly unconstitutional. POTUS cannot legislate, POTUS cannot be anywhere near the legislative process except to either sign or veto that which Congress sends him. This shouldn't have to be explained to anyone. I assert that any adult who doesn't 'get' this should be expelled from the nation.

Those of you who are not actively engaged in non-violent non-compliance better get on a fucking stick, and those of us who are need to ramp it up.

In answer to your question....I determine my reality on a day to day basis, based on the information and facts that happen in real time. Most of the time though I could less of a shit about all the exterior static that happens all around me, from the debt BS to the drama that's going on at my sisters house. Sure, I have and we all have our own realities, mine just don't include what I have deemed as stupid bullshit.

As usual, our stances are the same for the rest of your post, except for I'm just trying to opt out.

2nd August 2011, 12:49 PM
I don't care wtf 'they' say, what is happening is blatantly unconstitutional. POTUS cannot legislate, POTUS cannot be anywhere near the legislative process except to either sign or veto that which Congress sends him. This shouldn't have to be explained to anyone. I assert that any adult who doesn't 'get' this should be expelled from the nation.

yes, this.

If the shit ass SCOTUS doesn't slap this down, then we are truly F'd.

midnight rambler
2nd August 2011, 12:58 PM
yes, this.

If the shit ass SCOTUS doesn't slap this down, then we are truly F'd.

Think of it as the perfect, bulletproof opportunity to disregard everything they do, since they are now completely outside the protection of the Constitution. There aren't any fig leaves big enough to cover this up, not even the imaginary super mega fig leaves.

2nd August 2011, 01:07 PM
Keep an eye on Emmanuel, the Major of Boston.........he will come out of nowhere and go for the White House......he he wins then the US will be in the hands of the Zionists 100%.......................fight now or die.

PS: The only poletics that I know is the one that I can see and not the one that I am told.

2nd August 2011, 01:29 PM
Keep an eye on Emmanuel, the Major of Boston.........he will come out of nowhere and go for the White House......he he wins then the US will be in the hands of the Zionists 100%.......................fight now or die.

PS: The only poletics that I know is the one that I can see and not the one that I am told.

Ponce your a hoot...

2nd August 2011, 01:32 PM
Ponce your a hoot...

Right, lay off the cough syrup please! Mayor of Chicago, one letter and 1,500 miles away. Boston's mayor is "mumbles" Menino.

Twisted Titan
2nd August 2011, 02:45 PM
old man smith how far along is the misses....she is due this month yes?

2nd August 2011, 03:38 PM
Here's the real rub folks, the super congress is a 12 person committee BUT the 13th member is the POTUS or the whitehouse collectively. This from what I understand at the moment has already been inked into existence.
Antichrist and his twelve disciples... Elections just became completely obsolete, a congressman voting against the politburo enough times will get jailed, someone who is not enthusiastically supporting his masters will never be able to reach supercon status himself.

The US defacto became a one-party state with this move. It was that before too, but now it really will not matter how people vote, the policy will be identical!

2nd August 2011, 04:10 PM
old man smith how far along is the misses....she is due this month yes?

Due the 7th...head dropped down and in place, any day now.

2nd August 2011, 07:28 PM
Ahh another article comparing the current shit head off the day with Hitler in order to keep the whole "Hitler = Evil" thing going.

The difference of course being that Hitler and National Socialism took Germany from a country which had been raped and pillaged into an economic and military juggernaut in a decade.

Barack on the other hand continues the precedent of screwing over the American people for generations yet unborn.

The parralells to the current US and Soviet Russia are so much stronger yet when do you ever see Obama or Bush compared to Stalin or Lenin? Never, of course, since Soviet Russia was a 100% jewish creation, as is our current system here.

2nd August 2011, 10:03 PM
Ahh another article comparing the current shit head off the day with Hitler in order to keep the whole "Hitler = Evil" thing going.

The difference of course being that Hitler and National Socialism took Germany from a country which had been raped and pillaged into an economic and military juggernaut in a decade.

Barack on the other hand continues the precedent of screwing over the American people for generations yet unborn.

There are many reasons to use it besides what you minding. It is a valid example of what is happening with those controlling the US empire these days.

Wait and see. Perhaps The Soviet States and Allies (more Eastern than before) will 'save the day' again.

3rd August 2011, 05:34 AM
Ahh another article comparing the current shit head off the day with Hitler in order to keep the whole "Hitler = Evil" thing going.

The difference of course being that Hitler and National Socialism took Germany from a country which had been raped and pillaged into an economic and military juggernaut in a decade.

Barack on the other hand continues the precedent of screwing over the American people for generations yet unborn.

The parralells to the current US and Soviet Russia are so much stronger yet when do you ever see Obama or Bush compared to Stalin or Lenin? Never, of course, since Soviet Russia was a 100% jewish creation, as is our current system here.

Wasn't Hitler an entirely Jewish creation too?

3rd August 2011, 05:50 AM
to compare Obama to a REAL tyrant ... i don't buy the Hitler metaphor. but i guess it's one of LaRouche's writers.

the Talmud-worshippers push a world-view where Hitler is the "Ultimate Bad Guy".

Obama does remind me of a REALLY criminal ruler ... Bush43.

gunny highway
3rd August 2011, 05:52 AM
this is why the federal govt wants to control education. if they don't teach us about any of the historical precedents of this new Super Congress, the people won't even know they should oppose it. in fact, they'll think it's something brand new and champion it. this whole thing is going to do nothing but further divide this county along party lines.

3rd August 2011, 08:04 AM
stop calling shikelgruber, hitler.....and stop calling shakashvilli, stalin!
stop believing the msm crap about those guys beinf anything other than what they were ; Jewish maa murderers financed and backed by jew $.

3rd August 2011, 09:39 AM
this is why the federal govt wants to control education.

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell