View Full Version : Props to Jim Sinclair: We're THERE (above $1650) NOW What?

2nd August 2011, 07:03 PM
Sinclair's prediction for $1650 gold has come true. Props!

Sinclair said we wouldn't much like the world situation when we "arrived here." Props!

Sinclair said he'd "be with us" up to $1,650. Props!

Sinclair gave the "runaway target" of $1764 and all the "Angels." Props!

So, has Sinclair left the building--figuratively "exit stage right?"

Norcini already has his "free (for now IMO)" web-blog on gold. And he does the Eric King radio blather every Saturday currently an MP3 download. Suspect he won't be "free much longer."

Monty Guild has had years of free publicity. Ditto Ira Epstein and J.B. Slear and more of Sinclair's cronies.

T.A.'er Eric from Europe has been featured prominently. Ditto Greg Hunter,
Alf Fields,
Martin Armstrong.

JES is too classy to take a "public victory lap" mainly b/c he doesn't feel like he's "won anything"... besides he's won where it counts, in his wallet, and safely in his compound, with his family's fortunes assured by being up to his neck in Tanzania gold/nickel resources mining/explo management. So the man has put his money and energy where his "mouth is."

................but...will he withdraw from Duvall's MINESET?

Will "we" notice his exit? Miss him? Go tits up b/c JES isn't holding our hand any more?

Stay turned for our next episode of As the GOLD World Turns...


2nd August 2011, 07:35 PM
I was reading Bob Moriarty from a couple days ago and he is calling the top in silver and says gold is almost there as well.

I have the original Angels chart on my wall. We are only about 6 months behind Jim's original projections. He expected $1650 around August 2010 through to May 2011. We didn't really seesaw around $1650 as was anticipated but we got there in the end. The chart was actually fairly close. Defaintely not an exact correlation but suprisingly close given the 4 year time frame for the chart.

So according to the Angels chart we would be looking at about $2100.00+ from about July 2011 so maybe with the 5 or 6 month lag on the chart we could be there by the end of the year.

8th August 2011, 09:44 AM
Sinclair is still holding hands and holding forth. He has YET to say boo about S&P downgrade.

But that's okay, I guess....Timmy Geithner is consuming the oxygen in the room on S&P downgrade.

9th August 2011, 02:07 AM

I thought I would post the ol' chart

Large Sarge
9th August 2011, 04:10 AM

The Jimmy Rogers contra indicator pays off again

Rogers "stay off the gold bus kiddies"


9th August 2011, 06:37 AM
if memory serves, the chart you posted was an "extrapolation chart" courtesy of Eric whatziface from Europe, illustrating what he thought move to $1,650 would look like. Might you wish to edit and post the disclaimer about your posted chart being an forecast and not "historically accurate??"

9th August 2011, 09:48 AM
What about his prediction of 1764.00, being the point where gold would rise expo-nentialy?

9th August 2011, 02:01 PM
Sinclair posted that $1,764 would also be the price point/spot of considerable "battle" as he put it, before it would be acknowledged as pivotal, and the departure point of parabolic price moves and concomitant volatility. These things always are "observable" with benefit of 20/20 hindsight.

$1,764 is not just "a number" but it is the sum of 42 x 42. $1,764 is based upon a Jesse Livermore, 1923 emperical study of mathematical progression of squaring that has been the underpinning of all Sinclair's calls. That is what he said himself in the James Turk London GATA interview now on the web, conducted last Friday Aug 5, before he was informed of the S&P downgrade of USA.

What has been difficult for me to understand is not how to square numbers, but how to extrapolate the "Y" axis, a.k.a., the squaring the time axis. I don't know how he does that. But I do know it goes hand in hand with the "X" axis of squaring of numbers.

It is my understanding that those who work with W.D. Gann's research are on target with their understandings and shared enlightenments w/r/t this Squaring of Price and Time. I have never studied Gann, but have always been impressed with the charts and their famous "star" trademark pattern marked out by the repetitions squaring of time and price.

Sinclair in his Turk interview, gives HIS 1923 Squaring props to Jesse Livermore, a business associate of his step-father, Bert Seligman....yes THAT Illuminati-Banker Seligman family.

In simplist terms: Jim Sinclair is an Insider's Insider.

Here's Jim in his own words, in a transcribed 2003 interview: http://chasegalleryconnect.org/FNC_C/Data/Personal%20Finance,%20Investing,%20Estates,%20Reti rement/Tools&Techniques/Personae/Jim%20Sinclair/James%20E.%20Sinclair,%20his%20father%20Bert%20Sel igman,%20Jesse%20Livermore,%20....html

My father is Bertram J. Seligman. From simple observation and a study of history, I believe he was the greatest trader that ever lived. Yes, greater than Jesse Livermore who befriended Bert because of his talent.

Bert traded like an old master painted. He used to trade 10% of the NYSE's volume and ended the day with a 500 share position. He taught me to trade from as far back as I can remember. I sat beside him in the car, in the office, and in the house.

We failed miserably as father and son but succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination as partners. He was also a business man. He financed the first movies in aircraft via "In-flight Motion Pictures, Inc." He put the first refrigeration device in trucks via "Thermo King Inc."

A partner of SmithBarney who ran its trading department had inadvertently become a controlling shareholder in a small company and called Bert when the company asked him to lower his position. Bert took on the man's entire position and control of the company and went on to promote Dr. Land's new camera. The company eventually became Polaroid and Dr. Land visited my home on several occasions.

Bert financed a company that had invented a feminine hygiene product called Pursettes which was sold in the U.S. through the 1960's and 1980's. One of the great fortunes he made was in a metals company called Strategic Materials.

He was also a partner in deals and trading operations with Jesse Livermore, Old man Kennedy and Arthur Cowen. He invented what is today called the NASDAQ.

At my request, he left me totally out of any financial or material inheritance, having given me more than that: the knowledge to spot value in businesses and - more importantly - how to trade for a living.

I was in a trading department when I was 12 years old. At 19, I was an over-the-counter market maker maintaining 35 markets. That is the training and qualification you need to handle huge margin positions.

During the entire gold market, I never got a margin call - not because I never made a mistake but rather because I margined myself and if a call was pending I liquidated my holdings before the close of that trading day.

I am trained to be a survivor in a battle that takes no prisoners. You may not be. I live markets day and night. I come from the lineage of Jesse Seligman and a famous banking family.

Now you will love this. The Cartel of Common interest is comprised largely of Seligman firms. Yes, my ancestors founded them all except Merrill.

Goldman and Lehman are my family's. Many of you made fun of me when I first told you those cartel members had met their match. Well, they have. They face the bloodline of their founder and did not know it until now.

Read the book, Our Crowd by Stephen Birmingham and it's all there. Markets, metals and entrepreneurialism course through my entire body not just my blood. The market is my mistress, but--compared to the real life equivalent--I thrive on the volatility associated with this one.

I am committed totally to markets. I love risk and feel alive only when all is committed. Absolutely nothing else in the material sense interests me. Now that I have played the material game, even that no longer interests me. Money does not interest me. I have given away much more than I have. The game interests me. The game is called building companies and trading markets.

Now I am passing my love of this business on to whoever recognizes the gift and is willing to run with it. My two youngest children have chosen to go their own routes outside the financial sphere and my eldest daughter is in my service in Africa. She is an adventurer in her own right but remains uncomfortable with the intensity I show when the bell rings, which is her feminine prerogative.

For the curious, my name has been James E. Sinclair since the day I was born. My mother was Abbey's Irish Rose.

9th August 2011, 02:17 PM

The Jimmy Rogers contra indicator pays off again

Rogers "stay off the gold bus kiddies"


I'll say this. Should you venture a ride on the gold bus, strap in tight!

10th August 2011, 11:37 AM
First close above $1764 it looks like...need 3 outta 5 to make it new support (I think...)

10th August 2011, 01:54 PM
In the gold markets (paper and real metal) there are incredible swings & spreads! Anything could happen over the next few days & weeks.

Without being too greedy, I'd would just like to see a friday close above $1775 ...... how sweet that would be. However a close above $1800 would be even sweeter!

10th August 2011, 02:09 PM
A Friday close of $1776 (or as JJ reminded me) $1984 would be very sweet indeed.

10th August 2011, 02:18 PM
A Friday close of $1776 (or as JJ reminded me) $1984 would be very sweet indeed.

If gold closed out on Friday @ $1984, it might qualify as the greatest irony of all time!

Shock and horror would ensue!

11th August 2011, 01:28 PM
If gold closed out on Friday @ $1984, it might qualify as the greatest irony of all time!

Shock and horror would ensue!

I don't know. We got through $666 ok!

11th August 2011, 01:59 PM
First close above $1764 it looks like...need 3 outta 5 to make it new support (I think...)

one outta 2 closes...puts pressure on tomorrow's weekending chart painting at the close, yes?

1970 silver art
12th August 2011, 04:57 AM
It might close well below $1764 at the end of today. As I type this, it is currently at 1751 according to Kitco.com.

12th August 2011, 07:48 AM
What about his prediction of 1764.00, being the point where gold would rise expo-nentialy?

Looks like that may have been a nice fantasy. Gold tanking daily.

12th August 2011, 01:34 PM
I think Sinclair's gold numbers are a crock of $hit. He basically listed dozens of price points leading up to $1650, which served no purpose. What, we didn't know that gold had to go through $682 to get to $887.50? (BTW, $887.50 was the biggest joke number of all. Resolution to a half a buck?) All those markers along the way had no significance. They showed no more or less resistance or support than any other numbers you could have picked randomly from a hat.

Even when he was predicting $1650 early on, dozens of other advisors, as well as everybody on this forum, expected as much, so what was so special about his prediction? I think he was actually woefully conservative, given his perspective. I've been calling for a gold top at $3200 since 2005, so his prediction actually looks quite lame. Even $1650 has no significance, since he's moved on to $1764. Props my a$$.