View Full Version : You Tube Censorship " Islamists try to take over Bulgarian street "

4th August 2011, 08:20 PM
Islamists try to take over Bulgarian street but face resistance

I figured it out I think, how to get it to work without logging into youtube.
They already removed one.


They banned the user for posting this for some reason, why ?

originally posted on,
Bulgarians 'Intolerant" of Islam Immigration; Posted on: 2011-08-01 08:04:01 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer (http://www.wvwnews.net/printer.php?id=10289) ]
Eastern Europeans have a pair.

4th August 2011, 08:28 PM
Norwegian Parliament Member Condemns Multi-Culturalism



by David Yeagley · July 31, 2011 · 77 Comments (http://www.badeagle.com/2011/07/31/norwegian-parliament-member-condems-multi-culturaliam/#comments) · http://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.pnghttp://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.pnghttp://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.pnghttp://w.sharethis.com/images/check-big.png
Christian Tybring-Gjedde (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Tybring-Gjedde), member of the Norwegian Parliament, has publicly condemned multiculturalism, or, Muslim pandering. In a dramatically frank speak last May, he declared that Norwegian blonde girls are harassed into dying their hair dark, to avoid persecution. That says it all. He blames, not the Muslims, but the Norwegian Labor Party–the Communist, “liberal” party for their extremism in purposely allowing this cultural genocide of Norway, and denying any opportunity to resist it. In Orwellian terms, Tybring-Gjedde declared himself a “revolutionist.” He will resist the destruction of his own people and his own country.

Dear National Congress,
The Labour Party has turned Oslo into an ethnically divided city. In the Grorud Valley the indigenous population is moving out and non-Western immigrants are moving in. Norwegians feel ostracized in their own neighborhoods children don’t feel at ease in kindergartens, schools and leisure activities.
No politicians should decide where people should live, but the reason behind thousands of people deciding to move away is not something we politicians can just ignore.
In the Grorud Valley blonde girls are harassed into dying their hair dark. Children are threatened with beatings if their lunch box contains salami. Boys of immigrant backgrounds threaten to beat Norwegian boys if they are not given extended playing time in football. Bags of sweets handed out at special occasions in kindergartens, are rifled through in search of gelatin. Such bags are marked with pictures of pigs, as a warning.
