View Full Version : American Tinderbox

9th August 2011, 10:10 AM
Let’s go ahead and make it official: the race riots I predicted when Obama was elected, have begun.

I still believe the intensity of the violence will not peak until he leaves office, or it becomes obvious (to blacks) that he soon will.

2012 or 2016.

As with the 1960’s I anticipate a widespread and multi-year sequence of events.

Here’s an important essay, written from what appears to be an old school liberal perspective.

To wit: black mobs are attacking innocent white people, knowledge of what is happening cannot be suppressed, nor can the narrative be properly shaped.

And thanks to economic decline and organized white anger, unlike the 1960’s there will be no possibility of responding with the necessary bribes and appeasement, i.e. no "Great Society."

All of which will likely signal seismic shifts in race relations and racial identity.

I tend to agree.


My predictions, long term, in a nutshell:

In Europe:
Black and Brown versus White. White wins.

In the U.S.:
Black versus White. Brown wins.
(Black attacks White. Black loses, but the "victory" further demoralizes White. When the dust settles, the U.S. is a Brown nation.)

27th March 2012, 09:33 AM
From the above essay:

The conditions for a Category 5 hurricane are all there; it is easy to see a political reaction taking shape in this country that would make the Tea Party movement look like a PTA bake sale. They say that great storms start with trivial causes: a butterfly waves its wings and, when conditions are just right, the wind begins to grow.

The country is so angry now that it would not take much more than the right butterfly in the right place to take us to the next stage of struggle over the Great Society legacy. Just as the urban riots of the 1960s played a role in the hasty adoption of the sixties policy complex, so a rash of small urban confrontations that caught on à la française could dramatically accelerate and intensify the current upheaval in American politics.

Will Trayvon Martin be that butterfly?

27th March 2012, 11:01 AM
economic decline and organized white anger



http://blog.zap2it.com/kate_ohare/assets_c/2010/11/Dancing_With_The_Stars_Kyle_Massey_Lacey_Schwimmer %2011-8-2010%206-10-57%20PM-thumb-400x459-18351-thumb-400x459-18352.jpg

::) Dancing With The Stars still gonna be the most popular teevee show?

27th March 2012, 11:37 AM


http://blog.zap2it.com/kate_ohare/assets_c/2010/11/Dancing_With_The_Stars_Kyle_Massey_Lacey_Schwimmer %2011-8-2010%206-10-57%20PM-thumb-400x459-18351-thumb-400x459-18352.jpg

::) Dancing With The Stars still gonna be the most popular teevee show?

Book, you are a shit disturber extraordinaire. Your posts stir something in members here like no one else can...and I love it!
Don't ever stop being you! :)
Who the hell wants to belong to a forum where everyone thinks the same?

27th March 2012, 11:47 AM
Will Trayvon Martin be that butterfly?

Trayvon Martin is going to be as big a butterfly as the black chick who claimed rape against the Duke lacrosse team.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
27th March 2012, 12:40 PM
::) Dancing With The Stars still gonna be the most popular teevee show?

I don't watch that show but I'm curious if it features any white guys dancing with black chicks.

27th March 2012, 12:59 PM
I don't watch that show but I'm curious if it features any white guys dancing with black chicks.

Hell, does it have any White men dancing with White women?

We sacrifice our birthright on the altar of multiculturalism.