View Full Version : US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier.

10th August 2011, 06:12 PM
Who the hell are we to tell tell the rest of the world what to do......the US is now the dog trying to bite the elephants legs......unless the US intent to launch nuclear missiles against the whole world I would then suggest to them to cool it.

US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier.

China's stealth fighter jet, the J-20
© AFP/KANWA NEWS/File Kanwa News

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said Wednesday it would like China to explain why it needs an aircraft carrier amid broader US concerns about Beijing's lack of transparency over its military aims.

"We would welcome any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters when asked whether the carrier would raise regional tensions.

"This is part of our larger concern that China is not as transparent as other countries. It's not as transparent as the United States about its military acquisitions, about its military budget," she said.

"And we'd like to have the kind of open, transparent relationship in military-to-military affairs," Nuland said.

"In our military-to-military relations with many countries around the world, we have the kind of bilateral dialogue where we can get quite specific about the equipment that we have and its intended purposes and its intended movements," she said.

But China and the United States are "not at that level of transparency" to which the two nations aspire, Nuland added.

The comments came hours after China's first aircraft carrier embarked on its inaugural sea trial, a move likely to stoke concerns about the nation's military expansion and growing territorial assertiveness.

Beijing only recently confirmed it was revamping an old Soviet ship to be its first carrier and has sought to play down the vessel's capability, saying it will mainly be used for training and "research."


10th August 2011, 06:24 PM
why do they need it? how else are they gonna launch an aerial attack on the US? lol

10th August 2011, 06:32 PM
If its like anything else built there, It won't last long.

Then again, a one shot use could be a bad thing.

10th August 2011, 06:33 PM
A nuclear missile under every guest bed........or so the US thinks.

China launches second aircraft carrier after a £9.6m refit... as a luxury hotel By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:10 AM on 11th August 2011

Comments (0) Add to My Stories Share Days after sea trials for China's first aircraft carrier Varyag caused heightened tension in the South China Sea, a second carrier is stirring up interest in the country.

But the Kiev, although like the Varyag a former Soviet aircraft carrier, is welcoming guests in its new role as a leisure facility.

Billed as China's first aircraft carrier hotel, the Kiev has undergone a £9.6million refit, reports the South China Morning Post.

Former Soviet heavy aircraft carrying cruiser Kiev has been part of a military theme park since 2004. Now it is a luxury hotel

Not a periscope in sight: Maids prepare one of the bedrooms in a lavish presidential suite with silver curtains and white leather furniture
In 1996 the retired warship was sold to a Chinese company, and has been part of a military theme park in north China's Tianjin municipality since 2004.

Owners of the Binhai Aircraft Park believe China's burgeoning naval power will drum up customer interest and appeal to curious visitors.

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'Previously, China didn't have aircraft carriers. People find them mysterious and are curious about them,' said marketing manager Liu Chang.

'Even though China's first aircraft carrier has now gone on sea trials, it will be quite hard for the public to ever visit it. I guess people can come here to fulfil their curiosity.'

Room for a group chat: Another of the presidential suites has silver pouffes and leather tiled flooring

Suites you sir: The opulence of this room is reflected in the mirrored ceiling and gold accessories dotted around
Designers have shunned standard naval decor in favour of a more luxurious feel. One room is dominated by a vast white circular bed, with silver lamé drapes and a cowskin rug.
There are five lavish presidential suites in all, targetting guests who are curious to try a sea-themed hotel with a difference.

Prices to stay in the converted aircraft carrier have yet to be set, but the lavish interior suggests teh hotel will appeal to the more well-off clientele.

For the past few weeks, Chinese state television and online military news websites have been following the preparation of the Varyag on a daily basis.

China's first aircraft carrier set sail for the first time last Wednesday, raising concerns among China's neighbors.
The ship has become a symbol of China's rising military power. As yet it remains to be seen what the Kiev symbolises for the country.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2024729/China-launches-second-aircraft-carrier-9-6m-refit--luxury-hotel.html#ixzz1UiOtKzPt

10th August 2011, 06:40 PM
Read my other post, they are making high class hotels out of them......

"Why spend money at war, when you can make money at peace?"...... Ponce

Where the US goes around the world making war and enemies, Chinas makes business and friends.........

10th August 2011, 06:45 PM
i did read your other post...they made a hotel out of one of them, not both of them...

still afloat
10th August 2011, 08:09 PM
They have been building this carrier for 10 years , why did it take so long for the US to say anything if they were worried about it anyway.
Wouldn't it made more sense to as Barney Fife would say and "Nip it , nip in in the bud" and have voiced concern when they started it rather than wait till its ready to go.

10th August 2011, 08:20 PM
Reply- why do you need another trillion $$?

10th August 2011, 09:22 PM
We better give the state of Israel another twenty millions dollar so that they can build a carrier of their own.....just in case China decides to attack them............oi vey, oi vey, why does the world hates us so.

11th August 2011, 05:27 AM
why did it take so long for the US to say anything if they were worried about it anyway.

The "war on terra" episode was just getting under way, the Chinese are for the next act.

11th August 2011, 05:32 AM
Ponce- you seem to always have this "Amerika=great Satan" mentality, while praising places like: Cuba, Russia, China, arabs, etc. Maybe its because you are a foreigner with no ties to this land and its heritage, but you lack a foundational knowledge of what the true America is about. Perhaps you should go and try living in one of those wonderful places? BTW- why are you not in Cuba?

One more thing... China was GIVEN EVERYTHING it has! They did not invent the industries and the manufacturing that the IMF, the globalists and corrupt politicians send there. The Chinese are being used as tools to wage war on Amerika. I see no glory in what China is.

11th August 2011, 05:46 AM
The U.S. has no right to question another nations defense apparatus.(Especially since as Spectrism has pointed out, WE GAVE THEM THE ABILITY to manufacture aircraft carriers.) That would be like Russia asking the U.S. why we need another aircraft carrier. We'd pretty much tell Russia to fuck off and mind their own business. China has every right to say the same to the U.S.

11th August 2011, 06:15 AM
The U.S. has no right to question another nations defense apparatus.(Especially since as Spectrism has pointed out, WE GAVE THEM THE ABILITY to manufacture aircraft carriers.) That would be like Russia asking the U.S. why we need another aircraft carrier. We'd pretty much tell Russia to fuck off and mind their own business. China has every right to say the same to the U.S.

Not really. Russia gave America nothing but grief. China got EVERYTHING from America.... either by stealing it or by globalist manipulators.

ANY country has the right to question any other, about anything. Now, what they presume to use in backing up any confrontation is yet to be seen. I would anticipate the globalists setting China up for some major unhappiness, so that they do go to war. I suspect this is why Bush has thousands of acres in South America. There will be ugly scars carved into the north american and asian lands.

11th August 2011, 07:03 AM
It's BS people, the current Chinese government is a American creation, just like the USSR.


11th August 2011, 07:20 AM
Lol Spec...."Maybe its because you are a foreigner with no ties to this land"..........with 58 years in this land and with an American mother and six years in the US Army (where I have given my blood) and 12 years working for the "government' I believe that I do have some ties to this land.......but.......I call it as I see it ........... my beef is not with the people of this land because all around the world we are all the same.......my beef is with the US government that has been taken over by the Zionist who are the real ones in power.

The Arab nations have done nothing to the US and yet our troops are going into THEIR LAND to kill them and make them unhappy.......how would you feel if China were to invade the US and do to us what we are doing to othes?.....the US is the NEWEST country in the world and is only thanks to the people that came from far away lands that we were able to become the number one nation in the world and is now thanks to the Zionist that we will be a third world class country.

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

Wont stay to long, have to go to the VA today.

11th August 2011, 07:29 AM
Lol Spec...."Maybe its because you are a foreigner with no ties to this land"..........with 58 years in this land and with an American mother and six years in the US Army (where I have given my blood) and 12 years working for the "government' I believe that I do have some ties to this land.......but.......I call it as I see it ........... my beef is not with the people of this land because all around the world we are all the same.......my beef is with the US government that has been taken over by the Zionist who are the real ones in power.

The Arab nations have done nothing to the US and yet our troops are going into THEIR LAND to kill them and make them unhappy.......how would you feel if China were to invade the US and do to us what we are doing to othes?.....the US is the NEWEST country in the world and is only thanks to the people that came from far away lands that we were able to become the number one nation in the world and is now thanks to the Zionist that we will be a third world class country.

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

Wont stay to long, have to go to the VA today.

Morning el hombre que es un accidente esperando ;D

And agree with what you say about people not having ties to
the land.

Twisted Titan
11th August 2011, 07:45 AM
Why do I need it?

Maybe if I sell 400 BILLION T notes you can figure it out all by yourself eh?