View Full Version : New rules in school - Need to go to the toilet, the whole class must go too

11th August 2011, 04:19 PM
Anger at school toilet trial
Jewel Topsfield
August 12, 2011

PARENTS are alarmed that children at a primary school in Melbourne's east began wetting themselves after the school tested an approach that discouraged them from going to the toilet in class time.

In the Kew Primary School trial, which parents said was conducted without their knowledge, the entire class would go to the toilet if one child needed to go during a lesson.

One mother, who asked not to be named, said she first became aware of the trial when her child wet herself at the front door. ''I said, 'What happened? She said, 'I'm holding on, I didn't want the whole class to have to come with me to the toilet.' At first when she told me the rule I disbelieved her.''
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Another mother took her high-achieving child to the doctor after she wet herself twice at home.

''She hasn't done this since she was three,'' the mother said. ''There was a kind of ripple effect where parents slowly became aware of changes in their children. Children were complaining of headaches, they were constipated, they weren't drinking water and were coming home with full drink bottles.''

A group of parents wrote to Kew Primary principal Kim Dray, expressing their concern about the trial and citing medical research about the impact of constipation on children.

In an email, obtained by The Age, Dr Dray said the ''whole class'' method of toilet break supervision was ''used successfully by some other schools'' and was being tested by some classes.

''Team leaders met at the end of last week to discuss the trialled approaches, and although you may find this surprising, some commented on a decrease in disruption to class lessons, especially in senior and specialist classes,'' she wrote.

But then

Dr Dray told The Age Kew Primary was a caring school and she would never implement a policy that distressed students. ''It's our priority … to ensure that students are supervised at all times as we exercise our duty of care,'' she said.
''As a result of a few students leaving the toilets in an untidy manner, staff decided to review the way students were supervised while visiting the toilet during class. We trialled three options with different classes over two weeks. One of those involved … a whole-of-class break for stretching as well as an opportunity for children to go to the toilet.''

Dr Dray said she had checked with teachers and was not aware of any child in the whole-class trial who was ''caught short or distressed''.

Full story @ the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/anger-at-school-toilet-trial-20110811-1iovx.html)

I can't work out if this is just plain bizzare or has some merit.....

11th August 2011, 04:22 PM
http://http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50274_185161143829_5898861_n.jpg$#@^%$#@.......... .

11th August 2011, 04:39 PM
The cry of modern tyrany

"it's for the children's safety"

11th August 2011, 04:42 PM
The cry of modern tyrany

"it's for the children's safety"

Im now convinced school is overall ....A BAD IDEA

11th August 2011, 04:43 PM
Its a good plan. Why don't American factories do the same? Take GM. Shut down the assembly line so all workers can go to the toilet at the same time.

I would be willing to bet productivity would increase 20%. But then I would rather purchase a car at the START of production rather than near the next break. Maybe they could put a decal in it to tell you how long the workers who built it were from a potty run.

11th August 2011, 04:49 PM

11th August 2011, 04:51 PM
Colostomy and Urine bags for everyone!

Or maybe use some of this


and just make a mess on the floor. ;D

11th August 2011, 04:55 PM
If I were to be in a "old peoples home" every one would have to get up to go to the bathroom with me at least six times a night, hummmmmmmmm or maybe someone else goes 20 times? bad idea, back to the drawing board.

11th August 2011, 04:56 PM

Elephants dont need school as they remember everything

11th August 2011, 05:10 PM
Maybe they need to get the kids some of these so they don't have to leave the classroom to take a poop:



11th August 2011, 06:10 PM
The real irony is when parents complain about the FREE Public School system they send their child to. They are sending their flesh, blood and mind to the 10th Plank of the Communist Manifesto.

The greatest damage you can do to a child is not any type of physical or sexual abuse. No. The most horrific incomprehensible damage that can be done to a child is the destruction of the free mind and soul, which all children have.

When you send your child to be taught by Satan, dont be surprised when you find out they turned out to be moral rats.

11th August 2011, 09:18 PM
The real irony is when parents complain about the FREE Public School system they send their child to. They are sending their flesh, blood and mind to the 10th Plank of the Communist Manifesto.

The greatest damage you can do to a child is not any type of physical or sexual abuse. No. The most horrific incomprehensible damage that can be done to a child is the destruction of the free mind and soul, which all children have.

When you send your child to be taught by Satan, don't be surprised when you find out they turned out to be moral rats.

And this is why I pay 2500/a year for my daughters private preschool best money I have ever spent paying the Lutherans to teach her. I am not Lutheran by any stretch but I found that when you tie religion in to the school the DOE has to butt out of the curriculum so they can teach all kinds of good stuff like values competition getting it right does really matter and they are allowed to uphold standards.

Like I said best money I ever spent.

12th August 2011, 05:50 AM
The real irony is when parents complain about the FREE Public School system they send their child to. They are sending their flesh, blood and mind to the 10th Plank of the Communist Manifesto.

The greatest damage you can do to a child is not any type of physical or sexual abuse. No. The most horrific incomprehensible damage that can be done to a child is the destruction of the free mind and soul, which all children have.

When you send your child to be taught by Satan, dont be surprised when you find out they turned out to be moral rats.

Free ???
I don't think so.

12th August 2011, 08:00 AM
Hahahaha, I would purposely pee my pants everyday. (Till I got sick of it)

12th August 2011, 08:07 AM
This sounds like a good way to distract the class.

Someone having to pee every ten minutes.

15th August 2011, 04:55 PM
Parents want Kew principal axed over toilet trial
PARENTS are demanding the principal of Kew Primary School be stood down over ''misleading comments'' stating parents had been informed about a ''humiliating'' toilet trial.

From July 18 to August 3, Kew Primary tested a ''whole class approach'' to toilet breaks during lessons, in which the class would go to the toilet if one student needed to go.

The experiment led to students wetting themselves, constipation, headaches, students ceasing to drink and girls refusing to go to school if they had their period.

Principal Kim Dray told The Age parents were kept informed during and after the trial in the school newsletter, and feedback from staff, parents and students was fully considered.

Parents said the only mention in the newsletter was that various alternatives for students on message or toilet breaks would be tested.
They said Dr Dray's misleading comments in the media had left them with no confidence in her and they believed her position was no longer tenable.
Parents also told The Age the whole-class toilet trial was ''just the tip of the iceberg'', and the school had many draconian rules.
These included students not being permitted to enter the grounds without supervision before 8.45am.
One parent said students had been told to arrive at 8.30am last week to attend sports day. When the event was cancelled because of bad weather, Dr Dray refused to allow students into the school until 8.45am, even though they were getting soaked.

Other school rules included a ban on birthday cake, Easter eggs and sharing food because of potential allergies.

''There is a really punitive culture - it's like she doesn't want anyone to have fun,'' a parent said.

In a letter to Education Minister Martin Dixon and Education Department regional director Michael De'Ath, a mother said her daughter went home sick when she got her period because she felt embarrassed and humiliated by the prospect of the class following her to the toilet.

''Ultimately my daughter has been absent from school for two days,'' the letter said.
''I am disappointed that Dr Kim Dray failed to consult with me, my daughter and my daughter's teacher and disturbed that Dr Dray has dismissed my concerns out of hand.''
Mr De'Ath said the department did not support a ''whole class toileting approach''.
''Dr Dray agreed that communication with parents on these matters could be enhanced and is examining ways for this to occur,'' he said in a letter obtained by The Age.
''I am aware that Dr Dray regrets this decision and the unanticipated outcome for your daughter.''

The mother said Mr De'Ath's response was inadequate. ''I think she should be removed from the school,'' she said.

Alex, whose son, 8, suffers enuresis, (an inability to control urination), said she had not been told of the trial, despite her son's condition being recorded on his enrolment.

Dr Dray yesterday wrote to parents apologising for what occurred. ''With the benefit of hindsight, the whole class toileting approach was ill considered and I can assure you that it will never happen again,'' she said.

Article @ The Age (http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/parents-want-kew-principal-axed-over-toilet-trial-20110815-1iutr.html)

Parents got angry. Thats a good start. Who can tell me something about the Principal? A picture paints a thousand words.

16th August 2011, 08:15 AM
This is significant. At my last job, they actually called a meeting and said they were limiting bathroom breaks. Manager: "If you have to use the bathroom that much, maybe you should drink less water." They want to control every single second of your day. They want to control everything you do, everything you think, everything you are.
