View Full Version : Silver: COMEX Will Soon be Irrelevant
12th August 2011, 04:49 PM
You walk by a grocery store and see a sign for milk at 39 cents a gallon. Curious, you enter the store and walk back to the coolers. To your surprise, you find that the shelves are empty and the store is our of milk. Feeling cheated, you ask to speak to the owner. He casually admits that the franchise he represents made him put up the sign and that he will restock after the sale is over.
COMEX, with its dwindling silver stockpiles, continues to artificially suppress the price of silver while gold prices climb. Consider the following:
1. There are only 15 ounces of silver out there for every ounce of gold. This fact alone sets the price for silver at $113.00 per ounce.
2. On April 20, 2011, there were 41 million registered ounces of silver in COMEX depositories. Today that number is around 27 million ounces. That is a 35% decline in inventories in the past few months. Add to this that the people doing the counting are professional liars and you have a real problem.
3. There are about 1.8 million ounces of registered gold left in Comex Depositories, validating the 15:1 ratio with silver.
4. "Spot Price" for Silver is based on futures contracts, in theory. It should accurately reflect supply and demand. Houston, we have a problem. Last time I checked there were outstanding contracts on 440 million ounces of silver. The difference between 27 million ounces registered in Comex depositories is staggerring.
5. Derivatives have destroyed the rest of the market's credibility with JP Morgan and HSBC issuing Short Options on those imaginary ounces of silver to drive down the price.
6. Comex depositories and JP Morgan Chase are both owned by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The beneficial owners of the Federal Reserve banks. Their business is paper, and silver is the only rival that paper has left.
Henry Makow publishes correspondence from a Satanic Psychopath that belongs to the Alpha Lodge. This piece of filth states quite clearly:
"Soon the Reserve Banks will increase interest rates. Inflation will run rampant. This will lead to quick destruction of economies. Governments worldwide will increase taxation to pay debts that can't physically be paid. This will be done because the sheeple want it and to prevent economic recovery. There will be no superannuation, pensions or social security: Just get over it. All this was set in place in September, 2010. Think not what you can do for your country. Think what your country will do to you! Gold will be taken from the sheeple; although Satan's metal, silver will be safe." (Source)
He pretty much validates what I have been telling you for quite a long time. Silver is not Satan's metal. Gold is. This is why gold will be confiscated. Silver has too many other uses, besides as a precious metal, to be taken away from the masses.
The economic collapse is unfolding right before your eyes. I warned of an August correction of the stock market that would cost investors up to 20% of their holdings. I was right. I am now warning you that the total stock market collapse is planned for the end of October/ early November.
The bond market will also collapse from the rising interest rates that will grossly discount current debt. COMEX is the third domino that will fall. Its already a gross fraud, and so is its "Spot Price". Look for a silver disconnect from COMEX in the upcoming months. "Spot Price" will be irrevelent and silver will sell for up $1500 per ounce by February of 2012.
12th August 2011, 04:52 PM
So, let's see if I got this right. The stock market correction I predicted back in January (20% drop) takes place. The dollar is trashed, so is real-estate and the bond market. Yet, somehow the only investment left that won't be confiscated by the Obama Administration, sits at about $40 per ounce. Gold goes up, yet silver stays where its at. Hmmmmmmmmm.
The numbers just don't add up. Consider the following:
1. The gold confiscation act has already been written and is awaiting implementation at any time. Yet, the price rises about $100 per ounce.
2. The ratios are the same. 1 ounce of gold to 15 ounces of silver in the COMEX vaults.
3. Registered Silver inventories in the COMEX vaults continue their decline (now close to 26 million ounces), showing increased demand and very limited supply.
4. The COMEX shows that about 450 million ounces of silver are being traded in the futures market, on contracts that will expire in the next 30 days. Yet, only 26 million registered ounces are available for delivery.
5. Even more interesting, only 1.7 million ounces of silver were actually delivered this month. What happened to the other 448 million ounces???!!!!
6. Futures contracts are either dying a premature death, or they are being settled in cash. Either way, we have price manipulation and massive investment fraud.
7. One futures contract equals 5,000 ounces of silver. Effective July 15th, small investors were kicked out of the futures market.
So they let gold futures (Spot) prices rise and sit on the price of silver. Investors have no where else to go but precious metals and there is a very, very limited supply. There can only be one simple explanation:
1. They want you to buy gold , so they can steal it from you when they pass their gold confiscation act. By permitting prices to rise on gold, and not silver, they make it look like the only alternative. Remember, its all about forced choices with these people.
2. They want you to panic and sell your silver, so they can buy it for a song.
3. They think you are stupid morons that will actually believe every lie that comes forth from their mouths. (IE: The Fed won't raise rates for a few years).
4. They want to keep you in the stock market until they bring the whole thing down in Late Fall of 2011.
No offense to any other prognisticators, but I laid this out for my clients in 2007. I even made a youtube video which you can view Here. Everything I have stated has come to pass. The only things I have missed are exact dates, but I have still been right on the series of events. I have always stated that I never get exact dates from the Man Upstairs, so I give it my best educated guess. I don't think He wants anyone to trade on the info He passes along to me. He also expects us to have a little faith.
People followed Jesus because he gave them free bread and fish one time. When these people realized that the bread and fish were a one-time shot, they left Him in droves. I say good riddance. Based on the dramatic increase I have had in listenership on my radio show, and the increases I have had in readership of my articles, I know that the people that follow both are just looking for solutions, not a get rich quick crystal ball.
Look at the Prophets in the Bible. They never gave dates. I give it my best educated guess, and people are ready to hang me as a "False Prophet". yet, they conveniently ignore the fact that all of my predictions have come true, or will surely come true in the near future. So, once again, this is what is coming:
1. Stock Market Collapse, Bond Market Collapse and COMEX Collapse (Late Fall, 2011)
2. Hyperinflation, Bank closings, etc. (Early winter)
3. Food riots and Race Riots (Winter)
4. False Flag Terrorist Attacks and Martial law (Winter)
5. Biological weapons released (Winter)
6. World War III, which starts with a nuclear missile hitting Israel (Anytime)
7. Ninety percent of the world's population will be decimated. 30% by Plagues, 30% by Famine and 30% by War/Riots.
8. China and Russia will invade the United States, but will be stopped by the faith of the righteous that are left in this land.
9. The American Indians will aid in the work of destruction, so will the natives of Central and South America.
10. The Illuminati will surrender the State of Utah, and it will become a place of safety for the righteous. Utah will be an Independent Republic that actually obeys the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It will also be cleansed from its present corruptions. Other places of refuge will be established in other lands for the more righteous inhabitants.
11. One ounce of silver will buy one acre of land. Silver prices will hit $150 an ounce and then ten times that amount.
12. Food will be in very short supply among the wicked and corrupt. The righteous that prepare will watch as the their stores are protected and increased by the Hand of the Lord. They will have enough for their families and the families that God send to them. They will be shown who to help and who to reject.
13. Martial Law and the "Mark" will be implemented among the wicked. Forced labor camps will be the only place for "useless eaters" to find a scarce meal and a scanty existence. Those that have willfully embraced slavery will get their wish fulfilled.
14. I saw as these trials brought many people to repentence. When these were sufficiently humbled by their sufferings, they were delivered from their trials. However, the vast majority preferred to raise their fist in defiance, curse God, and die.
12th August 2011, 04:59 PM
Did a Mormon apocalyptic write this?
12th August 2011, 05:06 PM
Did a Mormon apocalyptic write this?
This is his optimistic out look
12th August 2011, 05:20 PM
This is his optimistic out look
He forgot one...
15. All your budding young teenage daughters shall be brought to me for holy defloweration...
Oh wait, that was that other mormon quack...
12th August 2011, 05:25 PM
10. The Illuminati will surrender the State of Utah, and it will become a place of safety for the righteous. Utah will be an Independent Republic that actually obeys the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It will also be cleansed from its present corruptions. Other places of refuge will be established in other lands for the more righteous inhabitants.
Is this guy a Mormon?
12th August 2011, 05:44 PM
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12th August 2011, 06:01 PM
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Looks like a private registration with the Utah based ISP ( Even the longer form (with admin, tech, etc.) show the ISP as registrant. This does not show who the owner is.
12th August 2011, 06:02 PM
Why do you think mormons store so much food?
12th August 2011, 06:12 PM
Why do you think mormons store so much food?
They do. But I (at least) was referring to Utah practically becoming the only free place in the country.
10. The Illuminati will surrender the State of Utah, and it will become a place of safety for the righteous. Utah will be an Independent Republic that actually obeys the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It will also be cleansed from its present corruptions. Other places of refuge will be established in other lands for the more righteous inhabitants.
12th August 2011, 06:21 PM
Is this guy a Mormon?
It may appear that way................
12th August 2011, 06:49 PM
I had planned to head to the coinshop in the morning intending to buy gold....
Now this comes along and dresses up silver... gawd::)
decisions decisions.....
12th August 2011, 06:52 PM
I had planned to head to the coinshop in the morning intending to buy gold....
Now this comes along and dresses up silver... gawd::)
decisions decisions.....
Easy; buy both.
Ya gotta diversify.
Although if I owned any metal myself, I'd be silver-heavy. ;)
12th August 2011, 06:59 PM
Why do you think mormons store so much food?
Gotta feed the wives and kids.
12th August 2011, 07:07 PM
Why do you think mormons store so much food?
Mormon Munchies ?
Large Sarge
12th August 2011, 07:56 PM
tha part of 15 to 1 GSR, I think is misleading...
Right now above ground, and available silver is less than 1 billion ounces (with the comex at roughly 26 million ounces being the largest supply Supposedly for sale)
I and many others say 300 - 500 million ounces is all thats really left (this was a couple years ago, so its probably even less now)
all the gold thats ever been mined is 5 billion ounces....
except for the rare art, and the hard to get (dentistry, etc) its all available for a price...
so while the price is roughly 44 ounces of silver to equal 1 ounce of gold
the supply above ground is 5 to 10 ounces of gold for every ounce of silver
This 15 to 1 thing is overblown IMO
12th August 2011, 08:04 PM
The Gold confisication in America has already been on-going for a few years. It's the Fed sponsored Cash For Gold program. What little bit that will be left is not even worth their time in taking.
12th August 2011, 08:16 PM
I have read in a few placed that the ratio of silver to gold ABOVE ground is 1/5, or in other words one oz of silver for every five oz of gold...........
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