View Full Version : Problem in the Projects.....

12th August 2011, 05:35 PM
Call the FEDS

Feds Called in to Curb Eastside Crime (http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2011/08/11/feds-called-in-to-curb-eastside-crime/)

EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. (KMOX) - The public housing complexes on the east side of the river might just be the deadliest places in the country, but efforts are underway to secure the area.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is bringing in federal law enforcement to help state and local authorities crack down on crime. Figures show that East St. Louis is nearly twice as dangerous as even the worst streets in Chicago.

“You will find that the crime rate here is the worst in the nation,” Durbin says. “The club scene in East St. Louis is a crime scene.”

Durbin says that although the public housing complexes are managed federally, their problems come from local sources.

“You cannot have this club scene turn out to be the wild west, where innocent people are victimized by it, no matter what the revenue is to the city of East St. Louis,” he says. “And you can’t open liquor stores on every corner near housing developments and expect good things to come if you’re open all night.”

Durbin says the responsibility is on city leaders’ shoulders to change the public housing situation.

Sister Julia Huiaskamp has tutored many kids in the area, and she says opportunities are few.

“We have many, many children who have been cheated by the public schools system here, who do not have the skills they need to get a job, even if there were any jobs to find,” Huiaskamp says.

She also says the problem extends beyond just kids.

“We have so many parents of the children that we work with who have no cash income – their only income is food stamps,” Huiaskamp says.

Durbin says poverty is a longer-term issue, and for now efforts will focus on reducing crime by tracking down and prosecuting criminals.

Copyright KMOX Radio.
Read the comments at the article. There are not many who are falling for this.
Someone even posted http://www.iamthewitness.com/

Locally, I have seen a few publicized stories about local PD's bringing in Feds to get some low hanging fruit street scum. It makes no sense to me. Either the local PD's are that incompetent, or maybe they are forced under contract to bring in the FEDS to help them out.

Anyone else seeing FEDS in local busts?

12th August 2011, 05:46 PM
I have been to the east side. It's horrible, federal input never helps with anything though.

12th August 2011, 06:13 PM
how about ... they legalize Marijuana in East St. Louis - and let the cops hand out the Herb ?

it mellows out the locals AND it furthers the goals of "community involvement".

except for one thing - the rate of un-planned pregnancies would probably not decline.

next idea ?

12th August 2011, 06:19 PM
how about ... they legalize Marijuana in East St. Louis - and let the cops hand out the Herb ?

it mellows out the locals AND it furthers the goals of "community involvement".

except for one thing - the rate of un-planned pregnancies would probably not decline.

next idea ?

The project minorities should be dispersed among more affluent anglo-american communities so they can benefit from the clean, well organized, hard working mindset of what made this country great.

12th August 2011, 06:22 PM
The project minorities should be dispersed among more affluent anglo-american communities so they can benefit from the clean, well organized, hard working mindset of what made this country great.

That would just bring down those areas too..The reality is, they want to keep it all contained in one area. Better to have one bad area, than to spread out the blight to the surrounding communities.

Same thing around here, keep it contained. I've heard this firsthand from city employees, that's the plan.

12th August 2011, 06:23 PM
The project minorities should be dispersed among more affluent anglo-american communities so they can benefit from the clean, well organized, hard working mindset of what made this country great.

They are already doing that here in ILL.

How do you think they cleared out the worst projects in Shitcago? They shipped them downstate with Section 8 waivers. Hooray!

12th August 2011, 06:27 PM
but it's not fair that hard working americans should enjoy the nice things they work for, they should be compelled to share with those who have been less successful...

12th August 2011, 06:27 PM
but it's not fair that hard working americans should enjoy the nice things they work for, they should be compelled to share with those who have been less successful...

Yeah, that is probably what the dude who stole the air conditioner at work was thinking.

12th August 2011, 07:21 PM
Snip snip or no keys to section 8 housing

Not quite politically correct...but that's the best damn solution I've heard offered. That would work!