View Full Version : Drone Terrorism

mick silver
13th August 2011, 08:44 AM
http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_63504.shtml ...You’ve thrown the worst fear that can ever be hurled”.

Bob Dylan, Masters of War.

The use of unmanned drones by the U.S. to attack civilian population with Hellfire missiles is a form of state terrorism. It is designed not to assassinate individuals (extrajudicial killing), but to instil fear and terrorise the entire population.

We all know the U.S.-led war on Afghanistan is an illegal act of aggression, and there are no legal or legitimate grounds to justify the ongoing aggression. According to countless international law experts, the war on Afghanistan is an unlawful act of aggression. It “violates[s] international law and the express words of the United Nations Charter”. Article 51 only “gives a state the right to repel an attack that is ongoing or imminent as a temporary measure until the UN Security Council can take steps necessary for international peace and security”, he added. [1]. Indeed, all current U.S.-led wars on Muslim nations are acts of illegal aggression against sovereign nations. The use of armed drones, also known as pilotless planes or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to attack defenceless people and assassinate individuals is criminal.

According to a new report by The Fellowship for Reconciliation, “Armed drones have been used by the U.S. military in Afghanistan (since 2001), Iraq (since 2002), and Yemen (since 2002), by the CIA in Pakistan (since 2004), by the UK military in Afghanistan (since 2007) and by Israel in Gaza (since 2008). It is estimated that drones are being used or developed by over forty countries”. The majority of armed drones are produced and used by the U.S. and Israel, the inventors of terrorism. [2].

While Afghanistan and Pakistan bear the brunt of U.S. violence, U.S. drone attacks have also taken place in Yemen, Libya, Iraq and Somalia. In all cases, the violent attacks are illegal and in flagrant violation of international law. Terrorism is the illegitimate use of violent aggression against innocent people to achieve political objectives. With complete media complicity, drone terrorism is shrouded in secrecy and is leading to “boundless war without end”.

In its decade-long war on Afghanistan and now Pakistan, the U.S. has amassed the largest and most technologically advanced war machine in history against an entirely defenceless population. More than forty countries are participating in the bloodbath, although many of them are there just by name.

Recent U.S. media reports reveal that the U.S. has established a new drone base in the Arabian Peninsula, possibly in Qatar or Bahrain, where the U.S. has large military bases. Moreover, the U.S. has just hastily completed a “secret” drone base in Yemen. The locations will provide safe routes for U.S. drones to attack targets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, and soon Iran.

In addition to using drones for surveillance and intelligence purposes, increasingly the U.S. military and the C.I.A. are using drones controlled via satellite communication to launch missiles and bombs on population centres indiscriminately, often at distances of many thousands of miles. The outcomes of these terror strikes are countless massacres of innocent civilians. These atrocities are ignored by the capitalist media and major Western “humanitarian” organisations that provide a formidable cover-up for U.S. crimes.

On July 06, 2011, a U.S. airstrike in Khost Province in eastern Afghanistan killed eight children and two women. That attack ignited outrage among the population in neighbouring villages. The attack forced the puppet government to acknowledge U.S. crimes of terrorising the entire population were premeditated and “have to stop”. However, U.S.-led NATO’s response to “president” Hamid Karzai’s “warning” has been to increase the airstrikes to 12 per a day.

On August 01, 2011, the German Press Agency (DPA) reported that U.S. drones fired missiles at a vehicle in the Barmal area in South Waziristan, Afghanistan, along the Pakistani border killing at least four civilians and injuring scores others. The identities of those killed are still unknown.

In Afghanistan, “U.S. drones, attack planes and gunships have killed innocent Afghan civilians in homes and wedding parties. They have killed civilians trying to flee dangerous areas, men collecting scrap metal for sale, and boys gathering firewood for their families. In Nangarhar province in 2008, a U.S. plane bombed a bridal procession three times, killing the bride and 46 other people. Hajj Khan, an elderly man who survived, had been holding his grandson's hand as they walked toward the groom's village. According to a British paper, the Guardian, a bomb strike threw Mr. Khan to the ground. When he opened his eyes, he said, ‘I was still holding my grandson's hand but the rest of him was gone. I looked around and saw pieces of bodies everywhere’”. (Mary Meehan, Baltimoresun.com (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-afghan-violence-20110804,0,4799144.story)). These are not mistakes; they are deliberate acts of terrorism aimed at terrorising the population.

The ongoing U.S. terror war on Afghanistan has inflicted great suffering on the Afghan people. Refugees International reports (Report (http://refugeesinternational.org/print/4826)) recently that more than 250,000 Afghans have been forced to flee their towns and villages in the last two years. “Since January 1 [2011], more than 91,000 Afghans have fled their villages – compared with 42,000 over the same time period last year ... Not only have NATO-led troops and Afghan forces failed to protect Afghans, but U.S.-led airstrikes and night raids by U.S. Special Forces were destroying homes, crops and infrastructure, traumatising civilians and displacing tens of thousands of people. In the north alone, nearly 30,000 individuals have been displaced, a more than seven-fold increase compared to last year”. According to the UN High Commission for Refugees, 3.5 million Afghan refugees have fled their homes because of U.S. war. The overwhelming majority of them took shelter in neighbouring Pakistan.

According to a new study by Peter Bergen and Katherine Tiedemann, the Obama Administration has dramatically escalated drone attacks on Pakistan. In his first year in office, Obama authorised at least forty-one drone attacks, killing between 326 and 538 civilians, many of them women and children. There are multiple drones flying over Pakistan scouting for targets, i.e., people to kill. [3].

Drone attacks are act of terrorism. Scores of innocent civilians are killed every time a drone fires a missile to assassinate a targeted individual. For example, the assassination of Baitullah Mehsud in August 2009, the alleged leader of the Taliban Resistance in Pakistan, caused the death of between 250 and 300 innocent civilians over a 14-month operation [4]. Assassination is illegal, under both international and national law.

In 2010, the C.I.A. carried out 132 drone attacks in Pakistan. ”It was the deadliest year in terms of strikes and resultant fatalities since launching of the drone attack campaign in 2004”, according to Conflict Monitoring Centre (http://cmcpk.wordpress.com/), an independent research centre based in Islamabad, Pakistan. At least 938 people have been assassinated in these attacks. There have been 9 drone attacks during the month of May 2011, resulting in at least 62 innocent deaths and 17 injured. [5].

Since June 18, 2004, the start of C.I.A. drone attacks on Pakistan, at least 2,500 innocent civilians have been killed in more than 250 drone attacks. The C.I.A. admits that only 35 of those were resistance fighters. While Pakistan has always protested the attacks, it has recently asked the U.S. to stop drone attacks.

On July 11, 2011, multiple strikes by U.S. drones on villages in northwest Pakistan killed at least 45 people. It was the second-largest death toll in a single day since the U.S. drone terror attacks began on Pakistan in 2004. According to Western capitalist media, the criminal attacks came just a day after the Obama Administration cancelled $800 million in military “aid” to Pakistan in order to put pressure on the Pakistani military to participate in U.S. terror.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) in London analysed 116 drone strikes on Pakistan between August 2010 and June 29, 2011. In its ‘conservative estimate’, TBIJ reveals that in 10 drone strikes at least 45 civilians have been killed, including six named children. At least 15 additional strikes are likely to have killed at least 65 more civilians. While the investigation is a rare glimpse into a big atrocity, it might have underestimated civilian deaths. The atrocity is being replicated in Yemen and Libya, the “Pakistanisation” of Yemen and Libya.

On Monday August 01, 2011, the Yemen Post reported that two U.S. drone attacks in the village of Al-Khamila outside Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan Province in southern Yemen, killed 15 people and more than a dozen people were injured in the attacks. It alleges that the attacks were coordinated with the Yemeni dictatorship regime (propped-up by the U.S.) which is facing mounting pressure from the anti-imperialist opposition. “At least 35 U.S drone attacks were reported in Yemen over the last two months”, added the Yemen Post.

On June 15, 2011, The National (http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/middle-east/us-makes-a-drone-attack-a-day-in-yemen) (United Arab Emirates) reported on the escalation of U.S. drone attacks in Yemen. According to The National, an official with the Yemeni Ministry of Defence claims that the U.S. had launched over 15 drone strikes in the country in the first two weeks of June. The newspaper also quoted the deputy governor of Abyan province, Abdullah Luqman, condemning the attacks and stating: “These are the lives of innocent people being killed. At least 130 people have been killed in the last two weeks by U.S. drones”, Mr Luqman said.

The use of armed drones by the U.S. to attack defenceless civilians and assassinate individuals is a form of terrorism designed to terrorise the population to achieve political objectives. It is the worst terrorism ever hurled on defenceless population and must be condemned.

13th August 2011, 12:30 PM
Carl Anderson helped write the manual on drones, he said so himself on his site,
which I saved the page and have a screen of, I am assuming since he is a pilot he
wrote the flying aspects of this technology, obviously he does not work for the
military openly posting his name and his history and writing manuals on drones.

He gets weather modification contracts as well from governments, where's his website
proving this, we got it, lol .

When I see chemtrails and drones in the news I think of that bald headed fuck.

Where does he get the time to run gim ?

13th August 2011, 12:37 PM
F'ing Skyvike.....

13th August 2011, 12:41 PM
F'ing Skyvike.....

His site is down now, he used it to take over gim, lots of proof of what he is ,
from FRED's bombshell, to his own site and admissions,

Post like this is what makes me, Awoke, FRED and others targets for trolls,

I burned them a new one as Ezra Pound, so did Awoke, so did Gaillo, and others,

little monkey trolls joining here and trolling causing problems, for skyvike,
Santa did this and denies his ass kissing and history on here, happy for our bans,
we got the proof too and he is still a troll playing games, just one example of many,
skyvikes buddies, egging on other trolls too.

MUST READ , skyvike took down sites that had him admitting working for the US State Department,
then claimed he was threatened, meanwhile he goes on to post more openly, even his weather mod site.



13th August 2011, 03:47 PM
Hackers Build Cheap Spy Drone that Rivals CIA Predator

August 10th, 2011 · No Comments (http://www.hollywoodtoday.net/2011/08/10/hackers-build-cheap-spy-drone-that-rivals-cia-predator/#comments)

Garage-built DIY drone plane can cause serious damage worldwide
By Erick Hansen
http://www.hollywoodtoday.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/drone-hacker-300x200.jpg (http://www.hollywoodtoday.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/drone-hacker.jpg)
LAS VEGAS (Hollywood Today) 8/10/11 – Hackers have built a DIY flying drone that can launch remote attacks which astounded attendees at the Black Hat/Defcon meet here.
The hackers built their drone for about $6,000, while the CIA coughs up about S4.5 million each for their Predator drones. Though it doesn’t fire a pair of Hellfire missiles like the CIA models, the hacker drone has some serious teeth.
Hackers could use them to to intercept all wifi traffic and steal credit card numbers, fly above corporations to steal intellectual property and other data from a network, as well as launch denial-of-service or man-in-the-middle attacks. They could also transmit a cell phone jamming signal to frustrate an enemy’s communications.
A drone could also be used to single out a target, using the target’s cellphone to identify him in a crowd, and then follow his movements. And it would be handy for drug smuggling, or for terrorists to trigger a dirty bomb.
Guess you can’t get these at Radio Shack, though security researchers Mike Tassey and Richard Perkins did almost that. They went to an army surplus store, and built the rest with existing easily-found technology.
“It’s hard to keep something that’s flying from getting over your facility,” Tassey said.
At a cost of about $6,000, the two converted a surplus FMQ-117B U.S. Army target drone into their personal remote-controlled spy plane, complete with Wi-Fi and hacking tools, such as an IMSI catcher and antenna to spoof a GSM cell tower and intercept calls. It also had a network-sniffing tool and a dictionary of 340 million words for brute-forcing network passwords.
The GSM hack was inspired by a talk given at last year’s DefCon hacker conference by Chris Paget, who showed how to create false cellphone base stations that fools nearby handsets into routing their outbound calls through it instead of through commercial cell towers.
That routing allows someone to intercept even encrypted calls in the clear. The device tricks phones into disabling encryption, and records call details and content before they’re routed to their intended receiver through voice-over-internet protocol or redirected to anywhere else the hacker wants to send them.
The drone takes that concept and gives it flight. The plane weighs 14 pounds and is 6 feet long. Per FAA regulations, it can legally fly only under 400 feet and within line of sight. But the height is sufficient to quiet any noise the drone might produce, which the researchers said is minimal, and still allow the plane to circle overhead unobtrusively.
It can be programmed with GPS coordinates and Google maps to fly a predetermined course, but requires remote control help to take off and land.
The two security researchers created the spy plane as a proof of concept to show what criminals, terrorists and others might also soon be using for their nefarious activities.
Tassey, a security consultant to Wall Street and the U.S. intelligence community, told the conference crowd that if the two of them could think up and build a personal spy drone, others were likely already thinking about it, too.
But the drones don’t just have malicious uses. The researchers point out that they would be great for providing emergency cellular access to regions hit by a disaster.
The drones could also be outfitted with infrared cameras and shape-recognition technology to run search-and-rescue missions for lost hikers. The military could use them for electronic countermeasures to jam enemy signals or as communication relays flown over remote areas to allow soldiers on two sides of a mountain, for example, to communicate.
“You don’t need a PhD from MIT to do this,” Perkins said.
The drone can also use jamming signals to conduct DOS attacks on data providers, sniff out nearby wireless networks, and includes in its manifest “a dictionary of 340 million words for brute-forcing network passwords.”


13th August 2011, 04:08 PM
Santa did this and denies his ass kissing and history on here,

Maggie, give it up you little girl...
All you seem to post anymore are pathetic repetitious attempts at self aggrandizement, mixed with embarrassing fruity little crying bouts. Seriously pathetic. FAIL


14th August 2011, 08:01 AM
so part of the trick is finding out the frequency that the Drone talks to 'home base' with. sometimes L-band, 1 to 2 Gigahertz range.

i was surprised once when another engineer i knew from the gym in San Diego told me about his new venture, working on drone electronics for one of the 2 Big's - the General Atomics Drone or the Northrop Grumman drone, i have trouble keeping them straight.

standing there in the gym, he's going ON talking shop, thinking he's sharing details with another pro-Zionist engineer. i listened patiently, surprised at the details he was sharing.

14th August 2011, 08:10 PM
Maggie, give it up you little girl...

I post with a smile outing skyvike , so do others like Fred,
you thanked with your tongue out, thanking skyvike for the
bans against us, you little lying troll, you restarted this recently,
your history is relevant, you are an agent for skyvike, this thread
is about drone terrorism and I posted proof your buddy is self
admittedly involved in the US Military and drones, same thing
with Weather Modification, and " flying in asian countries ",
and " working for the state department " , you knew most of
this and still supported him, and supporting our bans,
you join here late and troll us, people should look at your first thread,
troll from day one, you largely did what mayhem did on here,
many trolls on here working on behalf of skyvike and bragging
about it on gim2, say hi to the weather mod mod for me, rofl !
Keep crying, you can't stand by your record, cause it stinks.
I got a smile on my face. It is good to stick it to skyvike and his
minions like you.

NICE THREADS, the threads of a troll, just like Ulysses/Immanti/Mayhem.

15th August 2011, 02:54 AM
Magnes I have seen you post that post from GIM, where Real Jack, now Santa, thanks Skyvike.

Honestly though, at that time I could have thanked Skyvike, myself for that post, because it does have informative value, and no it wouldn't make me a shill for Skyvike, for the rest of my life. As for Santa smoking a gigantic joint, I just think it is funny...

A thread is started on drone terrorism, then you connect that with Skyvike (fair enough), then you connect that with Santa's alleged trolling for Skyvike, which has absolutely nothing to do with the subject you started. On the face it does appear that you are the one trolling, and provocating...