View Full Version : YOUR FUTURE IS HERE ! Pat Buchanan

13th August 2011, 01:52 PM
UK riots 2011: London and Birmingham people forced to strip naked in the street | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2024001/UK-riots-2011-London-Birmingham-people-forced-strip-naked-street.html)


The Fire This Timeby Patrick J. Buchanan (http://www.humanevents.com/search.php?author_name=Patrick+J.+Buchanan) (more by this author) (http://www.humanevents.com/search.php?author_name=Patrick%20J.+Buchanan)

"You've damaged your own race," said Mayor Michael Nutter to the black youths of Philadelphia whose flash mobs have been beating and robbing shoppers in the fashionable district of downtown.

"Take those God-darn hoodies down," the mayor went on in his blistering lecture. "Pull your pants up and buy a belt, 'cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt."

And the mayor had some advice for teenagers looking for work.

"You walk into somebody's office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back and your shoes untied and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won't hire you?"

"They don't hire you 'cause you look like you're crazy."

Nutter is African-American and the first leader to speak out about the racial character of the flash mobs attacking people in one American city after another. And where are our other leaders?

At the Iowa State Fair last August, black thugs beat a white man so savagely he was hospitalized. Police only began to look into the possibility of a racial attack and hate crime after fair-goers said the thugs were calling it "Beat Whitey Night."

After Memorial Day, Chicago cops had to close a beach when a flash mob formed, attacked people and knocked cyclists off bikes.

In Miami Beach, there were beatings and shootings that same weekend. In D.C., flash mobs of black youths have turned up a half-dozen times in stores to loot clothes and merchandise and flee.

The media almost never identify the race of the thugs. Their reticence would disappear were a white mob in some Southern city to be caught beating up on black shoppers at a mall.

But the flash mob scourge hitting U.S. cities has been eclipsed by the pillaging and burning of London and other British cities in the worst violence visited on that nation and its capital since Goering's Luftwaffe executed the "Blitz."

Thousands of hoodlums, thugs and criminals have firebombed buildings, looted stores and stripped, beaten and robbed people for no reason other than that they were white.

Overwhelmed cops virtually surrendered the city for three days. By the fourth night, the rampage had taken on a multiethnic caste as Asians and white trash appeared to join in the festival of criminality.

Asian and black store owners, too, are victims. In Birmingham, three Pakistani men defending their neighborhood were run over and killed by a truck reportedly driven by a black rioter.

In a country-and-gospel tune recalled often in the '60s, the one that gave James Baldwin the title of his polemic, this couplet appears:

God gave Noah the rainbow sign,
No more water, the fire next time.

A half-century after the long hot summers of the 1960s and two decades after the worst riot in U.S. history since the New York draft riots of 1863 -- the Los Angeles riot of 1992, in which blacks and Hispanics attacked Koreans and whites -- the "next time" may have arrived.

In Europe, the harbinger of the new century came a half-decade ago when North African youths in the Paris banlieues went on a days-long rampage of firebombing cars and attacking police and firemen, many of whom drove off and let the fires burn out.

This week, it was London's turn. And when the fires burn out, we shall hear anew the old liberal litany about poverty, despair, inequality and unemployment, the excuses that long ago ceased to persuade.

For poverty existed in far greater measure in the Depression. Yet our parents and grandparents did not form mobs to burn, beat and loot.

The West is in decline because the character of its people is in decline. In Europe, Christianity is dead. The moral code it gave men to live righteously is regarded with mockery. The London riots were the work of moral barbarians with no loyalty to the people in whose midst they live and no love for the society to which they give nothing, only take.

In America, millions of fatherless young seek out in gangs the familial ties they never knew. Those gangs are now almost always formed on the basis of ethnicity or race.

What were the British thinking when they threw open their doors to mass immigration from the Third World?

Over centuries, they had failed to assimilate a few million Irish, who were European Christians. So, having failed to assimilate the Irish, they decided to invite in millions of Hindus and Muslims from South Asia, Arabs from the Middle East, Africans from the sub-Sahara, black folks from the Caribbean.

But with no common faith or culture to hold the nation together, Britain is coming apart. Multiculturalism has "utterly failed," said Germany's Angela Merkel, only to be echoed by Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron.

Is multiculturalism a success here? Or does the sudden eruption of flash mobs suggest that the curtain has begun to be pulled back on diversity's dark side here in America?

Mr. Buchanan is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/030740515X/forthecause-20), "The Death of the West," (http://www.amazon.com/Death-West-Populations-Immigrant-Civilization/dp/0312285485), "The Great Betrayal," (http://www.hebookservice.com/bookpage.asp?prod_cd=C4860) "A Republic, Not an Empire" (http://www.hebookservice.com/bookpage.asp?prod_cd=C5368) and "Where the Right Went Wrong." (http://www.hebookservice.com/products/BookPage.asp?prod_cd=c6536)

You can also follow Mr. Buchanan and Human Events on FACEBOOK.

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13th August 2011, 01:58 PM
Events like this have happened regularly everywhere, the media downplays it
or just refuses to cover the news, events like this have happened in the US in
the past, many events in Europe, especially France, even Austrailia, the overriding
reason is racial, against whites, Muslims and Blacks are the main belligerents and
they are not even hungry yet, just wait till TSHTF for real.

You ain't going to find the events or truth on politically correct sites.

The events in the UK have been covered by the mainstream, they were forced to.

mick silver
13th August 2011, 02:01 PM
some were on here a post about a state fair this week were the blacks went nuts and started beating white people . i can see what happen over there starting up here before long . but like you said it is happening here but it on the back of the paper are news ch

13th August 2011, 02:07 PM
some were on here a post about a state fair this week were the blacks went nuts and started beating white people . i can see what happen over there starting up here before long . but like you said it is happening here but it on the back of the paper are news ch

I was 18 with my girlfriend at a fair like this long ago, blacks would show up
in packs on the last day and beat the hell out of whitey, I witnessed a white
guy being beaten by a gang of blacks, he was on the ground, they were kicking
they did nothing, I went over to them 20 feet away and told them there was a guy
on the ground getting kicked, they looked at me and my girlfriend , said and did
nothing, we got the hell out of there, they were eyeing my girl too, never made
the local news ever, even though this happened every year, this sort of thing happened
in my high school too at the last dance almost every year, never made the news,
if you see a group of blacks, stay away, people are dumb brainwashed and naive
victims, the media contributed to all of this. This was the late 80's in a seemingly
low crime city, it's gotten worse since then, there are even live in cops at my old
school, was non back then, what a joke.

13th August 2011, 02:33 PM
Pat Buchanan is a known KOM and Mockingbird Agent:

"Mockingbird was an immense financial undertaking with funds flowing from the CIA largely through the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) founded by Tom Braden with Pat Buchanan of CNN's Crossfire."

Pat and Tom Braden have been ousted for years. They both hosted the show CNN Crossfire in the early eighties. They were both heads of the CCF = Congress for Cultural Freedom. The CCF has been identified as a CIA funded Mockingbird program. Even the "Godfather of Neoconservatism" Irving Kristol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Kristol) was also a member of the Congress.


The Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) was an anti-communist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communism) advocacy group founded in 1950. In 1967, it was revealed (first by Ramparts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramparts_%28magazine%29) and later by mainstream news outlets) that the United States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Central Intelligence Agency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency) was instrumental in the establishment and funding of the group (through organizations such as the Ford Foundation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Foundation)), and it was subsequently renamed the International Association for Cultural Freedom (IACF). At its height, the CCF/IACF was active in some thirty-five countries and also received significant funding from the Ford Foundation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Foundation).[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_for_Cultural_Freedom#cite_note-0)

These reports were lent credence by a statement made by a former CIA covert operations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covert_operations) director admitting to CIA financing and operation of the CCF. The CIA web site states that "[t]he Congress for Cultural Freedom is widely considered one of the CIA's more daring and effective Cold War covert operations."[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_for_Cultural_Freedom#cite_note-2)

In May 1967 Thomas Braden (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Braden), head of the CFC's parent body the International Organizations Division (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Organizations_Division), responded to the Ramparts article by publishing an article entitled, I'm Glad the CIA is "Immoral" (http://www.cambridgeclarion.org/press_cuttings/braden_20may1967.html), in the Saturday Evening Post (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Evening_Post), where he defended the activities of the International Organizations Division unit of the CIA. Braden admitted that for more than 10 years, the CIA had subsidized Encounter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encounter_%28magazine%29) through the CFC, which it also funded, and that one of its staff was a CIA agent.[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_for_Cultural_Freedom#cite_note-3)Good info here to:


14th August 2011, 07:22 PM
Pat Buchanan is a known KOM and Mockingbird Agent:

Pat is a good writer that hits on the issues and even outs the Zionists and Jews even,
going back decades even, " congress is occupied territory " 1991 I believe, the CIA
has many patriots, Pat was against the wars, has great articles, against the NeoCons,


" WHOSE AFRAID OF SIBEL EDMONDS " , ETC, Edmonds equals finito for most
writers careers, has great books, his books challenge many Jew Lies. Don't forget the
MIL and DIA totally burned Bush with many many leaks, many were fired and resigned,
all resistance was slowly overcome, the USA is more corrupt now than ever during these last
10 years. American Conservative was a great and influential mag, even the NeoCons
Frum called people like pat traitors, " we turn our back on them " . False flag
conservatives. I don't see how Pat isn't a leader on key issues, an educator and
right, and courageous as well, he manages to get on some shows because he is a
powerful figure hard to ignore , even though he is largely shut out, Pat was also
on the side of Larry MacDonald, watch the interview, that interview got MacDonald
murdered I strongly believe.

Buckley was a shill, Pat talks truth, like Sobran, but he learned and is careful.
Sobran was destroyed and made an example of, everyone being aware of it.

I don't believe in making anyone criticism proof, I was a big fan of Steve Forbes,
Forbes Mag, he was the biggest shill and liar for the FED and I see him now as
one of the highest criminals in the media, he did make it all possible, the lies he
told, big lies.

The most disturbing thing that was supposedly reported about Pat was
about the third party, but no good solid info is presented, I wasn't there
so I don't know, haven't seen anything good, been open to it, Sukhoi
was posting about this, he is welcomed to post about it but the OP is
good on the issues today, is he not right and brave to write about this.

Pat and Paul Craig Roberts really led against the NeoCons, no doubt
they communicated.

These are an education, not trash reading, along with American Conservative and Chronicles.
History is documented here honestly these last 10 years, maybe not as blatantly as us but still.

These posts really pissed off the Jew Shills on gim and still do.

Save the archive.

15th August 2011, 08:04 PM


Concealing Black Hate Crimes


Posted 08/12/2011 07:05 PM ET

Racism: Across the U.S., mobs of black youths are organizing on Facebook to loot stores and beat whites. Yet none dare call the "flash mob" attacks hate crime, least of all the attorney general.

The Associated Press is reporting that at least one of those arrested in the Wisconsin State Fair beatings said the mob was targeting whites, making it a hate crime. Where is Eric Holder's civil rights division? About this epidemic of black-on-white assaults, we hear nothing.

At the Milwaukee fairgrounds, dozens of black teens suddenly appeared, knocking over children, looting the Midway games and stealing prizes. They pulled whites from cars, flung them to the ground and punched and kicked them in the face. At least 18 people were injured, including some cops.

A similar beat-down took place August 2010 at the Iowa State Fair. Organized as "beat whitey night," bands of black teens targeted white kids, fracturing one of their skulls. Then the thugs swarmed police, hitting one cop from behind and busting both his eye sockets.

Earlier this month in Philadelphia, marauding black flash mobs beat and robbed tourists and other innocent bystanders. Several people were hospitalized, including one man with a fractured skull.

Mayor Michael Nutter, Philly's second black mayor, said enough is enough. In an angry lecture from the pulpit of Mount Carmel Baptist Church, he blasted the punks, saying "you have damaged your own race."

Similar attacks are under investigation in Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland and Washington, D.C., where our first black president remains mum.

Why isn't Obama equally disgusted by the black pack attacks? Perhaps because his own church glamorized the thug culture. His mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, told his South Side Chicago flock that those committing black-on-black crime are "fighting the wrong enemy." During the 2008 presidential campaign, Geraldine Ferraro condemned Wright for preaching to young blacks that "it's OK to beat up on white people."

Imagine if the flash-mob victims were black instead of white. Holder would have launched a special investigation. With the races reversed, he just shrugs. In so many words he has said blacks are incapable of hate crimes because of their victimhood.

"There is a pervasive hostility toward (prosecuting) these types of cases," said Christian Adams, a civil rights attorney who quit after Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for intimidating white Philly voters in 2008.
To Holder, blacks are the permanent victims. But his department's own data say otherwise. In most cases of interracial crimes, the victim is white and the perp is black. Black criminals choose white victims 45% of the time, while whites victimize blacks 3% of the time. More than twice as many whites are murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering blacks.

And despite underreporting, blacks commit a disproportionate share of hate crimes. In 2009, almost 20% of known offenders of hate crimes were black, even though blacks make up just 13% of the population.

Holder presupposes all problems afflicting the black community come from the outside — racism, poverty, etc. Nutter make no excuses for bad behavior.

"Take those God-darn hoodies down, especially in the summer," the Philly mayor scolded black youths. "Pull your pants up and buy a belt 'cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt."

He added: "If you walk into somebody's office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half-down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won't hire you? They don't hire you 'cause you look like you're crazy."

Candidate Obama vowed to stand up for a civil rights unit that enforces laws "fairly and justly." If his attorney general doesn't pursue these black mob cases as hate crimes, punishing the offenders, he risks giving white racists an excuse to respond in kind.


Posted By: investordaily(5) on 8/14/2011 | 11:59 PM ET
Thank you IBD for the excellent editorial. You were incorrect with the two dozen blacks there were hundreds and 7 police officers were injured. Also,on July 4th there was a flash mob attack on whites just enjoying the fireworks in a city park with numerous injuries including just tourists If I was in charge I would track them all down and put them in jail. If somone should die they should all be charged with conspiricy to commit murder and get life in prision.The national guard should be called

15th August 2011, 09:31 PM
To Holder, blacks are the permanent victims. But his department's own data say otherwise. In most cases of interracial crimes, the victim is white and the perp is black. Black criminals choose white victims 45% of the time, while whites victimize blacks 3% of the time. More than twice as many whites are murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering blacks.

And despite underreporting, blacks commit a disproportionate share of hate crimes. In 2009, almost 20% of known offenders of hate crimes were black, even though blacks make up just 13% of the population.

The percentages quoted in the article say quite a bit about reality. No way I'd move back to da big city!

mick silver
20th August 2011, 11:48 AM
back to the top

20th August 2011, 11:54 AM
And despite underreporting, blacks commit a disproportionate share of hate crimes. In 2009, almost 20% of known offenders of hate crimes were black, even though blacks make up just 13% of the population.

There is no such thing as a 'Hate Crime'. It doesnt exist. If someone hates you and kills you, that called Murder. If they hate you then punch you, thats called assault. If they hate you then steal from you, thats called theft.

This is a massive ploy to use political correctness to usurp the individual freedoms that our Founders fought and died for.

20th August 2011, 11:59 AM
There is no such thing as a 'Hate Crime'. It doesnt exist. If someone hates you and kills you, that called Murder. If they hate you then punch you, thats called assault. If they hate you then steal from you, thats called theft.

This is a massive ploy to use political correctness to usurp the individual freedoms that our Founders fought and died for.

Hate crime is part of the process to bring about thought crime.

20th August 2011, 12:05 PM
Hate crime is part of the process to bring about thought crime.

Leads to who the racists are.
Anyone smeared by media/DHS is a political dissident and potential terrorist.
Buchanan and Roberts discuss this, especially Roberts and the police state
articles he has going back years.

20th August 2011, 12:18 PM
I don't listen to Buchanan, he's always had a "snake in the grass" appeal to me.

In this point though, spot on.

Thought crime is another term for enemy of the state in my mind, and this is where (I think) this inevitably leads.

20th August 2011, 12:50 PM
I don't listen to Buchanan, he's always had a "snake in the grass" appeal to me.

Paul Craig Roberts is much better, but they are allied,
you are one of the few people here that posts on Sibel Edmonds
and the great significance you understand, AC is one of the only
that wrote about her in print, Pat and Taki's mag. AC is also banned
by many bookstores, especially in Canada, the biggest chains refused it.
The links I put up on archives above record history well,
add to them antiwar.com Raimondo and you get totally schooled on
who the criminal shyster NeoCons are and their history. Lobe too.
Wayne Madsen too.

20th August 2011, 01:29 PM
Remember Pat with his buddy Tom Braden on Crossfire way back in 1983 trying to demonize Congressman Larry McDonald? This is just months before he was killed when the Communist Soviets shot down KAL Flight 007. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Air_Lines_Flight_007)

Notice Pat @ 6:50 say there is no World Government. "Nobody believes in this Utopian idea anymore....."



And look what little nugget i found on the KAL 007 wiki page:

President Ronald Reagan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan) ordered the U.S. military to make the developing Global Positioning System (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Positioning_System) (GPS) available for civilian use so that navigational errors like that of KAL 007 could be averted in the future.

20th August 2011, 02:48 PM
Pat Buchanan showed his true allegiance by killing the third party movement in America.

He took federal matching funds, which Ross Perot had created and drove the movement into the ground.

I am sure Pat had plenty of help from others with a vested interest in maintaining the two (one?) party status quo.

20th August 2011, 03:33 PM
This is the consequence of dis-arming a society. If that were me, and I had my H&K P7, I'd blow that jigg away.

20th August 2011, 04:03 PM
Sui Juris

William Casey’s political appointments………

Chairman of the SEC 1971-1973

Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs 1973 -1974

Director of CIA 1981-1987

Ora Pro Nobis
20th August 2011, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the videos, Sui. It is interesting to watch an interview that took place before I was born. It is always strange to watch a dead guy (maybe two?) talking. I first came across the writings of Pat Buchanan whilst reading VDARE.com a few years ago. Pat is laughing at the troubles of the European Union and their attempt at continental integration and has this pessimist view of any idea of a One World Government. I enjoy reading his articles.

In related news VDARE.com seems to be under going a huge face lift. I kind of like the old look as it looks more authentic and amateur but, I cannot wait to see the new look!

22nd June 2020, 10:23 PM

Original Pic is still up. Should Open. Edit add opens for me. Buchanan writes about this.

article-2024001-0D5CB5C100000578-825_642x603.jpg (JPEG Image, 642 × 603 pixels) (https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024001-0D5CB5C100000578-825_642x603.jpg)

One of the original articles from UK is still up, lots of race riots everywhere for decades.

UK riots 2011: London and Birmingham people forced to strip naked in the street Daily Mail 9 August 2011 (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2024001/UK-riots-2011-London-Birmingham-people-forced-strip-naked-street.html)

How many cases ? Who is keeping track ? NOT ZOG MSM that is for sure.

Now we have a major escalation MAY JUNE 2020.

Thug Arrested For Punching 92-Year-Old Woman and Knocking Her to the Ground is a Convicted Sex Offender with Over 100 Prior Arrests! Manhattan daylight attack (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/thug-arrested-punching-92-year-old-woman-knocking-ground-convicted-sex-offender-100-prior-arrests/)

Australia: White Teen Girl Attacked by Black Girls, Only Russia Reports the Story DailyStormer June 18 2020 (https://dailystormer.su/australia-white-teen-girl-mob-attacked-by-black-girls-only-russia-reports-the-story/)

Shocking VIDEO Shows White Australian Teen [ 15 year old Girl ] Brutally Beaten By Black Girls
RT June 18 2020 serious injuries "ambushed by eight young people" (https://www.rt.com/news/492108-video-girl-attacked-melbourne-australia/)

30th June 2020, 09:53 PM


Exact quote " LIES " " THREATS " WPOST Editor Tweet

' White Women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karens' And not calling for revenge '

The Gay Jews at the Gateway Pundit are very good at updates, timely stories, news aggregation, all of it is highly sourced and on the ball, they even have some of their own exclusive reporting.

JUNE 29 2020 Black Washington Post Editor Deletes Tweet Saying 'White Women are Lucky We Are Not Calling for Revenge' The Gateway Pundit (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/black-washington-post-editor-deletes-tweet-saying-white-women-lucky-not-calling-revenge/)