View Full Version : The only things I miss from TV...

14th August 2011, 12:14 AM
Firefly (Libertarian Society of the Future)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
The Wire (ALL TOO REAL Socialist 3rd-World U.S. Shithole of the Present)
Star Trek Serii (Socialist/Military Society of the Future)
Robot Chicken Star Wars Special (EASILY better than all 6 of the Lucas movies rolled into one!)
Any Nova Documentary, unless it deals with climate "science"
"Touching Evil" - a little known but FANTASTIC British cop show

That's about it! Everything else on Tel-Avi-Zion can go STRAIGHT to hell... or at least it could if it wasn't already there! ;D

For those of you who have also killed your telavision, what do you miss?

14th August 2011, 12:34 AM
We stream via Netflix and I really like the newer Dr. Who shows fun to watch even if they are filled with social engineering tid bits. I have fun pointing out that stuff to my kids, so I don't find it totally evil. We discuss and I think they get my points. It provides a fun mechanism for me to educate them on the methods media attempts to control our thoughts. And the stories/chars are fun. Dalek quotes are too good to resist.

Fiber optic came into our neighborhood so after 2 years of no TV, not even airwaves, we will have TV again next month. I have mixed feelings, but basically it is free. Package deal so what the heck. I really love Food Network. We are foodies and that is like dining pron. lol

Other show I always liked was Sunrise Earth (I think that was the name). HD channel show that filmed sunrises in different natural settings. Awesome photography in that show.

14th August 2011, 03:38 AM
Firefly (Libertarian Society of the Future)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
The Wire (ALL TOO REAL Socialist 3rd-World U.S. Shithole of the Present)
Star Trek Serii (Socialist/Military Society of the Future)
Robot Chicken Star Wars Special (EASILY better than all 6 of the Lucas movies rolled into one!)
Any Nova Documentary, unless it deals with climate "science"
"Touching Evil" - a little known but FANTASTIC British cop show

That's about it! Everything else on Tel-Avi-Zion can go STRAIGHT to hell... or at least it could if it wasn't already there! ;D

For those of you who have also killed your telavision, what do you miss?

Its just as well as oone of them are on any more.....hahahaha

14th August 2011, 04:38 AM
Its just as well as none of them are on any more.....hahahaha

I was just going to say the same thing, except that I think they brought back Futurama.
Gaillo would be better off downloading some torrents.

It must have been sometime since the last time he watched the idiot box.

14th August 2011, 05:36 AM
I havent watched TV in over 5 years, literally.

But my favorite show, even as a kid, was the original Twilight Zone. I own the DVD collection, all 138 episodes. Just watched 3 last night!


14th August 2011, 06:00 AM
It has been a month now with no TV at all except for a few minutes in public places. Have a few of us stopped recently?

Other than some shows I've never been exposed to, that is very much like my list would be Gaillo. Mike Rupert often talks up Deadwood. He says it is why FTW was broken into (and as a result shut down) because they knew he'd be at home watching the new episode on TV.

My list would also include what is for me the local version of Deadwood: Da Vinci'S Inquest (http://www.davincisinquest.com/usa/index_usa.php)

And there would be a few sitcoms on that list that would come and go every few years, watching for the first time in nightly-re-runs. The Mentalist is dandy too.

All available on DVD.

TV would be great for a live and more reality local 'talk radio' type formats (that people will leave on in the background), but the owners these days are more about reptilian overlording of consumption, rather than connecting to the people.

Interesting larger narrative in this youtube promo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImaTvqUa8tk). Disturbing after all my time on the internet. ;)
Perhaps it is 'nothing more' than a representation of your avatar Gaillo:

14th August 2011, 06:30 AM


14th August 2011, 07:35 AM
For those of you who have also killed your telavision, what do you miss?

i don't really miss anything. 10 ads per commercial break - and 4 commercial breaks - in one episode of Deep Space Nine ? there's nothing to miss !

but what i do enjoy -
* The Closer, via Netflix. no ads, just like the show. even though once a season they pay homage to the Zionist storyline; i wish they'd mark those shows with a 6 sided star or something.
* going to a friend's house ... and they have the TV on ... and it's the coolest thing i've ever seen ! THE ADS !

since i've never seen most of the ads, many of them are REAL entertaining. they don't make me want to BUY anything.

though i have to watch what i say ... can't say, "you actually watch this show EVERY WEEK ?!" there's a better chance i'll be invited back if i just sit there saying, "this is SO COOL" ... even if it's not.

i also like watching Ron Paul tell the truth about Israel ... I mean Iran.

if RP won the election - i might watch TV more. or at least, Youtube.

14th August 2011, 07:59 AM
Gaillo - since you like the shows you listed above, you should try Adventure Time and Regular Show. Yes, they are cartoons, but are awesomely entertaining.



Twisted Titan
14th August 2011, 08:03 AM
Barnabas Collins and Dark Shadows?

That show still has a cult like following at Comic/Entertainment events.

Good stuff man