View Full Version : Republican Candidate FOX Poll

15th August 2011, 04:10 PM
Go give your opinion. Ron Paul currently 73%. Rick Perry 19%. The rest are biting corn dogs or less.


15th August 2011, 04:15 PM
Go Paul!

Sink Perry, he is the last thing this nation needs, we do not need
another bush on steroids type.

15th August 2011, 04:22 PM
Go Paul!

Sink Perry, he is the last thing this nation needs, we do not need
another bush on steroids type.

Surely to God he isn't another "compassionate conservative"!!!

As much as I would like to see RP as president, I'm almost certain that the nation won't elect him and the result of a RP nomination be the disastrous Obama for another 4 years. That would be game, set and match for the nation.

15th August 2011, 04:23 PM
Even if a majority of people support Ron Paul, what are his chances of winning? I mean really, the establishment controls the media, the vote counting, everything. The would never allow anyone they don't control to win.

15th August 2011, 04:32 PM
Even if a majority of people support Ron Paul, what are his chances of winning? I mean really, the establishment controls the media, the vote counting, everything. The would never allow anyone they don't control to win.

Unless, they want him to take the fall.

15th August 2011, 04:33 PM
Surely to God he isn't another "compassionate conservative"!!!

As much as I would like to see RP as president, I'm almost certain that the nation won't elect him and the result of a RP nomination be the disastrous Obama for another 4 years. That would be game, set and match for the nation.

Afraid I have too agree with you. Even if Paul could get elected I suppect he would not be able to get anything done. As long as both houses are controlled by the lobbyists, Paul would not have a chance.

But also looking at the republican field as it stands, as a whole they have a very weak hand too play in the elections. None of the possible candidates are or look very good.


15th August 2011, 04:34 PM
Afraid I have too agree with you. Even if Paul could get elected I suppect he would not be able to get anything done. As long as both houses are controlled by the lobbyists, Paul would not have a chance.

But also looking at the republican field as it stands, as a whole they have a very weak hand too play in the elections. None of the possible candidates are or look very good.


The Jews have spoken.

15th August 2011, 04:41 PM
The Jews have spoken. ??? Which Jews are you referring to?

15th August 2011, 04:45 PM
I love pissing off Fox News by voting for Ron Paul in these polls.

15th August 2011, 05:01 PM
If Ron Paul gets elected, he'll turn out quite different than everyone expected....and make all his supporters look like fools.

15th August 2011, 05:06 PM
The Jews have spoken.

Sad but facts be facts!
RP was at 73% with 16+K

15th August 2011, 05:10 PM
Unless, they want him to take the fall.

I'm worried about that too. I just don't get how free people win anymore. It's so depressing.

15th August 2011, 05:21 PM
Sad but facts be facts!
RP was at 73% with 16+K

Yeah like 16k votes on an online poll means much. Not a true representation of the overall electorate.

From Wiki (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/U.S._presidential_election,_2008) (the quickest numbers I could find)

Obama received 365 electoral votes, and McCain 173. The popular vote was 69,456,897 to 59,934,814, respectively.

Edit to add, you can vote again and again on this poll too. I just did like 7 times.

15th August 2011, 05:57 PM
If Ron Paul gets elected, he'll turn out quite different than everyone expected....and make all his supporters look like fools.

Just because every other 20th century (and possibly any time in US history) candidate has turned out this way...

po boy
15th August 2011, 06:10 PM
Afraid I have too agree with you. Even if Paul could get elected I suppect he would not be able to get anything done. As long as both houses are controlled by the lobbyists, Paul would not have a chance.

But also looking at the republican field as it stands, as a whole they have a very weak hand too play in the elections. None of the possible candidates are or look very good.


Paul if elected could start to reverse executive orders without congress could he not?

Joe King
15th August 2011, 06:26 PM
Assuming he were to get elected, what would happen if he were to issue an Executive Order rescinding all previous Executive Orders?

po boy
15th August 2011, 06:54 PM
Assuming he were to get elected, what would happen if he were to issue an Executive Order rescinding all previous Executive Orders?

I think he'd be taking a dirt nap sorta like JFK shortly after repealing EO 11110.

15th August 2011, 06:57 PM
Even if a majority of people support Ron Paul, what are his chances of winning? I mean really, the establishment controls the media, the vote counting, everything. The would never allow anyone they don't control to win.

I think the dog and pony show that Boehner, Obama, and all the other players put on with their debt ceiling theater was spotted dead to rights by a lot of people. I also think the majority of those people are wounded middle-class families and professionals just getting by and totally fed up with government's bullshit. Ron Paul's heresy is speaking the truth in plain english - people can understand him without the aid of teleprompters or commentators. I would not write him off - a populist swell is quite possible and their game could unwind. As such, I would pay close attention to Paul's running mate if he makes it that far. Most likely that person will be the Queen of Diamonds.

15th August 2011, 07:06 PM
If Ron Paul gets elected, he'll turn out quite different than everyone expected....and make all his supporters look like fools.

You sure have fooled a lot of people.

15th August 2011, 08:33 PM
This stupid poll doesn't even ask you who you support, or who you'd vote for. It asks, "Who's the Republican front runner?" WTF

15th August 2011, 09:37 PM
(18,152 votes) 74.5% Like someone else said, I just like irritating Faux News. They obviously manipulate their polls, ignore the results, etc. I do it to keep them busy, and hope that someone else stumbles upon it in its raw state.

Only one poll counts, the one in November.

Sadly, that is electronic in many areas but I have not given up the ghost yet.

Celtic Rogue
15th August 2011, 10:53 PM
All this negativity... is exactly what TPTB want. Dr Paul is the best of the candidates.

If everyone would put support behind him instead of poo poo ing the idea that he could win we might have a chance. But face it you are the problem with all of your complaining about this or that and buying into the MSM smear job. Instead of sitting in your "internet chair " at home... get out and promote the only chance to regain Constitutional form of Government.

I cannot believe the crap I am seeing in this thread! As I have stated before... I will ALWAYS vote for Dr. Paul... and promote him to my friends and family.

In the end you may be correct... but if he does lose I can say with all sincerity that I did everything I could to elect a person that could make a difference!

Can you?

Half Sense
16th August 2011, 12:49 PM
Unless, they want him to take the fall.

Exactly. Let him win, then pull the plug on the economy. Why would they let one of their own take the blame?

16th August 2011, 01:09 PM
Exactly. Let him win, then pull the plug on the economy. Why would they let one of their own take the blame?

IF...he were to win, by any means, I think most of us agree that they would pull the rug and blame the radical libertarians, patriot crowd and Ron Paul specifically. That really isn't in their best interest IMO and it's better for them to just black out anything Ron is trying to convey.

16th August 2011, 01:19 PM
When are the astounding results going to takeover mainstream media coverage for a couple weeks or so?

16th August 2011, 01:44 PM
I too wonder "what if"?

I mean if he won, would he sign the emergency powers?

Would he do all that is required that keeps this charade going?

What would he expose? There seems to be sooooo much that is kept from light that I can't even imagine it.

I'm pretty sure he would forthright in telling everyone it is going to be bad for a period.

but what then grows out of the collapse?

so many questions

gunny highway
16th August 2011, 02:05 PM
like Celtic, i promote him to my friends and family every chance i get. i had a great conversation with a couple of older gentlemen at the bar the other day. it seems the older generation remembers how this country used to be and how it was perceived around the world in times past. they both liked RP, and one of them actually voted for him when he ran in the 80s.

i'm not sure this country has the guts or the common sense to elect him. people are just too used to the MSM doing the thinking for them. i know that sounds negative, but, that's just how it is here now. sometimes the truth hurts.

16th August 2011, 02:14 PM
Bachmann shot herself in the foot , or to say put her foot in her mouth. Wishing Elvis happy birthday today on his death day. No utubes out yet but , boy it was a world class goof up.

Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Presley ‘Happy Birthday’ on Death Anniversary

She is a true blond at heart! ;D Video at link.

By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, August 16, 3:41 PM

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Republican presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann got her Elvis Presley dates all shook up during a campaign stop in South Carolina.
The congresswoman from Minnesota played the Elvis tune “Promised Land” on Tuesday at a restaurant in Spartanburg, and told the crowd of 300 that she wanted to say happy birthday to the King of Rock and Roll.

http://img3.wpdigital.net/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/08/14/National-Politics/Videos/08142011-9v/08142011-9v.jpg (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/bachmann-wins-straw-poll-lays-out-job-creation-strategy/2011/08/14/gIQANahIFJ_video.html)

Norah O'Donnell spoke with Republican presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) on a strategy for job creation and her responsibility in Washington's current state of brinkmanship. (Aug. 13)

But Aug. 16 is the anniversary of Elvis’ death, in 1977, and someone in the crowd shouted back, “He died today!”

Bachmann didn’t respond and launched into her speech.

Bachmann has stumbled over cultural references before. In June, she kicked off her presidential campaign in Waterloo, Iowa, calling it the home of American actor John Wayne. The town was actually home for a time to serial killer John Wayne Gacy.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/politi...VJJ_story.html (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/bachmann-confuses-her-elvis-dates-wishes-the-king-a-happy-birthday-on-the-day-he-died/2011/08/16/gIQAHxrVJJ_story.html)

midnight rambler
16th August 2011, 02:17 PM
imo, the ONLY way a Ron Paul presidency would work out would be if he had the *popular* support of the vast majority of the people. I admit it's a long shot, but we need a Hail Mary pass if not an outright miracle. The moneypowers, their poltico water-carriers, and their sycophant suckups in the media are DETERMINED not to let that happen as THEY *know* what's best for us.

midnight rambler
16th August 2011, 02:31 PM
MicHELLe Bachmann is a jet-fuel genius cut from the same cloth as Palin.