View Full Version : Rash of prestige car burnings hits Berlin

18th August 2011, 03:10 AM
138 cars have gone up in flames so far in 2011. More than double the amount for all of 2010.

The Benz Burners Arrive: Protests Come To Germany As Arsonists Burn Down "Fat Cat" Cars
Following the recent riots in the UK, it seemed there was only one safe bastion from the marauding bands of indignants, labor unions, and general hooligans: Germany. That is, alas, no more. During the past two days, German protests against globalization, read Germany's undertaking to trade export strength for a joint European currency and a bailed out Club Ded periphery, have begun manifesting themselves albeit with a twist. As Bloomberg reports, in the past two days, arsonists have set fire to 26 cars in Berlin, mainly Mercedes, BMW, and Audis, which brings the total number of torched cars to 138, more than double all of 2010. "The arsonists want to hit what they say are ‘Fat Cats,’” Berlin police spokesman Michael Gassen said.

A special unit is investigating the fires as political crimes after the police received letters claiming responsibility that derided globalization, gentrification and rising rents, he said." It appears that while the Arab Spring was started by the self-immolation of a fruit seller protesting more or less the same things, that level of self-sacrifice is strangely missing in Europe's (and maybe the world's) most prosperous, and entitled, nation. As such we doubt much if anything will come out of this, suffice to way that Joe LaVorgna will promptly raise his German GDP due to replacement costs associated with rebuilding the burnt down "fat cat" cars.

Full article @ Zerohedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/benz-burners-arrive-protests-come-germany-arsonists-burn-down-fat-cat-cars)

18th August 2011, 05:31 AM
It was mainly Mercedes, BMW, and Audis set on fire on Germany? Wow that is totally unexpected. I bet they burned some VW's too.

18th August 2011, 06:22 AM
Burn Fiat(s).