View Full Version : reality check on silver

18th August 2011, 03:58 PM
i bitch about silver here a lot.

today, i was looking at apmex, they have 1/10 ounce fractional silver at $5.37 a piece. high? yeah, a little, but that's because it's fractional.

http://www.apmex.com/Product/60933/1_10_oz_APMEX_Mercury_Dime_Silver_Round_999_Fine.a spx

that go me thinking though. wasn't too long ago i was paying LOWER that that for a whole ounce.

i guess i shouldn't bitch as much.

18th August 2011, 04:12 PM
Don't worry, you'll find something else to bitch about. Hang in there.

18th August 2011, 04:15 PM
A hundred dollar face bag of mercury dimes would set you back $3,000. That would be $3 each.

18th August 2011, 04:15 PM
One tenth of an ounce eh.......sounds good.....

Twisted Titan
18th August 2011, 05:36 PM
Mark my words:

The dollar will not survive this decade as the World reserve currency.

When that transition happens The holders of paper and digital instruments will stampede into assets that they believe will preserve their wealth.

The Physical Silver Coin will be the preeminent asset of all.

Now hold a single Mercury Dime and imagine the power you will weild when the entire globe is chasing after it.

Are you ready?

18th August 2011, 05:52 PM
Now hold a single Mercury Dime and imagine the power you will weild when the entire globe is chasing after it.

A single mercury dime will (almost) purchase a gallon of gas. This makes the price of gas cheaper than in the '60s when the lowest price I can recall was $.16 a gallon.

18th August 2011, 06:29 PM
i bitch about silver here a lot.

today, i was looking at apmex, they have 1/10 ounce fractional silver at $5.37 a piece. high? yeah, a little, but that's because it's fractional.

http://www.apmex.com/Product/60933/1_10_oz_APMEX_Mercury_Dime_Silver_Round_999_Fine.a spx

that go me thinking though. wasn't too long ago i was paying LOWER that that for a whole ounce.

i guess i shouldn't bitch as much.


what's that where the date would be ?

18th August 2011, 07:22 PM
Provident Metals sells 1/10th ounce Indian Heads for slightly cheaper:


18th August 2011, 08:18 PM
I paid 196 FRNs for a 1/10 oz GAE yesterday. Damn. Random SAE went for 42.

I could really use a rehash of 2008.

18th August 2011, 09:40 PM
La plata's just sleepin'. I've often made the gold:silver = tortoise:hare analogy. Silver/hare is just taking a nap presently. Now picture the tortoise & hare, but attached by a rubber leash. One runs ahead of the other for a time, the rubber leash gets taut, then WHAM, SLINGSHOT ACTION!

Once silver breaks above $42, it could sprint through the 40s again as fast as it fell...


http://www.kitco.com/images/live/silver.gif (http://charts.kitco.com/KitcoCharts/index.jsp?Symbol=SILVER&Currency=USD&multiCurrency=true&langId=EN&utm_source=kitco&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=20110407_iCharts_silver_chart&utm_campaign=iCharts)




18th August 2011, 10:07 PM
The last year's price increase, from a 10-year perspective:


18th August 2011, 10:50 PM
The last year's price increase, from a 10-year perspective:


important to look at long term, big-move charts logarithmically for perspective, here's arithmetic scaling as in your kitco graph above, click pic for a larger version,


here log scaling, unfortunately netdania loses the price markings in this view, except for the current price,


looks like HiHo Silver might be charging for the barn door now... just cracked $41...

19th August 2011, 07:00 AM
Once silver breaks above $42, it could sprint through the 40s again as fast as it fell...

mission accomplished, we're cleared for takeoff,


no promises what's going to happen here, in fact I don't think we'll climb to $50 as fast as we fell from it, but anything could happen! (including a price collapse..) O0

I did put some casino FRNs into AGQ (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/quickchart/quickchart.asp?symb=agq&insttype=&freq=1&show=&time=7) yesterday, betting on some of that slingshot action... AGQ should gap higher on the open today, if silver can stay above yesterday's NYSE closing time price of ~40.70 through today's NYSE session.


19th August 2011, 07:23 AM
No matter. A better policy is not to measure reality with fiction.

19th August 2011, 07:30 AM
True, but since everyone else is delusional I can trade my Gold/silver for more real stuff today then I could yesterday.

19th August 2011, 07:39 AM
True, but since everyone else is delusional I can trade my Gold/silver for more real stuff today then I could yesterday.

This would be true if you lived in a society that respected private property rights. Anything you hold is subject to seizure.

19th August 2011, 07:55 AM
You got me there....