View Full Version : Mike Ruppert goes on a rant - "Say my fvcking name!"

19th August 2011, 07:12 PM

midnight rambler
19th August 2011, 07:19 PM
With that being a 33 minute video, what's the Cliff Notes version??

19th August 2011, 07:24 PM
I haven't watched this yet, but I'll give Ruppert the best name/title award for "Say my fucking name." Haha.

19th August 2011, 07:24 PM
I'll admit I didn't get through the whole thing. Sorry for no details.

He calls out all the mainstream, politicos, actors etc he's spoke with, that he claims quote him but never mention him.

I only posted because I know some here like to listen.

midnight rambler
19th August 2011, 07:37 PM
So far he's heavy on the pantheism (Mother Earth is causing all these changes), short on the root of the evil (the goat/owl worshiping blood-sucking secret societies are hard at work to enslave every non-Lucifer worshiping human to serve them).

19th August 2011, 07:44 PM
Wow. This is how to rant! Only 11 minutes into it, but Ruppert is calling out all sorts of folks, like a man giving his last speech.

It's like GoD overdosing on steriods.

19th August 2011, 07:51 PM
Who is Mike Ruppert? The name rings no bells.

midnight rambler
19th August 2011, 07:55 PM
I agree with him that the proponents of 'infinite growth' are the enemy, and every time you hear some talking head utter the word 'growth' they are the enemy.

19th August 2011, 08:09 PM
He turned me off when he asks if you own real estate or stock and says if so you are helping to kill the new generation. So, having my own decrepid home on a crappy sand lot "the very land I am busting my ass on to improve" which I paid cash for because I detest usury is helping kill people.... great....

To me, he comes across like a typical anti private property communist. (first impressions)

Perhaps I am being too harsh as I don't really know him...

He rails against corporations and wants all of humanity to go back to nature while he lives in a home with electric and internet......

19th August 2011, 08:53 PM
3 more minutes for a synopsis.

19th August 2011, 09:34 PM
His video deserves a http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s222/chrisneros/smilies/ahhh.gif


19th August 2011, 10:12 PM
I listnened to the whole viddy... this guy is the shit!!! I never listened to him before... linking now

"Say my name or fucking kill me" ~Michael Ruppert

19th August 2011, 10:23 PM
Aww jeez Ruppert's on the sauce again! (jk!)

At the beginning he touted this 4/10/11 vid,
We Have Until July at Latest Even a Caveman Can See It COLLAPSENET


... and in this new F'n Name vid he begins (00:35) by saying that he warned in the above April vid, "... that the end of July, and early August, those were my words, that was my expression ...". MCR was very strident in this claim.

Well I remembered the 'caveman' vid above pretty well and that's not what I remembered, so I pulled it up and watched again, and no, he says near the beginning and end, "July at the latest".

So not to pick knits but it's been one of my gripes about MCR in recent years, that he often touts in audio and writing, how "right he's been". And as a former From The Wilderness (http://fromthewilderness.com) newsletter subscriber '04-'06, and following MCR less closely since, I've seen him be wrong about all sorts of things... specific predictions, etc, meanwhile him touting how right he's been all along, his pristine "roadmap" yada yada. In my experience, MCR making these claims would be comparable to someone like Clif High touting how right he's always been!

another gross exageration @ 33:00 in the f'n name vid, "... because when you say my name and you acknowledge the best predictive record that's out there anywhere in the world..." A-huh-a-hem!! ;)

I don't know, I hate to kick a guy like MCR when he appears to be (melting) down as in this vid, but this vid just left a bad taste in my mouth... the (hollywood etc) name dropping, the taint of self-promotion/interest (collapsenet wants $100/yr to join...), the apparent starvation for personal recognition; I think MCR should've let this idea cook a little longer b4 serving... ::)

19th August 2011, 10:52 PM
Incidentally, Catherine Austin Fitts wrote the forward to MCR's '04 Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (http://www.amazon.com/Crossing-Rubicon-Decline-American-Empire/dp/0865715408/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8)
which I gobbled up hot off the press.

Best I recall (book's not in front of me), CAF didn't address Peak Oil Theory (the core paradigmatic assumption of MCR's "roadmap") at all in her Forward; only acknowledged MCR's excellent political-economy analysis.

In this recent ~3.5 hr CAF interview (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53093-catherine-austin-fitts-%28usually-very-good%29&p=447664&viewfull=1#post447664), I'll say around 2/3 through somewhere, CAF says she thinks Peak Oil Theory is a bunch of bunk.

CAF and MCR seem to have had a discreet falling out at some point after '06 when the From The Wilderness newsletter closed shop. Neither ever mentions the other any more. CAF is a much more cheery personality, highly recommend that interview above- best I've heard in a long time- listen to one 15 min segment & you'll be hooked. Unlike this recent MCR vid which is just disturbing.

20th August 2011, 05:56 AM
The title of this thread made me do this.



20th August 2011, 06:08 AM
i used to have a lot of respect for Mike.

he has done some great investigative work.

but he now acts as if his job is to cover up for Israel re. 9-11. hard to respect that.

as far as his "sky is falling" thing - i think it's generally helpful, because he has good reasons. since some of us tend to procrastinate in our preps, it's good that he has the timing off ... or i'd be screwed.

po boy
20th August 2011, 07:17 AM
He turned me off when he asks if you own real estate or stock and says if so you are helping to kill the new generation. So, having my own decrepid home on a crappy sand lot "the very land I am busting my ass on to improve" which I paid cash for because I detest usury is helping kill people.... great....

To me, he comes across like a typical anti private property communist. (first impressions)

Perhaps I am being too harsh as I don't really know him...

He rails against corporations and wants all of humanity to go back to nature while he lives in a home with electric and internet......

Well to be honest the abolishing of private property is the 1st plank and it's almost impossible to own land without paying a yearly tax.

Corporations are all about profit with the environment and people lower on the priority list. Big agrabisiness is loaded with subsidies and the modern farming practice of monoculture has destroyed the soil thus the need for chemicals and GMO leading to further issues. Individuals "going back to the land and soil restoration isn't good for agrabusiness's profits so we have the war on the small farmer.

Avoiding usury and producing food or buying from small local growers is a must when available imho.

Stocks? I don't believe one can truly own those either how about gold or silver instead no big profits for bankers.

I think Rupert is rightly pissed as many would be if people used their material and didn't give them credit.

20th August 2011, 07:30 AM
it's almost impossible to own land without paying a yearly tax.

Stated another way: It is impossible to own land while paying a yearly tax.

20th August 2011, 09:30 AM
I have not watched the OP, but have heard Mike talk of this on his show the last few months. Alex Jones has been saying the same thing very lately as well.

Basically they are both saying we are well beyond a critical mass of people knowing basically we have big problems with corrupt government, failing banking system and toxic programs against the public, collapsing environment and peak oil (the latter 2 less so in AJ) and we are at the point now where people in position of authority (all types) need to acknowledge what everyone knows so we can get on with what needs doing.

Thanks for your observations PatColo. I see Mike as looking forward with the technology we have public now, while Fitt's in convinced the elite have advanced technologies to power the grit they are holding back until after a crash and large population reduction and they have locked down their political power.

As for the predictions about a crash from Mike, well many used to snipe if he was worried about a crash why was he still living in the heart of LA? Well this was the year he left the city to start life on a couple acres with a large garden. It may take us a few more years before we can look back and see how well he timed things.

mick silver
20th August 2011, 09:45 AM
nice pic

23rd August 2011, 10:19 PM
Thanks for your observations PatColo. I see Mike as looking forward with the technology we have public now, while Fitt's in convinced the elite have advanced technologies to power the grit they are holding back until after a crash and large population reduction and they have locked down their political power.

I'd have to listen to that whole 3.5 hour CAF interview again, and take notes... but off hand my impression is that it's too strong to say CAF is "convinced" of suppressed energy source(s) - I think she highly suspects, and would probably first guess that there are indeed suppressed energy sources which would be game changers, but, she lacks the hard evidence. Distinction without a difference maybe- but it does change her roadmap from MCR's who's cocksure about his PO/doom roadmap, and who I don't think I've ever heard address the notion of suppressed energy technologies.

Imagining my characterization of CAF on alt-energies above is correct; I'm in the same place. Whatever the real deal is with HAARP & the chemtrails, Who Killed The Electric Car, the secrets of Tesla etc it seems clear that there are big realities which are being systematically suppressed, for the benefit of the few/PTB.

If you listened to the recent CAF interview (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53093-catherine-austin-fitts-%28usually-very-good%29&p=447664&viewfull=1#post447664), we're reminded that she also deeply suspects ET/aliens are present and involved in our earthly affairs, perhaps in very powerful ways. This would also tend to throw a monkey wrench in our conventional political-economy roadmaps-- and unfortunately, leave us a bit like deer in the headlights coz we're unsure whether our conventional analysis of how our world works, even us who fancy ourselves red-pillers coz we're bankster/PTB-aware... so this can make MCR's cocksure PO/doom roadmap appealing- it's a paradigm you can choose to believe and navigate your life choices accordingly-- without getting paralyzed by uncertainty that there might be alt-energy and/or ET-overlords as elephants in the room which MCR's paradigm doesn't account for.

Recall CAF had this article from '02 where she talked about ETs, The $64 Question: What's Up With the Black Budget? (http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0209/S00126.htm)

and then there was this Ed Griffin piece from Feb '10,

Is there a Black-Ops cabal, even more powerful than government, using technology from alien civilizations? (http://www.freedomforceinternational.com/printerfriendly.cfm?pffile=disclosure_content.cfm)

Safe to say, CAF & GEG allow for the possibility of ETs involved with us here on earth- but both stop short of firm public convictions on the question. GEG advocates this docu':

UFO DISCLOSURE PROJECT -FULL VERSION (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUk)


Uploaded by sankofa (http://www.youtube.com/user/sankofa) on Feb 11, 2006
A large number of ex high ranking officials including air traffic controllers, ex secret op. officers, commercial pilots, numerous military defense specialists with top secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents
lieutenants, ex commanders in the u.s airforce,
all going before the national press club to discuss what their experiences have been regarding u.f.o's and all are willing to go before congress to testify under oath.. never before has such a group come forward..

this is a must see it is long.. extremely informative and enlightening.
This video was uploaded by centralelements.com