View Full Version : 13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence

19th August 2011, 07:50 PM
There is a bit more text, and some pics of the branches.
About 25% more efficiency.

13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence (http://inhabitat.com/13-year-old-makes-solar-power-breakthrough-by-harnessing-the-fibonacci-sequence/)

Aidan Dwyer took a hike through the trees last winter and took notice of patterns in the mangle of branches. His studies into how they branch in very specific ways lead him to a central guiding formula, the Fibonacci sequence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number). Take a number, add it to the number before it in a sequence like 1+1=2 then 2+1=3 then 3+2=5, 8, 13, 21 and so on a very specific pattern emerges. Turns out the pattern and its corresponding ratios are reflected in nature all the time, and Aidan’s keen observation of how trees branch according to the formula lead him to test the theory. First he measured tree branches by how often they branch and at what degree from each other.
Aidan reports the results: “The Fibonacci tree design performed better than the flat-panel model. The tree design made 20% more electricity and collected 2 1/2 more hours of sunlight during the day."

19th August 2011, 09:10 PM
All i read was the title... 13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence...LOL

and with Fibonacci I can determine the next rise in silver... LOL

Celtic Rogue
19th August 2011, 09:17 PM
Isnt the Fibonacci Sequence what Captain Kirk used to pass a starfleet test? 8-)