View Full Version : Ron Paul 2012 - MONEYBOMB

20th August 2011, 07:14 AM
Today is RP's birthday, and a one day moneybomb.


It was at $230k when i logged on this morning. An hour later it is at $361k. The goal is $1.5 mil.

Twisted Titan
20th August 2011, 07:27 AM
I wonder what the new group will be named once the necos corrupt it from the top down like the tea party?

just thinking outloud is all.

20th August 2011, 11:20 AM

mick silver
20th August 2011, 11:31 AM
back up for more funds . if he was to make his goal today i think that would be seen as a win for him .

20th August 2011, 11:53 AM

20th August 2011, 02:35 PM

20th August 2011, 02:55 PM
I made a donation. This is the second time in my life I've donated $ to any politician; the first time being RPs 2008 presidential run.

$1,027,278.93 as of now.

20th August 2011, 02:58 PM
It's amazing how fast it is rising...

mick silver
20th August 2011, 04:07 PM

20th August 2011, 04:09 PM
This very well could be America's last chance. Things are falling apart so fast I'm not even sure if Ron Paul did get elected he could put things right before it all collapsed...

mick silver
20th August 2011, 04:11 PM
it also my second time giving him funds . i also gave to his son here in ky . 20.12

20th August 2011, 04:22 PM
it also my second time giving him funds . i also gave to his son here in ky . 20.12

Good job mick. This could be our last chance, we've got to make it count.

20th August 2011, 04:23 PM
Donating to him is worth it just to give more publicity to his abolish the fed and bring the troops home message.

20th August 2011, 04:26 PM
I donated, and I’ll always kick in a small amount for my favorite Doctor. But I am not sold on the methods his campaign employs. I donate because of the message Dr. Paul delivers, but his campaign sucks. Example, Monday or Tuesday of this week he is given a prime time MSM interview from his place in Texas, but instead of bringing in a real camera he communicates via skype and his computer camera, thereby giving his face a fishbowl look??? Have you seen another other ‘top tier’ candidates running such a backwater/shoestring operation. He needs help! Marketing is of the upmost importance here, and Dr. Paul does not have the professionals that can get the job done. So I don’t bother reaching deep into my pocket, because in the end, it just isn’t worth it.

Twisted Titan
20th August 2011, 04:28 PM
Nothing can be done to restore America via The two party system

That is akin to believing certain. cancers in your body can eventually save it or make it better.

either a new order will rise from the grass root level or we carry the yoke of our oppressor for the next 1000 years

20th August 2011, 04:36 PM
Nothing can be done to restore America via The two party system

That is akin to believing certain. cancers in your body can eventually save it or make it better.

either a new order will rise from the grass root level or we carry the yoke of our oppressor for the next 1000 years
It will naturally collapse under its own weight. The key is what system is created next. I believe the top aim to have a controlled collapse (which they cannot stop) with the intention being they retain some semblance of control when the new system rises up.

Ron Paul at least gets people thinking in a certain direction, regardless of his actual power to make any changes.

20th August 2011, 04:36 PM

I bet he makes the $1.5 mil by the end of the day.

20th August 2011, 04:50 PM
Ron Paul Wins NH Straw Poll

The Texas congressman won Saturday's New Hampshire Young Republicans Straw Poll by a commanding margin.

Ron Paul got a great birthday present Saturday, as the 76-year-old defeated 11 other Republicans in Saturday's New Hampshire Young Republicans Straw Poll.

Paul, a congressman from Texas, won a commanding 45 percent of the vote and bested runner-up Mitt Romney by 35 percent votes despite not actually attending the event, which was held in New Castle and also included a lobster bake.


20th August 2011, 05:11 PM
Its a shame non US people can't donate. The rules say so. But then thats probably for the best I think. You know?.... international robber barons backing their "man" and all that.

Its becoming like a Tsunami of support for this guy.

20th August 2011, 06:14 PM
First time I ever donated to anything political. Wish I could have done more, guess my 2 bills helped though, current $ 1,277,952.66

20th August 2011, 06:44 PM
I just wish I could give him some REAL MONEY . . . too bad it's electronic FRNs. :)

20th August 2011, 07:20 PM
Just now the Ron Paul website was experiencing maximum connections errors and I could not get it to completely load. It was throwing Apache 2.2 errors and now an Internal Server Error 500. Either too many people want to donate or someone is screwing with the site. Acting like it just crashed.

Now getting a message that says "Blocked by mod_slotlimit. More information about this error may be available in the server error log."

Now Daily Paul saying site under attack.

20th August 2011, 07:48 PM
Just worked for me.....?

$1.385 mil

mick silver
20th August 2011, 07:53 PM

20th August 2011, 07:55 PM
Just worked for me.....?

$1.385 mil

They are saying in the comments section the campaign text messaged the site was under attack. Now it appears they have it under control.

20th August 2011, 08:03 PM


20th August 2011, 08:04 PM

20th August 2011, 08:17 PM


20th August 2011, 08:52 PM
What time does it end? He's pretty close.

20th August 2011, 09:05 PM
What time does it end? He's pretty close.

Moneybomb extended to noon tomorrow due to earlier lost donations and time from Ping attack. Just announced on RP's Facebook page:


20th August 2011, 09:09 PM

21st August 2011, 03:22 AM

21st August 2011, 07:13 AM
Now at $1.6 million. Congrats RP! Now we can watch all the media ignore him and never bring it up.

21st August 2011, 07:40 AM
Excellent news! Along with his commanding win in the NH straw poll! I was offline for most of yesterday and last night, this is a very welcome surprise this am. I'll have to chip in when I get my next draw from this job, it won't be a lot but every little bit helps.

I also think the tide might be turning somewhat as the media seems to be stubbornly acknowledging his presence, albeit because of external pressure.

21st August 2011, 08:27 AM
Now at $1.6 million. Congrats RP! Now we can watch all the media ignore him and never bring it up.

MF, you're right about that!


Someone will sit up and take notice.

mick silver
21st August 2011, 08:35 AM

mick silver
21st August 2011, 09:19 AM
Donation info not available

W L Peters
Livingston, TX

https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/donation_btn.png (https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/)

21st August 2011, 09:41 AM
Excellent news! Along with his commanding win in the NH straw poll! I was offline for most of yesterday and last night, this is a very welcome surprise this am. I'll have to chip in when I get my next draw from this job, it won't be a lot but every little bit helps.

I also think the tide might be turning somewhat as the media seems to be stubbornly acknowledging his presence, albeit because of external pressure.


The tide has not turned, as of this morning, I watched all the MSM talk shown and did not hear one mention of Dr. Paul. Nothing at all. Now, if someone else had won that piddly little straw poll in N.H., I am sure it would have been mentioned numerous times or if anyone else had raked in 1.5 million yesterday, it would have been repeated again and again throught the morning, and even carried over into monday mornings news cycle. But since Dr. Paul isn't on the take and part of the problem which is driving our economy into the dirt, he is an outsider with the media elite, and will remain so. Sad but true!

mick silver
21st August 2011, 09:45 AM
everyone in this country need to start a emailing the news ch and giving hell for not covering ron paul more . i would be like calling your sentor ... never mind

mick silver
21st August 2011, 10:02 AM
Donation info not available

Ross Hoffman
West Point, GA

https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/donation_btn.png (https://secure.ronpaul2012.com/)

21st August 2011, 02:14 PM

The tide has not turned, as of this morning, I watched all the MSM talk shown and did not hear one mention of Dr. Paul. Nothing at all. Now, if someone else had won that piddly little straw poll in N.H., I am sure it would have been mentioned numerous times or if anyone else had raked in 1.5 million yesterday, it would have been repeated again and again throught the morning, and even carried over into monday mornings news cycle. But since Dr. Paul isn't on the take and part of the problem which is driving our economy into the dirt, he is an outsider with the media elite, and will remain so. Sad but true!


I largely agree with your assessment, the tide has not turned noticeably and I know I wish that there would be a tidal wave of exposure but at the same time I don't expect that and instead try to look at it in incremental steps and not something that's gonna change over the course of a week or a month for that matter. We still have a very long row to hoe and this past week we gained a lot of traction by putting their feet to the fire over the snubbing of Ron Paul, to the point it became part of the story as well. I know it's a small and shallow victory but it's a start and it went down in a short 6 days and that's a whole lot better than it was 4 years ago!

And with that I'll post this.


21st August 2011, 03:21 PM

Since we're looking for some sort of a MSM bounce, perhaps we should e-mail Jon Stewart and ask him to again lampoon how Dr. Paul's weekend was downplayed in the snooze. As mentioned above, Dr. Paul had at least two news worthy stories which the MSM ditched. Because if it weren't for Jon Stewart, last week's Iowa Straw Poll, would have just about sliped out of sight, in the MSN.

We need traction, instead we're letting Dr. Paul's good news slip away. Not unlike the tree that falls in the forest.

21st August 2011, 03:25 PM
I'll do my part.

21st August 2011, 04:32 PM
Here's more fuel for the fire.....note the header in the link.


Now, the rest of the left coast rags' story. This entire story is riddled with untruths.

When it comes to donations, Texas Rep. Ron Paul believes small is beautiful.
In a 24-hour fundraising push over the weekend, GOP presidental candidate Paul scooped up more than $1.6 million in small donations. It was Paul's 76th birthday and his loyal band of dedicated campaigners came through again for the inconoclastic Texas libertarian.

This happened despite a cyber-attack on the campaign Website, announced on Paul's Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ronpaul), that shut it down for a few hours.
A press release (http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=9b8827e2d9e8f8bf88bfe6fcb&id=33f0e4a0b8&e=26bedfc9f3)quoted campaign chairman Jesse Benton as saying, "Our campaign is surging, and today's money bomb results show the strength of our grassroots support. We've just come off an impressive finish in the Iowa straw poll, and our growing poll numbers and strong fundraising proves that our message is resonating with people."

Indeed, those who support Paul are passionate, but the RealClearPolitics.com average of major polls (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/republican_presidential_nomination-1452.html) puts the 11-term congressman sixth in the field of Republican hopefuls, behind Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin (who's not actually running yet), Michele Bachmann and Rudy Giuliani (also not officially running), but ahead of declared candidates Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman Jr. and Rick Santorum.
The 2012 campaign is a final push for Paul, who has announced he will not seek another term (http://content.usatoday.com/communities/onpolitics/post/2011/07/ron-paul-re-election-house-seat-/1) in the House in order to concentrate on his presidential race.

One of the biggest obstacles in Paul's way is fellow Texan Rick Perry, the Lone Star State's longest-serving governor. Since announcing his candidacy (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2011/08/rick-perry-texas-joins-republican-presidential-race-.html) for the Republican nomination last Saturday, Perry has generated a lot of buzz and attention (and a Twitter endorsement (http://www.politico.com/blogs/click/0811/Kiss_frontman_is_a_Rick_Perry_fan.html) from rocker and businessman Gene Simmons).

Perry also has a successful history of getting donors to open their wallets.

In an interview with ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rick-perrys-fundraising-prowess-big-donors-central-success/story?id=14332703), Craig McDonald, director of Texans for Public Justice, said, "He is the most successful campaign fundraiser in the history of Texas politics, hands down."
The question will be whether Perry can transition from his base of big-money donors in his home state to attract the attention of big donors nationwide -- a strength of Romney (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/55098.html), who's also got personal wealth to draw on -- and the support of individual donors more focused on particular issues and ideologies (such as Paul's).

"I don't think money will be an object [for Perry]," McDonald also said. "I mean, it won't be a question in his success unless he stumbles badly."
True, Paul's moneybombs were larger back in the 2007-08 cycle; he got $5 million one day then and even outraised Mike Huckabee, the last GOP candidate to concede to John McCain's primary efforts.
There's little doubt Paul's ardent fans will continue to throw dollars at him, but if Perry locks into the national big-money bundlers, the battle of Texas could be over quickly.

21st August 2011, 04:38 PM
Here's more fuel for the fire.....note the header in the link.


Now, the rest of the left coast rags' story. This entire story is riddled with untruths.

When it comes to donations, Texas Rep. Ron Paul believes small is beautiful.
In a 24-hour fundraising push over the weekend, GOP presidental candidate Paul scooped up more than $1.6 million in small donations. It was Paul's 76th birthday and his loyal band of dedicated campaigners came through again for the inconoclastic Texas libertarian.

This happened despite a cyber-attack on the campaign Website, announced on Paul's Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ronpaul), that shut it down for a few hours.
A press release (http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=9b8827e2d9e8f8bf88bfe6fcb&id=33f0e4a0b8&e=26bedfc9f3)quoted campaign chairman Jesse Benton as saying, "Our campaign is surging, and today's money bomb results show the strength of our grassroots support. We've just come off an impressive finish in the Iowa straw poll, and our growing poll numbers and strong fundraising proves that our message is resonating with people."

Indeed, those who support Paul are passionate, but the RealClearPolitics.com average of major polls (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/republican_presidential_nomination-1452.html) puts the 11-term congressman sixth in the field of Republican hopefuls, behind Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin (who's not actually running yet), Michele Bachmann and Rudy Giuliani (also not officially running), but ahead of declared candidates Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman Jr. and Rick Santorum.
The 2012 campaign is a final push for Paul, who has announced he will not seek another term (http://content.usatoday.com/communities/onpolitics/post/2011/07/ron-paul-re-election-house-seat-/1) in the House in order to concentrate on his presidential race.

One of the biggest obstacles in Paul's way is fellow Texan Rick Perry, the Lone Star State's longest-serving governor. Since announcing his candidacy (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2011/08/rick-perry-texas-joins-republican-presidential-race-.html) for the Republican nomination last Saturday, Perry has generated a lot of buzz and attention (and a Twitter endorsement (http://www.politico.com/blogs/click/0811/Kiss_frontman_is_a_Rick_Perry_fan.html) from rocker and businessman Gene Simmons).

Perry also has a successful history of getting donors to open their wallets.

In an interview with ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rick-perrys-fundraising-prowess-big-donors-central-success/story?id=14332703), Craig McDonald, director of Texans for Public Justice, said, "He is the most successful campaign fundraiser in the history of Texas politics, hands down."
The question will be whether Perry can transition from his base of big-money donors in his home state to attract the attention of big donors nationwide -- a strength of Romney (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/55098.html), who's also got personal wealth to draw on -- and the support of individual donors more focused on particular issues and ideologies (such as Paul's).

"I don't think money will be an object [for Perry]," McDonald also said. "I mean, it won't be a question in his success unless he stumbles badly."
True, Paul's moneybombs were larger back in the 2007-08 cycle; he got $5 million one day then and even outraised Mike Huckabee, the last GOP candidate to concede to John McCain's primary efforts.
There's little doubt Paul's ardent fans will continue to throw dollars at him, but if Perry locks into the national big-money bundlers, the battle of Texas could be over quickly.

That ENTIRE articles premise is that whoever generates the most money wins. No evidence that RP is wrong on the issues, only that he cant raise enough money to save the Republic. What a fucking joke this writer is.


21st August 2011, 05:20 PM

how is this even possible? 9 friggin percent? what a joke

21st August 2011, 05:44 PM

how is this even possible? 9 friggin percent? what a joke

Most Americans can not think independently about political matters, their opinions are a direct reflection of what they hear on the MSM. If this poll is true, and it may well be, it's telling me that only 9% are thinking independently about the republican primary election. Even if the poll is off a bit, I doubt Dr. Paul would be above 15%.

3rd September 2011, 06:52 AM
New Money Bomb for Ron Paul - 2012

This one is on Sept 19th. They are going to use the money for tv ads about Perry and Romney. (And maybe Fein?) :)



3rd September 2011, 12:26 PM
Madfrank?.....no, he will be able to stop it but no "fix" it....... "No Export = No Recovery"... Ponce

And the bad thing about all this is that we will continued to buy from overseas because that's where most of what we need is at.