View Full Version : Who said 1 or 2 Euro banks to fail next week?

20th August 2011, 07:32 AM
I've got the title error free for a change.

I heard or read this the last couple days. I think it was an interview I watched or listened to but I can't recall where. Do you remember it?

My best bets are a keiser interview, an AJ interview or something I read on ZH.

I'm hearing from the french banking sector something IS going down on monday or tuesday next week. I'm not talking bank clerks chatter either.

The interview I heard said Societe Generale or Deutche Bank. It's related to the Sarkosy/Merkel Eurobond carry on.

Thanks for any help. Oh and I hear some very interesting things. Some very interesting things. I need to think about what I can say and how I can share it. Not EOTW stuff but telling, very telling.

20th August 2011, 08:28 AM
Max Keiser was talking about it on the thursday AJ show. That is all I have heard of it so far. Didn't have internet for 3 weeks so was out of the loop.

Large Sarge
20th August 2011, 08:37 AM
unicredit is broke (Biggest italian bank), Societe Generale (Largest french Bank??) is broke

Those 2 alone would bring down Euro land
(and there are other problem banks, and issues involved)

Europe is in Deep Doo doo, seriously

20th August 2011, 08:43 AM
thanks Son of Liberty. I thought it might be...too many videos and so little time. I'll pin down the video segment tomorrow.

After the gold delivery demand and some moves to nationalisation of mines etc, some groups want to be elsewhere to where they currently are but they have lots of "stuff" with them that they want to be elsewhere also. The numbers are big. The group might be described as being part of a global spiritual guidance network... I wonder how more obscure I can get ;D.

20th August 2011, 05:18 PM
so people in the french banking sector are saying it's game on for next week. I saw this as independant corroboration of the Max/AJ interview (still listening to it again). Max and AJ start talking here and by 2 minute mark are talking about societe generale holding the AIG toxic waste.

tried to link the video at 30 second mark but doesn't seem to work.

but I'm trying to be sure they (people corroborating story) are not getting this stuff via the Max/AJ interview. It wouldn't be corroboration then would it?

While Chavez is demanding delivery and nationalizing gold mines, confiscation has also become a concern. Refering to my earlier post about spiritual guides.......The dollars are big. If I said to you, hold up one finger and then say hundred million...hmmmmm possible. If I said 2 fingers...... while saying the same, that could be it. I don't think you would hold up 3 fingers though. That could be too many fingers. But those are the sorts of numbers the people who would like to move their stuff are talking about.

The question of tungsten came up but we are not talking 400oz. The units are smaller.

Multilingual foreign military could be a sin-o-the times in south america these days. Seems there is a lot of it about right now.

Errosion Of Accord
22nd August 2011, 07:56 PM
Still waiting. I hate for Max to be wrong on something big like this because I trust his opinion. Then on the other hand I hate for him to be right.

22nd August 2011, 09:24 PM
Tag.. so I can read this when Im awake

22nd August 2011, 09:49 PM
Tag.. so I can read this when Im awake

Sleep Tagging.... cool.

23rd August 2011, 05:32 AM
I've got the title error free for a change.

I heard or read this the last couple days. I think it was an interview I watched or listened to but I can't recall where. Do you remember it?

My best bets are a keiser interview, an AJ interview or something I read on ZH.

I'm hearing from the french banking sector something IS going down on monday or tuesday next week. I'm not talking bank clerks chatter either.

The interview I heard said Societe Generale or Deutche Bank. It's related to the Sarkosy/Merkel Eurobond carry on.

Thanks for any help. Oh and I hear some very interesting things. Some very interesting things. I need to think about what I can say and how I can share it. Not EOTW stuff but telling, very telling.


SocGen has a market cap of $16 Billion Euro's - not much for a Really Big Bank.


Deutsche Bank has a market cap of $25 Billion Euro's - also not much.


Unicredit, even though they're broke, has a market cap of $17 Billion Euro's.

some preliminary signs that they're about to go over the waterfall - market cap will drop to near-nothing. though i'm not sure what "near nothing" would be for one of these European banks.

For WaMu it was $4 Billion. it traded at about $9 Billion for about 6 months then dropped to $4 Billion the week before it ceased to exist (JP Morgue "bought" it for $1.6 Billion).

mick silver
23rd August 2011, 07:39 AM
i wonder if the people are pulling there paper out of the European banks ?

23rd August 2011, 10:04 PM
Well it looks like the Rothschilds propped up Societe Generale. Not quite the bombshell but perhaps it prevented the bombshell.

This arrangement is apparently "not unusual" however Societe General was using a subsidiary to facilitate this. So I'm going to say this is just another Off Balance Sheet vehicle to hide the AIG junk that Societe General was loaded up with a couple years ago. So basically it's a move in what is best described as a shell game.

Following the already failed attempt by captured pan-European regulators to stop the local bank Friend-o treatment (http://mimg.ugo.com/200811/15475/Anton.jpg)by instituting a short-selling ban, whose effectiveness as we pointed out (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/european-banks-now-or-below-short-selling-ban-levels)lasted, oh, about 7 days, we find just what Plan B is. And, yes, Rothschild is involved. From the WSJ (http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20110823-709045.html): "Societe Generale SA, whose shares have come under severe pressure in recent weeks, said Tuesday that it had signed a liquidity contract with Rothschild & Cie. to prevent excessive volatility in its stock price." That's right: Rothschild is now in the Plunge Protection business. And they all have the ECB to thank for it: after years of not learning from the New York Fed-Citadel Joint Venture, which "never" steps in at precisely the right time (wink wink), they have opened the market for third party PPT incursions. It only seems fitting that the bank that started it all, would step in and fill the void. Because after all if SocGen falls, Rothschild will sooner or later follow. That said, the official explanation is worth its weight in laughter: "The idea is not to keep the stock price high, but rather to keep it steady" a representative for Societe Generale said. After hearing such... brilliance... what really is there to say?

More @ Zerohedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/rothschild-now-tbtf-plunge-protection-business)