View Full Version : Excellent Michele Bachmann town hall meeting in Myrtle Beach, SC 8/19/2011 (C-SPAN)

Ora Pro Nobis
20th August 2011, 03:17 PM
So yesterday I was watching C-SPAN and airing was this Town Hall meeting with Michele Bachmann. I recall that it was Bachmann that helped Ron Paul spearhead his Audit The Fed legislation. She is the mainstream candidate that I favor :o . I see that she is a good speaker and she answered the questions with ease. :D

And Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann hosted a town-hall style meeting on Friday in Myrtle Beach, SC. South Carolina is the first among southern states to hold a primary election next year. Rep. Bachmann placed first in last weekend's Iowa Straw Poll.


Large Sarge
20th August 2011, 03:18 PM
she is a big time zionist

20th August 2011, 03:59 PM
So yesterday I was watching C-SPAN and airing was this Town Hall meeting with Michele Bachmann. I recall that it was Bachmann that helped Ron Paul spearhead his Audit The Fed legislation. She is the mainstream candidate that I favor :o . I see that she is a good speaker and she answered the questions with ease. :D

If you were looking for a quick and easy way to slaughter the credibility of your new GSUS membership I'd say you just hit it out of the park.

20th August 2011, 04:12 PM
Photo worth a 1000 words.
Bachmann... blowing corn dogs across America. Lol

20th August 2011, 04:20 PM
Managed to watch the first 10 minutes of the town hall.....made me want to puke.

Celtic Rogue
20th August 2011, 04:25 PM
nope... she is bought and paid for! She voted for a temporary extension of the Patriot Act and bragged about it on Facebook. Sorry but she cant hold a candle to Dr Paul! 8-)

20th August 2011, 04:28 PM
If you were looking for a quick and easy way to slaughter the credibility of your new GSUS membership I'd say you just hit it out of the park.

Don't give him/her such a hard time. The worldview most of us here hold takes a long time to develop and understand. Give the OP credit for even being here and willing to discuss this with us. Ora, I'll take this opportunity to say that none of the mainstream candidates will be able to deliver what this country really needs. Take some time to study Austrian economics, Murry Rothbard, Mises, Ron Paul, etc and understand that none of the candidates (except RP), Bachmann included, knows how to fix the mess we're in. Bachmann will continue the wars, continue the bailouts, continue the plundering of the masses via inflationary policy, etc. She can't fix it. I don't know if anyone can, but the closest bet we have is Ron Paul. Read his books, read mises.org, read lewrockwell.com and then you'll see where we're all coming from. I wish you the best.

20th August 2011, 04:38 PM
Thank you for your reasoned and seasoned reply, madfranks.

20th August 2011, 04:39 PM
Don't give him/her such a hard time. The worldview most of us here hold takes a long time to develop and understand. Give the OP credit for even being here and willing to discuss this with us. Ora, I'll take this opportunity to say that none of the mainstream candidates will be able to deliver what this country really needs. Take some time to study Austrian economics, Murry Rothbard, Mises, Ron Paul, etc and understand that none of the candidates (except RP), Bachmann included, knows how to fix the mess we're in. Bachmann will continue the wars, continue the bailouts, continue the plundering of the masses via inflationary policy, etc. She can't fix it. I don't know if anyone can, but the closest bet we have is Ron Paul. Read his books, read mises.org, read lewrockwell.com and then you'll see where we're all coming from. I wish you the best.
Yea, this is what made me want to puke. In the first 10 minutes, she prayed for first responders and our troops, then a minute later said her first goals were paying the interest on the debt followed by paying the military, because "they do the hard work for us". What does she mean by that? pillaging?

Ora Pro Nobis
20th August 2011, 05:22 PM
If you were looking for a quick and easy way to slaughter the credibility of your new GSUS membership I'd say you just hit it out of the park.

Thanks for the interest, mrnhtbr2232. Relax - I always try to look at the good and best of every person no matter what their views are and even if I dislike what they say I still respect their views. For a long time, for years, I used to be negative all the time and was a pessimist in everything I encountered. Anyhow as I said in the OP I think Bachmann is a great speaker and she is natural and real around the crowds. I think It would be great to have her as the first female president. I'm favoring Ron Paul's campaign and I wish him the best even though he has an uphill battle with the Media Beast. Have a nice day! :)

Ora Pro Nobis
20th August 2011, 05:48 PM
Thanks for the interest and support, madfranks. I'm reading Human Action by Mises and next on the reading list is "Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles" though I'm tempted to pick up Jesus of Nazareth Part II by Pope Benedict XVI; and I already read Part I. I'm really interested in how money is made. I like the solutions presented by William Still of Money Masters fame. I'm still new at this but, If Gold and Silver became legal tender and good for paying taxes then who has all the Gold and Silver? The banks do, well only certain ones do. The government would have to confiscate it all and distribute it to the populace, in physical form no doubt. And what if certain institutions decide to hog and withhold 'The Shiny' from the economy? Is the pure and unfiltered power of the State going to have to coerce the monetary institutions to hand over the PMs again? Adolf Hitler, economically speaking, was a great man. His government had no Precious Metals yet he turned the German economy around for the better. How did he do it without Gold and Silver? I would like to learn more about this point in history. Does anyone have a book to reccomend that goes into detail? At this point in time in my learning I will say that no system is perfect. Have a nice day! :)

EDIT: Wanted to add some more. What is to stop certain ardent groups from coming to power again and repealing the reforms a Ron Paul administration would install and re-instituting our current system, a global one at that? Only a package of constitutional amendments would suffice, as I can think of. But so much effort would need to be exerted in installing these constitutional reforms in coming about this that at this point in time only in "hypothetical/fantasy land" would such a thing occur. I applaud the strong efforts Ron Paul is making and the campaign around him. Much more would and needs to be done to bring lasting change for the better. This democracy thing is an ongoing experiment.


20th August 2011, 05:58 PM
Yea, this is what made me want to puke. In the first 10 minutes, she prayed for first responders and our troops, then a minute later said her first goals were paying the interest on the debt followed by paying the military, because "they do the hard work for us". What does she mean by that? pillaging?

She implicitly enshrines the Big Zio-Lie of 911: that Scary Moozlemists did it - while giving a pass to the real perps: her bosses (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?52198-9-11-and-Israel-Alan-Sabrosky%E2%80%99s-Shocking-Press-TV-Interview).


On her crocodile tears for the sick/dying 911 first responders, First responders excluded from 9/11 ceremony (http://rt.com/usa/news/first-responders-911-ceremony/) -if someone were able to publicly question her opinion of this, it would be entertaining to watch the 'righteous indignation' act she'd have to perform in response, :o;D

On payin' & prayin' for the military for the "hard work they do for us"... that's codespeak for the hard work they do for her bosses, (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/08/14/81-house-members-enjoy-hiatus-in-israel/)


Photo worth a 1000 words.
Bachmann... blowing corn dogs across America. Lol

don't be too quick to dismiss GoodHair though,


21st August 2011, 03:45 PM
I made it through the first 10 minutes. I my have permanent hearing damage from that hoarse voice.

Any how, nothing was said that wasn't just pandering to the publik. Every talking point was illustrated at the beginning.

I am just glad that she got the location correct.

Now "who want's to vacation in Myrtle Beach"?

midnight rambler
21st August 2011, 04:16 PM
Yea, this is what made me want to puke. In the first 10 minutes, she prayed for first responders and our troops, then a minute later said her first goals were paying the interest on the debt followed by paying the military, because "they do the hard work for us". What does she mean by that? pillaging?

Pillaging, looting, and plunder is secondary to delivering up blood sacrifices to the altar of Baal, Molech, Baphomet, etc. (take your pick).

midnight rambler
21st August 2011, 04:19 PM
no matter what their views are and even if I dislike what they say I still respect their views.Kindly elaborate on how you 'respect' the views of members of the Death Cult whose stock in trade is human sacrifice and human suffering (along with the plunder and destruction which accompanies it). TIA

Anyhow as I said in the OP I think Bachmann is a great speaker and she is natural and real around the crowds.You appear to be easily fooled and have not been paying attention to what the people in Iowa were saying about her before, during and after the recent straw poll - it is the polar opposite of your assertion. MicHELLe is as fake and insincere as they come.

21st August 2011, 04:23 PM
Thanks for the interest and support, madfranks. I'm reading Human Action by Mises and next on the reading list is "Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles" though I'm tempted to pick up Jesus of Nazareth Part II by Pope Benedict XVI; and I already read Part I. I'm really interested in how money is made. I like the solutions presented by William Still of Money Masters fame. I'm still new at this but, If Gold and Silver became legal tender and good for paying taxes then who has all the Gold and Silver? The banks do, well only certain ones do. The government would have to confiscate it all and distribute it to the populace, in physical form no doubt. And what if certain institutions decide to hog and withhold 'The Shiny' from the economy? Is the pure and unfiltered power of the State going to have to coerce the monetary institutions to hand over the PMs again? Adolf Hitler, economically speaking, was a great man. His government had no Precious Metals yet he turned the German economy around for the better. How did he do it without Gold and Silver? I would like to learn more about this point in history. Does anyone have a book to reccomend that goes into detail? At this point in time in my learning I will say that no system is perfect. Have a nice day! :)

EDIT: Wanted to add some more. What is to stop certain ardent groups from coming to power again and repealing the reforms a Ron Paul administration would install and re-instituting our current system, a global one at that? Only a package of constitutional amendments would suffice, as I can think of. But so much effort would need to be exerted in installing these constitutional reforms in coming about this that at this point in time only in "hypothetical/fantasy land" would such a thing occur. I applaud the strong efforts Ron Paul is making and the campaign around him. Much more would and needs to be done to bring lasting change for the better. This democracy thing is an ongoing experiment.


Good thing we live in a republic.

po boy
21st August 2011, 04:33 PM
Good thing we live in a republic.

SECTION 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

21st August 2011, 04:36 PM
In all seriousness, Bachmann is trying to protect Americans from the evil rise of the Soviet Union! Thank goodness for that!


21st August 2011, 05:50 PM
In all seriousness, Bachmann is trying to protect Americans from the evil rise of the Soviet Union! Thank goodness for that! -_-

Your sarcasm notwithstanding, whether Bachmann or another, let's not underestimate the re-rise of Putin to imminent OVERT power.

Jis sayin'...let's not forget our history and our assistance after they crumbled internally. The Bear has awakened from its sleep, has it not?


midnight rambler
21st August 2011, 06:42 PM
Your sarcasm notwithstanding, whether Bachmann or another, let's not underestimate the re-rise of Putin to imminent OVERT power.

Jis sayin'...let's not forget our history and our assistance after they crumbled internally. The Bear has awakened from its sleep, has it not?


Surely you've come to the realization by now that the US is now as much 'Soviet' as Russia was, with this creation of a 'Central Planning Committee' aka Politburo in the form of a so-called (*super-Constitutional*) 'Super Committee' - right??

21st August 2011, 07:14 PM
Surely you've come to the realization by now that the US is now as much 'Soviet' as Russia was, with this creation of a 'Central Planning Committee' aka Politburo in the form of a so-called (*super-Constitutional*) 'Super Committee' - right??

Not to mention that we follow all 10 planks of the communist manifesto.

"None are more hopelessley enslaved than those who falseley believe they are free"

21st August 2011, 10:08 PM
Wasn't aware I had to defend my politely expressed opinion on matters Putin and oligarchy in particular, which as I recall I did in responding to DMac drawing attention to Bachmann's opinions on things big bear based.

I said what I meant to say, and I meant what I said. Simple as that.

I'm not in the habit of parsing bad govt leadership to determine who is less or more bad, let alone geographically. Stench is stench.


22nd August 2011, 01:32 AM
Don't give him/her such a hard time. The worldview most of us here hold takes a long time to develop and understand. Give the OP credit for even being here and willing to discuss this with us. Ora, I'll take this opportunity to say that none of the mainstream candidates will be able to deliver what this country really needs. Take some time to study Austrian economics, Murry Rothbard, Mises, Ron Paul, etc and understand that none of the candidates (except RP), Bachmann included, knows how to fix the mess we're in. Bachmann will continue the wars, continue the bailouts, continue the plundering of the masses via inflationary policy, etc. She can't fix it. I don't know if anyone can, but the closest bet we have is Ron Paul. Read his books, read mises.org, read lewrockwell.com and then you'll see where we're all coming from. I wish you the best.

My friend:

Please, consider that your present understanding is but another labyrinth in the matrix. Dr. Paul is controlled opposition. Mises institute is controlled opposition. Austrian economics, most of it is controlled opposition. Remember: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Lenin