View Full Version : Explain SHTF scenereo
20th August 2011, 07:36 PM
How would you explain SHTF? Just because it is not locally reported in the US doesn't mean that globally there are not riots, wars, economic collapse, planted rebels, countries trying to reclaim their gold, genocide, nuclear disasters (or planned) etc etc, fill in the rest, need to head home now.
20th August 2011, 07:40 PM
I like Reagan's spiel:
A recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
A depression is when you lose your job.
20th August 2011, 07:49 PM
TS will have officially HTF when I have to decide whether to shoot a stranger or protect and feed him. Everything else is just a prelude.
midnight rambler
20th August 2011, 08:31 PM
There are already pockets of SHTF in not only the rest of the world, but in the states as well. If your home and livelihood was destroyed by flooding or a tornado, or there is high unemployment in your area then that qualifies as SHTF. From my perspective, we are set for these pockets of SHTF to grow and multiply until there's SHTF pockets contiguous all over and it's one big FUBAR.
20th August 2011, 08:43 PM
We are now in a WTSHTF scenario.......but is under control.............the same way that we are in a depression but is under control.
midnight rambler
20th August 2011, 08:51 PM
We are now in a WTSHTF scenario.......but is under control.............the same way that we are in a depression but is under control.
That's what I was saying - SHTF has already occurred and those who don't see it are in denial. Eventually their bubble of cherished delusions will burst.
21st August 2011, 07:29 AM
the Palestinians have been living in a TSHTF scenario since 1935.
then in 2001, Israel decided to "share the love" - with the US.
since then, the US gov has been 99% rotten - in its own state of TSHTF.
not surprising that the country would eventually follow, when there is complete anarchy at the highest levels of the government, and the Pelosi's of the world are just covering their own backsides.
not unlike the story-line in Star Wars. remember in the Phantom Menace when Senator Palpatine is trying to explain to the Queen, "there is no interest in the common good". he also said something about "greedy delegates squabbling". (of course, Palpatine is also the Sith Lord).
personally, i see a parallel between the rise of the "Empire" in Star Wars, and the growth of the Cancer that is Israel/US Gov/ English Gov.
21st August 2011, 08:46 AM
in simplest terms, TSHTF has occurred when multiple, visceral, life sustaining systems concurrently dis-integrate, and in a very publicly observable ways.
What is your response to this effort to get my arms around your question?
21st August 2011, 10:43 AM
TS will have officially HTF when I have to decide whether to shoot a stranger or protect and feed him. Everything else is just a prelude.
That is surely the best summation I've seen.
Right on!
Joe King
21st August 2011, 10:59 AM
It would help to define the term.
Some of you are confusing an actual "SHTF" scenario with a personal "SHTF" scenario.
In a personal way, TS is always HTF somewhere for someone and always has been since there's been a someone.
...but the term as used here on the forum is a system-wide SHTF. ie life does not go on as normal for the vast majority of someones.
21st August 2011, 11:02 AM
The expression [the shit hits the fan] is related to, and may well derive from, an old joke. A man in a crowded bar needed to defecate but couldn't find a bathroom, so he went upstairs and used a hole in the floor. Returning, he found everyone had gone except the bartender, who was cowering behind the bar. When the man asked what had happened, the bartender replied, 'Where were you when the shit hit the fan?' [Hugh Rawson, "Wicked Words," 1989]
21st August 2011, 01:39 PM
i think in terms of FEELING the SHTF, one of the primary incidents would be - unavailability of gasoline (and diesel), rationing of gasoline, etc.
that would be massively inconvenient in a number of ways -
* if you're in Florida, you need a stockpile of gasoline in case a hurricane is coming and the gas stations are closed.
* the trucks stop bringing the food to the store.
so far i have about 9x 5 gallon cans of unleaded and 2 cans of diesel.
i'm also growing peanuts, sunflowers, and pumpkins - all feedstocks for diesel.
one of the other things that is good for preparing for TSHTF is what we do here - meet other like-minded individuals.
very few people prepare perfectly, but if you combine resources with other preppers (that you can trust), you end up maybe better-prepared.
21st August 2011, 01:55 PM
I'm with Joe on this. We all have SHTF periodically. In the context of GSUS, it has to be defined as a broader event or situation.
I'll re-state my standing definition for whenever one of these threads gets started: TSHTF when collectively we switch from accumulating preps to using them.
21st August 2011, 07:09 PM
It may be possible that the SHTF a long long time ago, and we are all trying to clean ourselves off from other peoples disgusting habits, choices and decisions.
It also may be possible that by thinking that the SHTF scenario is in the sometime distant future, we may remain paralyzed and on the sidelines of life. Constantly living in fear is incredibly bad for the body, mind and spirit. The human feeling of fear can drastically change decisions and priorities in one's life.
Instead of doing something to change our current affairs, we spend time on preparing for what we think is coming. When 'it' may have happened already........
(Just a random observation)
midnight rambler
21st August 2011, 07:19 PM
I think your random observation has much merit.
As I've posted before, I know this old timer who first 'woke up' in the early '50s and he asserts that 'it's all over' in this country and now in the 'mop-up operation' phase (been going on for many years) with the moneypowers having accomplished all they set out to do (as in Marx's 10 Planks).
21st August 2011, 08:09 PM
It also may be possible that by thinking that the SHTF scenario is in the sometime distant future, we may remain paralyzed and on the sidelines of life. Constantly living in fear is incredibly bad for the body, mind and spirit. The human feeling of fear can drastically change decisions and priorities in one's life.
Do you think most people who aware of a potential SHTF situation live in fear of it? Fear is not really my reaction. I can think of a lot more appropriate emotions: disappointment, anger, disillusionment, betrayal, or frustration. But not fear. It seems like those who can see it coming should not fear it because it can't sneak up on them, and those who maybe should fear it aren't even aware of it.
And if you think maybe it's already happened, then what is it? Are you saying TSHTF consists of the fear of TSHTF? Like some kind of tautology?
21st August 2011, 09:53 PM
I really don't care when it "officially" arrives since I am mentally ready 100%, and that's the main thing that all of should do even if you don't have any food in be mentally ready for what is to come it means that you will do what ever is needed to survive, even if you have to kill to get some food.........that's what is all about.
As you all can see as of late the "law" is getting away with a lot more and it is with the approval of the power to be sinse it is a good training for when TSHTF comes to light........but remember this, you can do to them what they do to you and in the future I do hope that you do it first sinse it will be the start of a revolution to kick out those who have stolen our governmnet.
When the government no longer protect its people it is then the right of the people to overthrow the governmnet since the people are the "real" even says so in our Constitution.
Joe King
21st August 2011, 10:23 PM
When the government no longer protect its people it is then the right of the people to overthrow the governmnet since the people are the "real" even says so in our Constitution.
Not to be nit-picky or anything, but that'd be the DOI that says that.
Only problem is that the fed gov doesn't look at the DOI as anything more than an historical document.
ie in the govs "eyes" it carries no weight of law, as it is not a US Gov document.
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