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20th August 2011, 08:05 PM



20th August 2011, 08:07 PM
I was just about to post a link on Elenin. Here is a clip on russia today.


20th August 2011, 08:18 PM
latest data out on coma....


(on a side note, thanks for starting thread, saved me from having to. September & October are suppose to be the months of doom ) Still on the fence as to what kind of impact this will all have. I would think if something darker loomed in our near future we would see more obvious signs. Yes, I know about the 7.5 quake today...but still. Im 20 miles from the coast and at 80 above sea level currently. Having wife & kids makes hitting the high ground for any measureable time 'challenging'.

20th August 2011, 08:24 PM
I guess we won't have to wait too long to see if it is real.

20th August 2011, 08:51 PM
I feel its going to cause significant damage - possibly solar flares which knock out communications, perhaps an earthquake akin to the japan one or worse, maybe volcanos as well. But I don't think it will be "Armageddon". I think its more of a precursor.

20th August 2011, 09:00 PM
some are prediciting, end of first week in September , that a 9+ quake will hit in the ring of fire. Heard a scientist/geologist (or whatever) mention that california is long overdue. Guess thats just a few weeks a way.

20th August 2011, 09:02 PM
I know of someone predicting an 11.0 earthquake in california within the next 18 months. Its not necessarily tied to elenin though.

20th August 2011, 09:03 PM
I know of someone predicting an 11.0 earthquake in california within the next 18 months. Its not necessarily tied to elenin though.

I wonder what that would do to the price of gold.

20th August 2011, 09:14 PM
I wonder what that would do to the price of gold.

I know gold will be very valuable to the people fleeing the disaster, most likely on foot.
Those with silver might be SOL to try and carry it.

20th August 2011, 09:18 PM
Is that Orion?

I've been feeling small Jupiter tugs more frequently lately...

20th August 2011, 09:31 PM
tag for later

Twisted Titan
21st August 2011, 12:32 AM

Nothing much is going to happen.

The Elite would have imposed martial law and would have been sitting pretty underground waiting for the big die off if that was the case.

Sit tight and keep stacking vittles and ammo

21st August 2011, 01:20 AM
The Elite would have imposed martial law

I don't know...think about it. If the status quo isn't shaken and people are still going to work and all, any talk of a comet is all crazy talk. If however their world is shaken by something like martial law, then the population could wake up to something like this and disrupt well-laid plans. If most people will in fact die, then there really may not be need for martial law.

But I agree with you, stay the course is the best one can do.

21st August 2011, 05:25 AM

Comet Elenin IS NOT A THREAT to earth ... my name and work regarding the electrical nature of comets and the solar system are being hijacked by a government backed misinformation crew making all kinds of wild claims about Comet Elenin ... these postings are on web pages and blogs and many professionally made youtube videos disguised as coming from "average people" like you and me ... many times claiming to have resources to un-named "professional astronomers" who "verify" their baloney stories ... some claim that they talk to aliens who "confirm McCanney's work" along with completely distorted ramblings ... some claim Comet Elenin will cause all sorts of disaster with time lines and dates with some claiming you should move to certain "safe sites" on a given timeline ... these sites and people we have found are all coming from the same place ... let me make it perfectly clear that Comet Elenin is a small comet that will likely not be even seen by most people since it is so small and far away ... someone (group) is spending a lot of time and money to make a major issue out of a complete non-issue ... the curious issue is why all the misinformation and other "date" correlations being propagated on the internet and now on the major media ... it is clear that an extensive group of people are behind this and they are getting major press and air time ... then in clear disinformation style the NASA owned press has the "white hats" (the NASA "good-guys") riding in to save the day telling you not to listen to all those quacks on the internet (pointing directly to these many sites which distort my name and work which as i said is being completely mis-represented by the same disinformation crew in what we have come to learn over the years is a well orchestrated dog and pony show ... with the same disinformation crew controlling both sides of the "debate") ... others are associating this false reporting with possible NASA and leadership (NWO and other) groups to create false alien invasion scenarios (emphasis on FALSE) to create fear with the public ... i have NOTHING to do with any of these reports and let me repeat and make it perfectly clear ... my work regarding cometary alignments and the electrical nature of the solar system shows that Comet Elenin IS NOT ANY KIND OF THREAT TO EARTH ... emphasis on NOT ... the false reporting regarding Comet Elenin and many related topics will most likely continue into the fall of 2011 as a movie 2012 is due to come out November 13th this coming fall making all kinds of wild and unscientific (but scientific sounding) claims of doom and ultimate earth destruction ... this oddly enough coincides with the take over of public communications that will soon be finalized with Obama making national emergency announcements on the newly centralized Homeland Security FEMA emergency broadcast network that will basically take over ALL media ... 1984 is alive and well in the USA ... so i will leave this posting up stating once again that i have nothing to do with the false FEAR reporting that is propagating on all fronts ... this also opens the opportunity for every nut case and imposter on the internet to jump in and further cloud the real issues from the public ... many of whom are just beginning to wake up from a deep mental slumber (the clueless ones) ... every week i host a commercial free radio show that deals with REAL issues of science and also educates the public on how to recognize and understand the politics of science so you can then begin to understand the real nature of science and why there is such an effort to keep the public confused with phony BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY that comes from what i call "tier 2" NASA science as well as the barrage of internet imposters (many of whom receive support from government sources to distort the real efforts of the few sane voices that exist in the world today) ... an extreme effort has been made by the "controllers" to dumb down the public everywhere from public school education to the mass media ... you will begin to understand and read between the lines as you listen to my shows which air live every thursday evening with ALL PAST SHOWs available on the "weekly radio show archive sub-page" (scroll down for details) ... i also provide information on how to prepare to live on what i call "many levels" ... continue with your regular daily lives but also be prepared on a basic level to take care of you and your family ... my secure web ordering page gives you everything you need (without all the bells and whistles) to prepare for what i call a "basic living scenario" ... i do not call it "survival" as this implies many bad connotations ... i call it "common sense and being prepared" ... preparedness is the same whether it is for natural disasters such as floods or fires or tornados or earth quakes or for man made events or whatever the disaster may be ... you will need clean water and basic food and good information ... it may be for a day or a week or a month or longer ... all of the items on the sales page are also items that you should be using EVERY DAY to live a healthy life style ... so be sure to beware of the barrage of "good guy vs. bad guy" misinformation that will come at you from now and into the future ... be sure to listen to my weekly radio show and past archives and be prepared by visiting the secure web ordering page ... jim mccanney

21st August 2011, 08:17 AM
Bigjon--Great post!

21st August 2011, 08:21 AM

August 21, 2011 – DOUBLE CORONAL HOLE: A double-barreled hole has opened up in the sun’s atmosphere and it is spewing a split-stream of solar wind toward Earth. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this composite UV image of the double coronal hole on August 20th. Sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the solar wind arrives on August 22-24. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% to 50% chance of high-latitude geomagnetic activity. –Space Weather

21st August 2011, 08:37 AM

August 21, 2011 – DOUBLE CORONAL HOLE: A double-barreled hole has opened up in the sun’s atmosphere and it is spewing a split-stream of solar wind toward Earth. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this composite UV image of the double coronal hole on August 20th. Sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the solar wind arrives on August 22-24. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% to 50% chance of high-latitude geomagnetic activity. –Space Weather

Well to quote Mr. McCanney again, he says we are being set up for a takedown of our entire US grid system, all to be blamed on solar flaring. He had this posted on his website, it is not still there. He said he was just speculating and he was "out on a limb" with this prediction.

At 26 minute mark.

But it would be a great way to create chaos in order to impose martial law via Homeland (in)Security.

mick silver
21st August 2011, 08:42 AM

Nothing much is going to happen.

The Elite would have imposed martial law and would have been sitting pretty underground waiting for the big die off if that was the case.

Sit tight and keep stacking vittles and ammowho to say there not in there caves yet .

21st August 2011, 08:44 AM

21st August 2011, 11:41 AM
I agree with Mccanney, the recent NASA press release was a joke. It was to 'debunk' comet talk, but ignored the real questions they should answer, such as could it trigger a CME our way, and what could happen when we pass through the tail as the comet will pass directly through earth's orbit path were ignored over a handful of ignorant questions at the kindergarden level of 'all gravity' space awareness.

That said, I'm not expecting anything one would notice, unless your looking for it and happen to be at the right part of earth at the right time.

Joe King
21st August 2011, 12:19 PM
I agree with Mccanney, the recent NASA press release was a joke. It was to 'debunk' comet talk, but ignored the real questions they should answer, such as could it trigger a CME our way,Isn't this thing relatively small to cause something like that? IMO, I'd expect it to have no direct effect on the Sun at all.

and what could happen when we pass through the tail as the comet will pass directly through earth's orbit path were ignored over a handful of ignorant questions at the kindergarden level of 'all gravity' space awareness.What happened when the Earth has passed through previous comets tails? We're all still here, right?

That said, I'm not expecting anything one would notice, unless your looking for it and happen to be at the right part of earth at the right time.That's what I'm expecting too.
...but it'd be cool if it brightened to the point of prominence in the sky. I'd actually like to see a daytime comet.

21st August 2011, 12:39 PM

21st August 2011, 01:05 PM

When this event happens I predict panic sex taking place everywhere.
Plan accordingly.


21st August 2011, 02:53 PM
There was/is a post on www.rense.com. about 19 or so breaks down that is called
(Elein doomsday quake prediction fails to show) that was fun to see.
Can't post links from this phone so if you can post the link thanks.

21st August 2011, 04:43 PM
I vote non-event.

24th August 2011, 12:49 AM
Comets are vile stars. Every time they appear in the south, they wipe out the old and establish the new. Fish grow sick, crops fail, Emperors and common people die, and men go to war. The people hate life and don't even want to speak of it. -Li Ch'un Feng, Director, Chinese Imperial Astronomical Bureau, 648, A.D. [SOTT (http://www.sott.net/articles/show/228189-New-Light-on-the-Black-Death-The-Viral-and-Cosmic-Connection)]

The Thunderbolts article covers about as much as one can casually know about the odds of it 'acting up', as opposed to a safe bet nothing can happen or denying anything can happen.

And the sun seems to be in a mood to spit out large flares these days.

The Electric Comet: The Elephant in NASA's Living Room? (http://thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/archives/goodspeed08/110629_NASAs_elephant.htm)
by Michael Goodspeed June 29, 2011 Thunderbolts.info

For thousands of years, the appearance of a comet in the terrestrial skies has provoked deep anxiety and even collective hysteria in humans the world over. The reasons for this response are not entirely clear. Working with historical testimony, David Talbott and his colleagues have concluded that comet fears originated in a global experience of catastrophe and terror. Behind all of the regional traditions and stories is the memory of the "Great Comet," the mother of all comets. The memory traces to the origins of world mythology, according to Talbott, and is particularly vivid in the story of a cosmic serpent or dragon threatening to destroy the world. The most common ancient ideas attached to a comet were the death of kings, the fall of kingdoms, cosmic upheaval, and the end of the world.

It should be noted here that the leading proponent of the electric universe, Wal Thornhill, has refrained from predicting specific behaviors of Elenin due to the number of unknowns. These unknowns include the Sun's activity, and the constituent material of the comet itself.

The electric comet theory sees comets as leftovers of relatively recent catastrophic events in the solar system. Comets have elliptical orbits for good reason, and the most dramatic comet displays will typically involve highly elliptical orbits. During its time in the outer reaches of the solar system, the comet will acquire a negative charge with respect to the Sun. Then, as it approaches the inner limits of its orbit, accelerating through the electric field of the Sun, it will begin to discharge to the plasma surrounding it, producing the familiar bright coma and tail. Comet jets are electric discharges to the nucleus - the jets electrically machine the comet surface in a process similar to the industrial process known as spark discharge machining.

The electric view of comets can explain most if not all of the so-called mysteries that have long plagued cometologists, including: unexpectedly high temperatures and X-ray emissions from cometary comas (something never anticipated by mainstream theorists); the sharply carved relief of comets -- the exact opposite of what astronomers expected under the dirty snowball model; comets breaking apart or exploding considerable distances from the sun; explosive cometary jets that occur too far from the sun to be plausibly explained as eruptions of subsurface gas and water from solar heating; ejection of larger particles and even "gravel," something never imagined under the standard comet model (which supposes that nuclei accrete from primordial clouds of ice, gas, and dust); a short supply or complete absence of water and other volatiles on comets' nuclei; and the unexplained ability of a relatively minuscule comet nucleus to hold in place a highly spherical coma, up to millions of miles in diameter, against the force of the solar wind (a phenomenon graphically displayed by Comet Holmes).

When asked to interpret Holmes' "flare-up," Wal Thornhill suggested in a private email:

Outbursts from comets at great distances from the Sun seem to be correlated with a sudden change in the solar 'wind' plasma environment due to a solar storm. The point about sudden comet outbursts is that we are dealing with a sudden, discontinuous process of plasma discharge - a switch from dark current mode to normal glow mode. It is a complex surface phenomenon that cannot be predicted. The best we can do is to say that the passage of a sudden change in the solar wind is the most likely time to see a flareup.

And in fact, the sun had been electrically active in the days before Holmes' so-called "explosion". Investigator Michael Mozina noticed that there was a large spike in the density of the solar wind on October 22 at 19:45, two days prior to the flare-up. This could have switched the comet into what Thornhill describes as normal glow mode, allowing the plasma coma to become visible.

Even SOTT is expecting nothing to happen. From this comet.

Cosmic Propaganda Alert! Comet Elenin: Just Passing By - With SOTT Commentary (http://www.sott.net/articles/show/229777-Cosmic-Propaganda-Alert-Comet-Elenin-Just-Passing-By-With-SOTT-Commentary)
Jason Major Universe Today Thu, 09 Jun 2011

24th August 2011, 07:14 AM
Honda-Levy passing by now, Earthquakes in Colorado and D.C. same day??? warm up for ELENIN CME

24th August 2011, 07:33 AM
When this event happens I predict panic sex taking place everywhere.
Plan accordingly.


after WW2 they called the result of all that "War is Over" relief sex - the Baby Boom.

if there were a whole bunch of babies born 9 months after the Asteroid Collision fears - what would they be called ?

24th August 2011, 08:14 AM
after WW2 they called the result of all that "War is Over" relief sex - the Baby Boom.

if there were a whole bunch of babies born 9 months after the Asteroid Collision fears - what would they be called ?

Astro Babies

24th August 2011, 08:17 AM
after WW2 they called the result of all that "War is Over" relief sex - the Baby Boom.

if there were a whole bunch of babies born 9 months after the Asteroid Collision fears - what would they be called ?

Comet kids?

24th August 2011, 08:21 AM
Comet kids?

Damn commies!

24th August 2011, 12:50 PM
8.24.11 M7.0 in Peru

24th August 2011, 01:29 PM
8.24.11 M7.0 in Peru 7.0


27th August 2011, 02:56 PM
Edit: deleted possible comet sighting after sunset in Auckland (seems to have been a meteorite or contrail).


27th August 2011, 05:43 PM
Looks like late October will be the best time for viewing the comet in the northern hemisphere. I believe its departure from the sun will be above our plane of revolution whereas the approach has been from the south.

28th August 2011, 12:07 PM
Looks like late October will be the best time for viewing the comet in the northern hemisphere. I believe its departure from the sun will be above our plane of revolution whereas the approach has been from the south.

Needs a plasma bump from a solar flare.

28th August 2011, 12:23 PM

28th August 2011, 03:39 PM

28th August 2011, 07:57 PM



28th August 2011, 10:30 PM
[Airplane contrail videos in setting sun]
Airplane contrail videos in setting sun is all that is IMO. I mentioned this in post #34 already. What cinched it for me was seeing the vapour trail moving and billowing just like a vapour trail only a few km away.

29th August 2011, 06:24 AM
ahh- missed that link keehah

This one is interesting


Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th August 2011, 06:42 AM
Rumors that this comet could be the Blue Kachina prophecized by the Hopi indians which is the predecessor to the Red Kachina which will cause the cleansing of the Earth.

Prophecy, I know but interesting nonetheless.


29th August 2011, 11:13 AM
Keehah's Prediction: That was it. The show is over.
(other than a small meteor shower in fall)


Animation of 5 images taken Aug 19,22,23,27,29 ...Astronomers monitoring Comet Elenin have noticed the comet has decreased in brightness the past week, and the coma is now elongating and diffusing. Credit: Michael Mattiazzo.

On August 19, a massive solar flare and coronal mass ejection hit the comet, which may have been the beginning of the end for the much ballyhooed lump...

“We’ve been following it in the STEREO spacecraft images and a number of amateurs have been following it in their telescopes,” said Australian amateur astronomer Ian Musgrave, author of the Astroblog website. “Shortly after the coronal mass ejection the comet flared up and you could see some beautiful details in the tail, with the tail was twisting about in the solar wind. But shortly after that Earth- bound amateurs reported a huge decrease in the intensity of the comet.

Perhaps the CME also electrically blasted the comet apart, but I have yet to see evidence of this.

Comet Elenin is unique in its orbital interaction exposing the earth to it and the sun. But it is not a large one.

But for most comets the last century the entire show has basically been the coma brightening for days or months. Then it drops and the comet just fades away.

I would not be at all surprised if this ends up being the end of the show for Elenin. It normally is.
It may have electrically stabilized with the local environment.

Perhaps a solar flare will knock off the rest of the tail in the next month that may come our way. But it seems to have already happened and drained away that charged plasma before any such event would cause it to come our way in the next few weeks.

In other words we did't dodge a bullet, but that the sun fired too soon. :)
Elenin it seems was only loaded with one cartridge, it only had the power of a BB, and the sun dischared it when it was aimed 90 degrees away from earth.

If the comet was larger or had more capacitance, it would have quickly recovered its brightness after the solar flare and continued to brighten as it traveled towards the sun, and be recharged to take another shot (eject another tail) better aimed at earth.

29th August 2011, 11:15 AM
so what's the story?

Doom or no doom?

(cue Howie Mandel) lol

29th August 2011, 02:22 PM
National Geographic, June 22, 2011: New Comet Found; May Be Visible From Earth in 2013 (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/06/110622-new-comet-found-2013-visible-space-science/)
Icy body may even be bright enough to be seen in the day, expert says.

By March 2013 the comet, named C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS), is expected to come within 30 million miles (48 million kilometers) of the sun—closer even than the innermost planet, Mercury...

"The current path of the comet ...showing it coming up from the south—underneath the Earth—going up the back side of the sun and into the north sky, very nearly perpendicular to the plane of the solar system," Wainscoat said.

The fact that it's going around the back of the sun from our point of view may ultimately affect the comet's visibility, but a lot will depend on how close the body actually gets to the sun.

Also, whether the comet is north or south of the sun when it reaches peak brightness will determine which hemisphere on Earth gets the better view.

For now, "we think it will be an easy binocular target, but it may very well make it to naked-eye level, and there is even a potential that it may be visible during the day," Wainscoat said.

"But it's just really too early to tell. We may not know for sure until only a few weeks before it gets here."

29th August 2011, 07:32 PM

SO MUCH FOR DOOMSDAY: Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), widely known for inaccurate reports of its threat to Earth, appears to be breaking apart. Observations by amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo of Castlemaine, Australia show a rapid dimming and elongation of the comet's nucleus akin to that of Comet LINEAR (C/1999 S4), which also disintegrated when it approached the sun in 2000. Comets are fragile objects, so this development while unexpected comes as no surprise. Readers with pertinent images of Elenin are invited to submit them here.

Here is another article on the disintegration:


29th August 2011, 08:25 PM
But now we'll get sugar coated and glazed...


29th August 2011, 09:04 PM
Here is another article on the disintegration:
What disintegration? Why is this claim made?
The link mentions "nucleus in the process of disintegrating" but all I see in the images is the coma fading. In no way are those pictures clear enough to show a 2km rock breaking apart inside that Jupiter sized plasma coma.

Joe King
30th August 2011, 04:13 AM
What disintegration? Why is this claim made?
The link mentions "nucleus in the process of disintegrating" but all I see in the images is the coma fading. In no way are those pictures clear enough to show a 2km rock breaking apart inside that Jupiter sized plasma coma.The coma is also elongating. Which indicates that the comet may very well not be in one chunk anymore.
ie smaller pieces spread out over a larger distance should make it appear dimmer and to look more elongated.
Being as close to Perihelion as it is, it should be getting brighter and more well defined, but it's not.


Besides, if it breaks up is that a problem? Those pieces are still many millions of miles away and they will have no effect on the Earth. Same as if it were in one piece.

30th August 2011, 04:27 AM
Let us just say the coma is elongating then. The rest is just speculation bias towards incorrect theoretical understanding of the situation. Disinformation.

If it did break up, then this could increase the strength of any meteor storm in early November as we cross the comet's path. I would expect any nucleus disintigration should follow observations of energetic electromagnetic jetting. Observations suggest CME discharge (coma got smaller) and more distorted coma due to higher solar wind as the comet gets nearest to the sun. I have yet to see any pictures showing anything other than the smaller coma after being hit by the CME.


“Splitting and jetting may be connected … At the moment Comet West split, the individual fragments brightened noticeably, and propelled large quantities of dust into space in the first of some dozen bursts”. The same could be said for the more recent Comet Linear breakup.

Why would intense, high-velocity jets and explosions of dust, traveling at supersonic speeds, precede the fragmentation of a comet nucleus? In the electrical model of comets, the answer is obvious. The behavior of comets will never be understood in simple mechanical terms because they are electrified bodies orbiting within the plasma environment of an electrified Sun. The solar plasma behaves like a very good conductor in the Sun's electrical connection with the galaxy. And just like any good conductor, the electric field within the plasma is very low. But unlike good metal conductors, the solar plasma is of extremely low density and therefore its current-carrying ability is limited.

Comets must adjust to the changing plasma potential as they move radially toward or away from the Sun. This adjustment is not so difficult on the long, slow journey through the outer reaches of the solar system. But it usually involves visible electric discharge effects as the comet dashes through the inner solar system.

The comet nucleus behaves like a capacitor. And as any electrical engineer knows, if a discharge occurs within a capacitor it will explode violently. That is what causes comet nuclei to fragment and it is why the event is commonly preceded by outbursts far more energetic than could be explained by sublimating ices. The energy is provided by the stored electrical energy within the nucleus.

All that is required to trigger the comet fragmentation is an electrical breakdown within the comet. In this sense, it may be analogous to the electrical breakdown evident in an earthquake. And that breakdown in the comet may happen with any sudden change in the solar plasma environment. The more sudden the change in the comet's electrical environment, the more likely that flaring and fragmentation will occur.

Joe King
30th August 2011, 04:39 AM
Let us just say the coma is elongating then. The rest is just speculation bias towards incorrect theoretical understanding of the situation. Disinformation.
So how would you explain its dimming and elongating at the one time in its orbit that it should be brightening and becoming more well-defined?

Again, is there a problem if it breaks up? You come across as not liking the idea that it might be breaking up.

30th August 2011, 04:55 AM
So how would you explain its dimming and elongating at the one time in its orbit that it should be brightening and becoming more well-defined?

Again, is there a problem if it breaks up? You come across as not liking the idea that it might be breaking up.
I thought I answered the issue if it breaks up quite clearly in my post above no? And post #43 tells what caused the dimming.

Are you a bot just programmed to ask questions? ;)

Quit being so emotional Joe, it is not that I don't like the idea of nucleus disintigration (in fact I quoted a good explanation for such events), its that we have seen no evidence (nothing pasted or linked in this thread anyway) of the nucleus disintigrating in this comet.

All we have are statement and image of a enlongated plasma coma (coma tails more) as the comet nears closest approach to the sun as would be expected without significant disintigration of the nucleus.


The supposed nucleus of the comet is the bright centre of the coma.
The coma and the tails develop markedly as the comet gets closer to the Sun, with tail lengths sometimes growing as long as 100 million kilometres.

Joe King
30th August 2011, 05:05 AM
Who's being emotional?

You asked...."What disintegration? Why is this claim made?"....and I told you why they think it's coming apart. ie the coma shouldn't be dimming and elongating at this point.

Is there definitive proof that it's breaking up? No. However its observed characteristics say that it very well could be breaking up.

30th August 2011, 05:08 AM
Who's being emotional?

You asked...."What disintegration? Why is this claim made?"...

My shit was scientific rigor. ;D

30th August 2011, 09:31 AM
So is everything still speculation at this point?

Joe King
30th August 2011, 09:47 AM

However, by just observing it, one can see that something has changed about it.
In all my life I've always heard that comets tend to get brighter and more defined the closer they get to the Sun, not dimmer and stretched out.
So I'd say that it's certainly plausable that, to at least some degree, it may have broken apart. At this point, only time will tell.

30th August 2011, 01:42 PM

30th August 2011, 09:55 PM
So is everything still speculation at this point?

Sashying in from outer space to meet first partners earth and sun was a bold move (see video for what could have been), but the system is just not all that charged about the little guy to amplify a tune we can see (or hear).


2nd September 2011, 03:16 PM
So what's up with this thing?
Is it or is it not?

2nd September 2011, 04:07 PM

2nd September 2011, 05:13 PM
Sorry Serpo I can see inbeded links.
I can on other links but not here???

2nd September 2011, 05:14 PM
Sorry Serpo I can see inbeded links.
I can on other links but not here???http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVlhOAiJZ5U&feature=player_embedded

2nd September 2011, 06:34 PM
Sorry Serpo I can see inbeded links.
I can on other links but not here???
Not really sure you want to see this...........

7th September 2011, 02:25 PM
Huge Defunct Satellite to Plunge to Earth Soon, NASA Says (http://www.space.com/12859-nasa-satellite-falling-space-debris-uars.html)
by Leonard David, SPACE.com’s Space Insider Columnist Date: 07 September 2011

Heads up! That's the word from NASA today (Sept. 7) given the impending re-entry of a 6.5-ton satellite through Earth's atmosphere.

The huge Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) is expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere in an uncontrolled fall in late September or early October. Much of the spacecraft is expected to burn up during re-entry, but some pieces are expected to make it intact to the ground, NASA officials said.

The U.S. space agency will be taking measures to inform the public about the pieces of the spacecraft that are expected to survive re-entry.


The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) level 3A data set consists of daily near global (80°N - 80°S) measurements of atmospheric trace gases, temperature, aerosols and wind profiles, as well as measurements of solar UV spectra and charged particles injected into the Earth's atmosphere. Four instruments measure chemical composition. These instruments include the Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer (CLAES), the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE), the Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder (ISAMS), and the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS).

...Level 3A also holds the correlative analyses which were produced by the UK Met. Office as their contribution to the UARS project.

...The Goddard UARS project office keeps an archive to which investigators can submit copies of interesting or useful plots

7th September 2011, 03:44 PM
I hope it falls on congress heads

7th September 2011, 04:04 PM
Comet Elenin Poses No Threat to Earth

http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/comet/20110504/comet20110504-640.jpg Trajectory of comet Elenin. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
› Larger image (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/comet/20110504/comet20110504-full.jpg)


August 16, 2011
Often, comets are portrayed as harbingers of gloom and doom in movies and on television, but most pose no threat to Earth. Comet Elenin, the latest comet to visit our inner solar system, is no exception. Elenin will pass about 22 million miles (35 million kilometers) from Earth during its closest approach on Oct. 16, 2011.

Also known by its astronomical name C/2010 X1, the comet was first detected on Dec. 10, 2010 by Leonid Elenin, an observer in Lyubertsy, Russia, who made the discovery "remotely" using an observatory in New Mexico. At that time, Elenin was about 401 million miles (647 million kilometers) from Earth. Since its discovery, Comet Elenin has – as all comets do – closed the distance to Earth's vicinity as it makes its way closer to perihelion, its closest point to the sun.

NASA scientists have taken time over the last several months to answer your questions. Compiled below are the some of the most popular questions, with answers from Don Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and David Morrison of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.

Most Popular Questions About Comet Elenin

When will Comet Elenin come closest to the Earth and appear the brightest?

Comet Elenin should be at its brightest shortly before the time of its closest approach to Earth on Oct. 16, 2011. At its closest point, it will be 22 million miles (35 million kilometers) from us.

Will Comet Elenin come close to the Earth or between the Earth and the moon?

Comet Elenin will not come closer to Earth than 22 million miles (35 million kilometers). That's more than 90 times the distance to the moon.

Can this comet influence us from where it is, or where it will be in the future? Can this celestial object cause shifting of the tides or even tectonic plates here on Earth?

There have been incorrect speculations on the Internet that alignments of comet Elenin with other celestial bodies could cause consequences for Earth and external forces could cause comet Elenin to come closer. "Any approximate alignments of comet Elenin with other celestial bodies are meaningless, and the comet will not encounter any dark bodies that could perturb its orbit, nor will it influence us in any way here on Earth," said Don Yeomans, a scientist at NASA JPL.

"Comet Elenin will not only be far away, it is also on the small side for comets," said Yeomans. "And comets are not the most densely-packed objects out there. They usually have the density of something akin to loosely packed icy dirt.

"So you've got a modest-sized icy dirtball that is getting no closer than 35 million kilometers [about 22 million miles)," said Yeomans. "It will have an immeasurably minuscule influence on our planet. By comparison, my subcompact automobile exerts a greater influence on the ocean's tides than comet Elenin ever will."

I've heard about three days of darkness because of Comet Elenin. Will Elenin block out the sun for three days?

"As seen from the Earth, comet Elenin will not cross the sun's face," says Yeomans.

But even if it could cross the sun, which it can't, astrobiologist David Morrison notes that comet Elenin is about 2-3 miles (3-5 kilometers) wide, while the sun is roughly 865,000 miles (1,392,082 kilometers) across. How could such a small object block the sun, which is such a large object?

Let's think about an eclipse of the sun, which happens when the moon appears between the Earth and the sun. The moon is about 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) in diameter, and has the same apparent size as the sun when it is about 250,000 miles (400,000 kilometers) away -- roughly 100 times its own diameter. For a comet with a diameter of about 2-3 miles (3-5 kilometers) to cover the sun it would have to be within 250 miles (400 kilometers), roughly the orbital altitude of the International Space Station. However, as stated above, this comet will come no closer to Earth than 22 million miles.

I've heard there is a "brown dwarf" theory about Comet Elenin. Would its mass be enough to pull Comet Honda's trajectory a significant amount? Could this be used to determine the mass of Elenin?

Morrison says that there is no 'brown dwarf theory' of this comet. "A comet is nothing like a brown dwarf. You are correct that the way astronomers measure the mass of one object is by its gravitational effect on another, but comets are far too small to have a measureable influence on anything."

If we had a black or brown dwarf in our outer solar system, I guess no one could see it, right?

"No, that's not correct," says Morrison. "If we had a brown dwarf star in the outer solar system, we could see it, detect its infrared energy and measure its perturbing effect on other objects. There is no brown dwarf in the solar system, otherwise we would have detected it. And there is no such thing as a black dwarf."

Will Comet Elenin be visible to the naked eye when it's closer to us? I missed Hale-Bopp's passing, so I want to know if we'll actually be able to see something in the sky when Elenin passes.

We don't know yet if Comet Elenin will be visible to the naked eye. Morrison says, "At the rate it is going, seeing the comet at its best in early October will require binoculars and a very dark sky. Unfortunately, Elenin is no substitute for seeing comet Hale-Bopp, which was the brightest comet of the past several decades."

"This comet may not put on a great show. Just as certainly, it will not cause any disruptions here on Earth. But, there is a cause to marvel," said Yeomans. "This intrepid little traveler will offer astronomers a chance to study a relatively young comet that came here from well beyond our solar system's planetary region. After a short while, it will be headed back out again, and we will not see or hear from Elenin for thousands of years. That's pretty cool."

This comet has been called 'wimpy' by NASA scientists. Why?

"We're talking about how a comet looks as it safely flies past us," said Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office. "Some cometary visitors arriving from beyond the planetary region – like Hale-Bopp in 1997 -- have really lit up the night sky where you can see them easily with the naked eye as they safely transit the inner-solar system. But Elenin is trending toward the other end of the spectrum. You'll probably need a good pair of binoculars, clear skies and a dark, secluded location to see it even on its brightest night."

Why aren't you talking more about Comet Elenin? If these things are small and nothing to worry about, why has there been no public info on Comet Elenin?

Comet Elenin hasn't received much press precisely because it is small and faint. Several new comets are discovered each year, and you don't normally hear about them either. The truth is that Elenin has received much more attention than it deserves due to a variety of Internet postings that are untrue. The information NASA has on Elenin is readily available on the Internet. (See http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2011-135) If this comet were any danger to anyone, you would certainly know about it. For more information, visit NASA's AsteroidWatch site at http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroidwatch/.

I've heard NASA has observed Elenin many times more than other comets. Is this true, and is NASA playing this comet down?

NASA regularly detects, tracks and characterizes asteroids and comets passing relatively close to Earth using both ground- and space-based telescopes. The Near-Earth Object Observations Program, commonly called "Spaceguard," discovers these objects, characterizes a subset of them and predicts their paths to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet. For more information, visit the NASA-JPL Near Earth objects site at http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ .

However, neither NASA nor JPL is in the business of actively observing Elenin or any other comet. Most of the posted observations are made by amateur astronomers around the world. Since Elenin has had so much publicity, it naturally has attracted more observers.

I was looking at the orbital diagram of Comet Elenin on the JPL website, and I was wondering why the orbit shows some angles when zooming? If you pick any other comet, you can see that there are no angles or bends.

Many people are trying to plot the orbit of the comet with the routine on the JPL website, without realizing that this is just a simple visualization tool. While the tool has been recently improved to show smoother trajectories near the sun, it is not a scientific program to generate an accurate orbit. Yeomans explains that the orbit plotter on the Near-Earth Object website is not meant to accurately depict the true motion of objects over long time intervals, nor is it accurate during close planetary encounters. For more accurate long-term plotting, Yeomans suggests using the JPL Horizons system instead: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=sb&sstr=C/2010%20X1 .


25th September 2011, 12:02 PM
EE_, this was a valuable thread with lots of input and other members were upset that it was deleted, so I restored it. No hard feelings.

25th September 2011, 12:13 PM
When is it supposed to come near?

25th September 2011, 12:24 PM
Tuesday is sposta be the big day...

Frankly there's been so many "big days" come and go that I plan to have a couple beers at the bar w/ some buds that night.

25th September 2011, 12:40 PM
This tuesday?

Well shit, that sucks, my little boy is literaly going to be coming any day now and I dont want to be in a hospital when the world ends, 40 minutes away from my preps! The damn zombies will take us over before then!

Better load out the car now. Damn the doctors and nurses, I'll arm them too! Maybe even take a few cute ones along as we fight our way back through the hordes!

25th September 2011, 12:56 PM
don't worry about it man... Enjoy the birth of your kid. Throw a BOB in the trunk of you're that worried about it. That's about all you could do anyway.

Born on the day the comet came.... lol That's like an omen or something. He is to be the great warrior promised long ago....lol

25th September 2011, 01:17 PM
Yeah thats what Im thinking. The Patrick the Great, sent to free us from bondage and slavery! Born at the passing of the commet, as the prophesy fore-told!

Also, if he comes tonight, hell be born during the Indiana Jones Marathon, so either way, hes destined for greatness! :D

25th September 2011, 01:32 PM
Tuesday is sposta be the big day...

Frankly there's been so many "big days" come and go that I plan to have a couple beers at the bar w/ some buds that night.

Say that again, so much for this taking one day at a time thing.

25th September 2011, 03:39 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N3MX0rMcVwU#!http://allnibiru247.wordpress.com/ (http://allnibiru247.wordpress.com/)

26th September 2011, 10:37 PM
what time is elenin suppose to pass by?

26th September 2011, 11:24 PM
what time is elenin suppose to pass by?


http://spaceweather.com/swpod2011/27sep11/sunset_strip.jpg (http://spaceweather.com/swpod2011/27sep11/sunset.jpg?PHPSESSID=tkl5ord52ifgmjrlfnuke0f9r2)

The source of all this solar and geomagnetic activity is sunspot AR1302. Measuring more than 150,000 km from end to end, the sprawling active region is visible even without a solar telescope. Fabiano Belisário Diniz saw it plainly in last night's sunset from Curitiba, Brazil:It was overcast and cold all day long, but at the end of the day a break in the clouds revealed the sun and AR1302," says Diniz. "What a great sight!" The sunspot has quieted down since unleashing dual X-flares on Sept. 22nd and 24th. Nevertheless, NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of more X-flares during the next 24 hours. Any such eruptions would be Earth-directed as the sunspot crosses the center of the solar disk


26th September 2011, 11:27 PM

26th September 2011, 11:44 PM
As mentioned in the video:

Recent & Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters:
Asteroid Date(UT) Miss Distance Mag. Size

2011 SE58 Sep 27 0.6 LD--13 m

Monday Sept. 26:

GEOMAGNETIC STORM--IN PROGRESS: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. A strong (Kp=7) geomagnetic storm is in progress.

Earth's magnetic field has been strongly disturbed since approximately 1300 UT on Sept. 26th when a CME hit our planet. The impact strongly compressed the magnetosphere, exposing geosynchronous satellites to solar wind plasma, and ignited auroras around both poles...

Elsewhere in the United States, auroras have been sighted in New York, South Dakota, and Maine. More states will surely join the list as the night unfolds. Stay tuned.

Planetary K-index
Now [Sept 27] : Kp= 4 unsettled
24-hr max: Kp= 8 severe

27th September 2011, 01:06 AM

I wonder if this will lead to anything serious....

Seeing one of them auroras would be a trip.

27th September 2011, 09:38 AM
You may still have a chance Kali. Seems the storm is still ongoing!

Giant Sun Flare Continues to Affect Earth (http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/220667/20110927/solar-flare-sunspot-aurora.htm)

By Trevor Stokes | September 27, 2011 10:37 AM EDT
A gigantic solar flare that erupted Saturday just won't quit and is forecasted to continue to dazzle sky watchers in Asia and Europe with aurora light shows Tuesday evening.

The sun flare, named AR1302, was 62,000 miles, several times larger than the Earth, and produced electromagnetic storms that caused ghostly light shows across the Northern Hemisphere. The storms also have the possibility of disrupting communications systems.

Officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center out of Boulder, Colo. called the event, "the geomagnetic storm that just won't go away," on their Facebook page on Tuesday.

So far, blasts from the sunspots haven't been threatening to life on Earth.

"None of the blasts have been squarely Earth-directed, but this could change as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead," says NASA. "AR1302 is growing and shows no immediate signs of quieting down."

The storm persisted at low levels throughout Monday night EST. The researchers concluded that a high speed solar wind was the push behind the sun flare, which maintained the low level geomagnetic storm.

Sep. 27, 2011 Alignment The closest alignment with the earth and sun. Elenin will be only .381 AU away from the earth.

27th September 2011, 09:40 AM

http://spaceweather.com/swpod2011/27sep11/sunset_strip.jpg (http://spaceweather.com/swpod2011/27sep11/sunset.jpg?PHPSESSID=tkl5ord52ifgmjrlfnuke0f9r2)

The source of all this solar and geomagnetic activity is sunspot AR1302. Measuring more than 150,000 km from end to end, the sprawling active region is visible even without a solar telescope. Fabiano Belisário Diniz saw it plainly in last night's sunset from Curitiba, Brazil:It was overcast and cold all day long, but at the end of the day a break in the clouds revealed the sun and AR1302," says Diniz. "What a great sight!" The sunspot has quieted down since unleashing dual X-flares on Sept. 22nd and 24th. Nevertheless, NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of more X-flares during the next 24 hours. Any such eruptions would be Earth-directed as the sunspot crosses the center of the solar disk

Thats a pretty incredible pic.

27th September 2011, 09:41 AM
Thats a pretty incredible pic.

No doubt...

But shouldn't Elenin be visible in that pic.... I mean - If we are aligned and all.....

27th September 2011, 09:51 AM

27th September 2011, 10:02 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N3MX0rMcVwU#!http://allnibiru247.wordpress.com/ (http://allnibiru247.wordpress.com/)

That guy is a hot mess of conpiracy therory.

27th September 2011, 11:15 AM

27th September 2011, 01:37 PM
As mentioned in the video:

Recent & Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters:
Asteroid Date(UT) Miss Distance Mag. Size

2011 SE58 Sep 27 0.6 LD--13 m

Argentina: One woman killed and six injured as meteorite smashes into Buenos Aires (http://rajaten.wordpress.com/2011/09/26/blue-fireball-lands-in-buenos-ares/)
Mon, 26 Sep 2011 11:11 CDT

Mystery explosion and Esteban Echeverría, "a ball of fire fell from heaven"

One woman died and six others were injured in the incident. A neighbor said the outbreak was caused by a burning object that fell from the sky and completely destroyed a house and several cars. "It was a tremor," he said. Are the causes of the accident.

The incident occurred minutes before 2 am, in a building located on the intersection of Luis Vernet and Los Andes, a town of Monte Grande, of Esteban Echeverría. The causes of the explosion are still unknown, but locals say they witnessed the fact that "a ball of fire fell from heaven." "He began to feel much smell like gunpowder," recalled one person who lives in the area told C5N. "There is no explanation for what happened," said Cayetano, a local resident, told Radio 10, then adding, "a neighbor ran because he saw a fireball falling blue." The commander of the local fire department, Guillermo Pérez, remarked that still do not know the cause of the incident, but acknowledged that the first version is aimed at an "object that fell from heaven." "I heard that version, but I can not say at first. Must be bound to expertise to really see what happened, "he said in a statement to Radio 10. Perez confirmed that two trade houses and" were completely destroyed. "In fact, a woman who was trapped under the rubble lost life while six others were rescued and were taken for care at a local hospital, told C5N firefighters who work on site.

Joe King
27th September 2011, 01:44 PM
No doubt...

But shouldn't Elenin be visible in that pic.... I mean - If we are aligned and all.....That little dark "smudge" of a spot is "only" 150,000KM across. So I really doubt that a chunk of rock barely 4 miles across is going to be visible in that pic.
Remember, it's only close to Earth in relative terms. It's still many many thousands of miles away. Too small to see and too small to have any actual affect on our planet.

27th September 2011, 02:02 PM

27th September 2011, 02:42 PM
What a co-electrifying time with the passage of a comet and grande solar flare.

Whens Zeus show up?



27th September 2011, 08:22 PM

Wow. That was interesting. Thanks for posting Serpo.

With all this talk of Nibiru, I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the SPT and the supposed leaked photos.

27th September 2011, 08:31 PM
What a co-electrifying time with the passage of a comet and grande solar flare.
Whens Zeus show up?
Last year in yesterday's news? ;D (starts at 1:00)
Spontaneous Human Combustion-Best Way To Die?


27th September 2011, 09:50 PM
no big ass doom??

28th September 2011, 07:28 AM

28th September 2011, 08:20 AM
no big ass doom??

That chair is doomed!

28th September 2011, 09:03 AM
With three "O's"

28th September 2011, 11:01 AM
Wow. That was interesting. Thanks for posting Serpo.

With all this talk of Nibiru, I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the SPT and the supposed leaked photos.


If this supposed planet exists...something is off here. This guy claims the orbit is every 3600 years. If the destrutive force of this supposed planet is so high, why is humanity not flipped on it's head every 3600 years??

I would expect to know nothing of Egypt if this planet has the power to wipe out civilizations every 3600 years.

Anyone? What am I missing?

28th September 2011, 01:00 PM
Last year in yesterday's news? ;D (starts at 1:00)
Spontaneous Human Combustion-Best Way To Die?

God willing there is more than less resistence in the D.C. area...

Unfortunately our Euro-Dutch rulers had a solution centuries ago.


1st October 2011, 10:23 PM
Huge Defunct Satellite to Plunge to Earth Soon, NASA Says (http://www.space.com/12859-nasa-satellite-falling-space-debris-uars.html)
by Leonard David, SPACE.com’s Space Insider Columnist Date: 07 September 2011

NASA published a map of the satellite's journey (below); the green circle on the left of the map is likely where the satellite's remains landed.
Another on the way...
German Satellite Falling, Just Like NASA's (http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/220988/20110927/satellite-german-rosat-falling-earth-land-nasa-uars.htm)

Just days after NASA's Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite plunged into the Pacific Ocean, another satellite -- this one German -- is beginning its descent to Earth. And once again, nobody knows where it will land.

The crash isn't imminent -- the German space agency is predicting it will reenter the Earth's atmosphere in late October or early November...

The Rontgensatellit, or ROSAT, weighs about two and a half tons. That's somewhat lighter than UARS, but more pieces are expected to survive re-entry into the atmosphere. Thirty pieces, possibly including shards of glass from the satellite's mirrors, are expected to hit Earth...

ROSAT was launched in 1990 and died in 1998. Because it has no fuel left, there is no way to control its path. The situation was the same with UARS.

2nd October 2011, 11:44 AM
ROSAT was launched in 1990 and died in 1998. Because it has no fuel left, there is no way to control its path. The situation was the same with UARS.

Am I a rocket scientist, or would it be a wise decision to spare some fuel for future ejection?

Maybe we have close neighbors we can't piss off?

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 11:48 AM
Am I a rocket scientist, or would it be a wise decision to spare some fuel for future ejection?

By "ejection", do you mean ejected from Earths gravitational pull?

If so, all the fuel it ever had wouldn't be enough to do that.

2nd October 2011, 01:03 PM
By "ejection", do you mean ejected from Earths gravitational pull?

If so, all the fuel it ever had wouldn't be enough to do that.

You're leaving out centrifugal force.

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 01:10 PM
You're leaving out centrifugal force.How exactly are you going to harness said "force"?

2nd October 2011, 02:08 PM
How exactly are you going to harness said "force"?

You're getting too E-motional, Joe

Your total mass is being retained, in a re preserved and pre-harnessed stasis.



Joe King
2nd October 2011, 02:17 PM
You said centrifugal force. Not the Force. lol

It takes a lot of fuel to "eject" something beyond Earths gravitational influence to the point of it not falling back down here to us. More fuel than it went up there with.

2nd October 2011, 02:23 PM
You said centrifugal force. Not the Force. lol

It takes a lot of fuel to "eject" something beyond Earths gravitational influence to the point of it not falling back down here to us. More fuel than it went up there with.

Joe, your so wrong my computational sensors are failing to compute your theory.

Your body must be doing all the motions, because your head isn't glued on.

A body moving at 5km/s has some force.


Joe King
2nd October 2011, 02:30 PM
Try not to confuse a paltry orbital velocity of 5km/s with escape velocity, which requires 11.2km/s

Which by any measure is considerably faster.

2nd October 2011, 02:35 PM
Try not to confuse a paltry orbital velocity of 5km/s with escape velocity, which requires 11.2km/s

Which by any measure is considerably faster.

Ahh , so now we cut our required velocity in half, add (or subtract) from that the shedded weight of the fuel and casing needed to get there.

2nd October 2011, 02:42 PM
After my cost analysis, I've decided its easier to just let it crash onto Joe's house..:rolleyes:


“Getting there was only half the fun,” says March 2011 issue of Scientific American. Because of Mercury’s proximity to the sun’s gravitational field, a direct flight to Mercury was not possible. The craft could not slow enough to be captured by Mercury’s atmosphere. To get to Mercury required one flyby of earth, two of Venus and three of Mercury itself. Each flyby slowed the craft so at the last pass it could be caught by Mercury’s gravity. The entire trip took 6 1/2 years.

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 03:06 PM
Still gotta have enough fuel to begin with to get it out of the Earths gravitational pull the first time.

Ask yourself this. Had they known there was a hole in the wing that would doom the craft, why couldn't Columbia have simply gone to the ISS to await help?
Answer that question and you will have the answer to your question.

2nd October 2011, 04:21 PM
The answer is simple, its the accountant's fault.

You probably think it was the Sun's gravitational force as the reason behind the MESSENGER's 6-1/2 year flight plan in the aforementioned article, don't you?

You either do, or you don't.

There is no try in the ex-centrifugal force, padwan.

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 04:45 PM
The answer is simple, its the accountant's fault.No, it was the fact that it was too heavy and could not carry enough fuel to attain sufficient altitude to reach the ISS. That's why it was always used for research missions and had never been to the ISS.
It was also not on the correct inclination, but even if it had been, the above would have still applied. So even if they knew there was a hole in the wing, there wasn't anything they could have done.

It's the same with these satellites that are falling. They are too heavy for the amount of fuel they may carry, to escape from Earths gravity.
All of them up there will eventually fall back down. There is no other place for them to go.

You probably think it was the Sun's gravitational force as the reason behind the MESSENGER's 6-1/2 year flight plan in the aforementioned article, don't you?

You either do, or you don't.Why do you think it took so long?

There is no try in the ex-centrifugal force, padwan.What's an ex-centrifugal force? ???

2nd October 2011, 05:54 PM
All of them up there will eventually fall back down. There is no other place for them to go.

Not necessarily true. Your average satellite has a better probability of being raptured than any particular terrestrial Christian IMO.


2nd October 2011, 06:07 PM
Its all about cost return in my estimation, the more recent designs having more challenging life spans & loaded with a less than spectacular outdated payloads.

Not sure on these particular satellite's though, they could just fall to recent incursions into the Oort cloud?

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 06:14 PM
Its all about cost return in my estimation, the more recent designs having more challenging life spans & loaded with a less than spectacular outdated payloads.
Well, yea. It costs a lot of "money" to do what you were asking about. That's why they lack fuel sufficient for "ejection", as you put it in your question.

2nd October 2011, 10:14 PM
I can think of many other places for them to go, even if when falling they were directed towards Joe's house.

Home to the perpetual magnetic & magical motion machine of the moon possibly?

Joe King
2nd October 2011, 11:17 PM
How you gonna get 'em to the Moon if there's not enough fuel to get any more altitude than they already have? lol

3rd October 2011, 01:10 AM

3rd October 2011, 05:00 AM
400-Metre Asteroid Flyby Due In Early November (http://www.irishweatheronline.com/news/space/asteroids/400-metre-asteroid-flyby-due-in-early-november/32083.html)
Mark Dunphy Irish Weather Online
Sat, 01 Oct 2011 08:17 CDT

A 1300-foot-wide (400 metres) asteroid, which is more than one and a half times the length of a soccer pitch, will pass within 0.85 lunar distances of the Earth on November 8/9, 2011.

Discovered on December 28, 2005 by Robert McMillan of the Spacewatch Program near Tucson, Arizona, 2005 YU55 is believed to be a very dark, nearly spherical object.

According to NASA's Near Earth Object Program: "Although classified as a potentially hazardous object, 2005 YU55 poses no threat of an Earth collision over at least the next 100 years. However, this will be the closest approach to date by an object this large that we know about in advance and an event of this type [is not currently predicted to] happen again until 2028 when asteroid (153814) 2001 WN5 will pass to within 0.6 lunar distances." ...

3rd October 2011, 12:52 PM


Monkey wrench--> http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/pipe-wrench-1.jpg

Bag of Hammers--> http://aclaveau.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/bag-o-hammers.jpg?w=105&h=150

Left handed screwdriver--> http://www.usefilm.com/images/3/7/2/3/3723/953241-medium.jpg

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 03:05 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=1207&d=1317629290If that's what you want the answer to be, then you got it Ximmy. ;)


3rd October 2011, 04:14 PM
Satellite breakup analysis


The left side of the figure (A) shows the orbital change
that results from a velocity increment component along the
direction of the satellite track. The originally circular
orbit becomes an ellipse with a perigee equal to the circular
radius, and a larger apogee. In (B) the velocity component
is in the direction opposite to the satellite motion. The
orbit becomes elliptical, with the apogee now equal to the
circular radius, and a smaller perigee.


Joe King
3rd October 2011, 04:32 PM
So you want to plan collisions in the hopes that a few pieces of the debris might gain enough velocity to be ejected from orbit while littering the space around Earth with lots of debris that doesn't get ejected?

Besides, the article you posted doesn't even mention anything about ejecting debris from Earth orbit. It just says a new orbit for each piece of debris will be the result.

As each fragment is ejected from the collision it assumes a new orbit dependent upon the magnitude of the ejection velocity, and the direction of this velocity vector with respect to the velocity vector of the satellite at the time of collision. The momentum of the impactor is generally so much smaller than the momentum of the target that it can be ignored. The component of the velocity in the direction of the original target orbit will affect the shape and size of the orbit. An initially circular orbit will be turned into an elliptical orbit with a different period than the circular orbit. Whether the ellipse if larger or smaller than the original circle is determined by whether the velocity component is in the same or opposite direction as the original target motion. This is illustrated in the figure below.

3rd October 2011, 06:29 PM
So you want to plan collisions in the hopes that a few pieces of the debris might gain enough velocity to be ejected from orbit

Where do you come up with your interpretations?

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 06:33 PM
The article you posted referred to collisions of satellites.
...and their subsequent breakup into pieces and attaining different orbits.

3rd October 2011, 07:39 PM
its an article on what happens to all the space junk that's already up there.

I guess this is the future solution?


I'd strap a booster to that sail and send it into the sun when its done.

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 07:47 PM
That's about de-orbiting a satellite so it burns up in the atmosphere, not ejecting it from Earth orbit and further into space as you were asking about.

As of Aug. 31, the 100-square-foot sail has been unfurled for over 222 days and the satellite has lowered its altitude by over 140 km, or 87 miles. Its rate of descent depends upon both the solar activity and its current orbital attitude, or sail pointing direction. The satellite will be viewable again in early October.

Edited to add: If you're going to strap a booster to it, you wouldn't need that sail.

3rd October 2011, 08:07 PM
Edited to add: If you're going to strap a booster to it, you wouldn't need that sail.

Accountants and insurance companies would concur.

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 08:25 PM
So what you're saying is that you propse the strapping of boosters to defunkt satellites in orer to propel them into deep space, or possibly the Sun?

3rd October 2011, 08:35 PM
I'm with Horn.

And Joe King.

3rd October 2011, 08:38 PM
I'm with Horn.

And Joe King.

It's fun to be with Joe...

3rd October 2011, 08:42 PM
So what you're saying is that you propse the strapping of boosters to defunkt satellites in orer to propel them into deep space, or possibly the Sun?

The accountants and insurance companies got together at construction time, and decided it was more cost effective to just let it land in your front yard, or on your children's swing set.

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 08:43 PM
It's fun to be with Joe...

You sound just like every girl I've ever known. ;)

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 08:56 PM
The accountants and insurance companies got together at construction time, and decided it was more cost effective to just let it land in your front yard, or on your children's swing set.To strap boosters to all of them would be cost prohibitive. The danger of satellites falling to Earth is a very small danger. Virtually non-existant. You'd be far more likely to be struck by a meteor than you would a falling satellite. Why go to extreme lengths and costs to prevent something that doesn't, or at the least, very rarely happens?
Do you think perhaps we should erect meteor nets over all the citys too? lol

Are you truly in fear of being struck by falling satellites? If you are, don't waste a good worry. Worry about where your debt "money" system is going to lead instead.
That is, if you actually need something to worry about as opposed to doing something about.

3rd October 2011, 09:06 PM
To strap boosters to all of them would be cost prohibitive. The danger of satellites falling to Earth is a very small danger. Virtually non-existant. You'd be far more likely to be struck by a meteor than you would a falling satellite. Why go to extreme lengths and costs to prevent something that doesn't, or at the least, very rarely happens?
Do you think perhaps we should erect meteor nets over all the citys too? lol

Are you truly in fear of being struck by falling satellites? If you are, don't waste a good worry. Worry about where your debt "money" system is going to lead instead.
That is, if you actually need something to worry about as opposed to doing something about.

Jerk-Off Joe agrees with Ford... profits before people...

Ford knew of the weakness in the fuel tank before the vehicle was placed on the market but that a cost/benefit study was done which suggested that it would be "cheaper" for Ford to pay liability for burn deaths and injuries rather than modify the fuel tank to prevent the fires in the first place.

Ford Pinto Fuel-Fed Fires On June 9, 1978, Ford Motor Company agreed to recall 1.5 million Ford Pinto and 30,000 Mercury Bobcat sedan and hatchback models for fuel tank design defects which made the vehicles susceptible to fire in the event of a moderate-speed rear end collision. The action was the result of investigations by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Office of Defect Investigations (Case #C7-38), sparked by a petition from Center for Auto Safety, publicity generated by national publication expose of the hazard (Mother Jones News Magazine, "Pinto Madness" by Mark Dowie, Sept/Oct, 1977) and publicity over the largest punitive damages awarded by a California jury to a young man who had been severely injured in a Pinto fuel tank fire (Grimshaw v Ford).

In April, 1974, the Center for Auto Safety petitioned the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to recall Ford Pintos due to defects in the design of the strap on gas tank which made it susceptible to leakage and fire in low to moderate speed collisions. The Center's petition was based upon reports from attorneys of three deaths and 4 serious injuries in such accidents. This petition languished in the NHTSA offices until 1977.

In 1977, Mark Dowie of Mother Jones Magazine, using documents in the Center files, published an article reporting the dangers of the fuel tank design, and cited internal Ford Motor Company documents that proved that Ford knew of the weakness in the fuel tank before the vehicle was placed on the market but that a cost/benefit study was done which suggested that it would be "cheaper" for Ford to pay liability for burn deaths and injuries rather than modify the fuel tank to prevent the fires in the first place. Dowie showed that Ford owned a patent on a better designed gas tank at that time, but that cost and styling considerations ruled out any changes in the gas tank design of the Pinto.
Closely following the publication of the Mother Jones article, a jury in Orange County, Calif., awarded Richard Grimshaw $125 million in punitive damages for injuries he sustained while a passenger in a 1971 Pinto which was struck by another car at an impact speed of 28MPH and burst into flames. Although the award was eventually reduced to $3.5 million by the trial judge, the jury's reason for the figure of $125 million was that Ford Motor Company had marketed the Pinto with full knowledge that injuries such as Grimshaw's were inevitable in the Pinto and therefore the punitive damages should be more than Ford had made in profit on the Pinto since its introduction, which was $124 million.

With the publication of the Mother Jones article and the Grimshaw case publicity, the Center for Auto Safety resubmitted its petition for a defects investigation into the Pinto and ODI Case #C7-38 was opened. ODI had crash tests done of 1971-76 Pintos, sedan, hatchback ("Runabout") and station wagon models, and the results showed significant fuel tank ruptures and leakage, in one case after an impact of 30.31 MPH the entire contents of the fuel tank leaked out of the 1976 Pinto in less than one minute. (Investigative Report, Phrase I, C7-38, 1971-76 Ford Pinto and 1975-76 Mercury Bobcat, May, 1978.).

Based upon the tests performed for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and by the tremendous publicity generated over the problem, Ford agreed to recall all 1971 through 1976 Ford Pintos and 1975-76 Mercury Bobcat sedan and hatchback models for modifications to the fuel tank. The modifications included a longer fuel filler neck and a better clamp to keep it securely in the fuel tank, a better gas cap in some models, and placement of a plastic shield between the front of the fuel tank and the differential to protect the tank from the nuts and bolts on the differential and another along the right corner of the tank to protect it from the right rear shock absorber. Recall notices were mailed in September, 1978 and parts were to be at all dealers by September 15, 1978. However, between June 9, 1978, and the date when parts were available to repair the estimated 2.2 million vehicles, six people died in Pinto fires after a rear impact.

In one of the instances, an Elkhart, Indiana grand jury returned indictments against Ford Motor Company for three cases of negligence from the deaths of three young women. But on March 13, 1980, a jury found Ford innocent of a charge of failing to warn about or offer to repair fuel system defects in the Pinto before the day the three women were fatally burned. The verdict is not an unfavorable precedent with regard to criminal prosecution of corporations for defective products that kill. Despite numerous mitigating circumstances in the Pinto case-speeding van, hazardous highway, driver in possession of alcohol and illegal drugs, the exclusion of evidence from the NHTSA investigation including the crash tests, the inclusion into evidence of Ford's exculpatory crash tests, and a local prosecutor with minimal resources-the possibility of successful corporate criminal liability suits in the future remains open.


Joe King
3rd October 2011, 09:22 PM
Jerk-Off Joe agrees with Ford... profits before people...

Now you're putting words in my mouth.
...and being less than genuine in your argument.

Are you seriously comparing the very real threat of something that actually happened with something that's only happened once, and the one person it happened to is still alive and well?

Getting hit by a falling satellite is about the least thing one should worry about.
Look at the Columbia accident. It showered debris over a wide, populated area and no one got hit.
...and after that they always re-entered over the water. ie "problem" solved.

On a side note, had they always re-entered over water, we'd have likely never known for sure what happened to it. The fact it fell over land is what allowed enough pieces to be found in order to conclusively prove what happened to it.

3rd October 2011, 09:27 PM
Now you're putting words in my mouth.
...and being less than genuine in your argument.

Are you seriously comparing the very real threat of something that actually happened with something that's only happened once, and the one person it happened to is still alive and well?

Getting hit by a falling satellite is about the least thing one should worry about.
Look at the Columbia accident. It showered debris over a wide, populated area and no one got hit.
...and after that they always re-entered over the water. ie "problem" solved.

On a side note, had they always re-entered over water, we'd have likely never known for sure what happened to it. The fact it fell over land is what allowed enough pieces to be found in order to conclusively prove what happened to it.

Well in that case... never mind... ::)

3rd October 2011, 09:34 PM
Joe, your avatar is missing... Please put it back for proper forum identification...

3rd October 2011, 09:57 PM
To strap boosters to all of them would be cost prohibitive. The danger of satellites falling to Earth is a very small danger. Virtually non-existant. You'd be far more likely to be struck by a meteor than you would a falling satellite. Why go to extreme lengths and costs to prevent something that doesn't, or at the least, very rarely happens?
Do you think perhaps we should erect meteor nets over all the citys too? lol

Are you truly in fear of being struck by falling satellites? If you are, don't waste a good worry. Worry about where your debt "money" system is going to lead instead.
That is, if you actually need something to worry about as opposed to doing something about.

Joe they are doing something about it now,,. Something may have prevented those missing tiles from the Space shuttle,,

My guess is you will see more falling through as you are seeing now, simply because the designs were cheaper as explained before (ie: cost bang for buck)

Your defense of space junk is suspect, now you're just being indigent.

First everything falls, now nothing falls. Space junk is a serious problem along with your wish wash attitude.

Not to mention your neglect & disregard for the American Bald Eagle as an endangered species.

3rd October 2011, 10:12 PM
Krakatoa [Indonesia] Volcano Alert Status (http://us.nasional.vivanews.com/news/read/251927-ribuan-kali-gempa--status-anak-krakatau-siaga)
[google translated]

"On October 2, 2011, at 00.00 until 12.00, there are 2745 recorded seismicity."
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2011, 13:44 GMT Elin Yunita Kristanti

VIVAnews - Mount Anak Krakatau has raised the status of a "standby" or level IV. The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Surono said a rise in status is set on Friday, September 30, 2011 evening at 24.00. The reason is the elevated status because of the high-intensity earthquake. Today, for example. "On October 2, 2011, at 00.00 until 12.00, there are 2745 recorded seismicity," said Surono, when contacted VIVAnews.com , Sunday, October 2, 2011. quake Mount Anak Krakatau, Surono added, and even felt up to the island of Anak Krakatau. "So often, streak continues. Although the earthquake was too small, 2 on the Richter scale, even under an SR, but because it feels so constantly," he added...

Surono mention, there are currently six volcanoes in Indonesia a standby status, ie Son of Krakatoa, Lokon, Karangetang, Papandayan, Tambora, and Children Ranakah , The status of "alert" is 16.

Explosive eruptions and information on SakuraJima volcano, Japan + video’s
October 3, 2011 By Armand Vervaeck

The webcam videos below are from October 1 and October 3, 2011. They show a couple of explosive eruptions.

Volcano on Alaska's remote Aleutians oozes lava (http://www.fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110926/GJLIFESTYLES/110929881/-1/FOSLIFESTYLES)

DAN JOLING,Associated Press September 26, 2011

A volcano in Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands has begun oozing lava, a signal that the mountain could explode and send up an ash cloud that could threaten aircraft.

Satellite images show lava is building in the crater at the summit of 5,675-foot Cleveland Mountain on an uninhabited island about 940 miles southwest of Anchorage, according to the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

"It's forming a dome-shaped accumulation in the crater," said Chris Waythomas of the U.S. Geological Survey, the observatory's acting scientist in charge. "We call these things 'lava domes.' It looks like a muffin top."

Lava domes form a lid on a volcano's "plumbing," including the chamber holding the magma. When they grow big enough, lava domes become unstable and will sometimes collapse, decompressing the magma chamber and leading to an explosion, Waythomas said.

"They can seal up the conduit and prevent gasses from escaping and lead to an explosive event," he said...

Cleveland Volcano's last major eruption was in 2001. It has had bursts of activity nearly every year since then, Waythomas said.

The lava dome now measures 540 feet in diameter, up from 490 feet Sept. 9. Waythomas said a satellite image indicated the lava dome was about 65 feet below the low point on the crater rim.

"The crater is starting to fill up," he said. "This could take another week or two and it will be there. And then we're not sure what will happen."

The lava flow may stop, or lava could spill over and descend the mountain's flank.

"It may not do anything explosive. It may just ooze over," Waythomas said. "Or it could cause the dome itself to collapse just because it becomes unstable at that point. It's on a steep slope and there's nothing holding it up there."..

In announcements about Cleveland Volcano, the observatory warns that it does not have a real-time seismic network on the remote volcano and cannot track its earthquake activity, forecast imminent eruptions or even confirm explosive, ash-producing events.

Canary Islands after earthquake triggers volacano fears (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/canary-islands-after-earthquake-triggers-volacano-fears/story-e6frf7jx-1226150896168)

From: AFP September 29, 2011 5:00AM

POLICE have moved residents and tourists from houses at the foot of a volcano on Spain's Canary Islands after a growing series of earthquakes raised fears of an eruption.

With the Pico de Malpaso mountain spitting rocks intermittently and a growing rumbling underground, authorities made emergency preparations in case the volcano blows its top on the Atlantic island of El Hierro.

"I have never felt shaking like it," said Herminio Barrera, 25, a mechanic in the town of La Frontera.

"I notice it especially at night. We can also hear a rumbling and sounds from deep down."

A municipal official who asked not to be named told AFP that 53 residents and tourists had been evacuated to protect them from the occasional flying volcanic rock and the defence ministry said it was preparing emergency shelter for 2,000 people.

"I am staying calm but there are people who are more worried, particularly those with children," Barrera told AFP.

"We are very close to the mountain. My father-in-law left yesterday."

The Canary Islands regional government said it was in a state of pre-alert and was stocking drinking water and medical supplies, but officials played down any risk of a disaster.

"We will not have to evacuate the island," population 11,000, said the head of the island's local council, Alpidio Armas. "The number of tremors has increased, but most of them are in the sea."

The municipal official said the authorities did not expect an "imminent eruption" and the island's official risk alert for the 1,500-metre peak remained on yellow, or intermediate.

The national defence ministry said it had sent 31 military personnel to the island to help with the evacuation and Defence Minister Carme Chacon was heading there to inspect the emergency preparations.

The Spanish National Geographic Institute has recorded 8,000 tremors since July 19, most of them too small to be felt, but they have been growing in intensity. One recorded overnight on Wednesday reached 3.4 magnitude.

"We have not seen this kind of movement with such frequency on El Hierro since records began" more than a century ago, said a spokeswoman for the Canary Islands government, Ana Vidal.

The last volcanic eruption on the Canary Islands was on nearby La Palma in 1971, she said.

Katla Rattles Again, New Flood in Múlakvísl? (http://www.icelandreview.com/icelandreview/daily_news/Katla_Rattles_Again,_New_Flood_in_M%C3%BAlakv%C3%A Dsl__0_382816.news.aspx)

03.10.2011 | 13:00 IcelandReview

A driver who passed across the river Múlakvísl in south Iceland late last night said it is likely that the river flooded. Sulfur could be smelt long before he reached the river, he said.

Múlakvísl is a glacial river which originates in Mýrdalsjökull, underneath which the volcano Katla lies. A minor eruption is believed to have caused a glacial outburst in Múlakvísl in July, which destroyed the bridge and tore a hole in the Ring Road.

Since then, minor earthquakes in the volcano have regularly been reported; on Sunday morning sensors picked up two small tremors in the Katla caldera measuring less than two points on the Richter scale, ruv.is reports.

Volcanologist Evgenia Ilyinskaya said the earthquakes were so small that there is no reason to be concerned.

In response to news of a possible new flood in Múlakvísl, the Icelandic Meteorological Office told ruv.is that sensors don’t show anything unusual but the water level in the river has been high lately due to heavy rain.

The sulfur smell, which has repeatedly been reported in the past months, is said to be caused by geothermal heat underneath the glacier.

Nabro volcano (Eritrea/Ethiopia) : evidence of ongoing activity (satellite pictures) (http://earthquake-report.com/2011/09/29/nabro-volcano-eritreaethiopia-evidence-of-ongoing-activity-satellite-pictures/)

October 3, 2011

Nabro is an Eritrean volcano with NO historic eruption record. Earthquake-Report.com was one of the first publishers in the world detecting and describing this unexpected eruption. Our very extensive reports were also the work of our many readers who gave a lot of input.

Satellite imagery suggests that the eruption of Nabro Volcano, which began in June 2011, continues. The volcano is located on the edge of the Danakil Desert, a remote and sparsely populated area on the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and few eyewitness accounts of the eruption are available.

Geologists Map Birth Of New Ocean (http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpps/news/geologists-map-birth-of-new-ocean-dpgonc-km-20111002_15296355#ixzz1ZkO1Gm8i)

02 Oct 2011 (NewsCore)

A giant underground reservoir of molten rock has been discovered under the deserts of Ethiopia by British geologists, The (London) Sunday Times reported.

They targeted the Afar region in the Horn of Africa after a recent surge in volcanic activity and earthquakes plus the appearance of giant cracks in the rocky surface. Tectonic plates in the area are pulling apart and gradually creating a new ocean.

Now, the scientists have mapped the colossal underground lake of magma that lies up to 20 miles (32km) below the earth's surface.

"We estimate that there is 3,000 cubic kilometers of molten rock under Afar -- enough to cover all of London ... with around a kilometer of rock," said Kathy Whaler, professor of geophysics at Edinburgh University.

The reservoir is under such pressure that it has forced tongues of molten rock up towards the surface, producing eruptions and earthquakes.

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 10:16 PM
Joe, your avatar is missing... Please put it back for proper forum identification...

I don't have an avatar, but I like yours. ;)
Those nice green eyes match your equally nice jade bracelet. It is jade, right?

Joe King
3rd October 2011, 10:28 PM
Joe they are doing something about it now,,. Something may have prevented those missing tiles from the Space shuttle,,It wasn't missing tiles. There are no tiles on that part of the wing.

My guess is you will see more falling through as you are seeing now, simply because the designs were cheaper as explained before (ie: cost bang for buck)Even if they were expensive, they'd still end up falling. What you are proposing about putting boosters of sufficient size to leave Earth orbit on all satellites would be far too expensive to put them up there to begin with.

Your defense of space junk is suspect, now you're just being indigent.I'm not "defending" space junk as much as pointing out the unfeasibility of your idea of strapping boosters to all satellites to prevent them falling to Earth.

First everything falls, now nothing falls. Space junk is a serious problem along with your wish wash attitude.I never said nothing falls. I said only one person has ever been struck and is still alive and well to tell her tale about it.
...and yes, space junk is serious problem....to other satellites.

Not to mention your neglect & disregard for the American Bald Eagle as an endangered species.What's that got to do with satellites falling out of orbit?
Try to stay on-point.

4th October 2011, 11:51 AM
So whats the cost exactly, Joe?

Since you have all the numbers in your corner.

Right didn't think so, you can't even subtract shedded weight from a simple physics theory.

Why you are arguing is dumb as well, i was simply pointing out that something could have been done about space junk prior to the fact.

Now (if it goes on any longer) my progeny will be stuck on this planet with your less than stellar specimens unable to escape.

Joe King
4th October 2011, 04:38 PM
So whats the cost exactly, Joe?
It cost a lot more to launch something that has the capability to leave Earth orbit than to simply attain orbit.
Take a look here and scroll down to, " (http://www.futron.com/upload/wysiwyg/Resources/Whitepapers/Space_Transportation_Costs_Trends_0902.pdf)Generic Price Per Pound Calculation" (http://www.futron.com/upload/wysiwyg/Resources/Whitepapers/Space_Transportation_Costs_Trends_0902.pdf) and notice the cost per pound for each of the rockets listed, and then notice the difference in cost between low earth orbit and geosynchronous transfer orbit. Keep in mind that GTO is far below the 23,000mile altitude of actual geosynchronous orbit.

So if you now want to launch every satellite with an additionl rocket strapped to it, you could times those costs per pound by the number of pounds of rocket you want to lift up there with it.
...and then triple that to get beyond Earths gravitational influence.

It's obvious that you don't really understand what it actually takes, energy wise, to break free of Earths gravity.

Since you have all the numbers in your corner.
Right didn't think so,But I do have the numbers. It's you that didn't have them and instead pulled an idea out from somewhere and thought, "that sure looks good to me" ::)

you can't even subtract shedded weight from a simple physics theory.And you can't even understand that to do what you are suggesting is is not practical in the least.

Why you are arguing is dumb as well, i was simply pointing out that something could have been done about space junk prior to the fact.No, it couldn't have. Not using your idea anyways.

Now (if it goes on any longer) my progeny will be stuck on this planet with your less than stellar specimens unable to escape.Where you wanna go? Back to Mars? lol

6th October 2011, 12:52 PM
There is no new news here from the RT video uploaded in August (reported just before news of the dimming I expect). I just thought it captured the 'mood' I'm feeling. Although I'm not too concerned about Elenin itself, more the larger picture of changes, and some is just from having the new technology to see what may have always been going on. (Nor do I expect matter as we know it to be able to time travel).

And I've never seen an RT host act so 'fauxy' (Fox News) as she did at the end.


6th October 2011, 01:47 PM

6th October 2011, 02:41 PM

6th October 2011, 02:50 PM

Joe King
6th October 2011, 04:02 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gTkoFJ2yIQThanks for posting a video that proves what I said earlier. No wish wash about. lol

Space junk is a serious problem along with your wish wash attitude.

...and yes, space junk is serious problem....to other satellites.

6th October 2011, 04:09 PM
Thanks for posting a video that proves what I said earlier. No wish wash about. lol

It proves that your reading comprehension is equal to, or less than your listening comprehension.

6th October 2011, 04:15 PM

That's great!! Thanks to men like Joe, now I have to be concerned about being hit by a spaceship's toilet seat as well my pinto's gas tank catching fire... Just great!! >:(

Joe King
6th October 2011, 04:15 PM
It proves that your reading comprehension is equal to, or less than your listening comprehension.That video you posted was about the hazards posed to other satellites, not the "danger" posed to people on the ground as you have been going on about.

6th October 2011, 04:25 PM
Quick course Math 101 (Joe six pack advanced study class)

Good satalitte + space junk projectiles = off course degrading orbit satalitte, and or more space junk projectiles

Wash, rinse, repeat.

These recent falls could have been designed to fall, to alleviate.

Joe King
6th October 2011, 04:44 PM
Did you watch the video? They were talking about the small pieces that are up there. Small pieces will absolutely burn up in the atmosphere.

In fact, to address your concern it would be a good thing for them to smash together and break into those small pieces talked about in the video. It's when they stay intact that they could possibly hit the ground...and then only if it is any of the larger satellites. Most are relatively small and would themselves burn up upon re-entry.

What you are so worried about is a complete non-issue. You'd be better off worrying about an invasion from Mars.

6th October 2011, 05:00 PM
Falling Space Junk Video

It could happen to you!

8th October 2011, 09:46 PM
Back before the junk, we still had 'Space Goat Farts':

The Second Red Star represents the Chicago Fire of October 8-10, 1871. -link (http://www.chicagopostcardmuseum.org/meaning_of_the_chicago_flag.html)

An alternative theory, first suggested in 1882, is that the Great Chicago Fire was caused by a meteor shower. At a 2004 conference of the Aerospace Corporation and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, engineer and physicist Robert Wood suggested that the fire began when Biela's Comet broke up over the Midwest and rained down below. That four large fires took place, all on the same day, all on the shores of Lake Michigan, suggests a common root cause. Eyewitnesses reported sighting spontaneous ignitions, lack of smoke, "balls of fire" falling from the sky, and blue flames. According to Wood, these accounts suggest that the fires were caused by the methane that is commonly found in comets. However, since meteorites are not known to start fires and are usually cool to the touch after reaching the ground, this theory has not found favor in the scientific community.
Space.com: But What About Comet Elenin? (http://www.space.com/13193-comet-elenin-garradd-october-skywatching.html)
06 October 2011

Then on Sept. 10, comet Elenin reached its closest approach to the sun, and that seems to put the final nail in its coffin. The small comet failed to materialize last week in camera views from NASA's sun-watching Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), so it seems very unlikely that there will be anything to see this week, when there was hope that it would be visible as a morning comet.


The comet appeared as predicted during its 1832 apparition, when it was first recovered by William Herschel on 24 September. The orbital elements and ephemeris calculated by Olbers for this return created something of a popular sensation, as they showed that the comet's coma would likely pass through the Earth's orbit during a close approach on October 29. Subsequent predictions, in the media of the time, of the Earth's likely destruction overlooked the fact that the Earth itself would not reach this point until November 30, a month later, as pointed out by François Arago in an article designed to allay public fears. Despite this, the fact that Biela's Comet was the only comet known to intersect the Earth's orbit was to make it of particular interest, both to astronomers and the public, during the 19th century...

Neither part could be found on their predicted periodic returns in 1859 (http://www.solarstorms.org/SS1859.html) (in any case an unfavourable return for viewing), 1865, and 1872. However, on November 27, 1872, a brilliant meteor shower (3,000 per hour) was observed radiating from the part of the sky where the comet had been predicted to cross in September 1872. This was the date when Earth intersected the comet's trajectory. These meteors became known as the Andromedids or "Bielids" and it seems apparent that they indicated the death of the comet. The meteors were seen again on subsequent occasions for the rest of the 19th century, but have now faded away, probably due to gravitational disruption of the main filaments.

9th October 2011, 12:45 PM

29-April-2011 01:38 AM #5 tony873004

This is an interesting question, so I thought I'd set it up in Gravity Simulator to see if there's any chance of a meteor shower or storm from debris shed by Elenin at perihelion. Elenin crosses Earth's orbit on October 19, and Earth crosses Elenin's orbit 12 days later on October 31. Earth passes 4.6 million km below Elenin's orbital path. So any debris shed by Elenin at perihelion will have to have enough velocity to fall 12 days behind Elenin and travel 4.6 million km vertically. The vertical part is easy. It's got about 50 days from perihelion to the point Earth crosses its path. So it needs a velocity of about 1 km/s.

So I created 100 particles exploding from Elenin in random directions, moving away at 1 km/s. But this wasn't enough velocity to create the 12 day lag. So I pumped up the velocity. It took a velocity of 11 km/s for any particles shed from Elenin to come close to Earth. I don't know anything about the dynamics of the surfaces of comets that get superheated, but I would guess that this too high to be realistic.

The first image shows a cloud of particles fleeing Elenin as it gets superheated from the Sun at perihelion. The particles are escaping in random 3D directions at velocities of 11.5 km/s.


The next image shows Earth (blue dot) orbit of the Moon (gray dot to the left of Earth), Elenin (orange), and the debris shed by Elenin (maroon) as the debris cloud encompasses the Earth/Moon system.


9th October 2011, 12:55 PM
May have to eject all the satellites with that particle trajectory.

Its been nice chattin with ya, keehah. goin 3 for 3 in this thread. 1263

Joe King
9th October 2011, 02:08 PM
May have to eject all the satellites with that particle trajectory.
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to. Instead, just let the particles of comet blast them to pieces. That way all the little pieces will burn up as they slowly re-enter the atmosphere over the next 10,000 years or so.
...and we'll throw a big party with the money we save on rockets.

Also, perhaps it'll create a debris field big enough to prevent all future space travel due to the constant bombardment of tiny little pieces of busted satellites tearing holes in any new satellites/space ships sent up there to replace the destroyed ones. Wouldn't that be cool?

It'd be just like killing two birds with one stone......or comet, as the case may be. lol

9th October 2011, 03:58 PM
Just as I suspected, Joe (& his dualistic nature) at home inside a Cuisinart.

Do you use machines as marital aids?

Joe King
9th October 2011, 04:06 PM
Just as I suspected, Joe (& his dualistic nature) at home inside a Cuisinart.

Do you use machines as marital aids?Just what exactly are you worried about with satellites? First you're worried about them crashing to Earth and hitting you or your kids swingset, and then after that theory is dispelled you morph into being worried about debris in orbit. These are two seperate issues. The first is a virtual non-issue and the second is inevitable at some point no matter what we do.
...and no, using rockets the size of Saturn Vs to launch every satellite in order to have fuel sufficient to eject them from Earth orbit at their end of life, is not an option.

9th October 2011, 04:18 PM
Did you see me shaking, or something?

I don't recall being worried at all, except for you, Joe (and your dualistic nature)

Joe King
9th October 2011, 04:29 PM
Did you see me shaking, or something?

I don't recall being worried at all, except for you, Joe (and your dualistic nature)

You seemed pretty concerned to post...

Am I a rocket scientist, or would it be a wise decision to spare some fuel for future ejection?
...and after explaining the impracticality of ejecting them due to the high cost, you replied,

The accountants and insurance companies got together at construction time, and decided it was more cost effective to just let it land in your front yard, or on your children's swing set.
If you weren't concerned {worried} about it, why even mention the possibility of them hitting swingsets if you already knew it was a non-issue?

9th October 2011, 04:38 PM
Concern and worry are two different things, Joe. But your dualistic nature wouldn't let you know this.

Of course its a concern, and not an impractical one.

Clear skies for lift off is much less of a concern than coexistence within a Cuisinart.

Especially when any proceeds go to feed bean counters and insurance salesman.

Joe King
9th October 2011, 04:57 PM
Concern and worry are two different things, Joe. But your dualistic nature wouldn't let you know this.

Of course its a concern, and not an impractical one.

Clear skies for lift off is much less of a concern than coexistence within a Cuisinart.

Especially when any proceeds go to feed bean counters and insurance salesman.It is an impractical one. You used "swing sets" to conjur up images of playing children being hit/killed by falling satellites. To me, that would make it seem as though you are more than mildly concerned about it.
ETA: After all, the whole "what about the children" fear is the same game the gov plays when they pull their crap. Why stoop to their level?

Which is why I figured satellites crashing together creating a debris field strewn with busted satellite parts would be a good thing, as the small pieces would most certainly burn up on re-entry thereby relieving your fears of intact satellites being able to sometimes survive re-entry.

Don't you agree that many small pieces burning up upon contact with the atmosphere and therefore being unable to reach the ground is much better than large chunks possibly hitting your kids swing set?
...and what's this cuisinart are you keep talking about? First it's falling satellites, then space debris, and now on to food processors. lol

9th October 2011, 05:04 PM
Where are the impractical numbers, Joe?

We're still awaiting your "Accountant's Cuisinart Terror Show" to end.

Joe King
9th October 2011, 05:30 PM
Where are the impractical numbers, Joe?

We're still awaiting your "Accountant's Cuisinart Terror Show" to end.
I already answered that in this post.

Look at the link and see all the different kinds of rockets and notice their cost per pound to low Earth orbit and then consider that instead of those rockets you'd need a Saturn V rocket in order to do what you proposed doing. The first stage would get it up there and then once the satellite was dead, you'd need the 2nd and 3rd stages to lift it beyond Earths gravitational influence. Remember, you said to add boosters to them. Boosters are rockets.

It would increase costs substantially from what you see in that link for all those small rockets that can lift a payload a couple hundred miles at most, to what you proposed by adding the rocket power to attain 11km a second as opposed to 5km a second. To go that much faster costs a lot more.

9th October 2011, 06:37 PM
There is no cost too great to avoid living under a Cuisinart, your statements otherwise are polluted in both soul and spirit.

Joe King
9th October 2011, 06:54 PM
There is no cost too great to avoid living under a Cuisinart, your statements otherwise are polluted in both soul and spirit.Who's getting chopped up in the cuisinart you keep going on about? The kids on the swing set that won't actually get hit by a satellite? lol

9th October 2011, 08:34 PM
It could happen to you!
LOL! Thats filmed at Hastings and Hornby. I've gone to that walkway many times for a smoke.

Here is a picture of the building along side that the meteorite almost hit. It is from the back of the building, the next block down (W Cordova). The upper left corner also shows clearly the same skyscraper beside the comet. Below it is the walkway, and after than Hornby street.


Here is the article I got the picture from: Dick Cheney to Speak at Notorious Child Trafficking Center in Vancouver on September 26 (http://theintelhub.com/2011/09/23/dick-cheney-to-speak-at-notorious-child-trafficking-center-in-vancouver-on-september-26/) This being the building (Vancouver Club).

9th October 2011, 08:36 PM
LOL! Thats filmed at Hastings and Hornby. I've gone to that walkway many times for a smoke.

Here is a picture of the building along side that the falling junk almost hit. It is from the back of the building, the next block down (W Cordova). The upper left corner also shows clearly the same skyscraper beside the comet. Below it is the walkway, and after than Hornby street.


Here is the article I got the picture from: Dick Cheney to speak at [ ] Vancouver Club on Sept. 26 (http://coto2.wordpress.com/2011/09/23/dick-cheney-to-speak-at-pedophile-vancouver-club-on-sept-26/)

So they fixed the area up pretty good after the space junk hit?

10th October 2011, 12:16 AM
You all should take this to the shed. The THUNDERDOME.

I want to see you bleed.

10th October 2011, 11:49 AM
You all should take this to the shed. The THUNDERDOME.

I want to see you bleed.

Joe wouldn't make the trip to the outhouse, he'd stop short & take a dump in the flower bed just outside the back door.

Joe King
10th October 2011, 11:59 AM
Joe wouldn't make the trip to the outhouse, he'd stop short & take a dump in the flower bed just outside the back door.Hey, I was just trying to get you to understand how impractical your idea was. Getting a man-made object to leave Earth orbit to the Moon or Sun or wherever you proposed using rockets to send them to, is not an easy nor cheap endeavor.
...but all you seem capable of answering with is fanciful theories and insults.

10th October 2011, 01:42 PM
Brace for impact: Scientists warn ANOTHER out-of-control three ton telescope is hurtling towards the Earth at high speed

By Allan Hall (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Allan+Hall)

Last updated at 6:29 PM on 10th October 2011

Comments (52) (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2047382/ROSAT-satellite-Out-control-3-ton-telescope-hurtling-Earth-high-speed.html#comments)
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Earth has been told to brace for a possible satellite collision as an orbiting telescope weighing nearly three tons has spun out of control and is plummeting homewards.
ROSAT, a German X-ray telescope built with British and American technology, has been orbiting the Earth since 1990 and has provided invaluable data on stars. But they lost contact with it in 1999.
It is now predicted to re-enter Earth's atmosphere at the end of this month.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/10/article-0-0E29A47400000578-196_468x286.jpg Heavens above: An artist's impression of the ROSAT satellite, which is expected to plunge to Earth at the end of the month

The German Aerospace Center has warned that 30 'individual pieces weighing a total of 1.6 tons may reach the surface of the Earth'.
ROSAT’s heat-resistant mirror in particular may not burn up upon re-entry and falling debris may include razor-sharp shards.


Full-blown space storm could send 750 meteors streaking across the sky every hour... but will we see them? (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2046443/Draconid-meteor-storm-send-750-meteors-hour-streaking-sky--able-them.html)
Could we live inside a supermassive black hole ... and have aliens already done it? (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2046379/Life-exist-inside-supermassive-black-hole-claims-Russian-cosmologist-Vyacheslav-Dokuchaev.html)
When stars collide! New study shows how gamma-ray bursts could end life on Earth (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2046956/New-study-shows-gamma-ray-bursts-end-life-Earth.html)

However Professor Heiner Klinkrad of the European Space Agency assured: 'Until now in the more than 50-years of space history not a single person has been harmed .'
ROSAT was launched on June 1, 1990, from U.S. launch site Cape Canaveral for what was originally intended as an 18-month mission.

It actually operated for more than eight years, finally shutting down on February 12, 1999. It is now expected to hit the Earth at some point between now and December.

Odds are long of anyone being hurt, but emergency services in Germany are practicing drills to deal with debris injuries just in case - although there is no evidence that it will land there as opposed to anywhere else.

Last month the German space agency estimated that ROSAT has a 1-in-2000 chance of hitting someone - higher than the 1-in-3,200 odds Nasa gave for UARS, the last satellite to fall to Earth.
But any one individual's odds of being struck are 1-in-14trillion.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/10/article-2047382-0DFE529500000578-608_468x407.jpg Bus-sized: Nasa's six-ton Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite made its final fiery plunge into the Earth's atmosphere last month

Heiner Klinkrad, head of the Space Debris Office at the European Space Agency, said in a webcast posted on the German Aerospace Center's website: 'It is not possible to accurately predict ROSAT's re-entry.

Astronomer Dr Ian Griffin, from the UK Association of Science and Discovery Centres, says the Earth's atmosphere slows down falling satellites a great deal.

Much of any satellite crashing to Earth will be disintegrated by heat, caused by friction with the atmosphere. It's the reason we get shooting stars - created by meteors burning up in the upper atmosphere.

Space vehicles experience incredible stress on re-entry. The load can be as much as 10Gs. An F1 car experiences around 5Gs with maximum braking from high speed.

The reason why the location of a crash site is so hard to predict is because the density of the atmosphere varies so greatly higher up, producing different amounts of drag.

A prediction that was wrong by even a few minutes would mean the satellite landing a huge distance away, owing to its speed.

'The uncertainty will decrease as the moment of re-entry approaches.

'It will not be possible to make any kind of reliable forecast about where the satellite will actually come down until about one or two hours before the fact.'
Last month, Nasa's six-ton, bus-sized Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite made its final fiery plunge into the Earth's atmosphere.
Americans had been warned that the 20-year-old orbiter could cause injuries and damage to property as it dropped about two dozen pieces of debris on to Earth weighting up to 300lbs.
The satellite was far smaller than the 135-ton Russian space station Mir, which fell to Earth in 2001 or the 100-ton Skylab that fell in 1979.
So far this year, two large Russian rocket stages have also fallen to earth without inflicting any injury.
Mir fell into the South Pacific, while Skylab hit the Indian Ocean and parts of sparsely populated western Australia. Because two-thirds of the Earth is ocean, space debris usually hits water.
Nasa urged anyone who finds a piece of the UARS satellite not to touch it.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2047382/ROSAT-satellite-Out-control-3-ton-telescope-hurtling-Earth-high-speed.html#ixzz1aPi885Ap

10th October 2011, 02:44 PM
Hey, I was just trying to get you to understand how impractical your idea was. Getting a man-made object to leave Earth orbit to the Moon or Sun or wherever you proposed using rockets to send them to, is not an easy nor cheap endeavor.
...but all you seem capable of answering with is fanciful theories and insults.

I'm sure Overweight and lazy Romans said the same about indoor plumbing.

There is nothing impractical about escaping Earth's gravity, its been done on numerous occasions.

Face it, Joe.

You enjoy shitting at the dinner table.

Joe King
10th October 2011, 04:30 PM
There is nothing impractical about escaping Earth's gravity, its been done on numerous occasions.Yes, and at considerably greater expense than it costs to launch to low Earth orbit where most satellites are.
Besides, even if they did what you say and launched every satellite with a rocket "strapped to it" in the anticipation of 10-15 years later using it to "eject" the used up satellite, how many would end up not working due to age and/or micrometeorite strikes? Then you'd have fully loaded rockets re-entering the atmosphere and blowing up.

At that point you'd probably suggest strapping rockets to the rockets already strapped to the satellite just so it doesn't fall on your kids swing set. lol

BTW, did you even look at the link I posted that showed the lift costs per pound of various rockets and also the relatively small payload they are capable of lifting?
...and then consider how much the fully loaded rocket weighs that you want strapped to every satellite and times that cost by its weight, and then build a bigger rocket to launch all that stuff together, to low Earth orbit?

Face it, Joe.
You enjoy shitting at the dinner table.Face it Horn, you don't think your theories through very well before you spew them out as a "solution" to non-existant problems. :p

That you'd be willing to spare no expense to prevent something that's never happened, tells me you are truly and genuinely worried about this.
Do you also worry about falling off the edge of the Earth?

10th October 2011, 04:35 PM
Thunderdome!!! That way i can call you bitches out on your stupidity.

10th October 2011, 04:39 PM
Joe has diarrhea mouth... it keeps flowing and flowing...

Joe King
10th October 2011, 04:49 PM
Joe has diarrhea mouth... it keeps flowing and flowing...
If that's the case, why you keep eatin' it up?

10th October 2011, 05:00 PM
If that's the case, why you keep eatin' it up?

Joe King
10th October 2011, 05:03 PM
Back for more? You must think it's good stuff, huh?

10th October 2011, 05:12 PM
Back for more? You must think it's good stuff, huh?

Joe King
10th October 2011, 05:15 PM
That's a nice red X ya got there. First day online? :p

10th October 2011, 05:17 PM
That's a nice red X ya got there. First day online? :p

11th October 2011, 03:44 AM
G.H.REES expose the fraud of Nibiru and Planet-X


11th October 2011, 04:16 AM
Another real good show lots of info about how things really work.

Download File JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_October_06_2011.mp3 (http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_October_06_2011.mp3)

2) Streaming Version of MP3 7 meg file using real player ... click on link below (will only play on "real player")

Streaming JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_October_06_2011.mp3 (http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/sh10-06-11-7meg-MP3.ram)

13th October 2011, 04:47 PM
This is a copy and paste, have seen so many cry wolf this year so......just throwing this out there....in the event something does happen, we will know what. If I find out more will forward it.

Just a quick note to give you a heads up: The Icke forum had a quick post last night which soon got locked last night concerning this interesting post...tried to investigate but alarm bells are ringing I must say...the credentials of the `supposed` poster are impressive to say the least...worth serious digging to establish what is what ...best regards fella.

" Hello there, seeing as what i am about to say is extremely important, it is essential i confirm my authenticity from the start.

My name is Bruce C. Murray

You can read about me here


and here


There is a huge meteorite, about the size of a small town, which is heading very fast towards earth, it has been very visible to people on the stereo soho map, in fact a part of it broke off and hit the sun just last week. There were people talking about it, and indeed a thread about it on here i recall.

Nothing was mentioned in mainstream media about it. People have been told to keep quite about it!

I can confirm that this is a category 1 strength extinction event, if it hits the pacific, it will cause huge tsunami waves, and trigger off events which could cause the extinction of every breathing human animal mamal and plant on this planet.

The authorities and elite will be going underground this weekend as it is due to hit anytime from the early hours of Monday morning (USA time), until around 8am.
So we are looking about 4am -8am USA time it will hit!

This is the time to pray to whoeever you believe in, whoever your God is, you must pray.
This is it. "

13th October 2011, 04:58 PM
So we are looking about 4am -8am USA time it will hit!

This is the time to pray to whoeever you believe in, whoever your God is, you must pray.
This is it. "

The timing of this in conjuncture with global credit collapse leads me to believe God is on the bankers side.

13th October 2011, 05:12 PM
This is a copy and paste, have seen so many cry wolf this year so......just throwing this out there....in the event something does happen, we will know what. If I find out more will forward it.

Just a quick note to give you a heads up: The Icke forum had a quick post last night which soon got locked last night concerning this interesting post...tried to investigate but alarm bells are ringing I must say...the credentials of the `supposed` poster are impressive to say the least...worth serious digging to establish what is what ...best regards fella.

" Hello there, seeing as what i am about to say is extremely important, it is essential i confirm my authenticity from the start.

My name is Bruce C. Murray

You can read about me here


and here


There is a huge meteorite, about the size of a small town, which is heading very fast towards earth, it has been very visible to people on the stereo soho map, in fact a part of it broke off and hit the sun just last week. There were people talking about it, and indeed a thread about it on here i recall.

Nothing was mentioned in mainstream media about it. People have been told to keep quite about it!

I can confirm that this is a category 1 strength extinction event, if it hits the pacific, it will cause huge tsunami waves, and trigger off events which could cause the extinction of every breathing human animal mamal and plant on this planet.

The authorities and elite will be going underground this weekend as it is due to hit anytime from the early hours of Monday morning (USA time), until around 8am.
So we are looking about 4am -8am USA time it will hit!

This is the time to pray to whoeever you believe in, whoever your God is, you must pray.
This is it. "

i'm impressed that guy could find the right forum section to post his info in, as there's about 537 of them. what's up with that?

Joe King
13th October 2011, 05:54 PM
This is a copy and paste, have seen so many cry wolf this year so......just throwing this out there....in the event something does happen, we will know what. If I find out more will forward it.

Just a quick note to give you a heads up: The Icke forum had a quick post last night which soon got locked last night concerning this interesting post...tried to investigate but alarm bells are ringing I must say...the credentials of the `supposed` poster are impressive to say the least...worth serious digging to establish what is what ...best regards fella.

" Hello there, seeing as what i am about to say is extremely important, it is essential i confirm my authenticity from the start.

My name is Bruce C. Murray

You can read about me here


and here


There is a huge meteorite, about the size of a small town, which is heading very fast towards earth, it has been very visible to people on the stereo soho map, in fact a part of it broke off and hit the sun just last week. There were people talking about it, and indeed a thread about it on here i recall.

Nothing was mentioned in mainstream media about it. People have been told to keep quite about it!

I can confirm that this is a category 1 strength extinction event, if it hits the pacific, it will cause huge tsunami waves, and trigger off events which could cause the extinction of every breathing human animal mamal and plant on this planet.

The authorities and elite will be going underground this weekend as it is due to hit anytime from the early hours of Monday morning (USA time), until around 8am.
So we are looking about 4am -8am USA time it will hit!

This is the time to pray to whoeever you believe in, whoever your God is, you must pray.
This is it. "

I'd say that whoever posted that is not the guy mentioned.
The guy named is a Planetary scientist and most certainly knows that there are no meteorites in space. If anyone would use the correct term, a Planatary scientist certainly would. Even an 80 year old one.

Besides, even if there were a meteorite out there, if it was visible on SOHO it'd already be very close to the Sun. How's it get all the way to Earth so suddenly? Look at how many months it took Elenin itself to cross in front of Earths path.

Whoever wrote that is intentionally trying to spread fear. Be smart and don't eat it up.

13th October 2011, 10:52 PM
I can confirm that this is a category 1 strength extinction event, if it hits the pacific, it will cause huge tsunami waves, and trigger off events which could cause the extinction of every breathing human animal mamal and plant on this planet.

Goes against what the Bible says so hes full of it.

14th October 2011, 05:33 AM

I'd say that whoever posted that is not the guy mentioned.
The guy named is a Planetary scientist and most certainly knows that there are no meteorites in space. If anyone would use the correct term, a Planatary scientist certainly would. Even an 80 year old one.

Besides, even if there were a meteorite out there, if it was visible on SOHO it'd already be very close to the Sun. How's it get all the way to Earth so suddenly? Look at how many months it took Elenin itself to cross in front of Earths path.

Whoever wrote that is intentionally trying to spread fear. Be smart and don't eat it up.

This sounds true. When someone claims to be an expert in the field and then uses incorrect terms that even the novice knows, it is a good bet the guy is a fake.

14th October 2011, 05:34 AM
Goes against what the Bible says so hes full of it.

Those who don't believe in the bible cannot accept that. Those who know the truth and power of the Word of YHWH will always have the extra insight.

19th October 2011, 01:56 AM
Nothing to See Here Folks!

Man this is a real phenomena. I've been doing a google search on "Elenin" daily to see if anyone has seen it yet since it ather it should have passed in front of the sun.

The main stream press has gone all loonie space conspiracy theories. It reminds me of the 'good old days' 3 to 5 years ago discussing such theories and Comet Holmes on GIM and LATOC and others. If you took one of those more epic threads, took out the information, and just the knee-jerk responses of appeals to authoritian denial and fear, you get the MSM google news coverage.

I imagine the mainstream space press sheeple are going through that phase of awakening when one first learns of a new threat, you think it may happen soon, the wisdom to live with and manage the knowledge comes with time, waking up to the (even theoretical) dangers of the Universe can be scary. But perhaps there is a real threat that could also explain this over reaction of denial. I mean NASA when your reports start giving no reports, but statements like: "Enjoy every day on this beautiful planet and live your life in its fullest", not that can freak me out more than any Tyche (NASA's term for Planet X) is a few years theoretical possibility.

There is a lot of X Facter Junk on the internet, but the same sort of junk was always there, the disinfo and the waking up and the lost. There is now more of it, but this doom was nothing new. I guess its just going mainstream.

This is a good one. http://www.universetoday.com/89973/wheres-my-doomsday-remnants-of-comet-elenin-pass-by-earth-without-incident/ It actuall said clear than most nothing is seen, and had more heart.

Here was the only real information in the article:
Image taken with the 2m Faulkes North Telescope of the region of sky where Comet Elenin should have been.

And here is the end of the article:

And if you proudly claim you aren’t a sheeple and are now just waiting and searching for the next doomsday theory to hang your every hope upon, why don’t you try expending your energy on this: Enjoy every day on this beautiful planet and live your life in its fullest. Use real science and learn to think critically. And perhaps you could be a person who could help come up with solutions to some of the real problems on planet Earth.

(And by the way, don’t worry about Oct. 21, 2011 (Harold Camping makes another prediction) or Dec. 21, 2012 (Mayan calendar) either. Same story.)

-Nancy Atkinson is Universe Today's Senior Editor. She also is the project manager for the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast, works with Astronomy Cast and is host of the NASA Lunar Science Institute podcast. Nancy is also a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador.

The main significance of this comet was as it approached the sun in was in alignment on earths yearly axis, and had capacitance. This time has passed. I was suprised at the earthquake alignment 'coincidences'.

Of significance now is where is the comet and/or what happened to it?

And that someone on the planet may see a meteor or aurora around Halloween when we pass far under any tail.

I had been most concerned about passing through the tail. But we would have needed an intact comet with a large coma for any interesting aurora. And this now won't happen with no comet.

Interesting that the MSM is willing to talk about amost every other wild and extreme conspiracy theory except the one most observed with other comets (meteor showers are a result of Eath passing through comet trails). Not a mention of the tail passing in weeks of a MSM daily search.

and are now just waiting and searching for the next doomsday theory...
Next? Why lady even after Halloween this one is not over. Lets wait till next spring when the earth does pass through the tail and see what Elenin left behind or dragged with it from the asteroid belt. Less exciting that what Halloween could have been if Elenin was still there with a big coma that reached out to earth.

I know this report was not to me, but I'm here to help eh?

And perhaps you could be a person who could help come up with solutions to some of the real problems on planet Earth.
Oh, and End The Fed! Crash JP Morgan buy silver. Start a garden. Report at at least a high school science level; inform not occult. Take a pay cut to save taxpayer's money. The real problem is one's faith in easy solutions for someone else to come up with.

And one last piece of advice from Murphy’s Laws of Combat: If you can't see the enemy, he still may be able to see you.

Joe King
19th October 2011, 07:56 AM
Nothing to See Here Folks!

Man this is a real phenomena. I've been doing a google search on "Elenin" daily to see if anyone has seen it yet since it ather it should have passed in front of the sun.Seems like it actually did break up as you had already read, but refused to believe possible. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?53306-Latest-on-ELENIN&p=452866&viewfull=1#post452866

The main significance of this comet was as it approached the sun in was in alignment on earths yearly axis, and had capacitance. This time has passed. I was suprised at the earthquake alignment 'coincidences'.
Because that's exactly what they were, coincidences.

19th October 2011, 09:45 AM
I'm sure there are two sets of tools NASA has given the past record, Elenin probably has a previous name and one much older.

If not, the new brown dwarf scope was a huge disappointment and waste of large sums of money.

21st October 2011, 06:36 PM
here it comes...

Could hit Joe King's house...

German scientists say they cannot be sure for certain when, or where, a 2.5 metric tonne satellite is due to hit Earth later this week.
The defunct Roentgen Satellite, or ROSAT, is due to re-enter the atmosphere at some point between October 21 and 24.


Joe King
21st October 2011, 06:55 PM
here it comes...

Could hit Joe King's house...

German scientists say they cannot be sure for certain when, or where, a 2.5 metric tonne satellite is due to hit Earth later this week.
The defunct Roentgen Satellite, or ROSAT, is due to re-enter the atmosphere at some point between October 21 and 24.

http://www.itn.co.uk/home/31748/Huge+German+satellite+heading+for+EarthThanks for the warning Ximmy. If it does hit my house, could I come stay with you? Please? I'll earn my keep....and then some. ;)

I do dishes, painting, lawn work {including excavation and tree trimming} minor plumbing and electrical, I can dust and vacuum and fix your PC and wash your windows too.
...but only in the daytime.

21st October 2011, 06:58 PM
Thanks for the warning Ximmy. If it does hit my house, could I come stay with you? Please? I'll earn my keep....and then some. ;)

I do dishes, painting, lawn work {including excavation and tree trimming} minor plumbing and electrical, I can dust and vacuum and fix your PC and wash your windows too.
...but only in the daytime.

I can do all that.... and more... sorry...

Joe King
21st October 2011, 07:08 PM
I can do all that.... and more... sorry...Oh, I know you can. You're quite the capable one, I'm sure about that. ^-^
...but just think how much more would get done? You'd come home from work and just be able to take it easy and eat your sammich while editing trolol videoes to post at GSUS.

Besides, if my house really is going to get hit, the least I could do is to come help you seeing as you were kind enough to warn me. General would prolly just let it hit me. I know Horn would.

21st October 2011, 07:12 PM

po boy
21st October 2011, 07:17 PM

So what you saying is your single for life?

Joe King
21st October 2011, 07:20 PM
Ximmy, that all sounds good to me, but I don't do fantasy baseball, you don't have to watch TV, I don't even know what "Rudy" is, and I'll pack your lunch. Oh, and ETA that I simply adore assertive women. ;)
...and you'd seriously listen to Rush? Cool. Where do I sign? lol

22nd October 2011, 12:58 PM
A pig on the wing, is worth two in the mud.

Don't disturb the Pig.


31st October 2011, 10:48 AM
So after tonight we should be past any Elenin tail (and way below it). I'm going to assume nothing unusual happens in the next few days and call my prediction (after being hit by a CME in August) of what Elenin will do to earth as being correct.

[August 29th] Keehah's Prediction: That was it. The show is over.
(other than a small meteor shower in fall)
...Perhaps a solar flare will knock off the rest of the tail in the next month that may come our way.
Also a few days earlier in another thread I said more specifically the most probable outcome was some strange light effects someone at the right place and right time could notice.

And so it was: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55283-Northern-Lights..-in-the-Modwest&highlight=northern+lights

[October 24] Rare, all-red auroras occur much higher, at 300 to 500 kilometers altitude and are associated with a large influx of electrons. These electrons are moving too slowly to penetrate deeply into the atmosphere: they actually have less energy than the electrons that create more common auroras.

Elenin still could affect us, we will have to wait until next spring to see what Elenin may have dragged out of the meteor belt last year.

Anyway now on to the next solar chicanery, 1/3 the diameter, not as much capacitance 'bug zapper' or plasma coma issue as Elenin, but much much closer: Asteroid 2005 YU55.


[T]his will be the closest approach to date by an object this large that we know about in advance and an event of this type will not happen again until 2028 when asteroid (153814) 2001 WN5 will pass to within 0.6 lunar distances.

Big Asteroid's Approach in November Excites Astronomers (http://www.space.com/11556-earth-asteroid-flyby-2005yu55.html)
SPACE.com StaffDate: 03 May 2011


An asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier will come closer to Earth this autumn than our own moon does, causing scientists to hold their breath as it zooms by. But they'll be nervous with excitement, not with worry about a possible disaster.

There's no danger of an impact when the asteroid 2005 YU55 makes its close flyby Nov. 8, coming within 201,700 miles (325,000 kilometers) of Earth, scientists say.

So they're looking forward to the encounter, which could help them learn more about big space rocks.

"While near-Earth objects of this size have flown within a lunar distance in the past, we did not have the foreknowledge and technology to take advantage of the opportunity," Barbara Wilson, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said in a statement. "When it flies past, it should be a great opportunity for science instruments on the ground to get a good look."

Asteroid 2005 YU55 is about 1,300 feet (400 meters) wide. It was discovered in December 2005 by the Spacewatch program at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Because of the asteroid’s size and orbital characteristics, astronomers have flagged 2005 YU55 as potentially dangerous down the road. But the upcoming encounter is no cause for alarm, researchers said.

A screenshot from an animation showing the asteroid 2005 YU55's coming close flyby of Earth, which will take place in November 2011.

"YU55 poses no threat of an Earth collision over, at the very least, the next 100 years," said Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office at JPL. "During its closest approach, its gravitational effect on the Earth will be so minuscule as to be immeasurable. It will not affect the tides or anything else."

...Radar astronomy employs the world's biggest dish-shaped antennas. The antennas direct microwave signals at celestial targets that can be as far away as the moons of Saturn.

These signals bounce off the target, and the resulting "echo" helps researchers create radar images. These images can then be used to reconstruct detailed, three-dimensional models of the object.

With 4-meter-per-pixel resolution, the new views of 2005 YU55 should be pretty sharp, perhaps even showing boulders and craters, researchers said.

...Researchers are eager to train the instruments of both facilities on 2005 YU55 in November.

"So stay tuned," Yeomans said. "This is going to be fun."

31st October 2011, 10:53 AM
So after tonight we should be past any Elenin tail (and way below it). I'm going to assume nothing unusual happens in the next few days and call my prediction (after being hit by a CME in August) of what Elenin will do to earth as being correct

Wouldn't the burning/fizzling event slow the approach of intended ETA trajectory(s)?

31st October 2011, 11:24 AM
Note the date: the infamous November 9th.

The question is, why is there a doom drill on the 9th?
Doom Drill, 1 pm CST, 3 minute nationwide blackout (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55215-DOOM%21-First-Nationwide-Test-of-Emergency-Alert-System-Scheduled-for-Nov.-9)

And even more startling, why is the a tsunami forecast for that day?
Red alert - tsunami forecast 11-9-2011 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55311-Red-alert-tsunami-forecast-11-9-2011)

November 10th is the full moon btw.

31st October 2011, 04:52 PM
Here is a great McCanney audio show.

The winds-of-Jupiter


31st October 2011, 05:42 PM
comet Elenin crew spreading disinfo.

Dark matter exceeds the mass of the core of the galaxy, but has never been found.


31st October 2011, 09:10 PM
Here is a great McCanney audio show.

The winds-of-Jupiter


Oooh-Ooooh, big bulging Jupiter tuggs.

Jupiter has been putting on quite a show in the night sky lately as it officially reached opposition on October 28, 2011, making it a target of many astrophotographers as the gas giant shows itself off big and bright in the night sky. This animation from amateur astronomer Leonard E. Mercer from Malta shows Jupiter’s famous Great Red Spot moving across the surface of the mighty planet. Mercer captured a series of 12 images on the 27th and 28th (10pm – 2.00am. CET). Mercer used a C11 telescope and DMK 21 mono camera with RGB filters. “Conditions were very good!” he said.
Opposition means an the planet is directly opposite the Sun as seen from Earth, which also put it at its closest point to Earth in the two planets’ orbits around the Sun.



7th November 2011, 06:13 AM
Anyway now on to the next solar chicanery, 1/3 the diameter, not as much capacitance 'bug zapper' or plasma coma issue as Elenin, but much much closer: Asteroid 2005 YU55.

Compare the trajectory below to the NASA trajectory above.

Simulated in Celestia by Ian Musgrave

However the total distance from earth is about as far as NASA's predicted image, as 2005YU55 lies above the earth - moon plane.

As first seen in this amped tin: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread772740/pg1
Assuming that the lines through earth indicates its orbital direction 90 degrees from the sun., what prompted me to consider posting this as that the NASA trajectory makes less sense as 2005YU55's orbit seems to come from the sun (not around the sun).

7th November 2011, 09:36 AM
comet Elenin crew spreading disinfo.

Dark matter exceeds the mass of the core of the galaxy, but has never been found.


Dark matter is the new aether. It is a figment of cosmologists imagination (aether may still actually be real).

7th November 2011, 12:16 PM
Dark matter is the new aether. It is a figment of cosmologists imagination (aether may still actually be real).

Well the way I look at it, it is the fudge factor that saves standard science from saying we were wrong and have to rethink our theories. They have several of these fudge factors that they use all the time. Makes me wonder what they really learned or if they learned anything at all in college.

I'm still a believer in the aether the thought that you can send a beam of light through a vacuum jar tells me there is a medium on which it travels instead of a magical conversion to a photon to cross the vacuum.

11th November 2011, 09:16 AM
Another great McCanney show:

23rd November 2011, 05:25 PM
Magnetic fields exist and standard science ignores the reason… You can’t have a magnetic field without an electrical current and where are these currents and what causes them.
Winds of Jupiter
Solar wind calculation over 4.5 billion years would be more mass than exists in the sun.
Light energy exceeds mass over 4.5 billion years.
Fusion occurs high in the atmosphere of the sun and there is a return current sheet that we pass through which causes the hurricane season.
Japan contamination.
Residual microwave radiation… Big Bang or something else?


23rd November 2011, 10:27 PM
http://my-blackberry.net/wallpapers/13/m/The_Birth_of_Venus%2C_1485%2C_Sandro_Botticelli.jp g


1st January 2012, 01:50 PM
Comet Lovejoy was big enough to have a moon and NASA either didn't see it coming or didn't want anyone to know about it.
Any amateur astronomer could have calculated Lovejoy's mass using the companion's orbital distance and it wasn't small
These comets keep confirming McCanney's theory's.
Comet tails are caused by the discharge of the solar capacitor as per McCanney's theory.


Joe King
1st January 2012, 10:30 PM
http://my-blackberry.net/wallpapers/13/m/The_Birth_of_Venus%2C_1485%2C_Sandro_Botticelli.jp g

Horn, seeing as you obviously like Venus, here are some interesting facts about Venus. Some of which you may or may not know.
