View Full Version : Historic parallel to Silver Art Bars: Conder Tokens

21st August 2011, 11:28 AM
Looking a some pictures here of some silver art bars, it became apparent to me that "I've seen this sort of thing before". (with apologies to Chef). In the late 1700's in the British countryside in response to a shortage of coinage, all sorts of businesses, people and institutions more or less spontaneously began to issue their own coinage. The tokens became wildly popular with thousands of types minted and used as de facto money. It lasted about 10 years before the king decided he wanted the action and shut it down.

I've got a friend who collects them, here's a link to his flickr page, http://www.flickr.com/photos/larrymoran/sets/72157602952790135/

From Wikipedia: Conder Tokens, also known as 18th Century Provincial Tokens, were first minted In 1787 by the Parys Mining Company that mined copper ore. They had plenty of copper, access to mints, and there was little low value coinage to be had in Anglesey thus they began minting their own penny and half penny tokens. Not long after, others would follow suit and begin designing and minting their own small denomination coinage.
Copper coinage was produced sporadically from the late 17th century to the late 18th century, sometimes not at all, for various reasons. Conder Tokens are named after James Conder who was an early collector and cataloged these interesting coins.[1] They are copper coins (usually pennies and half pennies) minted by towns, businesses, and organizations of all types to meet a need for low denomination coinage that was not being provided, not being minted in sufficient quantity by government, or not making it out to the small towns. These lower denominations were needed to pay workers and make change in an increasingly industrialized society. Thousands of varieties of tokens were minted, many are beautiful and intricate works of art.
Because Conder Tokens were minted independently of government, the creators of these tokens had the freedom to make political statements, social commentary, honour great men, ideals, great events, or just advertise their businesses. Subjects range from Isaac Newton to Abolition and Prisons to Mental Institutions, issuers of the coins needed only have the means and the will to mint their own coin. Most were officially payable only in certain areas and locations but there is no doubt that copper coin was copper coin to many at the time and they were widely circulated.

Half Sense
21st August 2011, 02:16 PM
Very nice. I like this one:


1970 silver art
21st August 2011, 04:29 PM
The silver art bars that were minted in the 1970's, for example, were minted by many small private mints that had nothing to do with the U.S. gov't and these small private mints created '70's silver art bars that had various social, political, and economic themes that expressed a certain point of view during that time. In my opinion, many of the themes of modern-minted silver art bars (2000-present) seemed to me to lack the freedom of political, economic and social expression and also lacked variety of themes that were shown in the silver art bars that were minted in the 1970's and 1980's. Certain Condor tokens that I saw in the OP link seemed to express some form of expression via artwork like silver art bars do. That is the way it seemed to me when I looked at the Condor Tokens in the OP.