View Full Version : Strauss-Kahn free as criminal charges dropped

22nd August 2011, 02:50 PM
New York prosecutors have asked a judge to dismiss sexual assault charges against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a stunning reversal that could revive the political future of a man many had seen as the next president of France.

Prosecutors gave up hope they could convict Strauss-Kahn after losing faith in their star witness, Nafissatou Diallo, 32, a hotel maid from Guinea who alleged that Strauss-Kahn emerged naked from the bathroom of his luxury suite on May 14 and forced her to perform oral sex.

Strauss-Kahn, 62, had vehemently declared his innocence. Some political supporters were convinced the allegations were part of a set-up meant to destroy his chances of unseating French President Nicolas Sarkozy in next April's election.

Though he is free to return to French politics, his image was damaged and the Socialist party would have to make an exception to allow him into the presidential race at this late date. A poll released in July showed two-thirds of French people do not want him to be a candidate.

He also still faces a civil lawsuit that Diallo filed against him on Aug. 8 and a complaint from a French writer who said he tried to rape her during a 2003 interview.

After detectives pulled him off the first-class section of a Paris-bound jet on the day of the purported attack on Diallo, his arrest sent shockwaves across the globe.

Accuser's credibility
Charming and multilingual, the silver-haired Strauss-Kahn had gained esteem for reforming the International Monetary Fund as managing director, injecting it with transparency and accountability. Then his stature took a mighty fall.

The accuser, Diallo, painted a vivid picture of what she said happened in Suite 2806 of the Sofitel hotel near Times Square, saying a naked Strauss-Kahn chased her down a hall and into the bedroom and forced her to perform oral sex.

She said she broke free and that he dragged her into a bathroom where he forced himself on her again.

But her credibility was later thrown into question when prosecutors revealed she had told authorities numerous lies, including fabricating a story about being gang-raped in Guinea in order to gain U.S. asylum. She also changed details of her story about what happened following the purported assault.

U.S. media at first kept her identity secret, respecting a practice not to name sexual assault accusers, until she came forward in an interview with Newsweek magazine and ABC News in late July.

"I want justice. I want him to go to jail. I want him to know that there is some place you cannot use your money, you cannot use your power, when you do something like this," she said tearfully in the ABC interview.

According to her lawyers, prosecutors said they turned up a recorded conversation between Diallo and a man detained in an Arizona jail in which, speaking in the West African dialect Fulani, she said "words to the effect" that "this guy has a lot of money. I know what I am doing."

Full article @ the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/business/world-business/strausskahn-free-as-criminal-charges-dropped-20110823-1j78a.html)

I wonder how much she got paid?

22nd August 2011, 03:02 PM
I am not at all surprised.

mick silver
22nd August 2011, 03:05 PM
when this story was posted a few months back about what he did . i told people here then to move alone nothing to see here . he will not be charged with the crime

22nd August 2011, 03:21 PM
Full article @ the Age (http://www.theage.com.au/business/world-business/strausskahn-free-as-criminal-charges-dropped-20110823-1j78a.html)

I wonder how much she got paid?

By which side? From DSK to screw up her story or those that had her fabricate the whole thing to setup DSK?

Twisted Titan
22nd August 2011, 05:45 PM

I don't dimiss that lady was a scammer at one point but you don't go messing with a president of the IMF wth a bogus story.

$hit like that will have you ending up dead.

That like a carreer car theif handing around the motor pool for the CIA

This woman got attacked but there was able to dig up her dirty past and that is what sunk her....plus the man is a tribe member.

a hardcore untouchable

22nd August 2011, 05:59 PM
I knew from the start this was BS, if he really had done it, no one would have heard about it. Plus, she's a maid in a $3000 a night hotel. That means she wasn't just a maid.

He got knocked out of his position. That's all they cared about. The woman wouldn't end up dead because she was working for the more powerful team. Probably they promised her money, a dozen green cards for her friends. He was convicted in the media the day the story came out. If you beleive the media is controlled then the only conclusion is that this was a setup for regime change.