View Full Version : First look at the 2012 Dragon and Kookaburra

23rd August 2011, 11:34 AM
The 2012 series 2 Dragon by the Perth Mint has long been awaited but the absolute smash hit by its predecessor, the year 2000 series 1 Dragon, made a really tough act to follow. All previous series 2 lunar coins (mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit) have been total artistic departures from the first series but if these leaked images are correct, the Perth Mint has taken the safe course with the new dragon coin and essentially duplicated the 2000 coin. This supposed series 2 Dragon image is just a mirror of the 2000, a safe but somewhat disappointing move. There is some credence to the image because it comes from a major Australian Dealer's website www.bullionbourse.com

There is always the possibility that this is just misdirection since all Perth Mint distributors are under contract to not reveal the design until the release date.

The predicted 2012 Kook rings true.



23rd August 2011, 03:17 PM
until the release date.

Which is?

23rd August 2011, 04:22 PM
Which is?

According to the Australian site silverstackers.com, the proscription from publishing images of the 2012 dragons went away today. Also, according to silverstackers.com, the coin release date is 1 September.